How will they rule ??!

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Lol. Republicans never would’ve blamed a loss on a foreign entity and Trump wouldn’t spy on a candidate nor would he be at the forefront of staging a coup.

We had an admin who spied on journalists, spied on a presidential candidate, meddled in Israel’s election, lied about Benghazi, colluded with the press, gave Iran pallets of our money, got the IRS to target conservatives, and created civil unrest.

Where the eff were you during this?

But Trump actually lost the popular vote to the worst candidate of all time. No blame in calling a president out for collusion. It’s literally documented that Russia influenced the process. Is that ok as long as who you like wins?

The second part is a conspiracy theory. I’ll give Clinton credit for at least showing up to the Benghazi hearings.

I was in reality during this time, same as now. Civil unrest is going on now. I recall Kentucky’s on McConnell quote on making Obama a one term President. How is it that you disdain and jumped on the wrongs of one administration, yet will jump to cover up the bs of another? It’s rhetorical, as I’ve seen your post
I will say it again, you all are stuck with Trump, full stop. Trump has committed several impeachable offenses as evidenced by the report, for those of us who read, full stop.

But Trump actually lost the popular vote to the worst candidate of all time. No blame in calling a president out for collusion. It’s literally documented that Russia influenced the process. Is that ok as long as who you like wins?

The second part is a conspiracy theory. I’ll give Clinton credit for at least showing up to the Benghazi hearings.

I was in reality during this time, same as now. Civil unrest is going on now. I recall Kentucky’s on McConnell quote on making Obama a one term President. How is it that you disdain and jumped on the wrongs of one administration, yet will jump to cover up the bs of another? It’s rhetorical, as I’ve seen your post
You give Clinton credit after refusing to turn over over 33,000 emails which they destroyed. Nothing to see here folks says the Hypocrite.
You give Clinton credit after refusing to turn over over 33,000 emails which they destroyed. Nothing to see here folks says the Hypocrite.

You're so deluded there's no point in offering an intelligent response.

Intelligent response, deluded? Go play in a corner! The jeopardy response was a 4/10, gave you points for the attempt.

Seriously, regarding the statement with Trump’s taxes being used to embarrass him, what would embarrass him? Clinton hiding emails is a threat that should’ve been pursued. But, what is Trump working overtime to hide? Does the same standard apply? got me there. That’s called sealioning, or Gish Gallup, where you switch subjects, yet never answer. Looks like hypocrisy.

Drop-ins? Am I to spend my day on a message board? Debating in an echo chamber? With most of you overly sensitive to a different point of view? What time does the guy with the memes and tweets clock-in? #dedication
What subject? You drop in with rambling diarrhea-esque splatter of buzzwords and ask for answers. You are a mindless whore/bitch. Show some semblance of focus on one topic with rationale and you will get a response. Otherwise and again, GFY.
I recall Kentucky’s on McConnell quote on making Obama a one term President.

Example of whore talking point. First he said that two years in after the ACA fiasco. Second, every opposition party says something similar every time. Hell Reid/Schumer/Pelosi said similar things and worse before inauguration.
Intelligent response, deluded? Go play in a corner! The jeopardy response was a 4/10, gave you points for the attempt.

Seriously, regarding the statement with Trump’s taxes being used to embarrass him, what would embarrass him? Clinton hiding emails is a threat that should’ve been pursued. But, what is Trump working overtime to hide? Does the same standard apply?
If he is hiding something and they continue to go after it, should they not continue after Obama and Hillary? I am for draining all of the swamp. If you go after one you must go after the others.
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“This quirky cognitive bias could potentially be making it easier for Donald Trump to say unchallenged falsehoods. In some cases, not only are these individuals uninformed, they are unlikely to ever try to become more informed on their own. In their minds, they have nothing new to learn.”

“Unfortunately, Anson’s study shows that getting through to these people becomes more and more difficult as the nation becomes more divided. And with Trump’s fiery rhetoric and fear-mongering, that divide appears to always be growing wider.”
Intelligent response, deluded? Go play in a corner! The jeopardy response was a 4/10, gave you points for the attempt.

Seriously, regarding the statement with Trump’s taxes being used to embarrass him, what would embarrass him? Clinton hiding emails is a threat that should’ve been pursued. But, what is Trump working overtime to hide? Does the same standard apply?

