How will they rule ??!

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So if the Southern Poverty Law Center says your a hate group then by Gawd that's exactly what you are. SMDH.

I know its corrupt as hell.

This is part of the bigger problem. Almost all of these so called arbiters of accuracy are so far left its a joke. But lefties wont acknowledge it. They think the SPLC and Snopes play things right down the middle and are totally non partisan.Then when you show them an article like the above, totally sourced with absolute facts, they look at the source and say they wont read it or acknowledge it because its "Conservative". I mean, imagine being so deluded in an echo chamber that you are complaining about that when your side has CNN, MSN, ABC, NBC. CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon on its side,with the latter few social media giants engaging in conservative content suppression in various forms.
In what universe is the Southern Poverty Law Center not a hate group.
They have been one of biggest hate group in America and are backed by billionaire liberal money. They have been getting away with everything but people are starting to wise up. Morris Dees is a creepy douche bag making millions out of calling anyone he opposes a racist. The Southern Law Poverty Center invented the racist word.
We all knew, even libs, that Obama was way over his head.

Hussein Obama was in so far over his head, that I heard a man in my home town of 2,200 people say that if he was mayor here. That the job would be too big for him.
Too bad liberals are too consumed with TDS and lust for future demographic power to address.

- 60,000 children have crossed into the U.S. in last 40 days
- 144,000 border crossers detained last month
- 5,800+ people recently detained in one 24 hr. period
Too bad liberals are too consumed with TDS and lust for future demographic power to address.

- 60,000 children have crossed into the U.S. in last 40 days
- 144,000 border crossers detained last month
- 5,800+ people recently detained in one 24 hr. period
so what your saying is Trump is ****ing terrible at securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. He's managed to double the inflow in 1 year with his dumb bullshit.
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Nice Biden in his Iowa rally just claimed if he is elected president he will cure cancer , that is indeed better than anything trump has done I have to admit
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Like I said, Trump just making shit up because he knows that his base won't question anything he tweets.

“We have fully signed and documented another very important part of the Immigration and Security deal with Mexico, one that the U.S. has been asking about getting for many years,” Trump wrote Monday, saying it would “be revealed in the not too distant future.”

Not so, said Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard, holding up a paper and pointing to the previously announced details. He told reporters the two countries agreed on two actions made public Friday and said if those measures didn’t work to slow migration, they would discuss further options.

“There is no other thing beyond what I have just explained,” he said.
so what your saying is Trump is ****ing terrible at securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. He's managed to double the inflow in 1 year with his dumb bullshit.

How has Trump doubled the flow? Describe his action that has persuaded people to cross illegally? Something similar to people with kids get in, like Obama did.

Look at how you're position has changed in less than 6 months. It's gone from a "manufactured crisis", to now it's Trump's "BS" has caused it. That's where you are at this point. You repeat whatever your masters tell you, without even thinking about it, like a good puppet.
so what your saying is Trump is ****ing terrible at securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. He's managed to double the inflow in 1 year with his dumb bullshit.
Trump hasn't managed to double the inflow. The failure of the hypocritical Democrats, many of whom were preaching the EXACT same things Trump's been preaching prior to 2016, is whose at fault due to their complete inaction and obstruction of anything and everything Trump even tries to propose. The numbers have also increased because of the orchestrated efforts by far left liberal organizations to bring these large caravans of people here. They are also exploiting the ignorant loopholes created by previous administrations that Trump is actually trying to close, but can't because of the Goddam liberal obstruction and sudden (within the last 3 years) desire for open borders.
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Trump hasn't managed to double the inflow. The failure of the hypocritical Democrats, many of whom were preaching the EXACT same things Trump's been preaching prior to 2016, is whose at fault due to their complete inaction and obstruction of anything and everything Trump even tries to propose. The numbers have also increased because of the orchestrated efforts by far left liberal organizations to bring these large caravans of people here. They are also exploiting the ignorant loopholes created by previous administrations that Trump is actually trying to close, but can't because of the Goddam liberal obstruction and sudden (within the last 3 years) desire for open borders.
Most of it is incentive based you have a coke head newsome in California offering free health care to illegal immigrants, trump should listen to rush and start doing appearances in skid row to show how bad libs made it
How has Trump doubled the flow? Describe his action that has persuaded people to cross illegally? Something similar to people with kids get in, like Obama did.

Look at how you're position has changed in less than 6 months. It's gone from a "manufactured crisis", to now it's Trump's "BS" has caused it. That's where you are at this point. You repeat whatever your masters tell you, without even thinking about it, like a good puppet.
The kids cant be out was codified into law with the Omnibus bill Trump signed you dolt. It also codified that anyone that is with a kid or even just claims to have a kid cannot be deported. And since that Omnibus bill was signed illegal immigration at the southern border has skyrocketed. It was exactly double year over year the last 2 months
so what your saying is Trump is ****ing terrible at securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. He's managed to double the inflow in 1 year with his dumb bullshit.
So what I am saying is that you are @mustnotsleepnow are GD morons to view it that way. Your party stands in the way and even sues to stop every single measure to stop it.
Nice Biden in his Iowa rally just claimed if he is elected president he will cure cancer , that is indeed better than anything trump has done I have to admit
He also is walking back yet another statement. This time he is changing his tune on his previous comments regarding China not being a threat. I swear, if he is the best the Dems have Trump is going to win in a landslide.
The kids cant be out was codified into law with the Omnibus bill Trump signed you dolt. It also codified that anyone that is with a kid or even just claims to have a kid cannot be deported. And since that Omnibus bill was signed illegal immigration at the southern border has skyrocketed. It was exactly double year over year the last 2 months

Dude, I was speaking about in 2014, when the Obama admin stated anyone that came to the border with kids, would not be turned away, and the resulting spike that occurred.
What was signed with the omnibus was the whole BS that kids were being kept in cages. By law, kids and adults couldn't be kept together, so kids were being separated.
What has caused the rise since then is illegals, being helped by the left, claiming asylum. Remember though, you said illegal immigration was a manufactured crisis.
Just IMO but I suspect the illegals are ramping up right now because when Trump wins a second term shite is going to STOP... period.

