How will they rule ??!

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This is literally a replay of the fisa stuff.

Leak fake story and have fake news run with it. Cite said fake story as need for investigation

Do the people calling for an investigation not realize that the story claims it’s info is from an ongoing investigation?
That right there should tell us the info isn’t real.
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This is also how Bill Clinton went down. A long potentially bullshit investigation that eventually found a lie about an intern blow job. Is that what we want?
Now Nielson is also going to go down for perjury. Stood in front of congress multiple times and said they had no policy of separating families. Whistleblower leaked a memo showing they crafted a policy of targeted families just for the media attention and to get traumatized kids in the news. Nobody around Trump can speak an ounce of truth
Trump's people aren't even trying to deny that Trump told Cohen to lie. Their entire defense today has been "can't believe anything Cohen says". One day TRump will figure out that e-mail, text, and recordings don't just go away. This is the exact same way Nixon went down. He got caught red handed in obstruction and then all his cover ups fell apart as the rats jumped ship.

It’s like ground hog day
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That is the most dodging you will ever see a person do to not have to just say a simple no. Do you Trumpsters really think Trump wouldn't tell people to lie to congress for him? a guy that makes everyone sign illegal NDA's and pledge loyalty to him?
This is also how Bill Clinton went down. A long potentially bullshit investigation that eventually found a lie about an intern blow job. Is that what we want?

It wasn’t just that he got a blow job and lied about it. He took various steps to cover it up, have his aides go pick up the gifts he gave her, told her not to cooperate with the Paula Jones lawsuit, and then placed her in a job with a wealthy donor.
It wasn’t just that he got a blow job and lied about it. He took various steps to cover it up, have his aides go pick up the gifts he gave her, told her not to cooperate with the Paula Jones lawsuit, and then placed her in a job with a wealthy donor.

He was impeached for committing perjury, that was recorded and presented as evidence to the American people.
Now Nielson is also going to go down for perjury. Stood in front of congress multiple times and said they had no policy of separating families. Whistleblower leaked a memo showing they crafted a policy of targeted families just for the media attention and to get traumatized kids in the news. Nobody around Trump can speak an ounce of truth
Like James Clapper lying in front of Congress about the Obama administration spying on its own citizens without warrants? Like that type of lying to Congress? If so, sounds like Nielson will be headed to jail with Clapper!

*checks notes*

Oh, nevermind
The only REpublican who actually represents a border district, Will Hurd.
“What I always say is building a wall from sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to do border security,” Hurd says. Trump’s border crisis is a “myth,” Hurd tells Rolling Stone, and a wall made of cement or steel slats is a “third-century solution to a 21st-century problem.”
You nutsos should read his interview, he's a pretty smart guy, was a undercover CIA officer for 10 years.
Trump needs to control the news today so announces him and lil Kim will sit down for another fatass orgy session. Everyone knows NK will never give up nukes, lets move on from that fake news for good. A peace agreement and co-operation between the Koreas is possible, nukes are not. They have been mass producing for the last 2 years now.
The "solution" people pretend exists is a drone army armed with pepper spray and extra batteries. That is the real myth.
This is also how Bill Clinton went down. A long potentially bullshit investigation that eventually found a lie about an intern blow job. Is that what we want?
Uh, false.

Clinton lied right to our faces and got caught. You libs got duped (again).

So is the left really arguing Robert Mueller has had some smoking gun bombshell that proves Trump is a Russian stooge, yet has sat on it for two years while Trump ran the country? Rather than bringing charges right away to get him out of office?

My god the left is mentally retarded.
That's not what they are specifically arguing, it's what must be true if their bullshit is true.
Trump needs to control the news today so announces him and lil Kim will sit down for another fatass orgy session. Everyone knows NK will never give up nukes, lets move on from that fake news for good. A peace agreement and co-operation between the Koreas is possible, nukes are not. They have been mass producing for the last 2 years now.

Mass producing? How many you think they have?

BTW I read your posts and they are all filled with lies and hyperbole based on your own mind not facts
The suicide of the deputy White House council is probably worth a look... vs paying a porn star.

"Starr served as a federal Court of Appeals judge and as solicitor general for George H. W. Bush. He received the most publicity for his tenure as Independent Counsel while Bill Clinton was U.S. president. Starr was initially appointed to investigate the suicide of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster and the Whitewater real estate investments of Bill Clinton. The three-judge panel charged with administering the Independent Counsel Act later expanded the inquiry into numerous areas including suspected perjury about Bill Clinton's sexual activity with Monica Lewinsky. After several years of investigation, Starr filed the Starr Report, which alleged that Bill Clinton lied about the existence of the affair during a sworn deposition. The allegation led to the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the five-year suspension of Clinton's law license."
So I'm right investigation ran so long, and the only fruit that came was a lie about a blow job. That's what they are hoping will happen to Trump, and it's retarded.
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This is also how Bill Clinton went down. A long potentially bullshit investigation that eventually found a lie about an intern blow job. Is that what we want?

Bill was Prez and had Monica and Hillary. Hell, he should have told the truth and said do you see what I have to sleep with each night?

Trump had his knob toked by a porn star and a playboy centerfold pre-Prez, not to mention Melania.

Advantage, Trump.
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Welp, we just got the final 199A Regs.

Is the government even shut down?

Of course it is, didn't you see Chuck Schumer and his NPC followers with the giant pictures of the starving Government workers. Holding up the one of a guy who had to have some medical procedure done and doesn't know how he's going to pay his medical bills (nevermind the fact it will be 4 months before they even start pressuring him for payment, oh and hospitals will defer payments if you talk to them, I digress) or AOC dicussing the plight of her six figure salaried Air Traffic Controller friend who can't make ends meet. you haven't heard all these sad human interest stories?
bwahaha, delusions deulsions. ..

I don't feel sorry for her but just imagine plat's teacher wife coming home from dealing with kids all day to hear him spewing a summary of all the orangemanbad talking points from Vox, ThinkProgress, Vice etc. Has to start drinking on the drive.

His wife? I think you mean his non-binary gender fluid trans companion. Quit misgendering people Qwesley!
I don't feel sorry for her but just imagine plat's teacher wife coming home from dealing with kids all day to hear him spewing a summary of all the orangemanbad talking points from Vox, ThinkProgress, Vice etc. Has to start drinking on the drive.
