How will they rule ??!

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Brian Leiter
Liberal democratic societies have certain values, and they’re mostly good. But the problem is having a capitalist economic system that pollutes the public domain and presents all sorts of obstacles to the intelligent expression and regulation of speech.

Under capitalism, at least the sort of capitalism we have now, the ruling class completely distorts our political process and the laws that get enacted. Until we do something about that, we’re not going to be in any position to hope that regulation of speech, let alone other aspects of law, will actually be conducive to human well-being.
I ask all the time where we should be looking for straight "news." Basically every "mainstream" outlet is tainted with bias, but nobody here can point me to a trustworthy, neutral, unbiased source for US and world news. Especially when it comes to political coverage.

Winging it. lol Guy is going on Mt Rushmore. He saved America

Here's a hint. There is no neutral news outlet. Zilch, nada, zero.

Common sense and stable emotions usually will guide the person to the closest truth.

I also like Steven Crowder. Maybe is rightie, but he will at least listen to the whackjob left wing mindset.
Completely immersing yourself only with others who view the world and believe the exact same way as you do is a wonderful idea . . . not.

Blocking posters is for snowflakes. If a different point of view upsets you that much, you might really want to talk to your parents about some counseling help.
When you saturate a site with constant lies and people cannot carry on a decent conversation without every other post being a meme or opinion pieces based on made up data it does not make for good discussions.

Yeah then there's the fact that libs have been trying to shut out every conservative opinion on social media, school campus's and every other venue they use to block out opposing views and you hypocritically come here and scream foul. Doesn't get dumber than that.

Never forget how sick liberals are...they aren't just wrong...they are disgusting.

Lol. Nice broad brush, guy. Slate tweets something so all liberals are “sick and disgusting.”
What's up, my bros?!?!

I keep getting a slap on the wrist for offering up that piping hot DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT that you guys claim to crave. Weird, right?

While the rest of the world is waiting for Trump to fade away and America to get back to normal, I'm worried that some dangerous precedents are being set while he's in office - from both liberals and conservatives. We'll see how these House investigations go. I'm gonna assume they won't have any impact on Trump's presidency.

Your boy Devin is a straight up cuck though. What a pussy. Who in the hell voted for that bum?

Oh and is The New Yorker a trusted publication, or should I stick with Fox News and Breitbart for the "real truth?" Just curious.
You might want to punt and sit this game out.
Okay I just want to get this straight since people on the left can't get this straight.

Are you saying you are pro socialism? If so, have you always been a socialist? Also before AOC came around, why did everyone on the left not named Bernie act like socialism was a bad thing. Are you a socialist now just because that is the new thing the left tells you is hot?
I think you are confused about a lot of things and that is probably not your fault. First of all you understand there is something in this country called social security right. You also I would bet, believe there should be some sort of safety net for people, Americans, who have fell on hard times. Most people do. They think a illness shouldn't bankrupt you and sentence you to a life of dread. Now do you understand there are all kinds and different types of socialism integrated in to different countries in a myriad of ways. The Nordic countries are listed as the happiest populations in the world right now and they have integrated socialism with regulated capitalism with great success. Yes they pay high taxes but they have healthcare without insurance premiums that is nearly completely paid for. They have long vacations and short work weeks. They can go to school and get an education as long as they want. So socialism is just like any other system in that execution and set-up are what makes such a difference. Socialism does not mean communism with a centrally planned economy. Right now the countries that have the best cared for, most educated, and least stressed populations have a heavy dose of socialistic programs parallel to their capitalistic economies, and only a ideologue or propagandist will try and convince you otherwise. Capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive. It is ignorant to close your eyes to the reality that exists. We have virtually dozens of countries today that are laboratories where we could study and integrate various solutions to a lot of our problems but old stodgy men who make a gazillion dollars off of us presently do not want that. They want you scared and under their control especially without your knowledge.
We elected a charlatan who doesn't like to read, but loves to watch cable TV. It's not about left or right. This guy doesn't have a clue about anything. An apolitical idiot with a narcissistic personality disorder.

I don't see a good economy and immediately associate it with the president. Especially the stock market. I know you didn't mention that, but Trump loves to. I love that we have a vibrant economy. Not hoping for failure on that end.

