How will they rule ??!

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Could be truth to that. It’s certainly dirty, but recruiting has always been dirty. I’m not saying we paid players, I don’t think we did, but I wouldn’t be shocked to learn otherwise.

I do think Kansas has bought a few. Duke bought Zion and you’ll never convince me otherwise.

Come on, bro.

We all know why Zion went to Duke.
It's an interesting point that I hope wouldnt get lost on dems. We didnt have to have trump, imo his rise could have been avoided. Not bc Hillary could be president but bc we should be in Romneys 2nd term. When they went on Hillary's excuse tour, and were having nonstop round tables of how this happened..of course blaming everyone else instead of self reflection and claiming it was bc everyone is nefarious in some way. The democrats and media went on their usual hysteria and slander campaign that they always do. They blamed Romney as being evil, a misogynist, will put blacks in chains. Also he was the guy that brought up Russia. He was a better candidate in every way, and he is in fact a centrist. But that didnt stop the absurd hysteria machine. Romney didnt respond to it.

You know what happens when you trash someone that wont respond...someone that will comes up.

You know what happens when you have a guy who no one questions, just blindly trusts, when several ppl have problems they want answers for, yet all there is is complete fawning over....everyone should always be skeptical and question any power..there was an 8 year nap in there. And we got what happens when you don't do your job.

The most interesting thing, is dems now are helping make the case that we need smaller govt. You scared of the president and dont like what he does? Well, how about the president shld have so little power it shouldnt matter to begin with? Of course the last was treated as an all knowing God King. Worried about the shutdown? Seems many of these positions could be privatized...some of them look completely unnecessary to exist.

I didnt vote for trump (didnt "vote for me just bc I'm woman" either). When he has governed much of it has in fact been like a moderate Democrat. But after seeing liberal behavior and the mess they put themselves in, exposing how shit all of our politicians are, and the narcissistic media refusing to have any self awareness. I just laugh
I was never a Trump fan until the left turned on him and showed their corruption with Hillary. Still not a big fan of all of his social media postings but, I do like his fighting spirit and how he has thrown DC into a frenzy. We need more of that.
Is there a single soldier in the US military that would be happy to see Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff photo opping at their base?
A few trans crazies that we have in the military. Had one come through the other day deploying over seas and his name was Christine. Just changed it recently and was trying to get a passport. He/she did not realized he/she needed documentation proving the name change in order to get a passport. Was a little miffed that he /she had to go back home to get it. He/she was a pretty good sized dude/dudette with a man sized voice too. That will cause some confusion for some going forward.
So this was supposed to be a top secret trip because it is a congressional delegation to visit troops in Afghanistan. Scalise leaked it this morning on twitter before Trump's letter. So you guys are okay with politicians & the President leaking sensitive info to terrorists so they can play political games? Sounds about right for this board. I'm sure this move will really help out Trump's cause...lmao. If the delegation went through with the trip and got killed by ISIS because of the GoP leaks that would be the end of their party.
[roll] ^^ Thinks the democrats don't have ISIS on speed dial.
There’s nothing these dumb shits can’t destroy. Conservatism sustains the left’s ability to be absolute morons, like a reckless child with their parents there to clean up the mistakes. If the left were to get their utopia, it would fall apart because they need others to steal from and a person to blame everything on. Ultimately, they would eat each other. The right’s idea for America is doing the same shit that made it successful in the first place and not wanting to import the world’s problems and making government grow as big as possible because that’s the opposite of liberty.

This country desperately needs to split or to fight for it because sitting by and seeing the left be able to control and operate so much power in this nation when they don’t even have the same values or America’s best interest is disgusting.

LMAO...yet another mention of "values" in this thread. Good grief.

I can promise you this, bro...

Benny Snell would smack the SHIT out of you if you told him your views on black people in America. You spend all day whining about anyone who isn't a white conservative, you piss on blacks/Jews/educators/public-sector workers ad nauseum, and then you sit on your couch and watch black athletes play a game and fanatically root for them because of, you guessed it, college.

99% of Kentucky's bball and football players would piss on your grave if they knew how big of a shitbag you are.

Don't let me start cross-posting some of your "political" takes on the sports boards. I'm petty like that. You're 100% the scum of this fanbase, and you represent a disturbingly-large amount of bummy boys who root for UK to win games.

I've got you, brodie. Post some more weirdo shit and I'll make sure you get PJ-Washingtoned. Hahaha you can go back to watching TV now.
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The person who is President of the United States, which is the top political position in the entire country, the position all politicians dream of attaining, is a bad politician.

How god damned retarded do you have to be to post something like that?

LMAO...yet another mention of "values" in this thread. Good grief.

I can promise you this, bro...

