How will they rule ??!

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You would think they would be a little smarter and change it up from time to time by waiting a week or even just 2 or 3 days before they run their interference muh Russia collusion stories to deflect from a positive Trump story. But nope. The MSM sticks to the playbook and runs it the day after a Trump positive...every single time. It's comical, sad and tragic all at the same time.

Reminds me of UK running the football on first down every single time. For some reason they just can't not do it. Even when everyone on the other team knows it's coming.

"A wildly popular sports radio host in Kentucky"

I'd be interested to know how far his "wild popularity" stretches across the state. "Hey that guy like UK so I like him" will only go so far. From what I gather here, he's pretty far left.

He is going to get OBLITERATED by McConnell. He'd be an absolute fool to run before McConnell retired. And that's coming from someone who HATED McConnell up until recent years. The way his gamble on the SCOTUS Justices paid off, I'd actually consider voting for him.

One time in my life, I've been wrong...

I argued all day long that Lundercunt Grimes would have been better in the long run than McConnell since he's part of the old guard and needs to finally be put out to pasture.

Mitch McConnell though. Thank god Alison Grimes isn't in office. We might still have Obamacare, no new Brent Spence Bridge, a new version of the Patriot Act, people pushing to grant Obama new powers and easy approval on his bullshit agreements, nothing good for KY etc. Oh, wait.

If there was any doubt in your mind that the Rs also don't give a shit about the country, this trade deal fiasco should clear it all up for you.

Obama has done nothing but shit on the Constitution since he's been in office. The Republicans have talked about how bad it is, but have refused to do anything (because obviously, they don't really care).

Now they're actually pushing a top secret deal, to apparently give Obama all sorts of new powers. I'm all for trade, but I'd imagine as strong as the dollar is right now, you'd want to hesistate to enter into any new agreements that makes it easier/cheaper to outsource.

But hey, thank god Alison Grimes isn't in office to really hurt the country.

I was actively campaigning for Allison Thundercunt Grimes on Catpaw simply to get him out of office.
You would think they would be a little smarter and change it up from time to time by waiting a week or even just 2 or 3 days before they run their interference muh Russia collusion stories to deflect from a positive Trump story. But nope. The MSM sticks to the playbook and runs it the day after a Trump positive...every single time. It's comical, sad and tragic all at the same time.

Reminds me of UK running the football on first down every single time. For some reason they just can't not do it. Even when everyone on the other team knows it's coming.

100% true. And they don't even have to try. Just make a claim using "anonymous sources" and your media buddies will run with it. Doesn't matter what it is. They are running with it as long as they think it hurts Trump.
100% true. And they don't even have to try. Just make a claim using "anonymous sources" and your media buddies will run with it. Doesn't matter what it is. They are running with it as long as they think it hurts Trump.

I can remember times when a reporter went to jail rather than give up their sources. All they had to do was reveal the source to a judge. Why, you may ask? Because rational people understand there was no source to reveal. The source was put in jail.
Not to mention, if there was any truth to this very basic of allegations, it would have surfaced oh...about 2 years ago when all this nonsense investigation started?

[laughing] Yep, and I bet every one of us here who doesn't live a life of blissful ignorance with our head up our ass had that same thought.
[laughing] Yep, and I bet every one of us here who doesn't live a life of blissful ignorance with our head up our ass had that same thought.

It's the same script used when they originally reported on the dossier. Buzzfeed ran it knowing it wasn't verified, the mainstream media then could say they didn't break the story, so their "credibility" wasn't hit.
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The Russia thing baffles me every other day... We're allegedly investigated the sitting president for being a foreign agent, but we need to be patient and wait on this guy's PhD dissertation to take action? How is this really still a thing?
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The Russia thing baffles me every other day... We're allegedly investigated the sitting president for being a foreign agent, but we need to be patient and wait on this guy's PhD dissertation to take action? How is this really still a thing?

How it's still going on is mind-boggling. So many dishonest/illegal things had to happen for this to even get started, yet somehow it can't be stopped after multiple years and millions of dollars being wasted? We all know it's a sham, but the guy somehow has immunity to do what he wants and use any and all power to ruin lives in order to try and find SOMETHING to hit Trump with, all while willingly and knowingly ignoring all the shit that's been exposed regarding a certain side of the aisle and former administration.

It's absurd and pathetic.
How it's still going on is mind-boggling. So many dishonest/illegal things had to happen for this to even get started, yet somehow it can't be stopped after multiple years and millions of dollars being wasted? We all know it's a sham, but the guy somehow has immunity to do what he wants and use any and all power to ruin lives in order to try and find SOMETHING to hit Trump with, all while willingly and knowingly ignoring all the shit that's been exposed regarding a certain side of the aisle and former administration.

