How will they rule ??!

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Simple question (not a trap) -

What would Russia want from a “bought out “ US president?

What could they reasonably GET?

I missed this and I think I may have some answers.

First they would want the new president to be partially black. They would want him to claim to be from Hawaii. They certainly wouldn't want a president who would make the US stronger, but rather, one who would promise to fundamentally change the country. They would want a guy who could pave the way for socialism to gain a stronger foothold through deceit and deception. They need that because all the guys they've ran on the communist party ticket so far have been soundly defeated.

With this puppet in place they could get access to uranium to fuel nuclear subs and carriers as well as nuclear weapons. They could get weak minded Americans to doubt the power of the US Constitution to provide a blueprint for creating and maintaining a sovereign nation. They could get many steps closer to the end game of creating a communist world where disparity between the classes wouldn't hinge on individual effort and desire.
I am a member of the Covington Diocese. I have spoken to multiple people investigating and sources who were there whom I trust.

1) Kids were at Lincoln memorial awaiting rides.

2) African American kid who is a Covington catholic student was verbally attacked by a different t group. Was called and uncle tom and f*****s.

3) Students began school chants to drown group out.

4) Cov Cath kids had a couple words back to this other group that were unbecoming

5) Native American approached. Kids originally started clapping with him and having fun.

6) native American got right in face of youth.

7) youth stood his ground and smirked disrespectfully.

8) Kids never chanted "build the wall" or portrayed any sort of physical or verbal violence towards native American veteran.

The kids handled it wrong. Should've walked away. But they are kids .doesn't absolve them of wrongdoing. It isn't a school field ttrip. If they have the means to go, they can go but it's not a school field trip. I have been before and it's a mad house afterwards. Its DC and a crap ton of people.

The hysteria behind this is stupid .Should most definitely be used as a learning experience though for everyone involved.

And btw I'm a Democrat and pretty liberal to say the least . Not interested in the political usage of this .but facts and context matter.

Wtf. That school needs to stick up for and protect their students. Adults need to be adults here.

Give the smug little prick in his face a couple days suspension. The rest of the kids need education on when to STFU and it's done. The petition won't go anywhere either, this culture didn't start yesterday. These entitled rich pricks have been at it awhile. The alleged rape by a former Bengal's kid isn't the start of it either.
Proven false already and just because the school gave in you go with the fake narrative. Typical lemming narrative. You are pathetic.
And you forgot bigoted...just like I'm sure their parents taught them. ..
More from the "You Can't Make This Shit Up" Department.

Knew there was more to the video. Knew group of kids didn't randomly decide to harrass someone. As usual the real story eventually comes out.

Won't matter. Real story will never get the traction of the initial narrative. Everyone nowadays feel the need to make a social media statement about everything.

They all got to have their outrage circle jerk. Exactly what the excerpted video was intended to do

This is a long video and I haven’t watched it yet but I do know the Cov Cath kids start showing up around 30 minutes.
I am a member of the Covington Diocese. I have spoken to multiple people investigating and sources who were there whom I trust.

1) Kids were at Lincoln memorial awaiting rides.

2) African American kid who is a Covington catholic student was verbally attacked by a different t group. Was called and uncle tom and f*****s.

3) Students began school chants to drown group out.

4) Cov Cath kids had a couple words back to this other group that were unbecoming

5) Native American approached. Kids originally started clapping with him and having fun.

6) native American got right in face of youth.

7) youth stood his ground and smirked disrespectfully.

8) Kids never chanted "build the wall" or portrayed any sort of physical or verbal violence towards native American veteran.

The kids handled it wrong. Should've walked away. But they are kids .doesn't absolve them of wrongdoing. It isn't a school field ttrip. If they have the means to go, they can go but it's not a school field trip. I have been before and it's a mad house afterwards. Its DC and a crap ton of people.

The hysteria behind this is stupid .Should most definitely be used as a learning experience though for everyone involved.

And btw I'm a Democrat and pretty liberal to say the least . Not interested in the political usage of this .but facts and context matter.
Then you support killing babies in the womb. No bias, just who you are, a left wing liberal Democrat. .Of course in your eyes the students handled it wrong. They support life so they have to be in the wrong in your eyes. No bias, just who you are.

This is America 2019 and we all know what your left wing agenda is. If a group expresses their dislike of the State supporting women killing babies in the womb, they are enemies of the State. There is a lot of money to be made killing the innocent. So opposition to that must be destroyed. Truth be damned.

This is not about a wall or Trump or anything close. This would have happened in Hillary was President because it was a March For Life demonstration so the abortionist/baby killers will stage anything to make a negative story. And they did, it is who they are and to be expected. But no bias, it is the Democrat Way. .
Knew there was more to the video. Knew group of kids didn't randomly decide to harrass someone. As usual the real story eventually comes out.

