How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You must have missed the part where part of the law was ruled unconstitutional. And the part where a judge told him to put nearly 20,000 people back on the rolls and he didn't.

This was all a part of KK's and Brownback's plan to get rid of as many possible Democratic votes. The majority of the people that got knocked off the voting rolls were young and lived either in urban areas or college towns. How do you think more of those folks are going to vote? Same strategy as states gerrymandering

Being unconstitutional doesn't automatically equate to voter suppression. In fact, the ID requirement keeps getting struck down on a financial obligation argument.

Requiring someone to be eligible and vote only once is anything but suppression. It's common sense.
Can you give an example of the “voter suppression laws” that he passed?
This is a good example how people set you up for an endless argument. Instead of doing their own research they ask someone to do for them so they can start arguing.

This is pertinent though: A federal judge this week struck down Kansas’ severely restrictive voter registration regime, ruling that Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s pet law violates the Constitution and the National Voter Registration Act.
Not wanting to start an argument, but can you at least understand why people think it is reasonable to have to show you are who you are and are in fact entitled to vote before you vote? Why is that so unreasonable? I really cannot comprehend why that seems so unreasonable to Democrats. Not everyone who thinks that is racist or out to deprive those entitled to vote their right to vote.

It is the right that should be most protected. Protected to ensure all entitled to vote get to vote and protected to ensure that not entitled are not allowed. For every illegal vote cast, someone was disenfranchised.

I think it is reasonable if the law is constitutional and if there was a problem in the first place. There isn't a problem with illegal immigrants voting in KS. This has been proven over and over again. KK spent an insane amount of time looking for these illegal votes for years and found 10 confused elderly people. Why pass a law which disenfranchises thousands when there isn't a problem in the first place? What is his true motive

Logic tells me that most illegal immigrants don't really want to vote in the first place. They don't come to the US to vote. They come to work. If I am an illegal immigrant, the last thing I am going to do is show up to a polling station where someone might begin to question whether I should be here. Why take that risk?

I don't have a problem with showing ID. Seems reasonable to me. Well within the law.
He tried to do so many things to purge voting rolls, it's hard to find a place to start. The biggest thing was when he was AG and helped get some laws passed that made it more difficult for some to vote. The law had two basic parts: need photo ID to vote and new KS voters needed to provide proof of citizenship. His claim was that illegal immigrants were voting and others were voting on behalf of dead people. He said something to the effect that 36,000 illegals were voting and 2000 others were voting on behalf of the dead. The problem with Kobach is that he makes these claims with no proof that it is a problem. While AG his office found less than 10 cases of actual voter fraud. If I remember right, most were older people who somehow got confused (moved from another state and double voted). Voter ID laws wouldn't have stopped this btw

While voter fraud certainly does exist, it does not exist in the numbers that KK claims. In a three year period, he excluded 36,000 residents from the voting rolls because they didn't meet the qualifications. Eventually the courts said it was unconsitutional to have to prove citizenship because the judge stated (correctly) you cannot take away voting rights for thousands of legal voters to stop a mythical problem. He was ordered to put about 18,000 people back on the voter rolls. It took him 18 months to do this. For this, he was found in contempt.

Basically he created a system that was so confusing that local voting officials weren't even sure what to do. This is just one example. Look into him. There is plenty more out there

Wait...What? The nerve of him to actually want voters to show an ID and proof they are a citizen...the horror. Damn him...Damn him to hell for being so evil.

Hell While we're at it, lets just do away with voter rolls all together. Just let anyone walk up to a booth and cast a ballot. Age?, nationality, citizenship...none of those semantics should matter. People shouldn't have to put forth any effort to actually vote.
This is a good example how people set you up for an endless argument. Instead of doing their own research they ask someone to do for them so they can start arguing.

This is pertinent though: A federal judge this week struck down Kansas’ severely restrictive voter registration regime, ruling that Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s pet law violates the Constitution and the National Voter Registration Act.

I was thinking the same thing when I attempted to explain it. This is the problem with party politics on both sides. Lots of Americans just believe what the talking heads tell them ("KK: millions of illegal immigrants are voting illegally) and they take it as the gospel truth. Too lazy to actually research it on their own and come up with their own opinions
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I was thinking the same thing when I attempted to explain it. This is the problem with party politics on both sides. Lots of Americans just believe what the talking heads tell them ("KK: millions of illegal immigrants are voting illegally) and they take it as the gospel truth. Too lazy to actually research it on their own and come up with their own opinions
There are some conservative posters here who would support Satan himself if he would put an (R) after his name.
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Oh, so you want to argue that Democrats aren’t Jew/Israel haters? I could spend all day spamming the **** out of this thread with Jew hating quotes/articles from your side. But Unlike Levi, I gotta actually work. I’ll save it for later.
Yeah, bring it on. If your definition of "Jew/Israel hater" is opposition to specific policies that are also not widely popular in Israel itself then you're an idiot.

