How will they rule ??!

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Although I agree with what she said, I’m very hesitant to jump on a bandwagon since there are so many opportunistic people who love to use MAGA/conservatism to try and make a name for themselves. Everyone remember Joy Villa?

The home renovation guy? Vaguely.
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Although I agree with what she said, I’m very hesitant to jump on a bandwagon since there are so many opportunistic people who love to use MAGA/conservatism to try and make a name for themselves. Everyone remember Joy Villa?
I thought she came off horrible on both of these shows. The Joe Rogan one was really bad. When they were talking about climate change it sounded like she had no clue what she was talking about and wanted to just repeat conservative talking points. Joe rarely ever tries to corner his guest on a topic to make them look bad (unless they don't love weed). But with her on that topic, he didn't even have to try she just backed herself into a corner and is actually pretty cringy to listen to.

I also find it kind of funny that when she started out she always talked about how she hated identity politics and how the Democrats had to always focus on race. Yet everything about her now is all focused on BLEXIT and the black vote. That's fine with me, but the hypocrisy is hard to miss.
Most people are violence averse IMO. I don’t want to fight anyone, but I enjoy watching people beat the hell out of one another on TV.
They are when provided ample panum et circenses. But the history of our species illuminates what we truly are. Predators.
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The party that is majority white is open to others regardless of gender, race, etc... that subscribe to traditional values.
How have those traditional values worked out for those gender, racial, etc. minorities to date? Oh yeah, marginalized them.
I thought she came off horrible on both of these shows. The Joe Rogan one was really bad. When they were talking about climate change it sounded like she had no clue what she was talking about and wanted to just repeat conservative talking points. Joe rarely ever tries to corner his guest on a topic to make them look bad (unless they don't love weed). But with her on that topic, he didn't even have to try she just backed herself into a corner and is actually pretty cringy to listen to.

I also find it kind of funny that when she started out she always talked about how she hated identity politics and how the Democrats had to always focus on race. Yet everything about her now is all focused on BLEXIT and the black vote. That's fine with me, but the hypocrisy is hard to miss.

Anyone who makes a living talking about politics is by definition a hypocritical POS. I think she’s smart, and she realizes that sometimes she has to pander to stay relevant. At the end of the day, most people are sheep and will take whatever is spoon fed to them. Twitter has created a whole new flock of idiots. Cable news is bad enough, but Twitter is the worst thing to happen to politics in my lifetime.
How have those traditional values worked out for those gender, racial, etc. minorities to date? Oh yeah, marginalized them.

Whom is marginalized in the United States?

You’re only marginalized if you’re convinced you are by someone. It’s called feeling sorry for yourself, and it’s nothing more than a crutch.
I thought she came off horrible on both of these shows. The Joe Rogan one was really bad. When they were talking about climate change it sounded like she had no clue what she was talking about and wanted to just repeat conservative talking points. Joe rarely ever tries to corner his guest on a topic to make them look bad (unless they don't love weed). But with her on that topic, he didn't even have to try she just backed herself into a corner and is actually pretty cringy to listen to.

I also find it kind of funny that when she started out she always talked about how she hated identity politics and how the Democrats had to always focus on race. Yet everything about her now is all focused on BLEXIT and the black vote. That's fine with me, but the hypocrisy is hard to miss.

It was horrible. Every political candidate should be required to do a long open conversation like that. It will absolutely expose those gross talking point machines once they are out of their comfort zone.
How have those traditional values worked out for those gender, racial, etc. minorities to date? Oh yeah, marginalized them.

Whom is marginalized in the United States?

You’re only marginalized if you’re convinced you are by someone. It’s called feeling sorry for yourself, and it’s nothing more than a crutch.

Great post BD. Anyone can do anything they want to here. Hard work and ambition go a long way. Too many people are complacent and lazy.
Ironically, many of the countries the left loves and the right laughs at are way more nationalist than the US. The main reason I’ve stayed in the US for the last 20 plus years is that it’s a royal pain in the ass to emigrate to Canada. Would have cost me a fortune to move my family up there with me. Conversely, I spent $230 to get a green card here.
Why not just Cross the border illegally?
Anyone who makes a living talking about politics is by definition a hypocritical POS. I think she’s smart, and she realizes that sometimes she has to pander to stay relevant. At the end of the day, most people are sheep and will take whatever is spoon fed to them. Twitter has created a whole new flock of idiots. Cable news is bad enough, but Twitter is the worst thing to happen to politics in my lifetime.
Her bad showings on Rubin and Joe could've easily just be chalked up to nerves since both were still pretty new into her popularity.

And ya I agree if everyone is in the stoplight long enough you're going to find things they're hypocrites about, since everyone is a hypocrite about something. Again just find it funny that when she first started her YouTube, all her videos were talking how a big reason she started leaving the Democratic party is because of their focus on race and identity politics. Her calling that stuff out was one of the reasons she blew up so quickly. She is now pretty much the face for identity politics for the right now.
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How have those traditional values worked out for those gender, racial, etc. minorities to date? Oh yeah, marginalized them.
Just curious, can you give an example of a traditional value that has resulted in harm to or marginalization of those of other races or genders and the basis of that value?
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It was horrible. Every political candidate should be required to do a long open conversation like that. It will absolutely expose those gross talking point machines once they are out of their comfort zone.
Ya it's something that to this day I still can't get out of my head. I just sat there watching it thinking, "this girl doesn't have a true thought for herself, she is just saying what she thinks her fanbase will want to here". And I think Joe picked up on that and just the slightest rebuttals from him led to her backing herself into a corner and came off as so immature and quite honestly a bad look for the right (especially on the issue of climate change). Joe has had on guys like Gavin, Shapiro, Crowder and they all talked climate change and it wasn't cringy. Hell Joe has had on scientist that are against the progressive view on climate change and it never got ugly. And again it wasn't Joe backing her into a corner, she did it herself.

