How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Maybe. i just asked for an example of the law. all he replied with was “proof of citizenship, photo ID.”
Whatever. People asked for examples and I provided one and talked through it. As he mentioned, look into it on your own
All legal people have ID's or can get one. They need it to bank, fish, drive, get medicine, etc....everyone knows this so why the reluctance to make it mandatory to show for voting?

Straight answer.....illegals will not be able to vote if voters ID's are used. It is pointless for lefties to argue this for they too know it is true. They are just corrupt and keeping their base (the dumb ones) riled up thinking it is a racial or poor issue.

it is worse than just illegals voting. think about the multiple voters and the dead voters. you will know when they are scared, that's when the bulk of voting goes absentee; who will check their ID? don't get started on ballot harvesting...
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The electoral college is a failure. The Founding Fathers would probably agree

My stock answer would be if you have a problem with it, amend the Constitution. There are mechanisms already built in to get the results you want.

They don't have the votes to amend the constitution legitimately.

The first needs restrictions. The second needs repealed. The twelve is a holdover from slavery.

The endgame is going after the document itself as being flawed and in need of overhaul and replacement.

Their has to be a judge in Hawaii that would rule the Constitution as unconstitutional.
If you amend it, we must put the need for voter ID and proof of citizenship in the amendment.
Whatever. People asked for examples and I provided one and talked through it. As he mentioned, look into it on your own

I think the point being made is that your example was an extremely poor one, with no logical basis as to why those requirements are in any way "Suppressing" voters. We need your explanations on just how it's suppressing so we can shoot that down the toilet too.
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The biggest problem I have with what you said above is why should we wait until a problem exists before creating laws that ensure fair elections where fraud is difficult for perpetrate. I don't think whether or not illegals are voting in high numbers matter with respect to having laws that protect us from that possibility. I also don't think you have to have large numbers of people voting for people who are dead in order to enact laws that protect from that possibility. We shouldn't wait for an election to be stolen before we act to protect us from voter fraud.

I guess we just disagree. I don't see the point in requiring proof of citizenship in KS when voter fraud (all types) wasn't an issue for years and years. As I mentioned in a previous post, I don't think this is KK's true motive. For years, he went on and on about this problem and would come up with numbers that simply weren't there. When pressed or investigated, he couldn't prove his numbers and would back track. It was a pattern with this guy. So I go back to what is his true motive with trying all of this? Party politics. Most of the people who were put on the lists tended to be young and urban and more likely to vote for a democrat. The dude isn't dumb; look at his education. Just don't see the point in throwing up a law (which was unconstitutional), when there is no need and in the process, take thousands of eligible voters off the rolls and make it more difficult for them to vote.
I think the point being made is that your example was an extremely poor one, with no logical basis as to why those requirements are in any way "Suppressing" voters. We need your explanations on just how it's suppressing so we can shoot that down the toilet too.

Voter suppression is a strategy used to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing specific groups of people from voting.

Taking 30k+ voters off the rolls and requiring them to prove citizenship (which is illegal) is voter suppression. Sorry you cannot see this
Gee I wonder why ppl think this, when MSNBC and CNN and the gang have told ppl repeatedly getting tax cuts is bad. The reality is 8 out 10 Americans did indeed get a tax cut

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Being considered unconstitutional does not mean it is either. Some Judges are bought and paid for, 9th Circuit anyone? Judges make bad or biased opinions too. That does not make KK wrong.

Being ruled unconstitutional by a court means it is unconstitutional. So if an acting attorney general of a state is given a court order to do something, and he doesn't follow it because he disagrees, that is okay in your book?

And btw the judge that made the ruling was a Bush appointee: "In brief, Judge Robinson found that the defense had presented no credible evidence of the massive problem claimed and instead had erected substantial obstacles to voter registration by people eligible to vote per the National Voter Registration Act and the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. She further found defendant Kobach in contempt of court."
If you amend it, we must put the need for voter ID and proof of citizenship in the amendment.
It should never be amended for the electoral college. The USA is a collective of states with their own state constitutions that agreed to form a nation but the states only gave limited powers to the federal government. I know, I know you can get up off the floor from laughing but that is how the country was founded and intended.

If just a popular vote then there is no longer a need for states, or the related state and local governments. Mob rule.

