How will they rule ??!

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A strictly legal question would be when does the government have the right to control what happens inside the envelope of a person's skin? What human gets to ignore that boundary? That to me is the essential question that rises above someones faith or even the science.
govt mandates certain inoculations within the skin
I've heard encouraging words from priests and bishops they would address pedophilia but they only do something when forced to by public exposure. As bad as that is and it is atrocious, it pales by comparison to how Christians from Columbus and the Spanish conquistadors treated the cultures they found in the Americas. You'll have to excuse me if I snort derision at the notion American Christians today actually respect the culture they have spent centuries persecuting and extinguishing. As bad as the Indians wars prosecuted in the name of Christ was, the policies to strip an entire culture of its identity may have been worse. Some of the "Christian" methods were: Rechristen them with English Christian names, forbid the use of their own names.
Punish them for speaking their own language, or grab them when they are young enough not to have learned it very well.
Force them to live at the Mission School and only visit home 1 or 2 days for the Christian Christmas.
Cut their hair, strip them of their clothing and religious artifacts, and denigrate the artifacts as uncivilized, backwards, or "primitive".
Do this all when they are young enough to not fight back. Heck Wounded Knee started over a religious dance!

Ah, there it is: shit that happened centuries ago therefore this dumbass Nathan Phillips was the “real” victim. Brilliant.
hell, this could turn into a brilliant pivotal moment for truth, an inadvertent leftist self own worthy only of perhaps Jim Acosta.

only thing i know about this is this thread, 5 minutes of video and two articles one CNN and one foreign which quite literally spin this in such manner as to be clearly the definition of fake news propoganda

you're nothing but pawns in someone elses battle, you who think half the country is evil the other righteous.. you ain't woke, you're deluded and need to wake up before it's too late
I just hate how they always seem to pardon every other race in every situation regardless of the full story and all of the facts.

Even after getting the full story, James is still only attacking the school kids while completely ignoring what those black kids were yelling.

But I guess that’s the SJW in him. And this one is a conundrum. A minority yelling homophobic slurs. What’s a SJW to do?!
James=lemming=no courage to do the right thing.
A strictly legal question would be when does the government have the right to control what happens inside the envelope of a person's skin? What human gets to ignore that boundary? That to me is the essential question that rises above someones faith or even the science.

Who decides when a person is a person? At what point does a person acquire their own skin? When should we stop ignoring their boundaries?
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The Democrat lead up to 2020 is going to be one for the ages.

Pretty easy to frame a video when there's a white child in a MAGA hat.

Cannot wait until they turn on each other.
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At what point does the cell become a human life? Is it when it forms all body parts? Is it when it is capable of living outside the womb? Serious scientific questions. Not going to debate the abortion issue because that is pointless but I am curious about talking about science without the religious bible thumping nut cases getting in the way of the settled science of life.

I’m Christian but no bible thumper. Sadly like everything else today, you’ll get answers that vary because it’s about what people WANT to believe.

I’ve always been anti abortion barring cases of rape, danger to the mother, etc. I’ve always thought once you have the heartbeat that is a living being. Of course that’s just what I think.

If you’re interested there’s a link bringing science into it from a pro life stance. I’m sure you could find other information that may dispute X, Y, and Z but nonetheless there it is.
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I've heard encouraging words from priests and bishops they would address pedophilia but they only do something when forced to by public exposure. As bad as that is and it is atrocious, it pales by comparison to how Christians from Columbus and the Spanish conquistadors treated the cultures they found in the Americas. You'll have to excuse me if I snort derision at the notion American Christians today actually respect the culture they have spent centuries persecuting and extinguishing. As bad as the Indians wars prosecuted in the name of Christ was, the policies to strip an entire culture of its identity may have been worse. Some of the "Christian" methods were: Rechristen them with English Christian names, forbid the use of their own names.
Punish them for speaking their own language, or grab them when they are young enough not to have learned it very well.
Force them to live at the Mission School and only visit home 1 or 2 days for the Christian Christmas.
Cut their hair, strip them of their clothing and religious artifacts, and denigrate the artifacts as uncivilized, backwards, or "primitive".
Do this all when they are young enough to not fight back. Heck Wounded Knee started over a religious dance!
Wake up call!! Ring! Ring! We are now trying to live in this time. Those things while wrong do not happen now. Are you advocating for punishment for something these kids were not involved in? That would make you as bad as those who did it.