I felt like once she got out of her 4-5 minute sound bites that she was used to and got into a long multi hour discussion and a discussion that could lead to 20+ minutes on one topic. To me it showed how hollow she was and she honestly came off as someone who just regurgitates talking points. But again maybe that was just because she was still new to all of this. Hard for me to forget though.
Great post BD. Anyone can do anything they want to here. Hard work and ambition go a long way. Too many people are complacent and lazy.
And this is why you're my favorite liberal on this place. We probably disagree on the majority of policies, but you haven't fallen down the progressive rabbit hole of the victim hood Olympics. You're just a classic liberal. I can respect that.
And this is why you're my favorite liberal on this place. We probably disagree on the majority of policies, but you haven't fallen down the progressive rabbit hole of the victim hood Olympics. You're just a classic liberal. I can respect that.

I’m not like a hardcore liberal - I’m not religious, and I’m pro choice (to a reasonable degree - 1st trimester.) I’m indifferent to guns. Don’t even get me started on the gender bullshit. I don’t care about the gays. I work hard and love my family. I’m definitely frustrated by the hard shift left that the dem leadership has embraced. There isn’t a logical place on the political shelf for people like me. I’m not far enough left to be a modern day liberal, and I’m definitely not a republican.

Ironically, as much flack as Trump takes from the left, he’s probably the one politician most closely aligned with what I believe. He’s a classic big city democrat.
I’m not like a hardcore liberal - I’m not religious, and I’m pro choice (to a reasonable degree - 1st trimester.) I’m indifferent to guns. I don’t care about the gays. I work hard and love my family. I’m definitely frustrated by the hard shift left that the dem leadership has embraced. There isn’t a logical place on the political shelf for people like me. I’m not far enough left to be a modern day liberal, and I’m definitely not a republican.

Ironically, as much flack as Trump takes from the left, he’s probably the one politician most closely aligned with what I believe. He’s a classic big city democrat.

He's Bill Clinton with a little Republican twist mixed in haha. I mean it's not hard to see how Trump was considered a Democrat only up to the last decade or so. Which I agree it's hilarious because the media makes it sound like he is the most far right president we have ever had.
Just curious, can you give an example of a traditional value that has resulted in harm to or marginalization of those of other races or genders and the basis of that value?
Marriage equality is an easy one just from the last few years. Isn’t that what y’all were fighting for, “traditional” marriage?
As is violence. That’s the entire point of sports. To sublimate our darker desires. Sports allow us to indulge our tribal nature in a controlled setting. Tribalism/nationalism are evolutionary predispositions we must fight against for the sake of all humanity, not embrace and wield to marginalize others.

For me, the current definition of nationalism has nothing to do with this, or 'white' nationalism for that matter, but rather a push back against a movement which would like to see a world regulating body, world socialism, leading to communism. Trotsky and Lenin believed that for Communism to really work, it had to be worldwide. The whole global warming movement is more about that, than anything to do with climate.

Marriage equality is an easy one just from the last few years. Isn’t that what y’all were fighting for, “traditional” marriage?
No, y'all are fighting against our notion of traditional marriage.
Marriage is a religious issue. I believe it is a one man, one woman institution. That said, I believe two homosexuals should be able to form a civil partnership in which each member of that partnership is entitled to the same benefits as a male/female married couple.
Why an attack on traditional marriage? It's not a problem with traditional marriage, it's a problem that those with an interest in such things keep harping on marriage, when they should focus on legal fairness.
Now if some want people like me to not only accept it, but support it, encourage it, say it's right...won't happen.
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Republicans. BUILD THE WALL!
No, y'all are fighting against our notion of traditional marriage.
Marriage is a religious issue. I believe it is a one man, one woman institution. That said, I believe two homosexuals should be able to form a civil partnership in which each member of that partnership is entitled to the same benefits as a male/female married couple.
Why an attack on traditional marriage? It's not a problem with traditional marriage, it's a problem that those with an interest in such things keep harping on marriage, when they should focus on legal fairness.
Now if some want people like me to not only accept it, but support it, encourage it, say it's right...won't happen.
globalism is communism look at France and Great Britain. Great Britain wants out of the eu but the eu won’t grant England it’s freedom, things go much smoother when you have smaller local governments that can respond quicker than a centralized command with no incentive to make people’s lives better
Just curious, can you give an example of a traditional value that has resulted in harm to or marginalization of those of other races or genders and the basis of that value?

For a Christian, they want to view things as God does, and its more important than any governmental laws. You can't ask a Christian to support gay marriage, when they believe that a man/woman marriage is a 'great mystery' and a picture of Christ and the church (Ephesians). You certainly are not a homophobe, even though you believe homosexuality is a sin. Jesus would embrace the homosexual today, but would not endorse gay marriage, and would finally tell them, 'neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more'.

Stop calling people who don't believe in gay marriage, for this reason, homophobes. It's twisting things.