I could EASILY see him sending troops to the border.

His second term is going to be GLORIOUS because he won't GAF anymore... the gloves are coming off baby...
Dude, I was speaking about in 2014, when the Obama admin stated anyone that came to the border with kids, would not be turned away, and the resulting spike that occurred.
What was signed with the omnibus was the whole BS that kids were being kept in cages. By law, kids and adults couldn't be kept together, so kids were being separated.
What has caused the rise since then is illegals, being helped by the left, claiming asylum. Remember though, you said illegal immigration was a manufactured crisis.
that is not what was in the bill. get educated son. This is the 2018 Omnibus spending bill. and illegal immigration went down after 20014 not a "spike" ya dolt.


Section 224(a) prohibits the deportation of anyone who is sponsoring an “unaccompanied” minor illegal alien – or who says they might sponsor a UAC, or lives in a household with a UAC, or a household that potentially might sponsor a UAC.

(a) None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United States derived by the collection of fees available to the components funded by this Act, may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child (as defined in section 462(g) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(g)) based on information shared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply if a background check of a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor reveals—

(1) a felony conviction or pending felony charge that relates to—

(A) an aggravated felony (as defined in section 101(a)(43) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(43)));

(B) child abuse;

(C) sexual violence or abuse; or

(D) child pornography;

(2) an association with any business that employs a minor who—

(A) is unrelated to the sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor; and

(B) is— (i) not paid a legal wage; or

(ii) unable to attend school due to the employment; or

(3) an association with the organization or implementation of prostitution.
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Dude, I was speaking about in 2014, when the Obama admin stated anyone that came to the border with kids, would not be turned away, and the resulting spike that occurred.
What was signed with the omnibus was the whole BS that kids were being kept in cages. By law, kids and adults couldn't be kept together, so kids were being separated.
What has caused the rise since then is illegals, being helped by the left, claiming asylum. Remember though, you said illegal immigration was a manufactured crisis.
Yeah maybe numerous Dem leaders talking about eliminating ICE, how evil a wall would be and funding scores a lawsuits against every measure.... is not helpful. Or we can listen to the guy who shitposts Vox in the middle of the night and the guy that wants HSR running throughout Ohio (also thinks that the KKK is rampant there). Tough call.
that is not what was in the bill. get educated son. This is the 2018 Omnibus spending bill.

Section 224(a) prohibits the deportation of anyone who is sponsoring an “unaccompanied” minor illegal alien – or who says they might sponsor a UAC, or lives in a household with a UAC, or a household that potentially might sponsor a UAC.

That has nothing to do with what you posted.

It is to prevent deportation of people already here, that might keep a kid from being detained by the border control.
Again, the Democrats have stonewalled Trump at every turn on border control, why? Why are you fine with that, and why the change if tune on manufactured crisis?

You simply parrot whatever you’re told without an ounce of thought. It’s sad, so far you’ve sang that Trump was a traitor and collided with Russia, tgat illegal immigration was a manufactured crisis, now its Trumps fault that illegal immigration is out of control.
Before long you’ll be for the wall, as soon the Democrats tell you it’s ok.
That has nothing to do with what you posted.

It is to prevent deportation of people already here, that might keep a kid from being detained by the border control.
Again, the Democrats have stonewalled Trump at every turn on border control, why? Why are you fine with that, and why the change if tune on manufactured crisis?

You simply parrot whatever you’re told without an ounce of thought. It’s sad, so far you’ve sang that Trump was a traitor and collided with Russia, tgat illegal immigration was a manufactured crisis, now its Trumps fault that illegal immigration is out of control.
Before long you’ll be for the wall, as soon the Democrats tell you it’s ok.
it has everything to do with it. Right now everyone crossing the border brings a kid and can't be deported because of the law that Trump signed. Any illegal crossing the border can declare themselves a sponsor of that child and then cannot be deported. It also stops ICE from deporting anyone that gets past them. Before only the child could be kept from deportation, now the entire family is protected.

If Trump signs this bill instead of vetoing it and firing the people in the White House promoting it, he deserves to lose re-election.
it has everything to do with it. Right now everyone crossing the border brings a kid and can't be deported because of the law that Trump signed. Any illegal crossing the border can declare themselves a sponsor of that child and then cannot be deported. It also stops ICE from deporting anyone that gets past them. Before only the child could be kept from deportation, now the entire family is protected.

If Trump signs this bill instead of vetoing it and firing the people in the White House promoting it, he deserves to lose re-election.

No, it was installed so that kids wouldn't be held in detention for long periods of time. That relatives that were already in the states could come get them even if here illegally. Who was, and still is crying about kids in cages?

If what you just wrote were true, why are the illegals still claiming asylum?
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so what your saying is Trump is ****ing terrible at securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. He's managed to double the inflow in 1 year with his dumb bullshit.

In all fairness he’s getting the credit for doubling the inflow of illegal aliens, when actually the demorats deserve 100% of the credit. give credit where credit is due.
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He also is walking back yet another statement. This time he is changing his tune on his previous comments regarding China not being a threat. I swear, if he is the best the Dems have Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Trump in a landslide would be great, but the country is so evenly divided and the leftist demonrats are so unhinged, that any candidate put forth by the dems, no matter how ridiculously radical, is going to make the election close.
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