That is the problem with liberals. They don't want to be able to run their life the way the want to. They want to tell you how you must live your life. If I wanted it to be ok for people to defecate on my streets, I would move to California. See that is the way it was intended to work.
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Yeah, bring it on. If your definition of "Jew/Israel hater" is opposition to specific policies that are also not widely popular in Israel itself then you're an idiot.

Even the right-wing of Israel is to the left of the American political spectrum. Free and nearly college for all, universal healthcare that also provides abortions. About their only alignment with the American right wing is with regards to the Palestinian people and the annexation of lands in Gaza and the West Bank and those policies are not without opposition in Israel.

So bring it on and let me expose your ignorance. I guess you think that 80% of Rabbis hate Jews too?
I love it when ppl say "insert other country it's like the left bc insert welfare program"

What's the population of Israel compared to the US? Doesnt Israel outsource most of its military to the US to alleviate that expense that allows to pay for said welfare programs? Hard pills to swallow.
I guess we just disagree. I don't see the point in requiring proof of citizenship in KS when voter fraud (all types) wasn't an issue for years and years. As I mentioned in a previous post, I don't think this is KK's true motive. For years, he went on and on about this problem and would come up with numbers that simply weren't there. When pressed or investigated, he couldn't prove his numbers and would back track. It was a pattern with this guy. So I go back to what is his true motive with trying all of this? Party politics. Most of the people who were put on the lists tended to be young and urban and more likely to vote for a democrat. The dude isn't dumb; look at his education. Just don't see the point in throwing up a law (which was unconstitutional), when there is no need and in the process, take thousands of eligible voters off the rolls and make it more difficult for them to vote.

But you believe voter suppression is the reason. Why is it wrong to prove citizenship to get voter ID? The requirement to vote in federal elections is you must be a citizen, correct?

What logical reason beyond you don't see a need is there for not making sure requirements are followed? Have you seen numerous 8 year old kids trying to vote? Why prove your age then?
Proof of identity applied to all races. At the very core of a fair and accurate election, an electoral body must be able to determine the person 1) is eligible to vote and 2) only votes once.

That's fundamental fairness and common sense. Doesn't even have to do with illegals. Applies across the board. Not voter suppression. Far from making the man out to be a monster (per your original post).

The rationale for these laws get shot down is based on cost associated with an id. In no way has anything to do with voter suppression.
The road to hell is paved with...

Keep on a sorting, it's all going to the same spot.

Most recycling is going straight to the landfill


Until recently, the U.S. and other developed countries sold much of their recyclables to China, which accepted more than 40 percent of American wastepaper, plastic, glass, metal, and other reusable materials. Several other Asian countries and some U.S. processing companies bought most of the rest. China began importing trash in the late 1980s to feed its growing manufacturing sector. Taking advantage of the country's abundant supply of cheap labor, Chinese companies employed legions of people to sort through the junk; it was then converted into cheap exports such as shoes, bottles, hoses, and phones. Shipping containers filled with Chinese goods would drop off their cargo in the U.S. and return filled with recyclable trash to be turned into more stuff. That all changed in January 2018. That's when China banned most imports of "loathsome foreign garbage," including post-consumer plastic and mixed paper. The recycling industry — which handles about 25 percent of America's total waste — now has nowhere to send what it collects. "I've been in garbage all my life," says Kevin Barnes, the solid-waste director for the city of Bakersfield, California. "This is unprecedented."

What's happening instead?
More trash is being buried or burned
. Many communities used to make money selling trash to private recycling companies that would process the materials and then sell them to China or to manufacturers. Now they're having to pay those companies to take their recycling away. Philadelphia went from making $67 a ton selling trash in 2012 to having to pay $40 a ton in mid-2018 to get rid of its recycling. The city now burns about half of the city's recycling, converting the waste to energy. Other cities have responded by cutting back the kinds of recycling they accept, while many small communities have been forced to suspend or cancel recycling programs altogether and send everything to landfills.
Our household is big into recycling, as is our community. As a nation, we really should explore better methods for waste disposal. Plastics are killing us.

