How will they rule ??!

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This idiot open borders rhetoric isn't just how you lose elections, it's how you get revolutions. I don't believe democracy works to begin with, but even militia Jim Bob understands your vote counts less when all 7 billion bipedal monkeys can participate.
I think that was their problem 3 years ago. I think their problem right now is they don't speak to Americans. Its all about help filter in as many illegals as possible and get them to vote and you know by 2024 that it will have to be a Democrat policy standard to say illegals deserve to vote.

They live here, they work here, their children go to schools here, they "pay taxes", and it is a right to vote and they deserve that right.
This will happen. You start by allowing illegals to have drivers license. States like New York and California are ready for that now. When you issue a drivers license you put their name on the voting rolls. Bingo and you take it from there and use all of the arguments you mentioned. Open borders is the Battle Cry for a reason. That opens the flood gates.
Now that the dust has settled, I have had a good night's rest and my ribs are healing from all the laughing last night from watching the debate reality has hit me between the eyes.

I realize that Russia, China and Iran are not the greatest threat to America. None of these nations have the power to take us down. The greatest threat to the United States of America is the Democrat Party. This godless bunch of malcontents are like a cancer. eating up your insides. Their platform and ideals must be treated as the enemy they are and they must be destroyed. If they actually won power and delivered on all their promises America is toast. They are that dangerous and that is not funny.
Odds kamala was lying about being a Biden bussing victim? At least 25%. She lied about everything else from Tupac to weed.
This morning she is the darling of the news media. They love her. I thought Bret Baier wanted to run his tongue down her throat last night when he spoke of her in glowing terms. He said she not only won last night's debate but also won the first night. Powerful lady I must admit.

I really think she is going to be shot straight to the top. This is the type of candidate the left loves. Totally focused on skin color and the female gender. She has California in her back pocket and that is a whole lot of electoral votes. Look for her to knock out the lady from New York early and take the lead in that state. Then she will set sights on Texas with it's huge electoral vote and Florida liberals will fall in line. Georgia liberals can not wait to have a black woman liberal to vote for. She has a path to the head of the ticket and the media will give her that push.
This morning she is the darling of the news media. They love her. I thought Bret Baier wanted to run his tongue down her throat last night when he spoke of her in glowing terms. He said she not only won last night's debate but also won the first night. Powerful lady I must admit.

I really think she is going to be shot straight to the top. This is the type of candidate the left loves. Totally focused on skin color and the female gender. She has California in her back pocket and that is a whole lot of electoral votes. Look for her to knock out the lady from New York early and take the lead in that state. Then she will set sights on Texas with it's huge electoral vote and Florida liberals will fall in line. Georgia liberals can not wait to have a black woman liberal to vote for. She has a path to the head of the ticket and the media will give her that push.

Msm definitely loves her. Look how much time they gave her to talk. Her diatribe towards creepy joe was almost five minutes long. Given the format, that was insane. Another poster above had a stat she spoke over 20 times for 30 seconds or more.

Easy to dominate when the opposition can't and won't fight back
The only portion of last nights debate I saw was Kamela Harris arguing the federal government should take over every facet of our lives, while Biden did his best impression of a Conservative arguing the nuances of things like local schools should be left to the localities, not federal employees thousands of miles away.

And the weird closing statement from the lady I’d never seen in my life. Honestly thought it was an SNL sketch and I just didn’t know who they were trying to impersonate.
Msm definitely loves her. Look how much time they gave her to talk. Her diatribe towards creepy joe was almost five minutes long. Given the format, that was insane. Another poster above had a stat she spoke over 20 times for 30 seconds or more.

Easy to dominate when the opposition can't and won't fight back
This is their pick. Plain and simple. The only person that can beat her is her. She has to lose the nomination not win it. The path is open and will be paved with flowers and palms
Caught the tail end of the debate last night... the rest of both debates got everything I needed from skimming this thread, thanks.

What I thought was disaster averted in 2016 seems to be disaster postponed to 2020. Gonna be the most critiical election in America's history.

I'm gonna start to make contingency plans... look in to moving to Singapore, maybe Thailand [banana]

Damn leftists... truly have no idea how foolish they are.

Some were talking history few pages back, think these were used in a meme too, but a picture is worth a thousand words.




Cole Thomas The Course of Empire Desolation 1836

yeah, can't happen to us... we are better than that, what's it matter how's it affect you personally, let's party!
This is their pick. Plain and simple. The only person that can beat her is her. She has to lose the nomination not win it. The path is open and will be paved with flowers and palms

No doubt. You can almost see the Obamas puppeteering the whole thing.

