How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
What happened to that Canadian guy that works in the USA and always wanted to compare w2's with everyone?

I posted my W2. Nobody wanted to play ball.

Also, I wasn’t the one wanting to compare. I got called a parent basement dweller and simply defended myself. The fact that I make more than 95% of the people on this board never would have come up if not for Phatty.
This quote contains truth. Who in their right mind could vote for a Democrat when the leadership of that party wants to fight in the streets instead of the ballot box. The liberal anarchist have nothing to offer except rule by mob mentality. It is as if they are pushing for violence.

Basically saying it's ok to loot and burn if the results do not fit the lefts need. That's held true for how many years now?
If you have time this morning, give this a read. This is what we have to look forward to for a while longer until the Democratic party is officially dead.

On Saturday, the Senate voted narrowly to destroy the Supreme Court of the United States by confirming the profoundly compromised and nakedly partisan Judge Brett Kavanaugh with a 50-48 vote. The drama, such as it was, really ended by mid-afternoon Friday as the critical senator announced in an incredibly long and self-aggrandizing floor speech that she would vote yes, proving that the best way to get what you want in the world is lying shamelessly to Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) in an hours-long, private conversation. Kavanaugh joins a court whose swing seat was stolen in 2016, whose popular legitimacy is in tatters, whose every 5-4 decision in the coming years will be regarded as corrupted by a majority of Americans, and whose place in the American political system will never be the same.
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Happy Sunday.

If you have time this morning, give this a read. This is what we have to look forward to for a while longer until the Democratic party is officially dead.

On Saturday, the Senate voted narrowly to destroy the Supreme Court of the United States by confirming the profoundly compromised and nakedly partisan Judge Brett Kavanaugh with a 50-48 vote. The drama, such as it was, really ended by mid-afternoon Friday as the critical senator announced in an incredibly long and self-aggrandizing floor speech that she would vote yes, proving that the best way to get what you want in the world is lying shamelessly to Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) in an hours-long, private conversation. Kavanaugh joins a court whose swing seat was stolen in 2016, whose popular legitimacy is in tatters, whose every 5-4 decision in the coming years will be regarded as corrupted by a majority of Americans, and whose place in the American political system will never be the same.
Professor who wrote a book about how the Dems should fight dirty.

Checks out.
It's interesting checking the CNN headlines every day just to see what kind of crazyness is going on. Now Trump is on a winning streak, and he "outplayed" the Democrats on Kavanaugh. If you're going to frame throwing last minute rape accusations at a supreme court nominee as a game, then you don't even understand why you're losing.
It's interesting checking the CNN headlines every day just to see what kind of crazyness is going on. Now Trump is on a winning streak, and he "outplayed" the Democrats on Kavanaugh. If you're going to frame throwing last minute rape accusations at a supreme court nominee as a game, then you don't even understand why you're losing.

One thing is certain- Trump has forever changed things. He has shown many how to win when they had no clue how to before.

Never Trumpers are complete idiots in every way. Trump has given conservatives more victories than any of their picks could’ve.

In 2016, Shapiro suggested letting Hillary win and then trying a real conservative in 2020 because Trump “would destroy the party.” What conservative could not understand that the SCOTUS was of the upmost importance? If they had it their way, our court would be stacked with more leftists, open borders would’ve been amped up, and GOP never would’ve won again .
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It's interesting checking the CNN headlines every day just to see what kind of crazyness is going on. Now Trump is on a winning streak, and he "outplayed" the Democrats on Kavanaugh. If you're going to frame throwing last minute rape accusations at a supreme court nominee as a game, then you don't even understand why you're losing.
I cannot wait for the nuclear meltdown when RBG passes.

Hey fellas, I was just sitting here thinking "why don't we fight fire with fire?" So, at 2 PM ET I think all of us should take a few minutes to shout HEY HEY, HO HO, THE DEMOCRATS HAVE GOT TO GO! repeat it several times and then give a big gutteral howl to make sure it works. If we say it with enough conviction, and that means not laughing at yourself, then it HAS to work. Doesn't it?