Another thing I've noticed has been a recent collapse in aluminum can prices over the past year. Here in Austin, aluminum can prices declined from 48 cents/lb to 34 cents/lb. I've probably got 30+ lbs in cans sitting around.
Being ruled unconstitutional by a court means it is unconstitutional. So if an acting attorney general of a state is given a court order to do something, and he doesn't follow it because he disagrees, that is okay in your book?

And btw the judge that made the ruling was a Bush appointee: "In brief, Judge Robinson found that the defense had presented no credible evidence of the massive problem claimed and instead had erected substantial obstacles to voter registration by people eligible to vote per the National Voter Registration Act and the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. She further found defendant Kobach in contempt of court."
"Unconstitutional" is in the eyes of the current court. Rulings get overturned all the time.

If you're against voter registration... well, that's all I need to know.
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"Unconstitutional" is in the eyes of the current court. Rulings get overturned all the time.

If you're against voter registration... well, that's all I need to know.

Agreed rulings do get overturned. But until they do, they have to be followed. KK didn't follow the court order and was held in contempt. It is actually pretty simple. We can't have a system of government where we ignore law because we don't agree with it
I guess we just disagree. I don't see the point in requiring proof of citizenship in KS when voter fraud (all types) wasn't an issue for years and years. As I mentioned in a previous post, I don't think this is KK's true motive. For years, he went on and on about this problem and would come up with numbers that simply weren't there. When pressed or investigated, he couldn't prove his numbers and would back track. It was a pattern with this guy. So I go back to what is his true motive with trying all of this? Party politics. Most of the people who were put on the lists tended to be young and urban and more likely to vote for a democrat. The dude isn't dumb; look at his education. Just don't see the point in throwing up a law (which was unconstitutional), when there is no need and in the process, take thousands of eligible voters off the rolls and make it more difficult for them to vote.
I think you are getting too caught up in this particular situation. I couldn't care less about this guy, what happened in Kansas, or the Constitutionality of that particular law. I'm making a general comment about protecting the electoral process from fraud. Once fraud occurs in an election, it's too late to correct it because an election has been stolen or tainted at that point. If people are truly interested in fair elections, I don't see how anyone can argue against laws that make it difficult for people to vote if they are not who they say they are.
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Also libs:


How does a stationary object cause anything? Are birds flying into mountains also?
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Voter suppression is a strategy used to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing specific groups of people from voting.

Taking 30k+ voters off the rolls and requiring them to prove citizenship (which is illegal) is voter suppression. Sorry you cannot see this
If requiring voters to prove citizenship is "Illegal" then I guess Kentucky is breaking the law by requiring I show mine? Twice? (At least I had to show mine twice, may have been a mixup in where I was in line or something, but I did nonetheless.)
Not following how requiring proof of citizenship is "Illegal" and still want your explanation on why proving that is wrong in practice or theory.

And I also still am not grasping how requiring an ID is considered "Suppression" you still haven't explained that one either.

Also, many states are required by law (even though most states fail to do it) to purge or clean their voter rolls to ensure voting integrity.

Maybe there's an easier question to ask you...What do you think the voting procedure should be when you go to the polls? From the time you walk in the door to the time you slap your "I voted" sticker on your chest. What should that procedure be that ensures all truly eligible voters get to vote and the potential for fraud and abuse is eliminated?
Public libraries all across this great country of ours require identification verification before issuing free library cards.

Exhibit A: Louisville Public Library Card Requirements

Patrons living in Jefferson County:
  • Bring a photo ID with proof of your current home address. This can be a driver's license or preprinted check. A recent piece of mail along with another ID will also be good for verification.
  • If you do not have proof of your current home address, the library will mail a postcard to the address you provide. Bring the postcard and another ID to the library for verification.

  • Patrons not living in Jefferson county:
    • Bring proof that you qualify for a free card in addition to a photo ID with your current home address.
      • For proof of employment in Jefferson county, you may use employee IDs, paycheck stubs or business cards. Insurance cards may be used if they show the employer.
      • You may use student IDs, library cards from colleges and universities or Tarc student ID cards to verify that you are a student in Jefferson county.
      • If you own property in Jefferson county, bring proof of ownership.

Are public libraries racist? Are they suppressing book reading? Where is the outrage? I demand justice!!! Suppressed readers of the world unite!!! Fight back!!! RESIST!!!

Wow, we need to abolish public libraries for being racist.
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