How will they rule ??!

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You can argue who is worse, Hillary or Trump, all day. Bottomline, the Dems as whole really don't have a line a candidate can cross to lose their support to any real degree. Just look at the data trends.
Dems are crooked people anyway for the most part. As immoral as people can get.
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Proven? Has she ever been indicted or convicted of any crime?

Good God! You folks slam "the media" over convicting the Duke LAX in the court of public opinion yet you accept as fact every rumor and innuendo made about HRC.
Where there is smoke there may be fire but accusations do not equate to proof.
You cannot be serious. You know Hillary has been protected but is guilty as hell. Don't be a homer.
A lot of the Hillary supporters I interact with have very little knowledge of her past dealings and they turn a blind eye to the shit they are aware of. It's baffling the amount of unwavering support she gets.
Monsanto. If I were trump running against Hillary in the general I would tie her to Black Lives Matter and her troubling history with Monsanto Corporation that continues to this day.

All of you, especially Jamo, are looking too much at polls and not considering what Trump will be able to do with the MOUNTAIN of ammo Hillary's background will provide to him. He is going to publicly crucify her and you know what, she deserves it.

You know how the democrats and repubs have tied Trump to the violence at his campaign rallies, well I would tie Hillary to all the Black Lives Matter violence and put a wedge between her and the police. That is a potential Willie Horton winner right there.
Dems are crooked people anyway for the most part. As immoral as people can get.
yet a guy who has been divorced 3 times is winning the Republican nomination...the beacons of morality [roll]

Those moral Republicans who loathe every poor person out there...well unless they're voting Republican. Then they're just hard working Americans who are being killed by unions and the Mexicans.
You cannot be serious. You know Hillary has been protected but is guilty as hell. Don't be a homer.
I'm not being a homer.
How do I know all of this is true? Has anyone who is not a GOP political enemy of HRC or the Clinton's ever made these accusations?
How many hours of Congressional hearings have been held and what have they proven?

I keep seeing the word "proven" thrown around with all of these claims yet none of it is proven.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Hillary's email contains proof that she sexually molests young girls
I'm not being a homer.
How do I know all of this is true? Has anyone who is not a GOP political enemy of HRC or the Clinton's ever made these accusations?
How many hours of Congressional hearings have been held and what have they proven?

I keep seeing the word "proven" thrown around with all of these claims yet none of it is proven.
Why would they? They are just as corrupt as she is and for someone who claims to be intelligent, you sure aren't showing it in this instance unless you are just as corrupt as they are.
yet a guy who has been divorced 3 times is winning the Republican nomination...the beacons of morality [roll]

Those moral Republicans who loathe every poor person out there...well unless they're voting Republican. Then they're just hard working Americans who are being killed by unions and the Mexicans.

Another left wing lie bought by the lemmings from the left. By the way, not a Trump supporter and have not said he was trustworthy. Simply called Hillary and her supporters corrupt which is an easy call really.
What a wonderful state of the Union we live in when we are left arguing over which two of our front runners for president are the most corrupt. No one can say anything good about either one, it's just how much dirt you can throw at who you choose not to support. Yet, there's nary a peep nor mention of Gary Johnson from anyone. The people of this country deserve what they get. I just feel bad for the few of us who are smart enough to think outside the box and look at other options.
Politico: Establishment increasingly prepared to lose with Cruz than hand the party to Trump

Sounds like the GOP is going to acquiesce and give Cruz the nomination and consciously forfeit the 2016 WH race in an effort to preserve their chances for 2020.

"The most gifted and diversified field of Republican candidates since 1865" (h/t George Will) has produced this abortion of an election cycle. Congrats, primary voters. Congrats.

While Trump is a poor candidate, if the GOP pulls a stunt like this, I will not vote Republican again. IMO, the one redeeming factor for Trump is he is out of step with traditional politics. If the GOP decides to have a brokered convention, that's basically saying they want to keep the party as is. While they couldn't give a rat's arse about a little guy like me, they'll lose me.
Damn right I will because I don't care what your church thinks I should do with my life because I find all religion to be made up hogwash.

I'm with you right-wing guys on the guns n' money other than I do feel a little more sympathy for poor people than corporations. I still believe we should cut spending across the board and keep taxes as low as we can. I just don't do the church and fear thing because they go hand in hand and I call bullshit on both.

I don't intend this as a slam, but to point out differences in the GOP. I agree re: guns, money and low taxes. But when it comes to social issues, while I am all about "free-will", there are some social issues it will vote hard right on such as abortion, freedom of people to practice their faith in their business without fear of interference by the gov and uncompromised support for Israel. When I started voting, Reagan offered a very clear option. I now feel I have no viable option.
I don't intend this as a slam, but to point out differences in the GOP. I agree re: guns, money and low taxes. But when it comes to social issues, while I am all about "free-will", there are some social issues it will vote hard right on such as abortion, freedom of people to practice their faith in their business without fear of interference by the gov and uncompromised support for Israel. When I started voting, Reagan offered a very clear option. I now feel I have no viable option.

So I guess I would be allowed to practice Satanism in the work place. That would be awesome to draw Pentagrams on the floor and do seances during my break times with absolutely no worry from the Federal Gov't. If you can practice your "Hail Mary's" I can practice my "Hail Satan's"

Israel can go go f*** themselves. No offense Ram.
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SO cruz was banging her at one point?

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I am honestly just as sick of Fox News BS as I am of MSNBC BS. All of them suck. Populist appeal.

Serious question: Is Hillary really so ate up? If it comes down to it, can you really vote for her? Or Donald?

Honestly, I find myself refusing both. Sometimes I wish Obama could win a third term.