How will they rule ??!

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Are you under some misguided perception that the ocean temperature is a constant?
Of course not. Global temperatures are directly connected to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, as shown by over 800,000 years of polar ice cores. Humans are dumping CO2 into the atmosphere at unprecedented rates, which is causing extreme warming.
Of course not. Global temperatures are directly connected to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, as shown by over 800,000 years of polar ice cores. Humans are dumping CO2 into the atmosphere at unprecedented rates, which is causing extreme warming.

What is significant about the last 800k temperature wise? Do you know?
Did we ever figure out how old platdumbass is?

I still say under 16. A total loser douchebag living in parents basement waiting to see what college isn't going to reject him.
What is significant about the last 800k temperature wise? Do you know?
Nothing temperature-wise. Only thing significant about 800k years is that's how deep we've drilled the ice cores and so have a record. I could have just as easily said, "Global temperatures are directly connected to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, as shown by all core samples of polar ice."
Nothing temperature-wise. Only thing significant about 800k years is that's how deep we've drilled the ice cores and so have a record. I could have just as easily said, "Global temperatures are directly connected to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, as shown by all core samples of polar ice."

There have been four glacial periods in the last eight hundred thousand years. It is widely accepted that this is probably the coolest period in the planets history other than the snowball Earth.

Or you could have said as temperature increases, respiration increases. A warmer planet has higher CO2 than a colder planet.
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I'm down for this.
oh thats right, Obama signed the giant ass omnibus bill. ****in moron. and Obama started the 7 trillion war in the middle east. what Obama did do was sign the sequester bill that started rapidly bringing the deficit down and Trump said **** that shit lets spend spend spend and suck off Kim a bit along the way.
Hey dorklips, did not Obama and you guys just recently take credit for a great economy? Not that it really matters you can't understand reality enough to see Obama hurt this country's economy in his 8 year run because it was barely chugging along and getting ready to fail and now Trump has it moving along with those jobs "That aren't coming back". It is too early to see how the rest of it will turn out. The obvious thing is that in order to get your way, people like you on the left want us to fail even if it means our destruction. You are a complete wastes of sperm.
Slightly off-topic, but...

New Crutchfield came yesterday. I've been reading their catalog and buying their stuff since study hall in the school library in 1991. Their once great catalog has been reduced to a GD Colors of Benetton ad. It seems it is now far more important to show me how a new set of speakers would make me feel than to actually give me all the info. Oh, and don't forget the interview with Hiram, the immigrant dude who mops the warehouse floors every night. That's riveting Hi-Fi entertainment, right there.

Of course, being based in VA, it was only a matter of time.

Nothing is safe from liberals. Nothing is sacred.
Please pass the dutchie on the left-hand side...
Scientologist - Check
Former child actress - Check
Crazy - Check

Hollywood is totally normal and healthy and even asking questions about why pedophiles, rapists, and psychopaths are routinely in high level positions and often retain them even after discovery of their evil is just crazy.

Also, USA Today headline:
Juliette Lewis rocks out to Britney Spears in viral video

Yeah, she's "rocking out" lol what a funny video of a totally not deeply troubled person lmao it went VIRAL!!!
This brexit situation is ridiculous. Globalist and May are trying to ignore the vote and essentially negotiate a deal that's brexit in name only. We may see revolution there.

Lmao, you just know late tonight or tomorrow Trumps going to just roast Avenatti in a tweet.

Guesses on a nickname?

But, she's running in 2020, you guys...


Ramp up social media bots to make it appear as though there's huge support. Hire online trolls for same reason. Fix a primary. Have msm run interference and put up fake polls.

All running interference for the gigantic amounts of voter fraud that will take place in key states.

She can absolutely still win despite low actual support
Scientologist - Check
Former child actress - Check
Crazy - Check

Hollywood is totally normal and healthy and even asking questions about why pedophiles, rapists, and psychopaths are routinely in high level positions and often retain them even after discovery of their evil is just crazy.

