How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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So when the one week FBI investigation is inconclusive are the dems going to stand down with the character assassination of Kavanaugh? Will the red state dems change their votes? Hell no is the answer.
What the hell is even going on?

Some of you make it seem like a done deal. Others make it sound like Flake stopped it.
What the hell is even going on?

Some of you make it seem like a done deal. Others make it sound like Flake stopped it.

Kavanaugh makes it out of committee and onto the floor for a final vote. However, Flake-hole is a no unless Trump calls for a one week FBI investigation into the existing claims.
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So when the one week FBI investigation is inconclusive are the dems going to stand down with the character assassination of Kavanaugh? Will the red state dems change their votes? Hell no is the answer.
No, they will ask for investigations on every single allegation when they clear him of this one. It is all about delaying and causing chaos with the nomination. Just wonder when someone actually files a criminal charge against him.
Flake said that he wants a 1 week delay to have an FBI investigation. However, McConnell can do what he wants for a floor vote. But Flake and likely others would vote no without an FBI investigation.
No, they will ask for investigations on every single allegation when they clear him of this one. It is all about delaying and causing chaos with the nomination. Just wonder when someone actually files a criminal charge against him.

The Dems win again - got their 1-week delay. The FBI will then say they need more time, or need more information, or their report will be inconclusive and they'll ask for another delay.
We’ll see how much of this bullshit Mitch puts up with

The FBI will talk to Ford and she will tell the same story. Not much to investigate since she can't name a place or date of the event. They will try to talk to Mark Judge. He may refuse to cooperate as this isn't a criminal matter but rather a background check. So I have to believe that this will be inconclusive. I am sure that the porn lawyer or some other dem dirtbag will try to dig up a new allegation against B.K. Hopefully, inconclusive will be good enough for Flake/Collins/Murkowski.
No, but he is the only one Republicans can lose with no Democrat pick ups. If he goes that means every Republican, including Murkowski and Collins, have to vote yes
Could be wrong but think the GOP would need two to vote no to tank it. Pence can vote if he has too
I think nothing happens, confirmation just a few days later than what would have been what Tues?

FBI will say nothing is there, dems Avenatti will grasp at whatever or makeup whatever but he gets get confirmation
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