How will they rule ??!

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Does 98% of what's posted here even qualify as a "meme"?

When I think "meme" I think of the Spongebob shit with UpPerCaSE and loWERcAsE, "good guy greg", etc. Not someone's crazy aunt using photoshop to put words on any random picture so it reminds Levi of the story books his mom reads him at bedtime.
Does 98% of what's posted here even qualify as a "meme"?

When I think "meme" I think of the Spongebob shit with UpPerCaSE and loWERcAsE, "good guy greg", etc. Not someone's crazy aunt using photoshop to put words on any random picture so it reminds Levi of the story books his mom reads him at bedtime.
To Levi and the like they are not meme's either, they are factual statements that were put out by the " diverse educated" left.

What's the old saying? "There's a sucker born every minute". That saying epitomizes every person on the left.
Sometimes bumper stickers are as deep as some people think. They're capable of thinking deeper but they won't do that because it requires something of them and they are just looking for the easiest way to help themselves and themselves only. A lot of times they are so mentally lazy they respond with the schoolyard logic of, "I am rubber and you are glue....that is done here quite often.
If Obama hadn't clean up Bush's mess I can just see now Trump taking Osama Bin Laden for his word and telling us he is a very nice guy.
Sometimes bumper stickers are as deep as some people think. They're capable of thinking deeper but they won't do that because it requires something of them and they are just looking for the easiest way to help themselves and themselves only. A lot of times they are so mentally lazy they respond with the schoolyard logic of, "I am rubber and you are glue....that is done here quite often.
You couldn't have described liberalism any better.
One of the reasons people remember Trump avoiding service to his country was his daddy getting him 5 deferments from the draft. Now I don't have a huge issue with someone like Ali who simply said he wasn't going to kill yellow skinned people halfway around the world that had never offended him. To me that was a man standing up for what he thought was right. Trump on the other hand used Daddy's connections to avoid the war like a coward. Great example of CCC's song Fortunate Son. But maybe the worst part is Trump saying he knows more about all things military than all our General's. Conservative lemmings cannot absorb or grasp these facts into their understanding. Duplicity is simply a character trait of theirs.
What I think will happen with all the dems announcing pres runs. They will raise money from their lunatic base but not one of their base is big enough to challenge Trump. One by one they will be shut down and their campaign funds will go to the DNC. Some know this from the start just like Commie Sanders last time.

Hillary will run taking all their money again. The ones that don't comply will be destroyed. Hillary can't raise enough money by herself. She needs every dirty tactic to get the nomination. She will make herself out to be the moderate and most qualified.
Kind of shocked how hard it is to distinguish between someone who wants to have an honest conversation and npc nonsense in this thread if you ignore usernames.
One of the reasons people remember Trump avoiding service to his country was his daddy getting him 5 deferments from the draft. Now I don't have a huge issue with someone like Ali who simply said he wasn't going to kill yellow skinned people halfway around the world that had never offended him. To me that was a man standing up for what he thought was right. Trump on the other hand used Daddy's connections to avoid the war like a coward. Great example of CCC's song Fortunate Son. But maybe the worst part is Trump saying he knows more about all things military than all our General's. Conservative lemmings cannot absorb or grasp these facts into their understanding. Duplicity is simply a character trait of theirs.
You would have an issue with Trump if he had served and killed terrorist. You are just a worthless piece of scum who holds someone else to a standard that apparently you too were not willing to do yourself. Hypocrite much? Yes, yes you do.
One of the reasons people remember Trump avoiding service to his country was his daddy getting him 5 deferments from the draft. Now I don't have a huge issue with someone like Ali who simply said he wasn't going to kill yellow skinned people halfway around the world that had never offended him. To me that was a man standing up for what he thought was right. Trump on the other hand used Daddy's connections to avoid the war like a coward. Great example of CCC's song Fortunate Son. But maybe the worst part is Trump saying he knows more about all things military than all our General's. Conservative lemmings cannot absorb or grasp these facts into their understanding. Duplicity is simply a character trait of theirs.
Again, when and where did you serve?
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She is going to be a big problem for Democrats and provide the rest of us a lot of entertainment. The Democrat Party has rejected Christians and their values and hooked up with Militant Muslims who are Christian - Jew haters. This is going to be fun to watch.
This is exactly why republicans are losing traction. Rejecting a state religion is not the same thing as rejecting a single religion. That distinction made by our founding fathers is too hard for conservative ideologues to comprehend.
Again, when and where did you serve?
This is a false qualifier used by people who try to skirt the issues at hand. Timothy McVeigh served! They just arrested an american terrorist currently serving. That has nothing to do with anything. Now if I had dodged the draft and then claimed to know more about the military and how to run it than the lifelong men who did---that is a problem for me, you seem unable to grasp that. Those people are known as chicken-hawks and you can admire them if you please just don't ask me to. I did spend a great deal of time working for the DOD so I guess that was a service of sorts eh?
This is exactly why republicans are losing traction. Rejecting a state religion is not the same thing as rejecting a single religion. That distinction made by our founding fathers is too hard for conservative ideologues to comprehend.
Your side has a real issue to deal with. Meanwhile we sit back and enjoy it. That nit wit from New York provides more entertainment than network TV. You would think we were back in the 1950's. She opens her mouth and the sane world laughs. The insane world thinks we are all dead in 12 years. I hope we can pass up UCLA before the world blows up. It would be shame to be totally destroyed with UCLA holding the most titles. Now that would be tragic.