Now that you have been educated on that, what about the story posted or the outrage you seem to have being over fake news (as always). Are you good with people being lied about in order to push an agenda/narrative?
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At what point does the cell become a human life? Is it when it forms all body parts? Is it when it is capable of living outside the womb? Serious scientific questions. Not going to debate the abortion issue because that is pointless but I am curious about talking about science without the religious bible thumping nut cases getting in the way of the settled science of life.

I’ve been pretty clear on this board and with close friends that I’m not a pro late term guy. It should end at the first trimester. I don’t know what science says about that but that’s my opinion on it.
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Seeing the media and the left concoct this bullshit against the Covington Cath kids is another reminder of what these people will do for propaganda and their agenda,

Constant race hoaxes
Staging scenes
Pay crazy people to go to Trump rallies to start a scene.
Fake sexual assault allegations
They edit clips to push bogus stuff all the time. They even edited a koi fish video. Haha

The lies are constant. You don’t think these people would go as far to prop up the Richard Spencers of the world, stage a Charlottesville and create fake threats against themselves?
At what point does the cell become a human life? Is it when it forms all body parts? Is it when it is capable of living outside the womb? Serious scientific questions. Not going to debate the abortion issue because that is pointless but I am curious about talking about science without the religious bible thumping nut cases getting in the way of the settled science of life.
For people who believe in God, it should be at the point of conception. Jesus's life began around 25 Dec. which was the point of his conception. This is what I believe in.
At this point, I'm just wondering which day this week traffic is going to blow when Trump makes his way to Cov Cath. It's been a banner week for fake news between the Buzzfeed story and these kids being harassed and vilified for wearing MAGA hats. He should jump at the opportunity.
Seeing the media and the left concoct this bullshit against the Covington Cath kids is another reminder of what these people will do for propaganda and their agenda,

Constant race hoaxes
Staging scenes
Pay crazy people to go to Trump rallies to start a scene.
Fake sexual assault allegations
They edit clips to push bogus stuff all the time. They even edited a koi fish video. Haha

The lies are constant. You don’t think these people would go as far to prop up the Richard Spencers of the world, stage a Charlottesville and create fake threats against themselves?

Here’s a link that chronicles several post Trump election hoaxes that popped up that the media ran with. Looking back it’s crazy to see how many stories they’ve ran with that turned out to be fake or a hoax.
I’ve been pretty clear on this board and with close friends that I’m not a pro late term guy. It should end at the first trimester. I don’t know what science says about that but that’s my opinion on it.
As do most people yet here we are will laws that only 15% or so of the population support (and only a few countries have) because the left gets protected by the media.
I’ve been pretty clear on this board and with close friends that I’m not a pro late term guy. It should end at the first trimester. I don’t know what science says about that but that’s my opinion on it.

Yeah but what about those kids that develop early? You know the ones that shave in the 6th grade and can dunk by the 7th?
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All this political bs is not going to settle the abortion argument so need to derail a perfectly good thread when we have real things to discuss like the high cheek bones of Nathan Phillips are actually very similar to those of Elizabeth Warren. Once again the Orange Man is made to look bad with scientific proof from a forensic photo analysis.
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KSR joining in on the take down of a child simply for being white and wearing a MAGA hat isn't going to help Matt Jones out with the KY voter.

Matt Jones, the hardcore douchebag nerd that he is, is so in love with himself that he has mistaken enthusiasm for Kentucky basketball as being for himself.

Matt’s relevancy is 100 percent tied to others giving him access.
Then you support killing babies in the womb. No bias, just who you are, a left wing liberal Democrat. .Of course in your eyes the students handled it wrong. They support life so they have to be in the wrong in your eyes. No bias, just who you are.

This is America 2019 and we all know what your left wing agenda is. If a group expresses their dislike of the State supporting women killing babies in the womb, they are enemies of the State. There is a lot of money to be made killing the innocent. So opposition to that must be destroyed. Truth be damned.

