How will they rule ??!

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How many people with Kamala railroad for good press?
idk, but she got railroaded by this thing to get a Senate seat (while he was married), so probably wouldn't put much past her

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If it were true (and it’s not) then that would imply that these women wanted a train ran on them... which is probably way more accurate than the BS story she’s given.

In my life, I have run across one woman who was a complete sex addict and would let multiple guys take turns having sex with her. This was in high school and her parents knew it because they put iron bars on her windows so guys couldn't sneak in. I can't imagine that there are that many like this out there. Everyone would know. Everyone did know about the girl that I am referencing. High School kids could not keep something like train parties a secret.
I'm just trying to comprehend the proposed situation. I'm just trying to figure out why would girls who were 2 years older than these nerdy guys, continually go to these guys parties when they knew they were drugging and gang raping girls.

Again it seems like it was very well known that these parties were gang rape parties, since guys are lined up in the hallway waiting for their turn. Who in their right mind girl or guy continually go to these parties for 2+ years?

As a dude I would think that would be a disgusting party to go to so I wouldn't go. If I had a girlfriend I wouldn't allow her near one of those parties. If you're a chick, why the hell would you go to a party where you know there is a good chance you might get drugged and gang raped.

If it happened once, maybe I can see it. But for 2+ years and at least 10+ times. What the hell is in the water of that town to make all the dudes into gang rape and all the girls cool with going to a party where they might get gang raped.

I went to a normal high school. I graduated in 08 right before the SJW craze hit. So we were a normal high school and we had plenty of parties. But I'm sorry no one would go to a party where they knew gang rapes happen. And 99% of the dudes wouldn't allow gang rapes to happen at their party. You'd get your ass kicked for doing something like that.
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I know many on here don't think a blue wave is going to happen. I know polls don't mean everything, but the latest polls have Gillum with a sizeable lead in Florida, even if he doesn't pull it out. A socialist is making a tight race in Florida. The #1 tending thing on Twitter right now is this new accusation, most people on her side. Go to other sports forums that talk politics and you will see the majority of people siding with the new accuser.

I definitely think there is still a huge chunk of people that secretly vote conservative. But I think it would be dumb to think the all out attack in the media/entertainment/social media on anything center to the right isn't have some effect. It's shocking how many people already consider Kavanaugh to be this sex crazed person.
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It's a lot easier to post lunatic thoughts on a message board than it is to get to a polling place on a random Tuesday. And really, it's tough to decipher whether you're talking to a 13 year old child or someone of voting age when they're espousing lefty beliefs on the internet.

Starting to rethink my earlier post on cell phone voting. Need to make it harder for idiots to vote.

I'll believe a blue wave when I see it. The left just has a very vocal lunatic presence that is artificially amplified on the internet. I refuse to believe those people exist in real life outside of CA.
In my life, I have run across one woman who was a complete sex addict and would let multiple guys take turns having sex with her. This was in high school and her parents knew it because they put iron bars on her windows so guys couldn't sneak in. I can't imagine that there are that many like this out there. Everyone would know. Everyone did know about the girl that I am referencing. High School kids could not keep something like train parties a secret.
Sounds sloppy.
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It's a lot easier to post lunatic thoughts on a message board than it is to get to a polling place on a random Tuesday. And really, it's tough to decipher whether you're talking to a 13 year old child or someone of voting age when they're espousing lefty beliefs on the internet.

Starting to rethink my earlier post on cell phone voting. Need to make it harder for idiots to vote.

I'll believe a blue wave when I see it. The left just has a very vocal lunatic presence that is artificially amplified on the internet. I refuse to believe those people exist in real life outside of CA.

Don't get me wrong. I think the house flips not because of a blue wave, just because that usually happens during midterms.

But I also don't think all of this hooplah should be looked at as only a loud minority.
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Woman #1 alleges: Mr. K groped her at a high school party over the top of her swimsuit and in her mind it could/would have escalated into much worse (but it didn't).
Woman #2 alleges: that Mr. K whipped his penis out during a drinking game in college. She didn't see it because she was blind drunk but thinks she saw him zipping up his pants. Not even really sure if it was Mr. K or someone else.
Woman #3 alleges: Mr. K attended a one or more high school parties where trains on drunk women occurred. Did not actually see Mr. K participate in sex. Saw him being disrespectful to women including groping.

