FalseKeep living in your fantasy world. 87% of African-American voters are Democrats, 7% Republicans. That number is down 4% from 11% in the 90s. I wonder why...
Complete lie and utterly false on all points. You are just a terrible poster who has been wrong at every turn. The constant retort "Do you even party Bro?" does not constitute an intelligent opposing argument to every subject. It might work with your Kindergarten/First graders but even they have surely figured it out by now. Once again, please for all that is good and righteous in this country, quit teaching and just party until you stop breathing. TIA.I own you in this thread, brodie. You can’t stay away from me. I’ll be here until one of us gets banned again.
Guys like you get banned for posting super racist shit on the UK Rivals board.
Guys like me get banned for pointing out that you post super racist shit on the UK Rivals board.
It’s a strange, strange place. It’s certainly one of my favorite ant farms though. Just understand that you contribute nothing to society and Trump doesn’t give a damn about bottomfeeders like you. He’s glad you’re an uneducated racist who will vote for him, but he thinks you’re pure shit, bro.
How does that feel?
This is ignorant claptrap. Trump is despised by the majority of women for his long history of disrespect for women. Grab em by the pussy! Blah blah blah.
Not to mention, Obama is pretty much a death knell to the election hopes of anyone he DOES come out and endorse, so, there is that, as regards creepy old Joe.
But, Biden has way more problematic issues.
He is old and white.
He MIGHT have the best shot at the King, in a general election, but the lunatics of the left will never allow him the chance.
"Obama/Biden Democrat"?Which goes to show how stupid they are, or that they really like hammering on Trump and blaming all the country’s woes on him than they do actually governing the country, because that’s what they’ll be doing for 4 more years if they kick Biden to the curb.
Oh, and if Obama isn’t coming out and endorsing Biden, old Joe will just name drop Obama like he did yesterday by claiming to be an “Obama/Biden Democrat”
Arguing with posters like @420 Bro is like wrestling a pig in the mud... It gets you dirty and the pig actually enjoys it.I own you in this thread, brodie. You can’t stay away from me. I’ll be here until one of us gets banned again.
Guys like you get banned for posting super racist shit on the UK Rivals board.
Guys like me get banned for pointing out that you post super racist shit on the UK Rivals board.
It’s a strange, strange place. It’s certainly one of my favorite ant farms though. Just understand that you contribute nothing to society and Trump doesn’t give a damn about bottomfeeders like you. He’s glad you’re an uneducated racist who will vote for him, but he thinks you’re pure shit, bro.
How does that feel?
Well these two are proof of that. The fact anyone in America gives these two any credibility reveals a major flaw in our society. Both should be disgraced and every thing they say ignored. Pure trash
Easier to let illegals vote.
Orange Man’s “Executive Time” at work. His babysitters always leave the most important tasks to him.
Typical liberal fear tactic to keep the lemmings in line.
Pretty obvious\. Always has, always will. It's called life.Kamala Harris says America has fallen short of its 'ideals' at Al Sharpton event
No doubt plain old domestic violence to avoid classing it a hate crime.Muslim man stabs wife 50 times for converting to Christianity. "This was...a planned & pre-meditated murder involving a brutal & sustained attack... knowing full well that it would deprive 4 children under the age of eight of their mother," said the judge.
This should disqualify him from anything as a first class nutjob.2020 Dem candidate @JulianCastro also thinks that @realdonaldtrump's administration is akin to the Third Reich of Nazi Germany.
“What the president is trying to do is to dehumanize, to other-ize these immigrants.
Good time to buy options on psychiatry practices for 2020/21. Gonna be a great price run up.Chelsea Handler on Trump winning: “I had a mid-life identity crisis once Trump won....I had to pay a psychiatrist to listen to me bitch about Trump....I just wanted to ****ing fight people. And I was like ‘I got to go see a psychiatrist.’”
For those of us that understand this... thats damn funny right there.Good time to buy options on psychiatry practices for 2020/21. Gonna be a great price run up.