Tump's taxes aren't' a matter of national security. They aren't of interest in relation to the fall of an American embassy and loss of American lives.

Trump has been a well-known businessman for decades. He flaunts it and isn't very shy about his money or how he's done "biggly" business around the world with all sorts of people. He brags about it.

Tax returns are only going to show losses, gains, and loopholes that he's been able to exploit like every other person. All of which will be spun and used against him.

"Trump lost a bunch of money...he's a loser..."

"Trump gained a bunch of money doing this and that deal with this and that person in this and that country...he's compromised..."

"Trump uses loopholes..."

Lose, lose, lose situation no matter what.
If he is hiding something and they continue to go after it, should they not continue after Obama and Hillary? I am for draining all of the swamp. If you go after one you must go after the others.

We finally agree! But why should the prerequisite for going after Trump be going after others first? They went after Clinton, they had hearings regarding Fast and Furious against Obama. It’s been reported that nothing was there. We seen the Benghazi trials. All I am saying is hold the standard. Trump should be held no higher than anyone. The standard he is setting will be applied and abused in the future.

Most of you identify as conservative, what happens when someone more liberal holds office and uses the Trump standard? Could you argue against the bs then when you support it currently?
“Unfortunately, Anson’s study shows that getting through to these people becomes more and more difficult as the nation becomes more divided. And with Trump’s fiery rhetoric and fear-mongering, that divide appears to always be growing wider.”

Interesting. You against the bolded part? If so, do I have some doozies for you to address.
Tump's taxes aren't' a matter of national security. They aren't of interest in relation to the fall of an American embassy and loss of American lives.

Trump has been a well-known businessman for decades. He flaunts it and isn't very shy about his money or how he's done "biggly" business around the world with all sorts of people. He brags about it.

Tax returns are only going to show losses, gains, and loopholes that he's been able to exploit like every other person. All of which will be spun and used against him.

"Trump lost a bunch of money...he's a loser..."

"Trump gained a bunch of money doing this and that deal with this and that person in this and that country...he's compromised..."

"Trump uses loopholes..."

Lose, lose, lose situation no matter what.

Or the taxes could show who he is in bed with. If it were a matter of rich, he wouldn’t hide his taxes. We’ve all known trump inflated his numbers for years. If that’s it, release them.
They went after Clinton, they had hearings regarding Fast and Furious against Obama.

They? You think Holder's AG office was a fair arbiter of justice? Good stuff. Hearings!!! lol

We just had a 2 years special counsel that did not give you what you wanted. The vast majority of America wants you lunatics to stop your tantrum.
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Or the taxes could show who he is in bed with. If it were a matter of rich, he wouldn’t hide his taxes. We’ve all known trump inflated his numbers for years. If that’s it, release them.
In bed with? Let's talk about Ukraine, Iran, Syria, energy, Venezuela, etc.
I will ask again, would you all have supported Obama, in the same manner as you support Trump, if the Mueller report was wrote regarding him? Would you state that there was no collusion? Would you call it over?

What does it matter?

Here you have two total opposite agendas/policies.

One is anti-American, supports policies that are detrimental to our country.

The other is pro-American, supports policies that strengthen America.

It all boils down to that. The modern democrats believe America is “guilty” and owes the world something, that we must make the world “equal”, move to a centralized global government.

Republicans largely believe that, too. But not Trump.

If you don’t put America first, then F you. That’s what the 2016 election was all about, and dems didn’t learn one thing from it....because they are heavily invested in a global agenda, so much so they conspired against our elected president. That shit is crazy.
We finally agree! But why should the prerequisite for going after Trump be going after others first? They went after Clinton, they had hearings regarding Fast and Furious against Obama. It’s been reported that nothing was there. We seen the Benghazi trials. All I am saying is hold the standard. Trump should be held no higher than anyone. The standard he is setting will be applied and abused in the future.

