How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Remember this guy. Seth Rich. Who died exposing the Clintons and DNC colluding with foreign nations to rig an election

So longtime board hero Rand Paul is going to side with the dems on the national emergency block. Will that make him persona non grata around here?

Rand Paul is one of my favorite politicians (he is who I wouldve voted for if he won the Republican primary). This is one of the reasons I like him.

I'm glad he did this. I think the national emergency is the wrong way to do this. He believes in checks and balances and this over steps that.

I agree with him 100% on this. I want more funding for border security, but I want it done properly. If the Republicans failed to get the Congress to put enough funding into it, then the Republicans failed. The checks and balances are there for a reason.
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Agreed. Would be nice too maybe if people didn't go psycho because of a f*****g hat.

I don't even own a MAGA hat but I almost want to buy one to see if some pussy lib would try to make me take it off.

I think everyone should get a MAGA and then when some liberal tries to knock it off, pull out that gun and blast them. Self defense
Agreed. Would be nice too maybe if people didn't go psycho because of a f*****g hat.

I don't even own a MAGA hat but I almost want to buy one to see if some pussy lib would try to make me take it off.

haha, I've had the same thought actually... but I took my my Trump sticker off my car day after election, didn't and don't need the hassle of getting it keyed or worse whatever
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Agreed. Would be nice too maybe if people didn't go psycho because of a f*****g hat.

I don't even own a MAGA hat but I almost want to buy one to see if some pussy lib would try to make me take it off.
Got this in DC during inauguration week when I was there for Passport Agent re-certification testing in January 2017. Never wore it, just got it for historical purposes.

Still have not answered about this Boston you hypocrite. You said that people should get the government mandatory vaccination so as not to spread diseases but, you are for illegals coming in as many as want to without being detained which by the way, will not have been vaccinated not to mention the gang members, drug dealers and possible terrorist members. .So, once again, Americans should follow the law but illegal aliens should not? What is the thought process/rationale behind this? Are you jeopardizing the safety of Americans in favor of votes for the democratic party?

Are you this careless with your own family, or are you in an area that won't be immediately affected.
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