How will they rule ??!

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This is way too much for the knuckleheads posting here to digest. It is far too easy for them to live in their own invented reality with not a wit of understanding or comprehension among them. I honestly doubt some can maintain focus long enough to read this or appreciate the authors contributions. Heck they cannot differentiate the terms invent and initiate. Like pigs in slop they actually enjoy their ignorance and do not comprehend their insults being hurled by such fools have miniscule impact.
I mean, it was debunked by the very people who invented the internet. But, to claim Al Gore said he "invented the internet" is kind of a sacred cow of right wing assumption - along with "Obama is a Muslim". You can point out they're wrong but it's almost like it's their birthright to insist otherwise.
Nothing quite as fun as re-hashing an overplayed "GOTCHA" game from a POTUS election from a previous century, but here goes:

If JFK said "I took the initiative in getting us to the moon", would that have been inaccurate?
If Eisenhower said "I took the initiative in constructing the interstate highway system", would that have been inaccurate?
If Teddy said "I took the initiative in finishing the Panama Canal", would that have been inaccurate?

While reasonable minds can differ, it's surprising to me that people can watch that video and think Gore was implying that he was sitting at his desk in DC and personally writing computer code, etc.

But he didn't say help. He said created.

Noone thinks he did. Noone knows what he meant, really. I just know what he SAID.
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So Gore was right on how important the Internet could be and he's going to end up being right on Global Warming/Climate change as well. Sometimes the smartest guys in the room can't convince the idiots that pooping in their own bed is counter productive.

Still believe to this day that had Gore won in 2000 this country would be on an entirely different trajectory.

Republicans have replaced Ronald Reagan with Donald frekin Trump.
So Gore was right on how important the Internet could be and he's going to end up being right on Global Warming/Climate change as well. Sometimes the smartest guys in the room can't convince the idiots that pooping in their own bed is counter productive.

Still believe to this day that had Gore won in 2000 this country would be on an entirely different trajectory.

Republicans have replaced Ronald Reagan with Donald frekin Trump.
You guys have proved it right here in these post, the ignorance from the left is real. I apologize for actually thinking you guys might just be corrupt. You really don't get it. Lockstepping Lemmings. How blissful you guys must be.
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Algore made tens of millions selling his cable news channel to oil Islamist. So you are such the fool touting his global warming hysteria. The list of debunked claims he made in his 1992 book & 2006 fiction movie are astounding.

But please, keep refighting his lost 2000 campaign, very productive and forward looking by this threads leftists
As you can see with Levi the Hillary supporters are working hard to find their confidence and voice. It was around this time in 2012 when we started getting bunches of Obamatwat drop in's with newly crafted talking points. It's coming.
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As you can see with Levi the Hillary supporters are working hard to find their confidence and voice. It was around this time in 2012 when we started getting bunches of Obamatwat drop in's with newly crafted talking points. It's coming.

Another assumptive post. Declaring me a Hillary supporter is really stupid. I'm more of a Trump infection fighter in this election. Generally I'm tired of old white guys trying to convince people their hands are big enough to make up for the limited brain.
Can't be an old white guy. Ok. Can be an old white woman doh. That's what we need. Content be damned. So Bern is out too. Got it. And no Gary Johnson, you rascal! Has to be the right color, race, age, or gender-fluid binary. Got it.

Pretty fascinating Trump was on Joe this morning getting peppered for a 15 minute segment. I'm sure Hills could hold her own for 15 on Fox or hell CNN for that matter but I think she's busy that day.

Unbelievable how hard one party has set up a path and carried water for one human and that human just can't effing do it.
I've said it before, but if elected, the media and Congress will do everything they can to stop anything Trump wants.

Clinton on the other hand will have everything rubber stamped by the media and Congress.

A vote for Clinton is a vote for Clinton. There's absolutely no way to justify it as anything other than an affirmative vote for her agenda.

