How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
We have a lot of land and a lot of money. We don’t discriminate against any race or religion. We are, in one poster’s words, a “bad ass country.” I’m not afraid of anyone who wants to come here and earn a living alongside the rest of us. Which aspects of these “demographics” bother you the most?
And you know what bro? Most conservatives don’t have any issues with anyone who wants to come here and earn a living in our capitalist country. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. If someone or even a family wants to come here LEGALLY. EMPHASIS ON LEGALLY!! Then more power to them and we will welcome them with open arms.
I bet her testicles look divine in this dress

“False,” eh?

The Obama part, or the fact that I’ve been just fine living amongst thousands of Muslims?

You really need a new schtick. And that’s rich, coming from me.
It’s the best you’re gonna get . . . he found out a long time ago you could answer false to everything and be right half the time . . . it’s easier than reasoning through perspectives other than your own.
It’s the best you’re gonna get . . . he found out a long time ago you could answer false to everything and be right half the time . . . it’s easier than reasoning through perspectives other than your own.

Paddockfact Checker >>>>SNopes/Politicfact or any other married cat loving prostitute banging cheating husband couple.

Batting .500 half the time and a thousand the other half is pretty good for ole Paddockfact. Check his stats.
It’s the best you’re gonna get . . . he found out a long time ago you could answer false to everything and be right half the time . . . it’s easier than reasoning through perspectives other than your own.
Wrong, it has been proven over and over again that you guys just run with lies, opinion pieces, and unproven half truths that are just repeated from some other site or fake news outlet most of the time not half of the time. This place is saturated with it. Don't have the time to type in why they are false or fake, I just take the easy route knowing that shortly there after I will most probably be right. Not wasting my time with arguing it. There are so many that I could come up with that would just fill this thread with BS for days. Hands up don't shoot, Jussie, video causing Benghazi, Pocahantas, High school students harass veteran, and many many more. You guys have not learned or you are just plain complicit with the same old BS that the left leaning "News" outlets feed you.

As one poster put it "My Schtick". Well, you can rest assured it was born out of your "Schticks". Deal with it boys.

Sounds good to me...

Time to put a sign up on our borders and Lady Liberty that says "What the hell ya'll doing, haven't you heard America sucks? Head to Europe, shit is a utopian party over there."

All joking aside, it's really sad. Some people just want to live in a delusion.

He kicked off his presidency with that type of bullshit touring the globe and kissing ass. Looks like he's getting the band back together.

You can sum up everything that's wrong with that faction of the left with that statement and mentality. They just don't want to be America anymore. They want to be a big global blob. A mixture of every country but the one country million upon millions are trying to get into.

"Let's be more like everyone else...and not the country that is more advanced and richer than any other. The country, that the entire world sends their kids to for college. The country who's aid helps a big chunk of the world. The country who's biotech, big pharma, and mega medical/science R n D infrastructure help the world. The country who sent it's industry and jobs abroad at it's own expense and the expense of its middle class which allowed many other countries to grow...and on and on and on..."
I fell down a rabbit hole watching Patrice O'Neal defend free speech this morning. Hilarious, but disturbing in retrospect. Free speech is done. There wouldn't even be a debate about firing Imus today. In the video where he brilliantly explained a donkey punch, "who's next Opie and Anthony?" popped up . . . Anthony got fired for some stupid shit too. Even one of the guys he debated, infamous douche Marc Lamont Hill, has been fired for saying something "antisemitic".

How do we undo this bullshit?