It's absurd and pathetic.

It's absurd and pathetic AND PROFITABLE.

Wars in the middle east are cash cows for the US oligarchs. Bullshit media stories to keep the country tuning in are cash cows for another set of American oligarchs.

So long as people are tuning in, and holy shit are these lefties tuning in, the charade will go one. The media will get richer. They'll funnel that money back to the politicians.

The circle of life at this point.
If you believe the CNN/FBI romance novel, Putin placed 2 supreme court justices and shut down the government for the last month to secure the southern US border. Why aren't you literally rioting?
The Russia thing baffles me every other day... We're allegedly investigated the sitting president for being a foreign agent, but we need to be patient and wait on this guy's PhD dissertation to take action? How is this really still a thing?
You must be a walk-on freshman linebacker. Pay attention this time...

It's still first down. Which means they are still going to run the ball. Yeah, I know they are in a formation with 4 WR's...but they are still gonna hand off to Benny...because it's 1st down.

Straight outta the Dems 50 year-old political playbook...they are going to stretch this Russia thing out till the 2020 election stretch run. Because they don't have any real legs to run on or a real candidate that can beat Trump on platform alone. They need help. And lots of it. Even if it's fabricated. Headlines and timing are all that matters.

They just gave Mueller a 6 month extension. He will get another, shorter one after that. And then BAM! Benny gets tackled for a one yard loss...I mean, BAM! the big reveal on Comrade Trump's stint as a Russian operative will be unveiled just weeks before Election Day. The report will be long and sketchy. But the headlines will be bold and really sketchy. With absolutely no time for an adequate and truthful response beforehand.
You must be a walk-on freshman linebacker. Pay attention this time...

It's still first down. Which means they are still going to run the ball. Yeah, I know they are in a formation with 4 WR's...but they are still gonna hand off to Benny...because it's 1st down.

Straight outta the Dems 50 year-old political playbook...they are going to stretch this Russia thing out till the 2020 election stretch run. Because they don't have any real legs to run on or a real candidate that can beat Trump on platform alone. They need help. And lots of it. Even if it's fabricated. Headlines and timing are all that matters.

They just gave Mueller a 6 month extension. He will get another, shorter one after that. And then BAM! Benny gets tackled for a one yard loss...I mean, BAM! the big reveal on Comrade Trump's stint as a Russian operative will be unveiled just weeks before Election Day. The report will be long and sketchy. But the headlines will be bold and really sketchy. With absolutely no time for an adequate and truthful response beforehand.

Well, when you put it like that...
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In the Democrats mind, they have never lost an election, every Republican is bad, every Democrat is good, and if anything failed, well, it was because of the Republicans or they pretend it didn’t fail.

Oh, and the sins of our nation (KKK, slavery, Jim Crow, etc) all Democrats do is pretend they were innocent and the parties switched. Lol
What's funny is this fed govt. shutdown monkey wrench. The timing of the shutdown is horrible for the Dems. It needed to be closer to the 2020 election for it to be effective or of any use at all to them. Because their only other "out" in this particular battle was for Trump to cave...and fast. Hahahaha. Bet they already fired the advisers that told them that scenario was going to play out quickly. Especially after Trump one upped Pelosi in the Battle of the Pen Pals. Hahahaha. More on that later...
You must be a walk-on freshman linebacker. Pay attention this time...

It's still first down. Which means they are still going to run the ball. Yeah, I know they are in a formation with 4 WR's...but they are still gonna hand off to Benny...because it's 1st down.

Straight outta the Dems 50 year-old political playbook...they are going to stretch this Russia thing out till the 2020 election stretch run. Because they don't have any real legs to run on or a real candidate that can beat Trump on platform alone. They need help. And lots of it. Even if it's fabricated. Headlines and timing are all that matters.

They just gave Mueller a 6 month extension. He will get another, shorter one after that. And then BAM! Benny gets tackled for a one yard loss...I mean, BAM! the big reveal on Comrade Trump's stint as a Russian operative will be unveiled just weeks before Election Day. The report will be long and sketchy. But the headlines will be bold and really sketchy. With absolutely no time for an adequate and truthful response beforehand.
It’s their only shot of winning 2020. Trump is doing pretty good job, but that’s not why he wins.
Trump wins because the left is completely wacko.
What's funny is this fed govt. shutdown monkey wrench. The timing of the shutdown is horrible for the Dems. It needed to be closer to the 2020 election for it to be effective or of any use at all to them. Because their only other "out" in this particular battle was for Trump to cave...and fast. Hahahaha. Bet they already fired the advisers that told them that scenario was going to play out quickly. Especially after Trump one upped Pelosi in the Battle of the Pen Pals. Hahahaha. More on that later...