Benny Snell would smack the SHIT out of you if you told him your views on black people in America. You spend all day whining about anyone who isn't a white conservative, you piss on blacks/Jews/educators/public-sector workers ad nauseum, and then you sit on your couch and watch black athletes play a game and fanatically root for them because of, you guessed it, college.

99% of Kentucky's bball and football players would piss on your grave if they knew how big of a shitbag you are.

Don't let me start cross-posting some of your "political" takes on the sports boards. I'm petty like that. You're 100% the scum of this fanbase, and you represent a disturbingly-large amount of bummy boys who root for UK to win games.

I've got you, brodie. Post some more weirdo shit and I'll make sure you get PJ-Washingtoned. Hahaha you can go back to watching TV now.
You have no ground to stand on with the way you post and now you are threatening another poster. Guarantee you would get bitch slapped if you spouted out your liberal crap in the circles I run in and it is a very diverse crowd of patriots.
I don't want to hear your problems. Nobody does. Go have a good cry. If you had any self-awareness, you wouldn't be walking around pretending you know everything while supporting your delusion by disparaging everybody who doesn't agree with you, or dress like, or act like you. Yes, I remember your arrogance from your post history. You should look up wildcatsboston. You're much the same. Biggest GD bigots on the board.

Unlike most of us, you don't even try to understand opposing opinions so you can argue intelligently. You're a self-important, brainwashed religious freak.

Spot on.
I don't want to hear your problems. Nobody does. Go have a good cry. If you had any self-awareness, you wouldn't be walking around pretending you know everything while supporting your delusion by disparaging everybody who doesn't agree with you, or dress like, or act like you. Yes, I remember your arrogance from your post history. You should look up wildcatsboston. You're much the same. Biggest GD bigots on the board.

Unlike most of us, you don't even try to understand opposing opinions so you can argue intelligently. You're a self-important, brainwashed religious freak.

Ok, now you’re just annoying.
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Not according to this PlatinumDildo.

In a letter to Pelosi, Trump told her that a congressional delegation trip she intended to take to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan, which he dismissed as a “public relations event,” is now “postponed.”...."Pelosi’s office said the trip, which was not previously announced, would have included meetings with top NATO commanders in Brussels “to affirm the United States’ ironclad commitment” to the alliance as well as a visit with troops serving in Afghanistan."
Platnidumb wrong for the umteenthmillionth time.
You have no ground to stand on with the way you post and now you are threatening another poster. Guarantee you would get bitch slapped if you spouted out your liberal crap in the circles I run in and it is a very diverse crowd of patriots.

Me saying that Donald Trump is a moron wouldn't get me slapped anywhere, in any era of that bum's career. We could argue, but that's where it starts and ends. Nobody in their right mind would take it further than that.

Your boy spouting all that hate he feels toward black Americans to someone's face, though? Get rekd, bro. Real patriots will humiliate scumbags like him. I'm pretty sure I've never seen you post some of the shit @KingOfBBN thumbs out, so kudos to you for being a halfway-decent human (at least in that regard). All that anti-Jew, anti-black, anti-Muslim xenophobic fear mongering is for pussies and pawns. For bitches like him to root for UK athletics is simply the piss on the shit cake.
He starts off every post with a "LMAO".

The guy is mentally unstable. He's a grade school teacher. What happens when he shoots up the classroom?

If you guys are being serious with 90% of the posts I see on this echo-chamber of a thread, then hell yeah I'm LMAO at your pea-brained opinions. Are you one of those anti-college bros? Did you move here from another country (LEGALLY!!!!111!!!) or did your dad merely jizz inside your mom on American soil?

Why are you so insecure about your status as an American citizen?

Didn't you idiots love the idea of teachers having guns available at school? You know, not to kill anyone in his/her own classroom, but to PREVENT someone killing anyone in his/her classroom. I'm just trying to teach that good ol' fashioned "liberal math" and "liberal science," fam. I'm here to educate the youth. Also to enjoy things like spring/summer/fall/winter breaks and snow days.


Do you even party, bro?
If i were a college student that just won the NCAAF championship i would be thinking why didn't this cheapass buy some steaks or brisket. or at least have the chef make some fresh burgers not that mcdonalds garbage. or buy some five guys. But it fits Trump perfectly, he is cheapass garbage with no taste....

Something wrong with you, dude. Sigh.

If you guys are being serious with 90% of the posts I see on this echo-chamber of a thread, then hell yeah I'm LMAO at your pea-brained opinions. Are you one of those anti-college bros? Did you move here from another country (LEGALLY!!!!111!!!) or did your dad merely jizz inside your mom on American soil?

Why are you so insecure about your status as an American citizen?

Didn't you idiots love the idea of teachers having guns available at school? You know, not to kill anyone in his/her own classroom, but to PREVENT someone killing anyone in his/her classroom. I'm just trying to teach that good ol' fashioned "liberal math" and "liberal science," fam. I'm here to educate the youth. Also to enjoy things like spring/summer/fall/winter breaks and snow days.


