How will they rule ??!

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Context is important, which is exactly why Lieu pulled that stunt. She was stating that the comparison of nationalists and Hitler is dumb, that quote was stating that IF all Hitler had wanted to do was the same as nationalists he wouldn’t have been bad. However, it wasn’t which we all know, and Hitler was a monster. Which is why context is important and why Lieu didnt give her the opportunity to respond.
You capitalized the wrong word. "that quote was stating that IF ALL Hitler had wanted to do was the same as nationalists he wouldn’t have been bad." Exactly. She thinks IF Hitler had just kept his policies within his own borders he would have been great. A politician directly in line with her views. One she could really get behind.
The majority of measles outbreaks in the last 20 years have nothing to do with illegal immigrants. Again, if you look into it, you will see that most of the outbreaks were a result of an unvaccinated person traveling overseas and picking up the disease and bringing it back to the US. Many of those cases were kids going overseas to do missions trips. Continue to stick with your theories that support your worldview....


The explosion of cases happened at exactly the same time we imported third worlders. As easy as correlations get.

And as another poster pointed out.....where do you think kids on mission trips go? To third world countries.

Finally I'm gonna need a link showing majority of cases come from kids on mission trips. Considering those kids get a slew of shots and would all have their MMR as would be medically impossible

Call Maury and his lie detector....
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According to the news reports coming out today, most of the anti-vaxxers are ultra Orthodox Jews in the NYC area. Apparently, a handbook has been circulating those communities claiming vaccines contain monkey, pig and rat DNA and cause autism. Don't tell this to that insanity guy because he is convinced it is all the immigrants coming in who aren't vaccinated and it can't possibly be an anti-vaxxing group. The article did mention that there are a lot of conservatives in TX and liberals in WA State who are also anti-vaxxers.

I don't know what it is. I've seen stuff about immigrants coming in carrying disease, hard to say what's true.

Do I believe it's solely an immigrant problem? No, of course not. But I see plenty of Libs pointing the finger at conservative religios types on this as well.

Also, what are the Orthodox Jews when it comes to political affiliation? I can't imagine they are Republican.

I am amazed that this anti-vaxx thing seemingly came out of nowhere. And as I said above, I'm floored that I actually know people against it. It's like flat-earthers. When did this become a thing?
You capitalized the wrong word. "that quote was stating that IF ALL Hitler had wanted to do was the same as nationalists he wouldn’t have been bad." Exactly. She thinks IF Hitler had just kept his policies within his own borders he would have been great. A politician directly in line with her views. One she could really get behind.

No, the original quote was in direct response to the continual comparison of Trump to Hitler, which is ridiculous.
Her reply is that if Hitler did what Trump is doing he wouldn’t have been bad.
If you really think that Candace Owens actually meant that everything Hitler did would’ve been fine as long as he kept it in Germany you’re either intellectually dishonest or a GD lunatic.
How is this politicians being slimy? By playing a real recording of her talking about Hitler's totally super awesome ideas?
Again I'm not one to defend Candice Owens. I dislike the girl. But people even on the left are calling out Leiu for what he did. You can't take a tiny little excerpt from a long discussion and don't explain the context of the discussion. The play the short snippet then not give her a second to defend herself. That was just a sleezy move.
No, the original quote was in direct response to the continual comparison of Trump to Hitler, which is ridiculous.
Her reply is that if Hitler did what Trump is doing he wouldn’t have been bad.
If you really think that Candace Owens actually meant that everything Hitler did would’ve been fine as long as he kept it in Germany you’re either intellectually dishonest or a GD lunatic.
Dude she herself said the question was about nationalism, nothing about Trump and Hitler. Watch the video. You're flat out wrong.
No, the original quote was in direct response to the continual comparison of Trump to Hitler, which is ridiculous.
Her reply is that if Hitler did what Trump is doing he wouldn’t have been bad.
If you really think that Candace Owens actually meant that everything Hitler did would’ve been fine as long as he kept it in Germany you’re either intellectually dishonest or a GD lunatic.
At this point I believe he is trolling. And we fell for it. Isn't he the ex Canadian with a new name?
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. Socialism kicks capitalism's ass!