I guess Biden is old enough now he threw his hat in the ring no matter what anyone thought. But pretty clear msm and the Obamas intend on taking him out. Proving tougher than they thought because of his elite NE ties
So to sum everything up, the democratic party wants to give non-citizens:

easy entry into the country
a universal basic income
college education

For actual citizens they want to:

take away the RIGHT TO CHOOSE what's best for their body and health (something I was under the impression they were in favor of)

burden with the responsibility of paying for all the goodies that will be provided to non-citizens
If you think they are pandering to the illegal population in hopes of dominating future elections you are sadly mistaken.

They are pandering to the illegal population because they know they vote in current elections.

The "moderates" in this thread should be disgusted at what they saw and heard in these first debates and the issues leading up to it. Disgusted. All - every single one - of the usual suspects in this thread will argue that democrats aren't trying to be socialists. Yet, here we are:

1. Open borders
2. Free healthcare to all (including illegals)
3. Free college to all (including illegals)
4. Terminate student loans
5. Reparation to any and all minority groups
6. Restrict/ban/confiscate guns/gun laws
7. "People will be happy to pay more in taxes"
8. Insane climate change policies
9. Jail Trump
10. Restrict/Censor free speech

I mean, what in the ever-loving f*ck? These fools better hope the illegals they are pandering to vote in huge numbers, because there is no way they are winning over enough sane Americans that it will take to beat Trump.
CNN reporter....only the dumbest of whores, nutjobs and kids are still on this ride.

So right about that. I got off that boat after Jimmy Carter and never got back on it. I was probably the first person in my family's history that dated back to the founding of the nation, who voted for someone other than a Democrat. Thankfully my grandfather and father died before this political party went bat shi* crazy. Now I am proud to say none of my family or extended family vote Democrat.

How could they and look in the mirror in the morning.
So right about that. I got off that boat after Jimmy Carter and never got back on it. I was probably the first person in my family's history that dated back to the founding of the nation, who voted for someone other than a Democrat. Thankfully my grandfather and father died before this political party went bat shi* crazy. Now I am proud to say none of my family or extended family vote Democrat.

How could they and look in the mirror in the morning.

Regretfully it took me much longer to jump ship.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe that's why we are the freest and richest country in the history of the world?

They are complete idiots who fancy themselves wise, ofcourse things could always be better, always be improved and no system is without its flaws... but these morans have a problem for every solution and lack the foresight to see the disaster they will create when they go try to fix what isn't broken.... they will shatter it in the process and only make things much worse for everyone, but misery loves company so maybe that's their goal.

They fancy themselves enlightened... woke... There is nothing new under the sun.

Isn't it weird that the richest people in the country are majority leftist? At least when it comes to social policy?

Does Dionysissy have a good explanation for that, given that the middle class is obviously being killed by RETHUGLIKKKANS and free market gazillionaires (of whom only the Kochs seems to fit that bill)?
Isn't it weird that the richest people in the country are majority leftist? At least when it comes to social policy?

No. They probably got rich by creating a company and controlling every aspect of it until it took off. There are a few exceptions, but how would you advocate freedom when ruthless authoritarianism worked out so well for you? The people I don't understand are the hundred millionaire types like actors and non entrepreneur executives.
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Isn't it weird that the richest people in the country are majority leftist? At least when it comes to social policy?

Does Dionysissy have a good explanation for that, given that the middle class is obviously being killed by RETHUGLIKKKANS and free market gazillionaires (of whom only the Kochs seems to fit that bill)?
Like many other things it has hyper-evolved the past few years with the fascist groupthink. When Steve Jobs met with Obama in his first term according to his own book he didn't talk to BO about any social justice issues even though he was very liberal. He talked to him about how difficult it was to build mfg in the US due to regulations and he talked about fighting education unions to improve schools.
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Oh guys and this “she is their CHOSEN ONE” bullshit. LMAO!!

Almost as corny as your “talking points” and “LOCKSTEP” comedy routines.

I didn’t watch the debate last night. Got a bunch of records in the mail and spent some time sorting them out. Good times. I’m going over some footage this morning though, and remember when I said Kamala Harris would give Trump hell in a debate? Looks like we might get a chance to see that happen. Or at least a better chance than we did a month ago.

Trump would crush her on election night though. Like, bigly. The Obama tenure cut HELLA deep in terms of our more....uh, “simple minded” citizens. 8 years of a black man in charge was pure hell. No way they would vote for a woman in 2016. And there’s no way they’ll vote for a black woman in 2020. Trump in a landslide if Harris is indeed THE CHOSEN ONE. The debates would be lit though.