How will they rule ??!

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No the words Im looking for is open borders. Lets not act like the Dems want to amnesty the 11 million (who knows how many there are) then finally enforce border security. Judging by the top Dems running tonight, they want to decriminalize border crossing and shut down all detention centers. Then once they get here they want to hand out free healthcare as well.

If you think Amnesty is still a talking point for the Democratic Party, I have bad news for you, they left that talking about years ago. The Dems are all about open borders now.
Amnesty and decriminalizing crossings. Nowhere did I “act like” they wanted border security. Legal crossing is what will solve this problem, not more security.
The middle class is a shrinking demographic thanks to the country going all in on trickle down fantasy and giving all the profit to the top 1%. Usually in politics you go where the votes are.
Nope..this isnt true..the middle class is shrinking bc the top half of the class of moving upwards.

The thing you also mysteriously leave the lower class is significantly shrinking at a much faster rate. The middle class is and will always be until socialists take over the largest class (of they take over, yes we will all be lower class) You take into the pander and control parts talking points well tho. Yet you cant explain anything economically.

But dont let basic economics and reality get in your way. Ppl have more wealth than ever and most debt is incurred bc of govt involvement...(see student loans)

Speaking of student loans..notice how no Democrat has a plan for fixing the cost of college. Their plans arent fixing the stays the same, their plan is to make more ppl pay the current cost via more taxes. That's not a solution real solution is lowering the cost itself. That's putting a band aid on a gun shot. The reason I stat bc thus us Democrats solution for everything..dump money on everything, make the rich the boogeyman who can throw the money on it...but never look at actual economic theory that actually lowes cost...not just cover it. Notice Warren and Bernie wont discuss what college presidents make while attacking business owners, how Warren makes 400k teaching one class and Bernie's wife runs a dump college. They don't want to compete for enrollment to make cost competitive..they want to make sure they stay in control and get paid and blame rich ppl. Their stance on college translates to broader issues..mainly their ignorance of basic economics assuming govt can solve problems

Also, dems are the party of everyone is poor and in the gutter. Except coastal dems, Hollywood and dem politicians. They are the wealth class. Yet they blame the upper middle class, who they want to subsidize everything as the rich.

The middle class is a shrinking demographic thanks to the country going all in on trickle down fantasy and giving all the profit to the top 1%. Usually in politics you go where the votes are.
You know what? I'm not going to argue with you. Just keep on believing that buddy. You are absolutely right. The middle class is dying and there's no reason to care about them. Make sure all of your other liberal friends as well as the liberal politicians are convinced of this as well! Nope, no reason for the liberals to be wasting their time campaigning to the middle class. Keep fighting that fight man!
Obama was a moderate. This country hasn’t seen actually leftist politics in most of our lifetimes. It’s truly refreshing.
At least you all are openly showing your true colors now instead of pretending to care about the constitution or the things that have made this country what it is. Now that you've taken the mask off, actual moderates will start leaning right because leftists views are insane at best, and evil at worst.
Amnesty and decriminalizing crossings. Nowhere did I “act like” they wanted border security. Legal crossing is what will solve this problem, not more security.

I just want to get this straight. You think open borders, welfare, free college and free healthcare is a less of a logistic nightmare, than deporting 11 million illegals?

Over 100k people were caught just this past month trying to come in, those were just the ones that were caught. So now imagine what it will be like once we say welfare, free college, free healthcare for anyone who wants to come here. We would have an influx of poor, unskilled, criminals and more, of probably 200k+ a month into this country. How the hell can that be logistically sound?

So ya if you give the choice between open borders and even more free social welfare policies or deporting illegals. Ya Im going with deporting illegals instead of watching this country just burn itself to the ground.
So @Dionysus444 what are your thoughts on Bernie proposing a bailout for wealthy college grads? Wealth being relative in the since that college graduates make significantly more money over a life time than non college grads. Doesnt found very liberal at all. Especially when there are working class ppl with unfair mortgage debt, matter of fact everyone who has a mortgage should have that debt. What gives? And even tho this talking point of the rich can pay for it thru taxes it ignores common sense that the cost of college will continue to rise bc they have zero risk and grandpa sugar daddy is offering them free money, no questions asked...just like exactly what happened when the govt took over for student loans. So do you think its fair that Johnny truck driver should have to subsidize your student loan debt? Is that liberal and caring?