Let’s take the economy out of it then. His foreign policy is light years better than the last President. 400000 dead Syrians agree.
Japan and Guam not dealing with missiles flying overhead also agree.
Actually holding China’s feet to the fire in trade and stealing intellectual info.
The man was literally given shit for trying to LEAVE Syria. All of 2000 personnel supposedly is gonna hold the redline.

Investigations are being opened solely for the purpose to entrap people in order to make the President weak. That is happening because the moment the Mueller probe is over and no collusion or obstruction is born out democrat heads will roll. So now they’re trying to provide cover for that.
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What do you mean back to normal? A healthy economy? A job market with a ton of openings? You have cities like NY and Californian cities that care about all this gossip, but most normal people don't give a crap about the stupid gossip and drama surrounding politics. Most people care about do they have a job, are their financial opportunities growing and are they safe.

Has Trump really failed in any of those areas? Are people's day to day lives any different?

I'm not sure what dangerous precedents you're talking about either. National emergency? Presidents have done them before. Executive orders? Presidents have done them before. I don't like Trump using those things, but let's not act like he is setting some scary unkown precedent.

I do think spying on he Trump campaign was a dangerous precedent.

To me I think 2 scary precedents have been set under Trump. Finding out how high end FBI employees were trying to find ways to get Trump out of office. And having Democrats do whatever they possibly can to get Trump out of office. If there was some phony evidence he was involved with Russia, fine investigate it. But to have investigations on every little thing to hopefully find the smallest reason to over throw a president that was voted in is extremely scary.

I keep waiting to hear from people on the left on what makes Trump far right and a president that is threatening our democracy. I hear both things constantly, but still haven't heard a single example of either thing.

Agree totally with this. Normal? I’ve lived here for 21 years now and outside of my financial situation improving due to experience, my life hasn’t changed at all. It’s been “normal” since 1996. Wake me up if anything changes.
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I think you are confused about a lot of things and that is probably not your fault. First of all you understand there is something in this country called social security right. You also I would bet, believe there should be some sort of safety net for people, Americans, who have fell on hard times. Most people do. They think a illness shouldn't bankrupt you and sentence you to a life of dread. Now do you understand there are all kinds and different types of socialism integrated in to different countries in a myriad of ways. The Nordic countries are listed as the happiest populations in the world right now and they have integrated socialism with regulated capitalism with great success. Yes they pay high taxes but they have healthcare without insurance premiums that is nearly completely paid for. They have long vacations and short work weeks. They can go to school and get an education as long as they want. So socialism is just like any other system in that execution and set-up are what makes such a difference. Socialism does not mean communism with a centrally planned economy. Right now the countries that have the best cared for, most educated, and least stressed populations have a heavy dose of socialistic programs parallel to their capitalistic economies, and only a ideologue or propagandist will try and convince you otherwise. Capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive. It is ignorant to close your eyes to the reality that exists. We have virtually dozens of countries today that are laboratories where we could study and integrate various solutions to a lot of our problems but old stodgy men who make a gazillion dollars off of us presently do not want that. They want you scared and under their control especially without your knowledge.
Those Scandinavian countries will not be so good in the next 10 to 20 years because their taxes continue to go up to meet the needs of ever growing social programs.
I think you are confused about a lot of things and that is probably not your fault. First of all you understand there is something in this country called social security right. You also I would bet, believe there should be some sort of safety net for people, Americans, who have fell on hard times. Most people do. They think a illness shouldn't bankrupt you and sentence you to a life of dread. Now do you understand there are all kinds and different types of socialism integrated in to different countries in a myriad of ways. The Nordic countries are listed as the happiest populations in the world right now and they have integrated socialism with regulated capitalism with great success. Yes they pay high taxes but they have healthcare without insurance premiums that is nearly completely paid for. They have long vacations and short work weeks. They can go to school and get an education as long as they want. So socialism is just like any other system in that execution and set-up are what makes such a difference. Socialism does not mean communism with a centrally planned economy. Right now the countries that have the best cared for, most educated, and least stressed populations have a heavy dose of socialistic programs parallel to their capitalistic economies, and only a ideologue or propagandist will try and convince you otherwise. Capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive. It is ignorant to close your eyes to the reality that exists. We have virtually dozens of countries today that are laboratories where we could study and integrate various solutions to a lot of our problems but old stodgy men who make a gazillion dollars off of us presently do not want that. They want you scared and under their control especially without your knowledge.