Do you even party, bro?

You need help. Amazing no parent has picked up on your mental illness.

I hope they give your colleague a gun. They'll probably have to shoot you. Whacko.
If you guys are being serious with 90% of the posts I see on this echo-chamber of a thread, then hell yeah I'm LMAO at your pea-brained opinions. Are you one of those anti-college bros? Did you move here from another country (LEGALLY!!!!111!!!) or did your dad merely jizz inside your mom on American soil?

Why are you so insecure about your status as an American citizen?

Didn't you idiots love the idea of teachers having guns available at school? You know, not to kill anyone in his/her own classroom, but to PREVENT someone killing anyone in his/her classroom. I'm just trying to teach that good ol' fashioned "liberal math" and "liberal science," fam. I'm here to educate the youth. Also to enjoy things like spring/summer/fall/winter breaks and snow days.


Do you even party, bro?
Dude these resident Trump supporters don't operate in the same reality as normal humans. It is nuts.
It's an interesting point that I hope wouldnt get lost on dems. We didnt have to have trump, imo his rise could have been avoided. Not bc Hillary could be president but bc we should be in Romneys 2nd term. When they went on Hillary's excuse tour, and were having nonstop round tables of how this happened..of course blaming everyone else instead of self reflection and claiming it was bc everyone is nefarious in some way. The democrats and media went on their usual hysteria and slander campaign that they always do. They blamed Romney as being evil, a misogynist, will put blacks in chains. Also he was the guy that brought up Russia. He was a better candidate in every way, and he is in fact a centrist. But that didnt stop the absurd hysteria machine. Romney didnt respond to it.

You know what happens when you trash someone that wont respond...someone that will comes up.

You know what happens when you have a guy who no one questions, just blindly trusts, when several ppl have problems they want answers for, yet all there is is complete fawning over....everyone should always be skeptical and question any power..there was an 8 year nap in there. And we got what happens when you don't do your job.

The most interesting thing, is dems now are helping make the case that we need smaller govt. You scared of the president and dont like what he does? Well, how about the president shld have so little power it shouldnt matter to begin with? Of course the last was treated as an all knowing God King. Worried about the shutdown? Seems many of these positions could be privatized...some of them look completely unnecessary to exist.

I didnt vote for trump (didnt "vote for me just bc I'm woman" either). When he has governed much of it has in fact been like a moderate Democrat. But after seeing liberal behavior and the mess they put themselves in, exposing how shit all of our politicians are, and the narcissistic media refusing to have any self awareness. I just laugh
I'll post again..I'm interested in @EastKYWildcat and @bkingUK take on see why they thought obama was better than Romney
I'll post again..I'm interested in @EastKYWildcat and @bkingUK take on see why they thought obama was better than Romney

You nailed it earlier, especially the part of not being held accountable for 8 years.
That’s exactly what happened, either for fear of being called a racist, or simply wanting to ensure the first African American president succeeded.
It’s also why it’s clear that certain agencies, admin members felt they could act without reprisal.
Dude these resident Trump supporters don't operate in the same reality as normal humans. It is nuts.
Says the socialist Obama nut hugger. You say we are nuts but, you support a political system that wants to destroy the greatest country in the history of this planet by turning it into a third world dump. Who is the crazy one now.
I was never a Trump fan until the left turned on him and showed their corruption with Hillary. Still not a big fan of all of his social media postings but, I do like his fighting spirit and how he has thrown DC into a frenzy. We need more of that.

I was a huge fan as soon as he had the guts to take on illegal immigration when the other Republicans thought they should embrace it and speak Spanish. Lol

I love him for multiple reasons.

1. He's not owned by lobbyists, special interest groups or controlled by the establishment. An actual president who is free to actually help this country.

2. He has made the media take their masks off. There’s no coming back from this.

3. Cares about Americans over importing third world sacks of shit to destroy our nation.

4. Will stand up to the left which no Republican ever had the balls to do so and they (the left) have no idea how to handle someone standing up to them. They’re used to ppl rolling over and Trump makes them embarrass themselves over and over again.

4. Basically, common sense, patriotism and understands economics/money (something most of the left is completely retarded about).
I have always liked Trump because he knows how to win. Has made mistakes and came back stronger. Don’t agree with some of his personal life choices, but I just want someone who will fight for this country and its people. He has an unorthodox way of doing it but he is methodically unveiling the sham that is Washington DC and the MSM. What he did to Pelosi and company today is a total FU move that no other “politician” would have ever had to guts to do. They are the types of people who does not get put in their place very often by all of their yes people around them and they now are dealing with someone who does it on a repeated basis. We will never live through a Presidency like this ever again. It’s glorious to witness.