This is not about a wall or Trump or anything close. This would have happened in Hillary was President because it was a March For Life demonstration so the abortionist/baby killers will stage anything to make a negative story. And they did, it is who they are and to be expected. But no bias, it is the Democrat Way. .

Wrong. I'm very anti abortion. I just think the manner we go about deterring women from choosing abortion is more nuanced than people think. In actuality I'm far more of a centrist. I lean morally right and socially left. I've attended the March for Life multiple times. Being pro life entauen far more than just being pro birth.

The kids should've walked away. But they didntd. They're kids. It's not as big of a deal as ppl and media are making it. But this is what you get with a highly sensationalized society and media that loves to incite hysteria.

Because they're a minority in DC and minorities shouldn't be allowed to peaceably assemble?

Huh? It's not even that deep. Because from a pure safety aspect that was probably the best option. It's 3 groups of people that all should've just minded their own business.
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So not surprisingly, jameslee and his fellow loons have completely fabricated a news story in an attempt to ruin the lives of some children because the kids were white and dont support the left wing narrative.

Truly is shameful.
lol, Did you read anything about this story?
The kids should've walked away.

Why?? These SO CALLED ADULTS targeted kids. Hurled racists comments at the black kids in their group. Told these white kids to go back to Europe. Now that I see the entire context, the so called "smirk" of the kid is nothing more than standing there saying you are not going to force me to stoop to your level.

Why should they leave? Their bus was to pick them up at that spot. They didn't arrange that. They were doing what they were told and because they had on MAGA hats, they were targeted by left loons.

Why do you hold kids to a higher standard than the adults looking to provoke, the adults who clearly lied about what happened and the adults who promote the story?

Give the smug little prick in his face a couple days suspension. The rest of the kids need education on when to STFU and it's done. The petition won't go anywhere either, this culture didn't start yesterday. These entitled rich pricks have been at it awhile. The alleged rape by a former Bengal's kid isn't the start of it either.
I literally posted an almost 10 minute video of what happened right above your post and you are still attacking the kids? Wtf is wrong with you? The kids were the ones having slurs thrown at them.
For people who believe in God, it should be at the point of conception. Jesus's life began around 25 Dec. which was the point of his conception. This is what I believe in.

I respect that.

So god tapped Mary on the 25th? I thought that’s when jeebus was born? Or did she screw god and birth his child on the same day?
I literally posted an almost 10 minute video of what happened right above your post and you are still attacking the kids? Wtf is wrong with you? The kids were the ones having slurs thrown at them.
Sure. The interview with Mr. Phillips acknowledges that and which is why he intervened to turn the attention to himself. He caught their attention. The smug little prick started the tomahawk then got inches away from his face with the "I'm better than you" Cov Cath grin. Not the end of the world. He will get a few days off to think about ignoring all of these other protesters at the scene. As it should be.
I think too that regardless of what the kid did he was gonna be busted. He could've put his arm around him and swayed and it would've been crushed.

Ultimately the teaching point in this IMO is the hat. To me that's what set it all off. It's stupid, but this is the nature of symbols. People attribute different meanings to different symbols. I'm not a MAGA fan, and these kids may think it's cute or funny to wear them but in this climate it's gonna lead to crap like this if you aren't careful. It's the nature of the mob mentality the age of social media has fostered.

It's sad that's what we have come to, but it's the reality of it as well .
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KSR joining in on the take down of a child simply for being white and wearing a MAGA hat isn't going to help Matt Jones out with the KY voter.
I will tell you that I am beyond pissed. I tried to put Jones' arrogance aside and his general being a prick who thinks he is better than most Kentuckians aside because living in Indiana, that is how I can get some UK entertainment. But when you decide to actively engage in smearing the character of kids because it supports your political cause, I am done. He cannot hide behind the bullshit of he was simply reporting what others said either. These were kids that the left loons were actively trying to destroy all to promote their hatred of Trump. Matt Jones should be ashamed of himself for perpetuating the story without getting all the facts. But again he believes he is the smartest guy in the room regardless of who is in the room.