She's literally saying that Hitler made Germany great and ran things well, only taking issue with his expansionist tendencies. You agree with her that the Holocaust made Germany great and was an example of things running well?
The words you quote don't say that. You just want them to say that.

First, she says "if". So it's all hypothetical. Second, she doesn't say Hitler could make Germany great by killing off its Jews. Just where does she say she agrees with that?

You're just so worked up emotionally - standard Lib state of mind - that you can't rationally read & understand her words.
Making my points for me again, look at that East Asian decline. Largest by far. China killing it. Socialism kicks capitalism's ass!

1) the data says East Asia. So it isn't just China

2) westernization is the cause. Not socialism. They no longer think they should live in huts

3) the government of China is doing great. That's not in dispute and not the argument. How about the people? Still running over kids with tanks or nah?
No, but in scripture, the Lord laid out specific requirements for a "stranger" to be admitted to His people. Included in those requirements:
Subscribe to Israel's religion and have no other gods;
Work and not depend on others;
Abide by the law.

As a Christian, I'm all for allowing such persons into our country. Personally, I'd love to see more Christian, hard working, law abiding Mexicans enter. We need them.

Just a question: How do folks like James Martin propose to pay for these people WITHOUT stealing from others ie raising taxes?
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"CNN's Sam Vinograd: Yes, Obama also separated families at the border, but when he did it, it was "for their own protection.""

So somebody actually even admitted the fact now? but of course Trump's not doing it for their protection. He's just doing it because he's a mean ol' orange racist nazi bigot who wants them all eradicated and points and laughs at them.
No, but in scripture, the Lord laid out specific requirements for a "stranger" to be admitted to His people. Included in those requirements:
Subscribe to Israel's religion and have no other gods;
Work and not depend on others;
Abide by the law.

As a Christian, I'm all for allowing such persons into our country. Personally, I'd love to see more Christian, hard working, law abiding Mexicans enter. We need them.

Just a question: How do folks like James Martin propose to pay for these people WITHOUT stealing from others ie raising taxes?
Why do Christians always concern themselves with above all things?
According to the news reports coming out today, most of the anti-vaxxers are ultra Orthodox Jews in the NYC area. Apparently, a handbook has been circulating those communities claiming vaccines contain monkey, pig and rat DNA and cause autism. Don't tell this to that insanity guy because he is convinced it is all the immigrants coming in who aren't vaccinated and it can't possibly be an anti-vaxxing group. The article did mention that there are a lot of conservatives in TX and liberals in WA State who are also anti-vaxxers.
There aren't enough Orthodox Jew in NY to make them "most". More fake news.
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How is this politicians being slimy? By playing a real recording of her talking about Hitler's totally super awesome ideas?
Did you not Listen to her retort? Did you not understand that the clip he played was taken out of context and did not include the question that was asked or her full response to it? It was a prime example of someone taking something out of context to push a narrative and she called them out on it.
You're willfully ignoring what she said. She was specifically pointing out that in her mind Hitler was bad because he wanted to expand his policies beyond his own borders. No other reason.
That she didn't state other reasons at that point doesn't mean she agreed with everything else he did. Think - if you can.
You watch too much CNN bub, havent you learned they manipulate clips yet? Heres the full one where poor Ted "I want to control you speech" Lieu gets his shit pushed in. Cant wait for your take. Make sure you watch all of it, you dogmatic tribalistic son of gun.

I loved how when he brought out that clip you could see her face twitching with anger. She was fired up. Candace rocks.

CNN 'fact checked' it and marked it false....debate over
OK, then 'splain exactly what it is they DO want and their solutions to get there?

Oh, and Beto and Juan Castro among others in the running for the Dim nomination might disagree.
There aren't enough Orthodox Jew in NY to make them "most". More fake news.

Jews aren’t even two percent of the population so yeah, I’d say it’s doubtful they make up the “majority” in this situation. Unless we are talking about media, they aren’t the majority in anything.
You capitalized the wrong word. "that quote was stating that IF ALL Hitler had wanted to do was the same as nationalists he wouldn’t have been bad." Exactly. She thinks IF Hitler had just kept his policies within his own borders he would have been great. A politician directly in line with her views. One she could really get behind.
I'd say, you DA, but I'm sure others beat me to it. His overall policies & nationalists are not one & the same as you leap too reflexively.