Also, USA Today headline:
Juliette Lewis rocks out to Britney Spears in viral video

Yeah, she's "rocking out" lol what a funny video of a totally not deeply troubled person lmao it went VIRAL!!!

Wife and I have a theory that Scientology is actually a contrived society, designed to provide solace and shelter under the guise of lunacy to those in that area who are looking to escape the true crazies in Hollywood.
Scientologist - Check
Former child actress - Check
Crazy - Check

Hollywood is totally normal and healthy and even asking questions about why pedophiles, rapists, and psychopaths are routinely in high level positions and often retain them even after discovery of their evil is just crazy.

Also, USA Today headline:
Juliette Lewis rocks out to Britney Spears in viral video

Yeah, she's "rocking out" lol what a funny video of a totally not deeply troubled person lmao it went VIRAL!!!

If you haven’t completely lost any form of admiration or being enamored with Hollywood then you’re not paying attention or super misinformed/shallow.

It’s a dark industry. They play these make believe characters and people buy into this escape and fantasy for a couple of hours. These people often sleep with people for breaks, have huge drug problems, are more often than not completely ignorant (Jennifer Lawrence and Johnny Depp couldn’t even get past the 10th grade) yet are surrounded by people that make them feel like they’re important and smart.

But like you said, these are the same people who fall for Scientology (which there’s zero excuse to believe) and then have no problems with Harvey Weinstein or Roman Polanski until it’s beneficial for them to be against it. And people are kidding themselves if they think it’s only Hollywood studio heads and famous directors doing this. No, it’s from the bottom to the top- from crew, casting directors, agents, modeling, managers, etc. So many sell themselves for a chance to get ahead.

But when it comes to politics, my list of people I will no longer watch has grown significantly.
Wife and I have a theory that Scientology is actually a contrived society, designed to provide solace and shelter under the guise of lunacy to those in that area who are looking to escape the true crazies in Hollywood.

There’s been a lot of Scientology documentaries and testimonies about how they targeted Hollywood because they’re stupid and have lots of money and influence. Pretty humorous.
Democrats against campaign finance and gerrymandering? That’s a laugh.

And their desire for mass voter registration is simply to make it easier to commit voter fraud. Who is dumb enough to believe otherwise? Luckily, they can’t do anything without the senate and the presidency.
It is our honor and privilege to fix the rat hole we just took advantage of...
The tall one is running for governor of Florida and the heavyset man is Noah Holliman Jr, the guy who rented the Avis car in Florida that was found with the stolen provisional ballots. To be political correct and not be in danger of being called a racist no one should say Andrew Gillum is a crook and trying to steal an election. But, some may think Andrew Gillum is crook trying to steal an election.

The tall one is running for governor of Florida and the heavyset man is Noah Holliman Jr, the guy who rented the Avis car in Florida that was found with the stolen provisional ballots. To be political correct and not be in danger of being called a racist no one should say Andrew Gillum is a crook and trying to steal an election. But, some may think Andrew Gillum is crook trying to steal an election.


How familiar are you with the amount of corruption from black preachers? They’re notorious for financial corruption. That doesn’t mean no other race does this but it’s staggering how much it happens in the black church. Just go a google search.

So no surprise that it takes place in politics.
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There have been four glacial periods in the last eight hundred thousand years. It is widely accepted that this is probably the coolest period in the planets history other than the snowball Earth.

Or you could have said as temperature increases, respiration increases. A warmer planet has higher CO2 than a colder planet.
Depends on the planet. If there's no life, temp is immaterial.
Supporting the president gets you banned from Disney. lol. Same company has disgusting LGBTQ theme crap at their park, has radical lunatics at ABC/Disney/ESPN and also making their movies.

Guy was not obscene nor assaulted or harassed anyone.
Depends on if they allow other signs to be held up. If none are allowed, then it's not MAGA specific.