At least someone who votes for Trump as a way to stop Clinton has the comfort of knowing he's not going to get anything done.
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Another assumptive post. Declaring me a Hillary supporter is really stupid. I'm more of a Trump infection fighter in this election. Generally I'm tired of old white guys trying to convince people their hands are big enough to make up for the limited brain.
The stupidity of your racial remark is mind numbing. You deflect your support for Hillary with racial insults. Bravo moron.
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I'm truly starting to wonder which will be the bigger movement in November. The NeverTrumps or the NeverHillarys (disgruntled Bernie voters).
those 2 groups are tiny right now, will be unmeasurable by Nov

the real battle is between Enough Obamaism and 3rd Term Obamaism. In 1988 American people wanted a 3rd Reagan term. In 2000 they did NOT want a 3rd Clinton. Will they want a continuation of the past 8 years, if so HillDawg wins, if not she loses.
those 2 groups are tiny right now, will be unmeasurable by Nov

the real battle is between Enough Obamaism and 3rd Term Obamaism. In 1988 American people wanted a 3rd Reagan term. In 2000 they did NOT want a 3rd Clinton. Will they want a continuation of the past 8 years, if so HillDawg wins, if not she loses.

I'm not sure how true this is. A lot of Bernie voters see Hillary as just a notch below a Republican, especially the millennials. A lot of GOP voters see Trump as a borderline Democrat. I think we could see low turnout in November, especially after they've carpet bombed each other for a few months.
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You will never see truly qualified and honorable individuals run for President again. If they do, they have no chance at winning. Politics is just too cut throat and anyone with any real sense who actually wants to better this country wants no part of that fiasco. Its something when someone like Trump who has done business with the worst kind (casinos, construction, and real estate) think politicians are the worst. We are so effed as a country. Only question is when does it all come tumbling down to a point where we are completely screwed.
You will never see truly qualified and honorable individuals run for President again. If they do, they have no chance at winning. Politics is just too cut throat and anyone with any real sense who actually wants to better this country wants no part of that fiasco. Its something when someone like Trump who has done business with the worst kind (casinos, construction, and real estate) think politicians are the worst. We are so effed as a country. Only question is when does it all come tumbling down to a point where we are completely screwed.

I duno. I'd like to see Mark Cuban run. Not even sure what party he supports. Hopefully not a dem.
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You will never see truly qualified and honorable individuals run for President again. If they do, they have no chance at winning. Politics is just too cut throat and anyone with any real sense who actually wants to better this country wants no part of that fiasco. Its something when someone like Trump who has done business with the worst kind (casinos, construction, and real estate) think politicians are the worst. We are so effed as a country. Only question is when does it all come tumbling down to a point where we are completely screwed.

The best chance is for somebody to stumble into the job who wasn't necessarily lusting for it. God forbid, a VP (who may have some character) who is forced to take office or something like that.
This guy, former head of all special forces, currently chancellor of the University of Texas. He'd win my vote.
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I duno. I'd like to see Mark Cuban run. Not even sure what party he supports. Hopefully not a dem.


"I would prefer to be a Republican," Cuban wrote in the post, which was flagged by The Dallas Morning News. "I want smaller government. I want smarter government. Just like most Republicans. Put aside that I disagree with Republicans on most social issues. The Republicans have a much bigger problem that will crush them in every presidential election until this changes."

He said he'd never support Ted Cruz.
Wants a candidate whose accomplishments are more than passing a bill.

If the GOP splinters I could see him championing a fiscally conservative, socially liberal 3rd party.
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"I would prefer to be a Republican," Cuban wrote in the post, which was flagged by The Dallas Morning News. "I want smaller government. I want smarter government. Just like most Republicans. Put aside that I disagree with Republicans on most social issues. The Republicans have a much bigger problem that will crush them in every presidential election until this changes."

He said he'd never support Ted Cruz.
Wants a candidate who's accomplishments are more than passing a bill.

If the GOP splinters I could see him championing a fiscally conservative, socially liberal 3rd party.

Awesome! There will never be an Evangelical that will win the White House. It's over.

Either the Republicans jump on board or keep losing. Look at Trump, there are polls that are showing that he leads Hillary. Trump is on the polar end of Evangelicals, and he appears to be gaining.

One last thing, Ted Cruz is an awful human being and I hope dies a miserable death.
Curious, why wouldn't he stand a chance..."2 months"????
Well, what's his stance on the media utterly destroying his life? He down with that?

Who was it, Woodward who got busted the other day saying the Post had a team of 20 people digging for dirt on DT? And that's just one outlet, and he's been in the public for ages. Imagine an unknown...
Well, what's his stance on the media utterly destroying his life? He down with that?

Who was it, Woodward who got busted the other day saying the Post had a team of 20 people digging for dirt on DT? And that's just one outlet, and he's been in the public for ages. Imagine an unknown...

That's why I doubt any skeletons are coming out on Trump. He's been a major public figure since the 80s. All his skeletons are already out, and he doesn't hide from them