Won't matter. Real story will never get the traction of the initial narrative. Everyone nowadays feel the need to make a social media statement about everything.

They all got to have their outrage circle jerk. Exactly what the excerpted video was intended to do
Emotional virtue-signalers are very easy to manipulate. Why we see drop-in outrage and then they run off when challenged.
The kids immediately involved are idiots and deserve punishment.

The witch-hunt and doxxing of a bunch of high school kids is also stupid.

It’s almost as if thinking rationally and for yourself can lead to seeing stupidity on both sides.
At this point anytime I read any political news, internet talk, Facebook posts etc, it's pretty obvious the vast majority of rational people have left the building. The only comfort to me is looking around at my life and seeing that politicians and their decisions effect on the quality of my life is very small. The idiots are the ones that think every decision has some massive impact on their life even though they are doing the same thing they've been doing with the same people for decades.
More from the "You Can't Make This Shit Up" Department.

Those large liberal city teacher's unions are an uncontrollable force. It is essentially impossible to fire a teacher in SoCal and the avg cost to do so astronomical. And the cost above is why you can't get any liberals to talk about the resources that illegals take from poor black kids.
Then you support killing babies in the womb. No bias, just who you are, a left wing liberal Democrat. .Of course in your eyes the students handled it wrong. They support life so they have to be in the wrong in your eyes. No bias, just who you are.

This is America 2019 and we all know what your left wing agenda is. If a group expresses their dislike of the State supporting women killing babies in the womb, they are enemies of the State. There is a lot of money to be made killing the innocent. So opposition to that must be destroyed. Truth be damned.

This is not about a wall or Trump or anything close. This would have happened in Hillary was President because it was a March For Life demonstration so the abortionist/baby killers will stage anything to make a negative story. And they did, it is who they are and to be expected. But no bias, it is the Democrat Way. .

Whoa daddy, that's a big ole truth nuke right there! Well said. [thumb2]
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I love KSR, but people have blind spots. Matt makes fun of the fact he is a pro football expert, demonstrating that the talking heads are full of shit. He also constantly shits on sportswriter knowledge with their nonsensical rankings. Fake news is simply what he talks about in sports media applied to politics, and just like in sports it's harder to see when your team is at fault.
Until this morning had not seen a second of video on the Cov Cath scandal.....albeit saw saw comments about the little crackers harassing an Indian tribal leader. Then when I went to look for it this morning, observations:

- footage of the event was relatively hard to find, compared to footage decrying it was everywhere.

- watched the short clip, yes the little paleface had a shithead smirk on his face, as do most boys of any race/creed at that age....permasmirk. Harassment? I was expecting that kid to start ranting or something as he was being baited to do, but nothing

- Nathan Phillips was drumming roughly 5 centimeters from the gringo’s face. First thought: white suburban kids want physical confrontation as much as they want their iPhones taken away, as in not napping. Assumption of course is that Phillips came up to them.

- looked for full video which confirmed NP was the one that walked up to them. He’s a pro activist, not that I care / more power to ‘em, but he knew exactly what he was doing and the kid did not. That said, again the kid literally did nothing but smile

- ratio of outrage online about original clip vs getting full clip out there : 1000000:1

- bout the real news story that just so happened to be a good portion of the full was the deal with those weird ass black guys with the posters ranting about the Greeks and romans being f*ggots? The real harassment and bigotry was from them.

White kid smirking while a NA bangs a drum in his ear hole I AM OUTRAGE. Black dudes crazy rambling about Greeks banging dudes or whatever.....BLARGH INSEE NOTHING BLARGH

- most importantly, I still think the number of people that actually give a shit about any of these contrived, manufactured situations is pretty minimal regardless of race
When I first saw the video release I was on twitter saying those kids were punks and saying that they were disrespectful POS. I like many assumed that it was just punk teenagers raising hell antagonizing a native rally.

Since then, I saw the video where the first minute and half was shown. Now I have a completely different view. It looked like the reports say that the kids were standing on the steps waiting and were chanting school cheers. Then the native gentlemen along with what appeared to be your stereotypical protesters approached them (likely due to the fact that stereotypical protestors antagonize folks in Trump gear).

At first you see the kids singing, dancing and generally being entertained by what is generally a pretty cool sight when natives express their music. From there it goes bad. Nathan Phillips then gets in the kid (who seconds before was just in the background dancing and not bother anyone)'s face. The kid just stood his ground. Could he have done better by not having the smirk? Sure, but that was really all I saw wrong based on the entire video.

