How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Looks a lot like the stereotypical xenophobic photo of a Muslim standing in front of the Islamic flag in full jihad gear (machine gun and holding the Koran). Both images are extremists and full of hate. Just saying . . .
I'm actually quite good at reading. That's why I read his picture and pointed out it has nothing to do with what he was claiming.

He essentially did what Levi does when his mom gives him screen time.

I spend 40% of my time at work making fun of accountants. This seemed like a good spot to get in some trash talk on the weekend.

What is "the Islamic flag"?

Edit: That has bushrod's post quoted, but it's not showing up. He said the guy standing in front of the American flag is no different than someone standing in front of "the Islamic flag".
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76% of immigrants are legal. So even if you assume illegals were included in the survey at an appropriate rate and EVERY SINGLE ONE answered no to the wall and remove them from the opposition side of the survey that only drops support among legal immigrant Hispanics to about 68%.

lol, that leftwing garbage study done by 3 Marxists students from University of California-Santa Barbara.

Illegals are a cancer and need to be eradicated from this country before they kill all legal Americans
76% of immigrants are legal. So even if you assume illegals were included in the survey at an appropriate rate and EVERY SINGLE ONE answered no to the wall and remove them from the opposition side of the survey that only drops support among legal immigrant Hispanics to about 68%.

Why don't we just assume all legal immigrants love illegal aliens. That will also make you right and is completely unsupported by any data you've presented. Or we could just assume legal immigrants hate illegal aliens if we're just assuming things.
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So how do we feel about Kentucky's soon to be constitutional carry status?
It’s already an open carry state, so don’t really see much difference. I do think there should be some training required but don’t see how they’d do that without the permit.
Why don't we just assume all legal immigrants love illegal aliens. That will also make you right and is completely unsupported by any data you've presented. Or we could just assume legal immigrants hate illegal aliens if we're just assuming things.
Your argument was that the stats included data from illegal immigrants, who in your eyes would be against the wall. So for the sake of argument I corrected for your hypothetical of EVERY SINGLE illegal responding against the wall and you take issue with your own premise? Grade A logic right there. The only "assumption" made in this argument errs in your favor, ie the premise that all illegals are against the wall.
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It is also tightly controlled in the US, which is why it’s being snuck across the border by the ton. It’s also why Trump fought so hard for China to tightly regulate its production of it during trade negotiations.

When prescribed and taken properly, opioids are a miracle of medicine. Doctors play a huge role in the opioid crisis. Many prescribed opioids with reckless abandon, there is no more loyal patient than an addict.
When the states realized there was a problem, or were pushed into heavily regulating prescription narcotics is when the rise of heroine and fentanyl on the streets took off.
Then you agree the new wall will not stop fentanyl from killing people in the thousands.
Per Peggy Noonan, only Pubs can save capitalism in this country:

"The academy and our mass entertainment culture are entities of the left and will continue to push in that direction. Millennials, the biggest voting-age bloc in America, are to the left of the generations before them. Moderates are aging out. The progressives are young and will give their lives to politics: It’s all they’ve ever known. It is a mistake to dismiss their leaders as goofballs who’ll soon fall off the stage. They may or may not, but those who support and surround them are serious ideologues who mean to own the future.

None of this feels like a passing phase. It feels like the outline of a great political struggle that will be fought over the next 10 years or more."

" It is to preserve and defend the capitalism that made America a great thing in the world and that, for all its flaws and inequities, created and spread stupendous wealth.But isn’t their (Pubs) historical purpose clear? Their job—now and in the coming decade—is, in a supple, clever and concerted way, to save the free-market system from those who would dismantle it. The natural job of conservatives is to conserve, in this case that great system.

I’ll go whole hog here. We need a cleaned-up capitalism, not a weary, sighing, acceptance-of-man’s-fallen-nature capitalism. Republicans and conservatives need a more capacious sense of what is needed in America now, including what their own voters need. The party needs a tax-and-spending reality that takes into account an understandable and prevalent mood of great need. They need to be moderate, peaceable and tactful on social issues, but firm, too. This is where the left really is insane: As the earnest, dimwitted governor of Virginia thoughtfully pointed out, they do allow the full-term baby to be born, then make it comfortable as they debate whether it should be allowed to take its first breath or quietly expire on the table. A party that can’t stand up against that doesn’t deserve to exist.

