How will they rule ??!

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Something lost in all of this?

How many women who are really assaulted will now be believed less because of the liberals in this country turning the grind into rape during 8th grade dances?

Seriously, this Ford woman is nothing but a wierdo liberal. One look at her and you can see which side she stands with.

Oh I was nearly raped at a party. A guy tried to touch my booby when we were drunk and I've been effected by it so badly that I graduated college and earned a PHD.

She makes real victims sick to their stomachs. She's a phony, playing a victim card over nothing.

Hey Ms. Ford. Not everyone thinks you're a victim. You're not. You're another white privelidged activist who believes it's your "civic duty" to stop policy you disagree with. I personally feel you're just another creepy female liberal that's ugly as sht who wants attention because no man ever gave you any.

F you all
Legitimate ongoing trend with liberalism. Take an important subject with widespread support and not just politicize it but think dramatic over-application is the answer.
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Just wait, there will be a last second hail mary. The liberals will not end here, they will lie again.

Absolutely - I bet multiple things will happen prior to a full Senate vote. New allegations, perhaps a "witness" will emerge (maybe who drove her home from the party?), some sort of procedural move, etc.
For certain. I'm still not even sure who exactly concocted this plan. Was it Dem leaders? Was it Ford? Was it both? Who was in on this? I'm hoping once he's confirmed this is looked into.

I find it hard to feel sorry for her. This wasn't an issue for 30 years and now it is? It's like a kid crying because another kid is playing with a toy he wants.. like "You didn't give a shit for the last hour, and NOW you're having a tantrum because someone else is playing with it?"

That's what it feels like.. kindergarten.

She set the wheels in motion for this six years ago when she went to the therapist.

If Romney pulled out the win vs. Obama, Kavanaugh was already on the short list.

She had no other evidence. She can at least say she sought help from a therapist.

In the next six years she can't convince anyone from that era in her life to remember what she remembers.

No one that she was at the party with, not even the person that took her and brought her home.

No tears crying is like George trying to postpone the wedding.


Postpone the confirmation?
After he's appointed.

1. Immediately push for an investigation into Ellison. Say nothing to the media except that, when they ask other questions refuse to answer. Carry that tune for an entire month.

2. Immediate start opposition research into the media and their current affairs. Find out where they go, who they're with, and start fighting and destroying them. Find anyone who will make an accusation and apply it, keep the standard they set at their own feet. I bet Chris Homo at CNN has sexually assaulted several men in his life.
Look at these liberal lying......

He's had 6 FBI background checks. There is no proof.

And the FBI is not the investigative wing of the democrats even though they think they are.
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Her true agenda given away in the final words of her performance. Something to the effect of letting BK deciding what women can do to their body. Planned Parenthood operative.
Like I said, their entire goal in "winning" is killing babies and sodomizing each other. That's it. They know that they only reason those things are legal is because two of the worst decided cases in SCOTUS history (from a purely textual basis) went their way. They have no ground to stand on and they are desperately trying to cling on to their totems.
I bet Keith Ellison is watching this thinking, damn. I helped eat the tail and now I'm going to pay. If BK cant live up to this standard, I'm F'd.

Just wait until we get to BK on the court and then Ellison must resign, because they got stupid.

Liberals. Morons.
Wow, Kamala Harris found a camera and a microphone? How does that always seem to happen? Kinda coincidental that she just attracts 'em.

Maybe after this she has a more powerful 80 some year old politician to screw to get a better job

The Hawaiian bitch is by far the worst. I think it's because she is the one with most obvious learning disability. She truly can barely string a sentence together

If they didn't put Harris out front with the gargoyle Blumenthah, who is going to listen to him?
I'm sure Lindsay Graham will still do things I don't like (especially on immigration) but he has absolutely earned my respect for life. What he did yesterday may have saved Kavanaugh, and no one should ever forget that.

John McCain dying could go down as one of the greatest things to ever happen to this country. Grahamnesty seems to be a completely different gal since he croaked.
John McCain dying could go down as one of the greatest things to ever happen to this country. Grahamnesty seems to be a completely different gal since he croaked.

Like most politicians he has ridden off into the sunset to become a mere footnote in history. He rode that gravy train a long time. The only way most politicians give it up is dying.
Why do they keep talking about Garland like it's even remotely similar?

Garland was a lame duck pick. There was a presidential election, the people decided, not the liberal senators. SO SAD.

This is a qualified pick who's been accused with ZERO evidence in the second year of a presidents term.
Like most politicians he has ridden off into the sunset to become a mere footnote in history. He rode that gravy train a long time.
I am waiting for CNN to dig him and prop him up in set and say even John McCain believes Ford. Speaking of, she looked zoned out, was she tranquilized?
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Why do they keep talking about Garland like it's even remotely similar?

Garland was a lame duck pick. There was a presidential election, the people decided, not the liberal senators. SO SAD.

This is a qualified pick who's been accused with ZERO evidence in the second year of a presidents term.

I don’t recall Republicans orchestrating a “Garland is a rapist” smear. They simply followed what the Democrats had previously stated with George Bush.

Garland choice was not Obama’s. It was going to be Trump’s or Hillary’s. The people voted for Trump.

Trump isn’t even midway through his first term. This is his pick.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I saw that the majority of its people are women.” They said, “Why, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Because of their ingratitude (kufr).” It was said, “Are they ungrateful to Allah?” He said, “They are ungrateful to their companions (husbands) and ungrateful for good treatment. If you are kind to one of them for a lifetime then she sees one (undesirable) thing in you, she will say, ‘I have never had anything good from you.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1052)