Even the right-wing of Israel is to the left of the American political spectrum. Free and nearly college for all, universal healthcare that also provides abortions. About their only alignment with the American right wing is with regards to the Palestinian people and the annexation of lands in Gaza and the West Bank and those policies are not without opposition in Israel.

So bring it on and let me expose your ignorance. I guess you think that 80% of Rabbis hate Jews too?
This reads like The Onion, but sadly it is real.

They won't be satisfied taking away your guns.

These people used to rule the world.

All knives stolen from Avon and Somerset Police knife amnesty bin


POLICE are investigating after a knife amnesty bin was ransacked - and all the knives stolen.

Avon and Somerset Constabulary installed the 'knife surrender bin' following a 52 per cent spike in knife crime across the force area in the past year.

But a day later the bin in Weston-super-Mare was broken into and the knives were taken.

PC Jon Biggins said: "On the evening of March 13, the knife surrender bin in Weston was broken into by a number of people.

"The contents were recovered a short distance away, and the whole incident was caught on CCTV.

"We are in the process of identifying those responsible in order to bring about a prosecution."

I was thinking the same thing when I attempted to explain it. This is the problem with party politics on both sides. Lots of Americans just believe what the talking heads tell them ("KK: millions of illegal immigrants are voting illegally) and they take it as the gospel truth. Too lazy to actually research it on their own and come up with their own opinions
Logic tells most people that a voting system without IDs in a country with 15m or so illegals is dumb as hell. As for "both sides" what are some of the Dem talking heads ones related to voting you want to address?
I think it is reasonable if the law is constitutional and if there was a problem in the first place. There isn't a problem with illegal immigrants voting in KS. This has been proven over and over again. KK spent an insane amount of time looking for these illegal votes for years and found 10 confused elderly people. Why pass a law which disenfranchises thousands when there isn't a problem in the first place? What is his true motive

Logic tells me that most illegal immigrants don't really want to vote in the first place. They don't come to the US to vote. They come to work. If I am an illegal immigrant, the last thing I am going to do is show up to a polling station where someone might begin to question whether I should be here. Why take that risk?

I don't have a problem with showing ID. Seems reasonable to me. Well within the law.
Why is your "logic" the only form that is acceptable? You really think in today's environment it is unfathomable that people are being brought to polling stations to vote, ballot harvesting potentially going on, people potentially voting under a different name? And I think given the team attitude it can happen on BOTH sides. If it is not going on, why fight it so hard since it will have no impact? Shut people up by requiring ID and to in order to get said ID you have to prove citizenship.

As far as the constitutional part with the way the constitution has been bastardized by the political judges, it does not pass the "logic test" for a large pecentage of folks. The same group of people who can find in the constitution a woman's right to privacy for an abortion, have no qualms with approving a court that grants secret surveillance on US Citizens based on a bullshit political report.
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So Trump wasn't getting enough children from the border to molest so he fired the head of Homeland Security?
This is a good example how people set you up for an endless argument. Instead of doing their own research they ask someone to do for them so they can start arguing.

This is pertinent though: A federal judge this week struck down Kansas’ severely restrictive voter registration regime, ruling that Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s pet law violates the Constitution and the National Voter Registration Act.

Maybe. i just asked for an example of the law. all he replied with was “proof of citizenship, photo ID.”
I think it is reasonable if the law is constitutional and if there was a problem in the first place. There isn't a problem with illegal immigrants voting in KS. This has been proven over and over again. KK spent an insane amount of time looking for these illegal votes for years and found 10 confused elderly people. Why pass a law which disenfranchises thousands when there isn't a problem in the first place? What is his true motive

Logic tells me that most illegal immigrants don't really want to vote in the first place. They don't come to the US to vote. They come to work. If I am an illegal immigrant, the last thing I am going to do is show up to a polling station where someone might begin to question whether I should be here. Why take that risk?

