How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Dude these resident Trump supporters don't operate in the same reality as normal humans. It is nuts.
It's hupersons dipshit. Equity and inclusion goddamnit!!!!!

We will never live through a Presidency like this ever again. It’s glorious to witness.

Definitely unprecedented, but unprecedented might be the new normal. The new Congressional class had more than a few weirdos. Kayne vs AOC 2024 might be real.
McConnell would destroy Jones.

I enjoy KSR radio show, the guys have a great comradrie, but Jones ain’t beating McConnell.
Not only would he lose the race, he’d lose a lot of his radio fans.
Although it might leap frog him into the national stage as a media personality besides sports.
However, sometimes you can chase that carrot dangling in front of your face right over a cliff.
If you guys are being serious with 90% of the posts I see on this echo-chamber of a thread, then hell yeah I'm LMAO at your pea-brained opinions. Are you one of those anti-college bros? Did you move here from another country (LEGALLY!!!!111!!!) or did your dad merely jizz inside your mom on American soil?

Why are you so insecure about your status as an American citizen?

Didn't you idiots love the idea of teachers having guns available at school? You know, not to kill anyone in his/her own classroom, but to PREVENT someone killing anyone in his/her classroom. I'm just trying to teach that good ol' fashioned "liberal math" and "liberal science," fam. I'm here to educate the youth. Also to enjoy things like spring/summer/fall/winter breaks and snow days.


Do you even party, bro?
Whatever you say weirdo.
Did anyone hear the show when they were talking about a bullet being shot through the window of a high rise in Lexington? Talk about coming off like a true dumbass, Jones didn't have any clue of what he was talking about at any point. None of them did.

Guy calls in asks Jones if you drop a pillow and a piano at the same time, which would hit the ground first. He didn't know and the guy calling didn't know either because he left out the vacuum part of the question.

And another thing. Jones let his car go without an oil change to the point that his engine seized up! Do you want someone that out of touch with reality to govern your life based on "feels"?
Has Jones become deluded enough to think the popularity of his radio program is because of him and not the subject it primarily covers and that will somehow translate into election to the United States Senate? Wow, the guy dwells in liberal la-la land which clouds his mind, if so

Ironic the Dems/left/Libs are always supporting LGBTQ and men dressing like women so they can go into the women’s restroom with little girls, so why are so up in arms and going after Graham if he is gay? Shouldn’t they welcome him with open arms and applaud his courage or is that only for people that think like them. Sen Booker and Kamala Harris are thinkers and have vision, but conservative AA’s Uncle Toms and puppets. Can’t make this stuff up.
I enjoy KSR radio show, the guys have a great comradrie, but Jones ain’t beating McConnell.
Not only would he lose the race, he’d lose a lot of his radio fans.
Although it might leap frog him into the national stage as a media personality besides sports.
However, sometimes you can chase that carrot dangling in front of your face right over a cliff.
Hope nobody is on belay when he goes over. I would just stand at the top and wave good bye.
Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress about plans to build Trump Tower in Moscow during 2016 campaign: report

Obstruction of justice, ladies and gentlemen. Cohen confirmed reports already found by Mueller. If true, in a sane world that is the end for the Trump presidency and still might be the end in this one. Truly winning bigly.
[roll]You and Platnidumb are comic gold. How many of these headlines have we seen come and go and yet, senators on the left as recently as a day or two ago agree that they were going to bring up impeachment even though they had nothing to go on. They need to keep the lemmings fired up for 2020. Keep on dreaming until Trump leaves office on his own after 2024.
Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress about plans to build Trump Tower in Moscow during 2016 campaign: report

Obstruction of justice, ladies and gentlemen. Cohen confirmed reports already found by Mueller. If true, in a sane world that is the end for the Trump presidency and still might be the end in this one. Truly winning bigly.

Why do you think that article dropped yesterday? Think about it real hard, and understand that the media runs blocking patterns for the Democrats.
We've seen a thousand of those stories with outeageous headlines, that if true would be the end of Trump! The one thing they all have in common is anonymous sources. That is simply cover for the media to print rumors at this point.
This story was printed for the reaction the Headline would give. It gives the media something to run with to eat up airtime instead of the atomic elbow Trump dropped on Pelosi yesterday.
Why do you think that article dropped yesterday? Think about it real hard, and understand that the media runs blocking patterns for the Democrats.
We've seen a thousand of those stories with outeageous headlines, that if true would be the end of Trump! The one thing they all have in common is anonymous sources. That is simply cover for the media to print rumors at this point.
This story was printed for the reaction the Headline would give. It gives the media something to run with to eat up airtime instead of the atomic elbow Trump dropped on Pelosi yesterday.

Those anonymous sources. lol McCabe and Comey?
Remember when serial liar fuzz posted at that most of the drugs come from Mexico at legal entry points? Well, that was a big ol fat lie. Lying liar. He has know way of knowing how much drugs come from the unsecured parts. Acts like a know-it-all. Doesn't know shit. Here's one drug smuggle that the US law were able to stop. 700 lbs of cocaine.

It shouldn't surprise me at this point, but it still does.

Every time Trump eviscerates the left, we get some new bullshit headlines from anonymous sources.

That part doesn't surprise me.

The fact that the lefties really believe those headlines, after every single one has turned out to be bullshit, and they immediately shitpost the headlines to a forum of reasonable people who will immediately point out how goddam stupid they are is the part that surprises me.

Definition of insanity, and those kinds of things.