I think you are confused about a lot of things and that is probably not your fault. First of all you understand there is something in this country called social security right. You also I would bet, believe there should be some sort of safety net for people, Americans, who have fell on hard times. Most people do. They think a illness shouldn't bankrupt you and sentence you to a life of dread. Now do you understand there are all kinds and different types of socialism integrated in to different countries in a myriad of ways. The Nordic countries are listed as the happiest populations in the world right now and they have integrated socialism with regulated capitalism with great success. Yes they pay high taxes but they have healthcare without insurance premiums that is nearly completely paid for. They have long vacations and short work weeks. They can go to school and get an education as long as they want. So socialism is just like any other system in that execution and set-up are what makes such a difference. Socialism does not mean communism with a centrally planned economy. Right now the countries that have the best cared for, most educated, and least stressed populations have a heavy dose of socialistic programs parallel to their capitalistic economies, and only a ideologue or propagandist will try and convince you otherwise. Capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive. It is ignorant to close your eyes to the reality that exists. We have virtually dozens of countries today that are laboratories where we could study and integrate various solutions to a lot of our problems but old stodgy men who make a gazillion dollars off of us presently do not want that. They want you scared and under their control especially without your knowledge.