Most of you identify as conservative, what happens when someone more liberal holds office and uses the Trump standard? Could you argue against the bs then when you support it currently?
Did not say first and as far as Clinton and Obama, it was not reported nothing was there, it was said that they were not going to pursue it for whatever reason. Whole different ballgame. Comey was in charge and Obama's wing man Eric Holder was in charge through a lot of that. You are doing what you are accusing those on the right of doing. That is called hypocrisy.
They? You think Holder's AG office was a fair arbiter of justice? Good stuff. Hearings!!! lol

We just had a 2 years special counsel that did not give you what you wanted. The vast majority of America wants you lunatics to stop your tantrum.

Yet, the report didn’t clear Trump and actually implicated the President in a few more items including obstruction of justice. The vast majority of Americans want to see the report and actually support impeachment proceedings. The vast majority also think Trump colluded. More news out there than BrightBart lol.
Yet, the report didn’t clear Trump and actually implicated the President in a few more items including obstruction of justice. The vast majority of Americans want to see the report and actually support impeachment proceedings. The vast majority also think Trump colluded. More news out there than BrightBart lol.
False, attempted obstruction was the insinuation and that was not quite clear.

Vast majority? Not even close.
But Trump actually lost the popular vote to the worst candidate of all time. No blame in calling a president out for collusion. It’s literally documented that Russia influenced the process. Is that ok as long as who you like wins?

The second part is a conspiracy theory. I’ll give Clinton credit for at least showing up to the Benghazi hearings.

I was in reality during this time, same as now. Civil unrest is going on now. I recall Kentucky’s on McConnell quote on making Obama a one term President. How is it that you disdain and jumped on the wrongs of one administration, yet will jump to cover up the bs of another? It’s rhetorical, as I’ve seen your post

Russia used Silicon Valley to meddle. They are probably still doing so, along with China and other bad actors. Are libs ready to crack down on big tech?

It's literally documented that big tech is not so subtlely trying to control and influence people.

There are videos. There are people who are leaving big companies and spilling the beans. Slowly but surely there is some journalism starting to be done on the issue.

Russia influenced the election, not so Trump could win, but to meddle and cause all the fuss and turmoil that it has cost. My question is whether or not Russia peddled pro-Hillary stuff as well. She did win the popular vote after all. Something I always thought to be interesting. Russia flacks for Trump, but Hillary wins more votes? Call me a tin foil hat wearing nut job, but that doesn't add up.

I mean, we've all seen the rallies back then during the campaign and now. There's a lot of Trump support out there.

If liberal votes are being suppressed, Russia is in cahoots with the GOP and fixing votes, yet Trump has a very real tangible groundswell of support, how is it Hillary won the popular vote?

All those things can't be true. Otherwise, Trump would have won by a wider margin and more of the popular vote.
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"Overall, a majority of Americans oppose impeachment with only 37 percent saying they favor starting the process and 56 percent saying they oppose the idea. Unsurprisingly, support for impeaching President Trump is divided along partisan lines."

Most Democrats — 62 percent — support starting impeachment proceedings, and 53 percent of Democrats said they strongly believe the House should begin impeaching Trump. Almost every Republican respondent was against impeachment; 87 percent said they were opposed, with 78 percent saying they were strongly opposed. Independents weren’t largely in favor either, with only 36 percent saying they feel impeachment should begin.
What does it matter?

Here you have two total opposite agendas/policies.

One is anti-American, supports policies that are detrimental to our country.

The other is pro-American, supports policies that strengthen America.

It all boils down to that. The modern democrats believe America is “guilty” and owes the world something, that we must make the world “equal”, move to a centralized global government.

Republicans largely believe that, too. But not Trump.

If you don’t put America first, then F you. That’s what the 2016 election was all about, and dems didn’t learn one thing from it....because they are heavily invested in a global agenda, so much so they conspired against our elected president. That shit is crazy.

There is one America, if you believe there are two. You are the problem. Hell, technically “Did not Vote” won the election by a landslide. America is guilty of a lot, the take my ball and go home mentality you display is why we can’t speak on them.

Patriotism doesn’t pick a side, freedom of speech applies to all. You seem to have the wrong idea of Pro-America. I love my country so much that I am willing to call out the bs.

Lastly, by your logic, the dems actually had more people vote for Clinton. Trump lost the popular vote. The country and world are changing, America owes it to all Americans to be great. Not just the few you pick.
Did not say first and as far as Clinton and Obama, it was not reported nothing was there, it was said that they were not going to pursue it for whatever reason. Whole different ballgame. Comey was in charge and Obama's wing man Eric Holder was in charge through a lot of that. You are doing what you are accusing those on the right of doing. That is called hypocrisy.

