How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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My theory is that Mark Judge is one who assualted this woman in high school, and she is lumping Kavanaugh in with him because they were friends, as she saw them laughing sometime after. Being paranoid, she assumed it was about her. I believe the woman was assualted, and I also believe it wasn't Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is rejecting another FBI investigation because he's already had plenty of those, the Dems want it so bad as a delay tactic, but first and foremost, another one would drag his friends further into this mess, including Judge.

This was a made up political hit job. End of story.
Geraldo Rivera said last night, he thought she was believable, because she believes its true herself. She has problems, and is being used, was his theory.
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Graham put on a good show ....

"Credibly accused" is the most moronic goddam thing I've ever heard.

From the party that coined illegal "immigrant" instead of illegal alien.

The term Murder was reborn and because "women's rights"

Islamic extremist was changed to "terrorist"

Terrorism was changed to "workplace violence".

They changed the first amendment's constitutional meaning from free speech to "free speech as long as it's nice and agreeable." Hate speech, hey that's new.

The really are the ultimate POS. Democrats are nothing but pigs. Evil, disgusting, misfits of society. Always were, Always will be.
Geraldo Rivera said last night, he thought she was believable, because she believes its true herself. She has problems, and is being used, was his theory.

Rivera also said that the fight for Kavanaugh's seat is all about abortion. I couldn't disagree more. I think it is about whether the left is going to be allowed to legislate from the bench to push a liberal agenda or whether the court will strictly adhere to the constitution. Just look at what a bunch of liberal judges tried to do to Trump's perfectly legal travel ban as an example. That is a much more important fight. Kavanaugh and Roberts have both said that Roe is settled law; the votes are not there to overturn it.
If the Democrats are successful in stopping Kavanaugh with this bullshit, Trump needs to fire worthless loser cuck Jeff Sessions tomorrow, and continue firing people until the person who becomes acting AG isn't a worthless loser cuck and will go scorched earth on the Democrat party. Throw them all in goddam labor camps.
If they are successful it will set the tone for everything in the future. Nothing will be safe in the country. The madness will engulf us all.
Rivera also said that the fight for Kavanaugh's seat is all about abortion. I couldn't disagree more. I think it is about whether the left is going to be allowed to legislate from the bench to push a liberal agenda or whether the court will strictly adhere to the constitution. Just look at what a bunch of liberal judges tried to do to Trump's perfectly legal travel ban as an example. That is a much more important fight. Kavanaugh and Roberts have both said that Roe is settled law; the votes are not there to overturn it.

It's also about Garland not getting a hearing, which I disagreed with.

We're gonna fool around and nobody will want to be on the SC. It's not worth it.
It's also about Garland not getting a hearing, which I disagreed with.

We're gonna fool around and nobody will want to be on the SC. It's not worth it.

The GOP has never tried to assassinate a nominee's character the way the dems have with Bork/Thomas/Kavanaugh. Obama's two justices were handled with a respectful procedure and even received a bunch of GOP votes. They got the GOP votes despite major disagreements in judicial philosophy. The GOP simply looked at if they were qualified for the job. The dems can't seem to do that.
My theory is that Mark Judge is one who assualted this woman in high school, and she is lumping Kavanaugh in with him because they were friends, as she saw them laughing sometime after. Being paranoid, she assumed it was about her. I believe the woman was assualted, and I also believe it wasn't Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is rejecting another FBI investigation because he's already had plenty of those, the Dems want it so bad as a delay tactic, but first and foremost, another one would drag his friends further into this mess, including Judge.

It wasn't even sexual assault. During a make out session someone touched her breast before she could consent. Not even necessarily against her will.

It's a gigantic nothing. And that's if anything even happened at all
Flake is a yes
Live look at Lindsay Graham and some pals


Just have to worry about two things:

1) Some kind of deal with Collins and Murkowski, that Flake gets to save face by voting yes and they take the heat for voting no. Same outcome, but he looks like a good Republican. Or that he pulls a McCain and changes his vote at the last minute so that he gets all the attention and a cushy CNN job

2) There WILL be more allegations between now and the vote. Book it
The GOP has never tried to assassinate a nominee's character the way the dems have with Bork/Thomas/Kavanaugh. Obama's two justices were handled with a respectful procedure and even received a bunch of GOP votes. They got the GOP votes despite major disagreements in judicial philosophy. The GOP simply looked at if they were qualified for the job. The dems can't seem to do that.

It's almost becoming like the Jacobins without the guillotines.
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I r ememeber when Feinstein said "if I had my way Mr. And Ms. America, turn in your guns"...

Hey you old bitch. I've got one better. Come and take them.

And say hello to yet another conservative supreme court judge, you old bag of piss.

Screw all of you liberals wherever you are. Your day is coming. And I'll expect all of you to now turn toward Keith Ellison and call for his resignation.

Pieces of shit.
crying about being unfair. Democrats crammed shit down our throats for years through un-elected agencies and left wing loons like Pelosi. Saying we have term limits is bullshit. I have no say on the votes of Pelosi, Booker etc. and yet they push through legislation to run my life.

I have no doubt if the Dems had their way, they would abolish individual states and grant more and more power to un-elected officials. I hope that the Supreme Court now returns to rule of law and I will enjoy watching the far left continue to bitch that "life isn't fair".

Well it is starting to look like Mr. Booker and Mr. Blumenthal your participation trophies have been taken back and now you will have to earn it the way the original founders intended!
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Will someone please nail Feinstein to the wall about leaking the letter. I mean, like actually doing so. Not just mention it and let her stammer around. Follow up until she crumbles. Call her out for blaming Ford for leaking it

If the media was half way ethical, democrats wouldn't win a single election.

It's their job to run It, they won't
I hope after these elections the R's go scorched earth and start to play dirty. Remove ALL funding to any liberal leaning organization. See ya NPR. See ya Planned Parenthood. Expand ICE by 10x. Don't cooperate with any states with a sanctuary city.

Screw them
They don't seem to realize that they keep setting precedents that will be used against them in the future (the "Biden rule', etc).
If the media was half way ethical, democrats wouldn't win a single election.

It's their job to run It, they won't
I agree somewhat. If the press were ethical, we would see an end to the election of fringe elements in the democratic party. The problem is the JFK type democrats are as soft as Republicans and they have lost their party due to their weakness. I am hopeful the American Electorate will now see what is truly going on and the Democratic party will pay a hefty price for this.
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Wow, Kamala Harris found a camera and a microphone? How does that always seem to happen? Kinda coincidental that she just attracts 'em.

Maybe after this she has a more powerful 80 some year old politician to screw to get a better job

The Hawaiian bitch is by far the worst. I think it's because she is the one with most obvious learning disability. She truly can barely string a sentence together
Something lost in all of this?

How many women who are really assaulted will now be believed less because of the liberals in this country turning the grind into rape during 8th grade dances?

Seriously, this Ford woman is nothing but a wierdo liberal. One look at her and you can see which side she stands with.

Oh I was nearly raped at a party. A guy tried to touch my booby when we were drunk and I've been effected by it so badly that I graduated college and earned a PHD.

She makes real victims sick to their stomachs. She's a phony, playing a victim card over nothing.

Hey Ms. Ford. Not everyone thinks you're a victim. You're not. You're another white privelidged activist who believes it's your "civic duty" to stop policy you disagree with. I personally feel you're just another creepy female liberal that's ugly as sht who wants attention because no man ever gave you any.

F you all