So take us to the elimination of prime rib and jet travel. Take us all the way back to the stone age. Your side is a hoot, no doubt and can not be taken serious.
This is a false qualifier used by people who try to skirt the issues at hand. Timothy McVeigh served! They just arrested an american terrorist currently serving. That has nothing to do with anything. Now if I had dodged the draft and then claimed to know more about the military and how to run it than the lifelong men who did---that is a problem for me, you seem unable to grasp that. Those people are known as chicken-hawks and you can admire them if you please just don't ask me to. I did spend a great deal of time working for the DOD so I guess that was a service of sorts eh?
Talk about a false qualifier. No one has ever claimed that people that serve don"t go on to commit crimes. What we are saying is, its hypocritical to bash someone for not serving if YOU didn't serve either.
This is exactly why republicans are losing traction. Rejecting a state religion is not the same thing as rejecting a single religion. That distinction made by our founding fathers is too hard for conservative ideologues to comprehend.
There are elected Democrats in congress now who would like to see Islam as our state religion. Their numbers are growing. You know the ones who say our founding fathers are racist and want to destroy the U.S. Constitution. Those are the people you would vote for against a conservative. Are you Muslim? These people you refer to hate our founding yet you pump them up and ask do conservatives understand? Conservatives understand that your socialist ideology will destroy our country and culture. That is what they comprehend. And you need to understand you are playing with fire if you think that is going to happen.
"The split-off of war god Mars must be brought back together with Tiwaz as protector of order and justice, no longer solely for the local tribe, but for all humanity."
That is the last sentence of highly decorated Vietnam vet and marine Capt Karl Marlantes book, "What's It Like To Go To War" I highly recommend it for every American soldier or not.
"We are a very aggressive and warlike nation. Denying our collective responsibility for these activities, whether right or wrong, is like scurrying around the house of an alcoholic hiding empty bottles and never mentioning the drinking." Karl Marlantes
"There has been a great deal of talk about loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top to the bottom is much more important, and also much less prevalent. It is this loyalty from the top to the bottom which binds juniors to their seniors with the strength of steel." George Patton
This is a false qualifier used by people who try to skirt the issues at hand. Timothy McVeigh served! They just arrested an american terrorist currently serving. That has nothing to do with anything. Now if I had dodged the draft and then claimed to know more about the military and how to run it than the lifelong men who did---that is a problem for me, you seem unable to grasp that. Those people are known as chicken-hawks and you can admire them if you please just don't ask me to. I did spend a great deal of time working for the DOD so I guess that was a service of sorts eh?
No, and you have no clue about anything you actually post about, most of all this. To question some one else's knowledge about something you know absolutely nothing about is just plain hypocrisy. Betting he has s lot more intel and has read and seen more about it than you ever will.

Don't like anyone calling you out on it, don't call anyone else out until you know what you are talking about.
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This is exactly why republicans are losing traction. Rejecting a state religion is not the same thing as rejecting a single religion. That distinction made by our founding fathers is too hard for conservative ideologues to comprehend.
"The split-off of war god Mars must be brought back together with Tiwaz as protector of order and justice, no longer solely for the local tribe, but for all humanity."
That is the last sentence of highly decorated Vietnam vet and marine Capt Karl Marlantes book, "What's It Like To Go To War" I highly recommend it for every American soldier or not.
Reading a book on someone else's experience does not make you an expert on war or soldiering or the military experience in general.
"There has been a great deal of talk about loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top to the bottom is much more important, and also much less prevalent. It is this loyalty from the top to the bottom which binds juniors to their seniors with the strength of steel." George Patton
Hypocrisy coming from a person prepared to sell this country down the river for socialism/communism and sharia law. You read, quote, and still you do not understand. This is the problem with the traitorous left. You quote things that actually prove you are wrong and don't even realize it.

Obama and Hillary tried to change this country into a socialist country as are the current democrats. Loyalty? [eyeroll]:uzi:
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"There has been a great deal of talk about loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top to the bottom is much more important, and also much less prevalent. It is this loyalty from the top to the bottom which binds juniors to their seniors with the strength of steel." George Patton
Thank you for your quote of the greatest Armor General in U.S. History. Patton would have a field day going against the Muslim Democrat Party and their socialist ways. That would be worth it all just to see Patton destroy them.

I am sorry you passed on the opportunity to serve our great country's military. It makes men of boys. Not saying you have to serve in the armed forces to be a man but it gives you a 90% jump start. Patton would have loved to make a man out of you in his Third Army.