Which was wrong on the part of Obama. But what of Barr? Do you support what Barr is doing?
I love how the mindless liberals just can't get over the fact that they lost. dumbass ole rag Hillary is still butthurt and making excuses. Oh and can some genius explain how the russians Meddled with the elections exactly? yea exactly, you can't. Because you have zero clue.
I love how the mindless liberals just can't get over the fact that they lost. dumbass ole rag Hillary is still butthurt and making excuses. Oh and can some genius explain how the russians Meddled with the elections exactly? yea exactly, you can't. Because you have zero clue.

The FBI concludes that Russia meddled and will meddle again in 2020. I can respect some of the Trump supporters on here and I am a Registered Independent. But this dumbass ole rag speaks to how far off some of your fellow supporters are. Some of you are truly conservative, some just Confused Tump supporters.
The FBI concludes that Russia meddled and will meddle again in 2020. I can respect some of the Trump supporters on here and I am a Registered Independent. But this dumbass ole rag speaks to how far off some of your fellow supporters are. Some of you are truly conservative, some just Trump supporters.

"the FBI concludes..." once again you have zero clue WTF you're talking about. Give me one f*king example of HOW THEY MEDDLED. ONE! you can't because your brains are in your a**
Yes, blacks are taught at birth to have an average lower income than similarly educated whites. They are also taught to be incarcerated at a higher rate with longer sentences for similar crimes. And they are taught to live in neighborhoods with poorer schools and less experienced teachers in their classrooms. Idiot.
meddling is what scooby doo characters do not national security foes
Yet, the report didn’t clear Trump and actually implicated the President in a few more items including obstruction of justice. The vast majority of Americans want to see the report and actually support impeachment proceedings. The vast majority also think Trump colluded. More news out there than BrightBart lol.
You think Holder was an honest broker?

His approval is up, views on impeachment are way down (29%) and then this from TheHill:

The vast majority of Americans say their opinions of special counsel Robert Mueller's findings are unlikely to change after more information from his investigation is released.

I don't read Breitbart other than follow a couple people on twitter but they are more ethical than CNN without a doubt.

After two years these mindless tantrums are beyond old.
meddling is what scooby doo characters do not national security foes

Liberals would believe anything they are told by their ridiculous media they watch as long as it's against Trump or conservatives. To this day not a single one of these morons can name even one example of how the russians meddled in the elections...not even one. all they can say is "well that's what the Feds said...uhh uhh, that's what CNN said...uhh that's what MSNBC said. complete idiots
But Trump actually lost the popular vote to the worst candidate of all time. No blame in calling a president out for collusion. It’s literally documented that Russia influenced the process. Is that ok as long as who you like wins?

The second part is a conspiracy theory. I’ll give Clinton credit for at least showing up to the Benghazi hearings.

I was in reality during this time, same as now. Civil unrest is going on now. I recall Kentucky’s on McConnell quote on making Obama a one term President. How is it that you disdain and jumped on the wrongs of one administration, yet will jump to cover up the bs of another? It’s rhetorical, as I’ve seen your post

I believe the Russians were involved but anyone that believes they would rather have had Trump win over an obammer disciple who would continue limp wristed, USA compromising policies is sadly misguided.
They cite the majority of intelligence professionals lmao , like global warming well the majority of scientists say so , and we all know that science is decided by majority opinion lmao
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I believe the Russians were involved but anyone that believes they would rather have had Trump win over an obammer disciple who would continue limp wristed, USA compromising policies is sadly misguided.
You could not pay them to talk about policies related to Russia.
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Five million illegal votes? 5 million illegal votes? 5,000,000 illegal votes?

I would bet a steak dinner neither of you two could provide any support for that. “BuTtErEmAiLs” lol. Five million illegal votes!!!

you probably believe there was nothing wrong with her deleting all of those emails and destroying her phone on purpose among other things. you probably believe that the meeting on the tarmac in the jet was probably believe that Bill Clinton wasn't a huge cocaine addict in Arkansas and played a big role in the drug business....