I paid my student loans. Do I get a refund? I.made sacrifices and budgeted. All of us that went to college had equal opportunity to study what we wanted and were told the it my fault someone made a choice and took debt on that they couldn't pay for? Btw, college would have been cheaper if the school had to compete to get me enrolled. But since they knew they got their money up care.

Long story short. Dems are the brain dead pander party who wants to control everything without any real solution, who only appeal to a constituent who's too stupid to see anything past face value feelings and not reality
Hey @Dionysus444 since the issue at the border is going on. Dems keep saying what they want with immigrants, etc..but notice they have offered zero solution on how to deal with the ppl that are there right now...its bc they dont have one. They also know you are a drive by humanitarian who will ignore it again if they get elected. Party of pander
I just want to get this straight. You think open borders, welfare, free college and free healthcare is a less of a logistic nightmare, than deporting 11 million illegals?

Over 100k people were caught just this past month trying to come in, those were just the ones that were caught. So now imagine what it will be like once we say welfare, free college, free healthcare for anyone who wants to come here. We would have an influx of poor, unskilled, criminals and more, of probably 200k+ a month into this country. How the hell can that be logistically sound?

So ya if you give the choice between open borders and even more free social welfare policies or deporting illegals. Ya Im going with deporting illegals instead of watching this country just burn itself to the ground.
Don't forget that his side also thinks rounding up 300 million guns will be easy peasey. But deporting illegals, impossible!!
Just remembered isnt @Dionysus444 the same guy that claimed Russia won ww2?

Hmm. I wish I was dumb and didnt understand the various theaters of ww2 and why the US became a superpower...but I know that the US also supplied Russia endless food and rations then...bc the breadlines didnt feed the soldiers on the eastern front.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe that's why we are the freest and richest country in the history of the world?
It’s why we’re in the mess we’re in. If we’d have followed in the footsteps of the the greats like Lincoln, FDR, and Teddy America could have continued it’s greatness. But no y’all wanted to elect a crappy actor and an even crappier reality television star.
It’s why we’re in the mess we’re in. If we’d have followed in the footsteps of the the greats like Lincoln, FDR, and Teddy America could have continued it’s greatness. But no y’all wanted to elect a crappy actor and an even crappier reality television star.
We aren't in a mess. The country is doing great. Race relations suck right now. But that's because liberals purposefully put everyone into groups instead of identifying us all as human beings. Oh, and the fact that Obama set us back 30 years in that department, when he could have done great things to bring us together. Instead he chose to divide us further. The economy is great, no major wars, the constitution is alive and well with a strong military to defend it. This mess you speak of, to quote your side, is a "manufactured crisis."
Hey @Dionysus444 hows it feel to know you may nominate Kamala..who spent the better part of her career locking non violent offenders up in cages...

I thought you were currently upset about this...what you care when they are foreigners but not black Americans?
Yeah I agree our “leftist” party really doesn’t live up to the billing, too many centrists like her. Glad to see people like Bernie and Warren out there holding the torch, only in the last few years have actual leftists had a voice in American politics.
We aren't in a mess. The country is doing great. Race relations suck right now. But that's because liberals purposefully put everyone into groups instead of identifying us all as human beings. Oh, and the fact that Obama set us back 30 years in that department, when he could have done great things to bring us together. Instead he chose to divide us further. The economy is great, no major wars, the constitution is alive and well with a strong military to defend it. This mess you speak of, to quote your side, is a "manufactured crisis."
Then why do we have to Make America Great Again?
Just remembered isnt @Dionysus444 the same guy that claimed Russia won ww2?

Hmm. I wish I was dumb and didnt understand the various theaters of ww2 and why the US became a superpower...but I know that the US also supplied Russia endless food and rations then...bc the breadlines didnt feed the soldiers on the eastern front.

Can't dismiss Russia's role in WW2. They lost an estimated 26 million killed, of which 11 million were soldiers. 75% of German dead in WW2 were killed by the Russians.

But, yes, they were dependent on help from the US to be able to withstand Germany.
So this is what I learned from tonight.

Don't pay attention to the numbers, the economy actually sucks
Open Borders
Free Healthcare for all illegals
Gun buybacks
Joe Biden is Racist
And they accidentally let some random asian guy and Cruella De Vil on the stage

Trump is going to sleep very easy tonight.


Basically nailed it. These clowns are great.