All this must be done with a sense of how Americans on the ground are seeing things. What they see all around them cultural catastrophe—drugs, the decline of faith, the splintering of all norms by which they’d lived, schools that don’t teach and that leave their kids with a generalized anxiety. They want more help to deal with this. If you said, “We’re going to have a national program to help our boys become good men,” they would be for it, they would cheer. If you said, “We’re going to get serious and apply brains and money to what we all know is a mental-health crisis in America,” they wouldn’t care about the cost—and they’d be right not to care. They think as a people we’ve changed, our character has changed, and this dims our future. Make things better on the ground now and we’ll figure out the rest later."
Cosby isn’t good at reading. He just does what excel tells him to do.

Not a good time to show your true leaning. Once again, Bill was totally right in what he said. Meanwhile, you made the same mistake you always make, you aligned yourself with a dumbass lib rather than take the path of reason.

Do better.
Your argument was that the stats included data from illegal immigrants, who in your eyes would be against the wall. So for the sake of argument I corrected for your hypothetical of EVERY SINGLE illegal responding against the wall and you take issue with your own premise? Grade A logic right there. The only "assumption" made in this argument errs in your favor, ie the premise that all illegals are against the wall.

Someone made a claim.

You attempted to refute that claim with an irrelevant picture.

I pointed out the picture was irrelevant.

You accused me of not being able to read your picture and posted an irrelevant quote from a random article.

Again I pointed out the irrelevance.

You said if we make random assumptions, we can twist your picture to say something you want it to say.

I said we can make any assumptions we want.

If you have relevant data, post it. We all know statistics is the art of making numbers say what you want them to say, so I find no value in using a random off topic poll and making random assumptions about the underlying responders.
Someone made a claim.

You attempted to refute that claim with an irrelevant picture.

I pointed out the picture was irrelevant.

You accused me of not being able to read your picture and posted an irrelevant quote from a random article.

Again I pointed out the irrelevance.

You said if we make random assumptions, we can twist your picture to say something you want it to say.

I said we can make any assumptions we want.

If you have relevant data, post it. We all know statistics is the art of making numbers say what you want them to say, so I find no value in using a random off topic poll and making random assumptions about the underlying responders.
How is the survey irrelevant? Here is your post:
I love when the resident loony toons post charts that are completely irrelevant to what they're claiming.

Where does that chart say anything about "legal immigrants" position on anything?
Your position is that it's irrelevant because you think that it contains the opinions of all immigrants, not just legal immigrants. So I removed the 24% of supposed illegals. It's simple math. Tell me again why the survey is irrelevant?
What is "the Islamic flag"?

Edit: That has bushrod's post quoted, but it's not showing up. He said the guy standing in front of the American flag is no different than someone standing in front of "the Islamic flag".

bushrod is dumb enough to think Islam is a country.

Tell him to sue.

Why would Tebow sue? He's not hiding behind his color to compensate for his shortcomings.
I try because I believe they’re simply young and inexperienced. Their thought process on economics and basically everything is that of a child.
Unfortunately I think that's what is being taught in colleges/universities now days. I have an economics degree and I can't begin to fathom how anyone can look at AOC's take on Amazon or her GND and not think the lady (yes, I'm assuming she's a woman) is both an absolute idiot and has no idea how anything pertaining to economics works.

It's terrifying knowing that these are the types of people getting degrees now days. And stupid doesn't disqualify you from voting.
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It’s already an open carry state, so don’t really see much difference. I do think there should be some training required but don’t see how they’d do that without the permit.
Yeah I feel similarly. It's not the worst thing in the world. But it is good to have a method of informing people who carry of relevant laws.
Read the article. "Hispanics who are immigrants themselves or have at least one immigrant parent are also more likely to oppose expanding the border wall. About eight-in-ten (81%) immigrant Hispanics oppose expanding the wall, compared with about seven-in-ten (69%) of those born in the U.S." @trueblujr2 specified Hispanic/Latino immigrants, hence the table.
So they are speculating (more likely). Sounds more like wishful thinking.
Your position is that it's irrelevant because you think that it contains the opinions of all immigrants, not just legal immigrants. So I removed the 24% of supposed illegals. It's simple math. Tell me again why the survey is irrelevant?

Yes, my position is what you originally posted is irrelevant.

Why didn't you post a picture of something surveying legal immigrants if we were talking about legal immigrants?

For all we know, that survey was 100% illegal aliens. Likely? No. But that assumption might be just as accurate as yours.
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