I don't have a problem with showing ID. Seems reasonable to me. Well within the law.
The biggest problem I have with what you said above is why should we wait until a problem exists before creating laws that ensure fair elections where fraud is difficult for perpetrate. I don't think whether or not illegals are voting in high numbers matter with respect to having laws that protect us from that possibility. I also don't think you have to have large numbers of people voting for people who are dead in order to enact laws that protect from that possibility. We shouldn't wait for an election to be stolen before we act to protect us from voter fraud.
He tried to do so many things to purge voting rolls, it's hard to find a place to start. The biggest thing was when he was AG and helped get some laws passed that made it more difficult for some to vote. The law had two basic parts: need photo ID to vote and new KS voters needed to provide proof of citizenship. His claim was that illegal immigrants were voting and others were voting on behalf of dead people. He said something to the effect that 36,000 illegals were voting and 2000 others were voting on behalf of the dead. The problem with Kobach is that he makes these claims with no proof that it is a problem. While AG his office found less than 10 cases of actual voter fraud. If I remember right, most were older people who somehow got confused (moved from another state and double voted). Voter ID laws wouldn't have stopped this btw

While voter fraud certainly does exist, it does not exist in the numbers that KK claims. In a three year period, he excluded 36,000 residents from the voting rolls because they didn't meet the qualifications. Eventually the courts said it was unconsitutional to have to prove citizenship because the judge stated (correctly) you cannot take away voting rights for thousands of legal voters to stop a mythical problem. He was ordered to put about 18,000 people back on the voter rolls. It took him 18 months to do this. For this, he was found in contempt.

Basically he created a system that was so confusing that local voting officials weren't even sure what to do. This is just one example. Look into him. There is plenty more out there
I agree with voter ID's and proof of citizenship. I have had to do it for jobs that I have had. If you are going to vote in any election affecting this country, you should be able to prove you are a citizen. It is not hard to do.
The electoral college is a failure. The Founding Fathers would probably agree

My stock answer would be if you have a problem with it, amend the Constitution. There are mechanisms already built in to get the results you want.

They don't have the votes to amend the constitution legitimately.

The first needs restrictions. The second needs repealed. The twelve is a holdover from slavery.

The endgame is going after the document itself as being flawed and in need of overhaul and replacement.

Their has to be a judge in Hawaii that would rule the Constitution as unconstitutional.
Public libraries all across this great country of ours require identification verification before issuing free library cards.

Exhibit A: Louisville Public Library Card Requirements

Patrons living in Jefferson County:
  • Bring a photo ID with proof of your current home address. This can be a driver's license or preprinted check. A recent piece of mail along with another ID will also be good for verification.
  • If you do not have proof of your current home address, the library will mail a postcard to the address you provide. Bring the postcard and another ID to the library for verification.

  • Patrons not living in Jefferson county:
    • Bring proof that you qualify for a free card in addition to a photo ID with your current home address.
      • For proof of employment in Jefferson county, you may use employee IDs, paycheck stubs or business cards. Insurance cards may be used if they show the employer.
      • You may use student IDs, library cards from colleges and universities or Tarc student ID cards to verify that you are a student in Jefferson county.
      • If you own property in Jefferson county, bring proof of ownership.

Are public libraries racist? Are they suppressing book reading? Where is the outrage? I demand justice!!! Suppressed readers of the world unite!!! Fight back!!! RESIST!!!

Why is your "logic" the only form that is acceptable? You really think in today's environment it is unfathomable that people are being brought to polling stations to vote, ballot harvesting potentially going on, people potentially voting under a different name? And I think given the team attitude it can happen on BOTH sides. If it is not going on, why fight it so hard since it will have no impact? Shut people up by requiring ID and to in order to get said ID you have to prove citizenship.

As far as the constitutional part with the way the constitution has been bastardized by the political judges, it does not pass the "logic test" for a large pecentage of folks. The same group of people who can find in the constitution a woman's right to privacy for an abortion, have no qualms with approving a court that grants secret surveillance on US Citizens based on a bullshit political report.

If there's not a backhanded reason for getting illegals the ability or means to vote, then why is there a big push by several districts or states, run by democrats mind you, to allow illegals to get drivers licenses?

Furthermore, I still need someone to explain how requiring an ID is "Supression" or "racist" or any other term the left likes to use to describe the requirement. In fact it's pretty racist for democrats to suggest that minorities are being suppressed because it implies they don't have the means to obtain one or can't afford the 15-20 bucks it takes to get one. They'll come up with a whole litany of excuses as to why or how they can't go obtain a proper state issued ID.

I loved the video that was out around the last election of the guy in the streets of THe Bronx or Brookly or somewhere asking minorities if they had trouble obtaining an ID or if they knew where the DMV was. Pretty much all of them looked at the interviewer like he was stupid, and either showed they already had an ID or could tell him exactly where the DMV was.

There's just some some things in life that no matter how poor or "oppressed" you may be or feel, that is or should be common knowledge or just a routine part of life and one of those is getting a Drivers License or some state issued ID. You kinda have to have one to do a whole lot of things in this country. Not just vote.
Asylum has two basic requirements. First, an asylum applicant must establish that he or she fears persecution in their home country.[4] Second, the applicant must prove that he or she would be persecuted on account of one of five protected grounds: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or particular social group.[5]

^ please explain how this definition applies to what we’re seeing at the border. There are no requirements. You show up, surrender yourself and we take you in. The idea of someone “proving” they are being persecuted by their country is hilarious.