It taught me to not judge based on first impression, especially when it comes to videos because clearly there were two sides to the story.
Wow, that was 100% instigated by the three guys who showed up looking to start a fight. They instigated the American Indian people, they instigated other black people, they instigated the teenagers. Those guys were insane.

Chaperones probably shouldn't have let a bunch of teenagers in MAGA hats wander around super liberal D.C. by themselves with no adults around. If there were adults around they should've removed everyone from the situation and told their kids to stay away from those nut jobs. The teenagers shouldn't have been doing the tomahawk chop and war-whooping later on. But it's almost completely on the three guys screaming obscenities at everyone. They were incredibly rude to the American Indian marchers as well. And everyone on both sides were really tolerant and patient for a long time while those assholes antagonized everybody.
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most importantly, I still think the number of people that actually give a shit about any of these contrived, manufactured situations is pretty minimal regardless of race

Exactly. That's why the faux outrage component is so important to the left. They manufacture outrage, then demand everyone take a position. Puts a lot of people in position where they just say anything to avoid the conflict.
So not surprisingly, jameslee and his fellow loons have completely fabricated a news story in an attempt to ruin the lives of some children because the kids were white and dont support the left wing narrative.

Truly is shameful.

They ought to get on here and defend their actions. Everything about the incident turned out to be a lie.
Until this morning had not seen a second of video on the Cov Cath scandal.....albeit saw saw comments about the little crackers harassing an Indian tribal leader. Then when I went to look for it this morning, observations:

- footage of the event was relatively hard to find, compared to footage decrying it was everywhere.

- watched the short clip, yes the little paleface had a shithead smirk on his face, as do most boys of any race/creed at that age....permasmirk. Harassment? I was expecting that kid to start ranting or something as he was being baited to do, but nothing

- Nathan Phillips was drumming roughly 5 centimeters from the gringo’s face. First thought: white suburban kids want physical confrontation as much as they want their iPhones taken away, as in not napping. Assumption of course is that Phillips came up to them.

- looked for full video which confirmed NP was the one that walked up to them. He’s a pro activist, not that I care / more power to ‘em, but he knew exactly what he was doing and the kid did not. That said, again the kid literally did nothing but smile

- ratio of outrage online about original clip vs getting full clip out there : 1000000:1

- bout the real news story that just so happened to be a good portion of the full was the deal with those weird ass black guys with the posters ranting about the Greeks and romans being f*ggots? The real harassment and bigotry was from them.

White kid smirking while a NA bangs a drum in his ear hole I AM OUTRAGE. Black dudes crazy rambling about Greeks banging dudes or whatever.....BLARGH INSEE NOTHING BLARGH

- most importantly, I still think the number of people that actually give a shit about any of these contrived, manufactured situations is pretty minimal regardless of race

So not surprisingly, jameslee and his fellow loons have completely fabricated a news story in an attempt to ruin the lives of some children because the kids were white and dont support the left wing narrative.

Truly is shameful.

I just hate how they always seem to pardon every other race in every situation regardless of the full story and all of the facts.

Even after getting the full story, James is still only attacking the school kids while completely ignoring what those black kids were yelling.

But I guess that’s the SJW in him. And this one is a conundrum. A minority yelling homophobic slurs. What’s a SJW to do?!
And you forgot bigoted...just like I'm sure their parents taught them. Trump supporters Marching for Life but have no respect for anyone outside the womb. I'm sure Jesus is impressed.

Over and over again the majority of Trump supporters show how bigoted and hateful they are.
Honest question: do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Reading the reactions of so many on here is so disappointing. Solely because these were white kids who were from a Christian school, so many KNEW they were to blame, racist etc. They were condemned to be expelled, punished etc because of a PARTIAL video that has been shown to reflect one side.

There were black students with them that were called Kayne West N......, uncle Toms etc. first. Then they were told as white people to go back to Europe etc. These racists hostile comments were hurled by ADULTS @ KIDS, yet the left is only accusing the kids while the ADULTS get a pass. Why do the adults get a pass—because they support the “correct” cause according to you. Watch the full videos with an open mind and see if you still believe these kids were the instigators.

This is why I spend sooooo much time informing my children of the dangers of the media and how the try to shape stories. The left and so many on here were willing to destroy the reputation of KIDS because they want their political team to win.

Be ashamed of who you are and pray/hope whatever that you don’t fall on the wrong side of these people once your support is no longer needed. This facet of the left will turn on you once they no longer find you useful.
You suck Dougan, always have. Even your buddies in GYERO know it.

The kid stared down/tried to intimidate an elderly man of color while his buddies chanted "build the wall!"

