How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

It's often parroted that "Why would Bernie run as a Dem. He's an Independent/Socialist?" "The Dems made a mistake by letting Bernie primary with them."

Anyone that can peel off votes from your party needs to be included in your party. You need to dismiss them through the primary process so that come November you're not Perot'd/Nader'd.

The Dems should have paid off Stein like they paid off Bernie.

In PA, Stein received 49,678 votes. Trump won by 46,765 votes.

In WI, Stein received 31,006 votes. Trump won by 22,177 votes.

In MI, Stein received 51,463 votes. Trump won by 10,704 votes.

If she runs again hopefully she'll get her teeth whitened.
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After slow start, tax refunds are ticking up, with the average check now more than $3,000
  • Refunds from Uncle Sam are starting to climb, as the average check is $3,143. That’s up 1.3 percent from last year.
  • This tax season marks the first time filers are submitting returns under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC on Thursday that tax refunds are now back at last year’s levels.
And the idiocy exhibited by certain resident loons continues unabated.....
What's crazy is expecting a big refund check. Sometimes it happens, but I'm not happy about it.
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Listening to the left cry about losing the SALT deduction is hilarious. It really only impacts the ultra-high net worth people.
Well no, It affects anyone whose SALT exceeds $10K & that can happen at $150K AGI anyway. Well off, yes. Ultra high wealth they are not. Regardless, SALT deduction ought to be zero.
Neither one is a good question.
Well no, It affects anyone whose SALT exceeds $10K & that can happen at $150K AGI anyway. Well off, yes. Ultra high wealth they are not. Regardless, SALT deduction ought to be zero.

It really only impacts the ultra-high net worth people.
So now there are conservatives telling us AOC wants to take away your hamburgers. It's really weird how the vast majority of nutjobs end up in the GOP.
So now there are conservatives telling us AOC wants to take away your hamburgers. It's really weird how the vast majority of nutjobs end up in the GOP.
Here is her quote:

“In the deal, what we talk about – and it’s true – is that we need to take a look at factory farming, you know? Period. It’s wild,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “And so it’s not to say you get rid of agriculture. It’s not to say we’re gonna force everybody to go vegan or anything crazy like that. But it’s to say, ‘Listen, we gotta address factory farming. Maybe we shouldn’t be eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.’ Like, let’s keep it real.”

Sounds like she wants to take away some hamburgers. To be fair, people probably shouldn't eat a hamburger 3X a day - but if they want to, go for it!
So now there are conservatives telling us AOC wants to take away your hamburgers. It's really weird how the vast majority of nutjobs end up in the GOP.

If her NGD dictates how many cows are allowed in this country due to farts, she is telling you how many hamburgers the country can consume.
So now there are conservatives telling us AOC wants to take away your hamburgers. It's really weird how the vast majority of nutjobs end up in the GOP.
Yes, the people opposing the plan that would cost $100 trillion and require a retrofit or rebuild of every single building in the US and had a corresponding FAQ page which mentioned the eventual elimination of cattle farming are crazy. The people who promoted that plan are geniuses
The obvious answer would be more of the obvious duplicity.
Where’s the crime in the payoff? Yes it’s embarrassing for Trump, and reflects poorly on his character, but I’m not seeing where a crime has been committed. Perhaps he committed a technical violation of campaign finance laws, but so did the Obama campaign and it was resolved by civil penalty (i.e., a fine).

Besides, the Dims forfeited their moral authority on this issue when they circled the wagons to protect the sexual predator who occupied the White House from 1993-2001.
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I'd have expected it to be even lower than that, but I wonder how many people actually watched the fiasco. Like a few % of people? I didn't watch a second of it and I generally like to stay at least semi informed.

I'd estimate that if I asked 100 randos, over half would have no clue who Michael Cohen is, and less than 5 watched any portion of his theatrics.
"The man who was convicted of lying to Congress was talking to Congress the other day. Do you think he is credible?"

"Does he hate Drumpf?"


"Then yes"
The moron was used by the Lanny Davis Democrat Party and his comical appearance has earned him a couple more "Criminal Referrals". Each time the poor fool shows up to speak we can tack another 3 years on his sentence. .
Using round numbers, my joint AGI is up $25k and I paid $1k less in total tax that 2017. But, I owe a $79 balance with the return instead of being overpaid so tax cuts suck.
Sorry to hear that. I was just the opposite. I had such an over payment I have to adjust my quarterly payments and get them in line with the new tax law. $$$,$$$ in my pocket