Idk who created these stupid laws but they should be persecuted for being an evil dumbass.

Hell, a section of our government doesn’t believe you should “prove” you're a citizen of this country in order to vote.
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Also, our country is the absolute worst at persecuting people because of race, religion, nationality, sexual preference, etc etc....according to dems we need to be like the rest of the world, so seems as if it is our citizens who need to seek refuge in other, more tolerant Iran, and such. Get real. Why should people be seeking refuge in the country where Hitler is literally the president?
Being unconstitutional doesn't automatically equate to voter suppression. In fact, the ID requirement keeps getting struck down on a financial obligation argument.

Requiring someone to be eligible and vote only once is anything but suppression. It's common sense.
Being considered unconstitutional does not mean it is either. Some Judges are bought and paid for, 9th Circuit anyone? Judges make bad or biased opinions too. That does not make KK wrong.
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If there's not a backhanded reason for getting illegals the ability or means to vote, then why is there a big push by several districts or states, run by democrats mind you, to allow illegals to get drivers licenses?

Furthermore, I still need someone to explain how requiring an ID is "Supression" or "racist" or any other term the left likes to use to describe the requirement. In fact it's pretty racist for democrats to suggest that minorities are being suppressed because it implies they don't have the means to obtain one or can't afford the 15-20 bucks it takes to get one. They'll come up with a whole litany of excuses as to why or how they can't go obtain a proper state issued ID.

I loved the video that was out around the last election of the guy in the streets of THe Bronx or Brookly or somewhere asking minorities if they had trouble obtaining an ID or if they knew where the DMV was. Pretty much all of them looked at the interviewer like he was stupid, and either showed they already had an ID or could tell him exactly where the DMV was.

There's just some some things in life that no matter how poor or "oppressed" you may be or feel, that is or should be common knowledge or just a routine part of life and one of those is getting a Drivers License or some state issued ID. You kinda have to have one to do a whole lot of things in this country. Not just vote.
I agree. I am just at a loss as to what logical reason there is to not require ID and proof of citizenship. The Democrats in particular make it a racist thing and for effing sakes not everybody who disagrees with them is a racist or a religious zealot.

I am simply trying to get those opposed to protecting our most fundamental right to defend it without using the racist crap that they default to using. If the reason is cost of obtaining an ID that is just bullshit because we all know the government could simply fund this.
The road to hell is paved with...

Keep on a sorting, it's all going to the same spot.

Most recycling is going straight to the landfill


Until recently, the U.S. and other developed countries sold much of their recyclables to China, which accepted more than 40 percent of American wastepaper, plastic, glass, metal, and other reusable materials. Several other Asian countries and some U.S. processing companies bought most of the rest. China began importing trash in the late 1980s to feed its growing manufacturing sector. Taking advantage of the country's abundant supply of cheap labor, Chinese companies employed legions of people to sort through the junk; it was then converted into cheap exports such as shoes, bottles, hoses, and phones. Shipping containers filled with Chinese goods would drop off their cargo in the U.S. and return filled with recyclable trash to be turned into more stuff. That all changed in January 2018. That's when China banned most imports of "loathsome foreign garbage," including post-consumer plastic and mixed paper. The recycling industry — which handles about 25 percent of America's total waste — now has nowhere to send what it collects. "I've been in garbage all my life," says Kevin Barnes, the solid-waste director for the city of Bakersfield, California. "This is unprecedented."

What's happening instead?
More trash is being buried or burned
. Many communities used to make money selling trash to private recycling companies that would process the materials and then sell them to China or to manufacturers. Now they're having to pay those companies to take their recycling away. Philadelphia went from making $67 a ton selling trash in 2012 to having to pay $40 a ton in mid-2018 to get rid of its recycling. The city now burns about half of the city's recycling, converting the waste to energy. Other cities have responded by cutting back the kinds of recycling they accept, while many small communities have been forced to suspend or cancel recycling programs altogether and send everything to landfills.
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Logic tells most people that a voting system without IDs in a country with 15m or so illegals is dumb as hell. As for "both sides" what are some of the Dem talking heads ones related to voting you want to address?
All legal people have ID's or can get one. They need it to bank, fish, drive, get medicine, etc....everyone knows this so why the reluctance to make it mandatory to show for voting?

Straight answer.....illegals will not be able to vote if voters ID's are used. It is pointless for lefties to argue this for they too know it is true. They are just corrupt and keeping their base (the dumb ones) riled up thinking it is a racial or poor issue.