How will they rule ??!

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Here is the issue. Guy was assaulted on camera in broad daylight. Why did nobody come to help him or gran the perp. At the very least how does Cal police or local police not have the guy in custody, and they have made no attempts to do so. When did the law become arbitrary and subjective, and if so Dems better pray the tables are never turned.
You'll never see this in a CCL state.
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Here is the issue. Guy was assaulted on camera in broad daylight. Why did nobody come to help him or gran the perp. At the very least how does Cal police or local police not have the guy in custody, and they have made no attempts to do so. When did the law become arbitrary and subjective, and if so Dems better pray the tables are never turned.

Agreed with most of that. I’m not sure it’s any of the other student’s responsibility to “grab the perp,” and as far as the police, there is a process for arresting someone. Had police been on the scene I’m sure they’d have apprehended they guy. As it stands, they need to present evidence to a prosecutor and get an arrest warrant. I’m not totally sure how an incident like this gets prioritized, but I’m going to guess that a guy getting socked in the face probably didn’t rank particularly high on the list of crimes committed in the city that day. They apparently have a suspect and a warrant now, so I’m not sure what the uproar is. The guy that hit him must be a pussy, the activist didn’t even go down.
Here is the issue. Guy was assaulted on camera in broad daylight. Why did nobody come to help him or gran the perp. At the very least how does Cal police or local police not have the guy in custody, and they have made no attempts to do so. When did the law become arbitrary and subjective, and if so Dems better pray the tables are never turned.
Spitballing....because liberals are fascist pieces of shit?
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How can you be sure this is just more nothing? Go to and see their handful of straw.
I don't get why so many on the left made such a big deal out of Cohen. The dude is a convinced lier, who so far today has already been caught lying, and basically just said, ya I paid off Stormy Daniels. Now let me tell you about some other things I have no proof on, but I suspect might have happened.

Ya this is going to be the thing that takes down the president...

Trump slept with a porn star, find me one person who voted for him that would be surprised by this. Hit him with a campaign finance fine and move on. This is all just for show.
I think it was a Republican that asked, but I’m not certain

It's a perfect question.

That's like the one piece of the dossier Dems were still claiming was true (even though it's been refuted numerous times).

So, either the dossier is complete made up fiction, or Cohen is lying to Congress, again.

And if they do claim the dossier is anything but made up fiction, anything Cohen said today goes out the window because we would then know he lied today.
The Democrats are going to curse the day they started down this road with Cohen. He is under oath and continues to lie. He has been discredited over and over. Denying that he wanted to be in the Trump administration yet telling many people he wanted to be.

His attorney is Lanny Davis. Put two and two together. Even a few Democrats are jumping off of his train
Actually, I think the scope of the collusion is probably beyond j Edgar platinums mental capacity. You do need to be able to digest more than a sound bite to understand what actually started this whole thing. Plat is stuck in the Orange Man Bad zone
Theres a big difference between “ directed” and “expected”.
Expected is simply an opinion of Cohen. Directed would be an order to Cohen from Trump.
Assuming what he said was correct, his story was that Trump was simultaneously sending him to negotiate on Moscow while saying "there is no business in Russia" to him in reference to handling media. That's a huge stretch to not see the implication.
Cohen made a really bad decision aligning himself with Davis and the Dems. Davis is using him as a tool for the Clintons to try and get back at Trump. He very well could leave these hearings with more charges than he started out with. They will have zero use for him after these hearings are over.
Assuming what he said was correct, his story was that Trump was simultaneously sending him to negotiate on Moscow while saying "there is no business in Russia" to him in reference to handling media. That's a huge stretch to not see the implication.

The article stated Trump directed Cohen to do it. Cohen stated he assumed Trump expected him to do it.
That’s entirely 2 different things, and we’re assuming Cohen is telling the truth also.
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