How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Man, the Republicans have some real momentum finally going with Spy Gate. The swamp monsters are getting really riled and shit is fixin to get real. I hope they have the fortitude to hold these people responsible. The Swamp is fixin to hit another level of hostility now. None of it is news to half of the country, but the other half has been criminally misled by the turds in the MSM who refused to give the story any credibility.

That's the problem. I don't know if Barr or others who are finally investigating the witch hunt have the proverbial balls to both discover the truth or to punish those truly responsible if they do discover the truth. May just be another Comey-like show where they act like they are investigating but go into it knowing that only low-level folks will be held partially accountable and the big fish will be allowed to keep swimming.
What the actual f@ck. Thank you letters are now racist? Lololol. Its basic common sense that shows interest and professionalism.
No, Thank you letters are an "Inconsequential social norm" that only only white people know about and use to keep minorities who aren't keenly aware of, down. Courtesy is a privilege only white people get to us, so yeah I guess it is racist. SMH.

If this social norm is so "incosequential" then why is it keeping people from getting jobs? Muquing Zhang seemed to take an article that expressed absolutely nothing about race and twisted it into something it's not. Nothing in that article said only white folks are sending Thank You notes and thus getting the jobs over minorities.

Well to be fair, $1mil in 1974 was equivalent to about $5.1 mil now, so adjusted for inflation. "nobody should earn more than $5.1 million". March on Commie.
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I guess Assange and Manafort can now have their made up secret meetings in prison.

Shit man, maybe this is just a ploy to unite them again. Wouldn't put it past Drumpf.
This is very normal and brave and not at all indicative that these people have legitimate mental health issues they project onto the rest of the population to make it more comforting that they are a minuscule minority.

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Remembering 9/11 is now racist

There’s been universities who had leftist activists argue against remembering 9/11 and destroyed displays to honor them by taking all of the American flags out.

We’ve had Democrats argue against nationalism, celebrate kneeling for the anthem, banned American flag attire at schools, took down American flags on campus to not offend anyone (UC Irvine was one) but they’re totally not anti-American, guys .
"But we need more money"

This perfectly illustrates why schools are underfunded. According to the line graph, the actual cost of educating a K-12 student increased 185% between the years of 1970 and 2010. True inflation on the dollar during that time span was around 400% (one dollar in 1970 was worth around five dollars in 2010). School funding rates haven’t even come close to keeping up with true costs school districts face. In addition, the school staffing trend line showing a 90% growth in employees is misleading as it doesn’t account for the fact that the US had a 50% population growth during those same 40 years.