I don't think they necessarily needed it closer to 2020, but they needed a Democrat in charge. Obama's government shutdowns were noticeable because he was willing to put up barriers to stop dying veterans from honoring their fallen brothers, or threaten to stop sending your grandma's social security check, etc. and the media was blaming that on the republicans.

There aren't any barriers around war memorials or threats to stop SS checks this time. So the media has to resort to outrage over Trump serving fast food during a shutdown, or telling Pelosi to shine his shoes, or making up another Russia story, etc.

Government shutdowns don't matter to 90% of Americans, unless Obama is in charge and does everything he can to make sure as many Americans as possible suffer.
Pelosi thinks normal humans will believe that she was still going to make her trip after Trump thumped it, but can't now because of security concerns. Too bad, would have been a great chance for her to come back and tell us about the sniper fire she survived on the tarmac when she landed.
Why does Trump lie about so much?

He doesn’t, why do the media nit pick everything he says?
How many things have they called a lie, that we found out later was the truth?

Let’s take what they framed a a lie a week or so ago. When Trump stated that a past President had told him they wish they had finished the wall.
The only actual past President that commented was Carter, the others were comments by aids. That is called a filter, it’s how a president can make a false statement without being held accountable.
It’s what’s glorious about Trump, and will be the standard for every President that follows. He simply makes a statement, via twitter or press conf.
There is no doubt what he really thinks, we may not like it, but there’s no guessing. However, that weeds out the media, and they don’t like it.
Why does Trump lie about so much?
It’s in his DNA. It’s who he is and what he stands for. Lying about his health to avoid the draft - check. Lying about business dealings to avoid taxes - check. Lying and cheating to go from wife to wife - check. Anything coming from the megalomaniac’s mouth should be considered a lie until proven otherwise. If Commandant Hamberder weren’t the POTUS, I could actually feel empathy for him and his family. Mental illness is treatable.
I don't think they necessarily needed it closer to 2020, but they needed a Democrat in charge. Obama's government shutdowns were noticeable because he was willing to put up barriers to stop dying veterans from honoring their fallen brothers, or threaten to stop sending your grandma's social security check, etc. and the media was blaming that on the republicans.

There aren't any barriers around war memorials or threats to stop SS checks this time. So the media has to resort to outrage over Trump serving fast food during a shutdown, or telling Pelosi to shine his shoes, or making up another Russia story, etc.

Government shutdowns don't matter to 90% of Americans, unless Obama is in charge and does everything he can to make sure as many Americans as possible suffer.

While that is true...look at all of the headlines and tickers from the MSM about the shutdown. All negative towards Trump. Never mind that the Dems were FOR border security just a few short years ago. Never mind that Trump has been reaching out to meet and compromise with the Dems. It's all HIS fault. In the headlines and on the tickers and lead-ins it's ALL TRUMPS FAULT. (Fox News being the obvious outlier of course.)

Trump ain't caving. He may compromise...but he ain't caving. Closer to the election and the Dems could ride the shutdown out amidst the favorable headlines (for them). But no way they can let the shutdown go till Election Day right now. It's too far down the road.
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It’s in his DNA. It’s who he is and what he stands for. Lying about his health to avoid the draft - check. Lying about business dealings to avoid taxes - check. Lying and cheating to go from wife to wife - check. Anything coming from the megalomaniac’s mouth should be considered a lie until proven otherwise. If Commandant Hamberder weren’t the POTUS, I could actually feel empathy for him and his family. Mental illness is treatable.

Lol. You are such an effing moron. You are exactly the type of person that media prey on.

I love the “lied about bone spurs” shit as if you have any idea or know how many millions of others were given deferments not to mention, you bastards haven’t produced a Dem Party President that served since Carter.

You talking about mental illness is hilarious considering your base is nothing but nut jobs.
Brings up the question, if Mueller already knew this and it's an impeachable offense, what else does he know? The investigation has been going for awhile. Just how bad is this gonna get?
Brings up the question, if Mueller already knew this and it's an impeachable offense, what else does he know? The investigation has been going for awhile. Just how bad is this gonna get?

He knows nothing and has nothing. If he did, we would know it because he leaks every thought that even enters his mind.

We definitely would've known before midterms.

So ya, it ain't true