Not a single thing you said in this post had absolutely anything to do with what I asked you haha.

I didn't ask if you like the idea of having social programs. I never said socialism is Communism. What works for countries that spend close to nothing for defense and have a population smaller than some US cities, doesn't mean it will work for a country that is asked to protect the majority of the world, have 300+ million people, millions upon millions of poor illegal immigrants and much more. If I wanted to ask you on your opinions on what social programs you want implemented, that is the question I would've asked.

I asked a pretty simple question, do you consider yourself a socialist.
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We elected a charlatan who doesn't like to read, but loves to watch cable TV. It's not about left or right. This guy doesn't have a clue about anything. An apolitical idiot with a narcissistic personality disorder.

I don't see a good economy and immediately associate it with the president. Especially the stock market. I know you didn't mention that, but Trump loves to. I love that we have a vibrant economy. Not hoping for failure on that end.

You created a new handle just to say this. Lol
Those Scandinavian countries will not be so good in the next 10 to 20 years because their taxes continue to go up to meet the needs of ever growing social programs.

Correct. They also have a pretty new phenom for those countries as well, mass immigration. Over the last 10-15 years, those Scandinavian countries have seen a huge boost in poor immigration.
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Correct. They also have a pretty new phenom for those countries as well, mass immigration. Over the last 10-15 years, those Scandinavian countries have seen a huge boost in poor immigration.

I hate to sound racist, but if they kept their populations overwhelmingly Caucasian, they’d be fine. Letting people from shithole countries in will be their undoing.


The "media" didn't seem to have a problem with everyone throwing what amounted to an 8 year parade that really still continues to some degree today, for Obama.

Nobody questioned the cozy relationships and bromances Obama had with basically entire media and entertainment complex. Hell, they're all fantasizing about his wife running and maybe kids one day as well...

So it's okay for liberal group think to exist across about 98% of the media and entertainment complex...but that little 2% that's conservative, by god we got to watch out for them...

You can name the conservative voices and outlets, on one can't possibly begin to name all the liberal outlets, voices, blogs, vlogs, websites, social medias, production companies, and on and on...
Not a single thing you said in this post had absolutely nothing to do with what I asked you haha.

I didn't ask if you like the idea of having social programs. I never said socialism is Communism. What works for countries that spend close to nothing for defense and have a population smaller than some US cities, doesn't mean it will work for a country that is asked to protect the majority of the world, have 300+ million people, millions upon millions of poor illegal immigrants and much more. If I wanted to ask you on your opinions on what social programs you want implemented, that is the question I would've asked.

I asked a pretty simple question, do you consider yourself a socialist.

Love this post - also, way too many people confuse single payer healthcare with full blown socialism. They aren’t remotely similar. Canada, Western Europe, Australia etc are capitalist economies with expanded social programs (mainly the healthcare .)

Also, as you pointed out, it works there because populations are much lower and there isn’t nearly as much riff raff. There are more poor people in California and New York than the entire population of Canada.

The "media" didn't seem to have a problem with everyone throwing what amounted to an 8 year parade that really still continues to some degree today, for Obama.

Nobody questioned the cozy relationships and bromances Obama had with basically entire media and entertainment complex. Hell, they're all fantasizing about his wife running and maybe kids one day as well...

So it's okay for liberal group think to exist across about 98% of the media and entertainment complex...but that little 2% that's conservative, by god we got to watch out for them...

You can name the conservative voices and outlets, on one can't possibly begin to name all the liberal outlets, voices, blogs, vlogs, websites, social medias, production companies, and on and on...

It never dawns on them that the only reason Fox wins in the ratings is that every other network is identical. If you want anything remotely different than pure hardcore Democrat bias, Fox is your only option and even then, that network is about 60/40 favorable for Trump.