He wanted attention, how he'll have to deal with the consequences. Enjoy!
Who cares if it's an elderly, harmless Native American Vietnam Veteran there to pay homage to other Vets?


This kid probably doesn't have that shit-eating grin tonight now that he's been outed. He'll likely get expelled from school, have trouble getting accepted into a college, and will struggle to find a career. And I love it.

If you love it then you’re a warped, demented insect.
The usual leftists and the "I'm not a leftist even though I walk and talk like a leftist" douchebags fell for the leftist propaganda again. You people are disgusting.

Keep it up you stupid f**ks. You're pushing good people hard with this divisive bullshit! It's not the recipe for any kind of outcome that you are prepared to deal with or that anyone would want, but it is where YOU ARE TAKING US ALL!
IF guilty.......then a chance to make up for wrongdoing. Its a general statement, not necessarily specific to this. There are two sides to every story and more than what you see on the surface.

But the lynch mobs around today on social the poster earlier that says he hoped that kid's life was ruined. What does that accomplish?

Guilty of what?
Something doesn't pass the smell test here. Did these guys just come over and start heckling the American Indians, or did the American Indians come over to the Cov. Catholic kids.
Amazing what happens when you wait for the whole story before condemning people isn’t it? Kudos to reserving judgement until all the videos get posted.

I wonder if those so quickly condemning these kids would like to be judged by a jury only after the prosecutor presents a “fact” and the jury deliberates without hearing from them. That is what they do damn near every single situation.
Relax people the Commander and Chief of the White House tribe will make this right. Chief Orange Man Sitting Desk will have the most lit White House Thanksgiving dinner ever in 2019. He will have the Cov Cath students and the IP group together with $5 dollar turkey club footlongs from Subway on a table nothing short of championship football team spread. The light skin kid that was bullied and called the N word Uncle Tom will not get the Franklin treatment. He will be sitting at the head of the table right next to Elizabeth Warren as she blesses the food. Once again there will be heaven and peace on all social media.
I've heard encouraging words from priests and bishops they would address pedophilia but they only do something when forced to by public exposure. As bad as that is and it is atrocious, it pales by comparison to how Christians from Columbus and the Spanish conquistadors treated the cultures they found in the Americas. You'll have to excuse me if I snort derision at the notion American Christians today actually respect the culture they have spent centuries persecuting and extinguishing. As bad as the Indians wars prosecuted in the name of Christ was, the policies to strip an entire culture of its identity may have been worse. Some of the "Christian" methods were: Rechristen them with English Christian names, forbid the use of their own names.
Punish them for speaking their own language, or grab them when they are young enough not to have learned it very well.
Force them to live at the Mission School and only visit home 1 or 2 days for the Christian Christmas.
Cut their hair, strip them of their clothing and religious artifacts, and denigrate the artifacts as uncivilized, backwards, or "primitive".
Do this all when they are young enough to not fight back. Heck Wounded Knee started over a religious dance!
And Catholics! Don’t kill a cell in the womb, but rape all the young boys you can handle. What an oddball religion.

At what point does the cell become a human life? Is it when it forms all body parts? Is it when it is capable of living outside the womb? Serious scientific questions. Not going to debate the abortion issue because that is pointless but I am curious about talking about science without the religious bible thumping nut cases getting in the way of the settled science of life.
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I've heard encouraging words from priests and bishops they would address pedophilia but they only do something when forced to by public exposure. As bad as that is and it is atrocious, it pales by comparison to how Christians from Columbus and the Spanish conquistadors treated the cultures they found in the Americas. You'll have to excuse me if I snort derision at the notion American Christians today actually respect the culture they have spent centuries persecuting and extinguishing. As bad as the Indians wars prosecuted in the name of Christ was, the policies to strip an entire culture of its identity may have been worse. Some of the "Christian" methods were: Rechristen them with English Christian names, forbid the use of their own names.
Punish them for speaking their own language, or grab them when they are young enough not to have learned it very well.
Force them to live at the Mission School and only visit home 1 or 2 days for the Christian Christmas.
Cut their hair, strip them of their clothing and religious artifacts, and denigrate the artifacts as uncivilized, backwards, or "primitive".
Do this all when they are young enough to not fight back. Heck Wounded Knee started over a religious dance!
At what point does the cell become a human life? Is it when it forms all body parts? Is it when it is capable of living outside the womb? Serious scientific questions. Not going to debate the abortion issue because that is pointless but I am curious about talking about science without the religious bible thumping nut cases getting in the way of the settled science of life.
A strictly legal question would be when does the government have the right to control what happens inside the envelope of a person's skin? What human gets to ignore that boundary? That to me is the essential question that rises above someones faith or even the science.