Even if all of the above were true, is Mr. K really unfit for federal office.
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You guys remember way back when it was a national crisis that some guy in Russia was shitposting dank memes?

I long for those days.

Now we have sitting Democrat Senators, the current faces of the Democrat party and the entirety of the main stream media making up rape claims in an effort to sow division in this country and tear down a man who has had an honorable career, simply because they've convinced themselves he will overturn a case he has never indicated he would overturn.

Makes Russia seem like a pretty OK place.
Woman #1 alleges: Mr. K groped her at a high school party over the top of her swimsuit and in her mind it could/would have escalated into much worse (but it didn't).
Woman #2 alleges: that Mr. K whipped his penis out during a drinking game in college. She didn't see it because she was blind drunk but thinks she saw him zipping up his pants. Not even really sure if it was Mr. K or someone else.
Woman #3 alleges: Mr. K attended a one or more high school parties where trains on drunk women occurred. Did not actually see Mr. K participate in sex. Saw him being disrespectful to women including groping.

Even if all of the above were true, is Mr. K really unfit for federal office.

I will say if the guy went to 10+ parties where it was well known that game rapes were happening since guys were lining up in the hallways waiting for their turn. If that is true, ya I'm going to question this dude's morals.

A) He never told or did anything to try and stop this.
B) He continued to go to these parties over and over again.

When I was 16-18 I knew just how messed up gang rape was. I expect someone growing up with judges and lawyers as his parents to know this as well.

So ya I will say if the 10+ parties of well known gang rape is true and he continued to attend them and didn't try to do anything to stop. I would be cool if the GOP dropped him.

There is a huge difference between normal behavior at high school parties and serial gang rape parties.
The question now is whether the GOP senators are going to throw Kavanaugh under the bus. I think that they know that these claims are B.S. but are the willing to take the heat from the media.
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Just to see the hilarity and hypocrisy that would take place, I’d love to see a black woman come forward and accuse Chuck Schumer of exposing and forcing himself on her back in 1976.
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I will say if the guy went to 10+ parties where it was well known that game rapes were happening since guys were lining up in the hallways waiting for their turn. If that is true, ya I'm going to question this dude's morals.

A) He never told or did anything to try and stop this.
B) He continued to go to these parties over and over again.

When I was 16-18 I knew just how messed up gang rape was. I expect someone growing up with judges and lawyers as his parents to know this as well.

So ya I will say if the 10+ parties of well known gang rape is true and he continued to attend them and didn't try to do anything to stop. I would be cool if the GOP dropped him.

There is a huge difference between normal behavior at high school parties and serial gang rape parties.

I would agree if it was truly rape and even if he didn't participate. However, I just can't imagine +10 gang rapes happening and none were ever reported.
I will say if the guy went to 10+ parties where it was well known that game rapes were happening since guys were lining up in the hallways waiting for their turn. If that is true, ya I'm going to question this dude's morals.

A) He never told or did anything to try and stop this.
B) He continued to go to these parties over and over again.

When I was 16-18 I knew just how messed up gang rape was. I expect someone growing up with judges and lawyers as his parents to know this as well.

So ya I will say if the 10+ parties of well known gang rape is true and he continued to attend them and didn't try to do anything to stop. I would be cool if the GOP dropped him.

There is a huge difference between normal behavior at high school parties and serial gang rape parties.

Just wait until the 4th woman steps forward. I’m betting on sex with a minor or something to do with sex slaves.
The dems think that multiple uncorroborated b.s. stories will make people believe that Kavanaugh is a criminal. They knew Ford's story could not hold up so they ginned up a couple more stories that were even less credible. I hope that the senators can see through this ploy.

They can't all be lying...goes the old saying.

Yes...yes they can all be lying.
I would agree if it was truly rape and even if he didn't participate. However, I just can't imagine +10 gang rapes happening and none were ever reported.

Oh I agree 100%. This is the biggest hang up for me on this accusation. She said she saw this happen 10+ times. That is serial gang rape parties. I just find that very hard to believe, that A) they could get away with it 10+ times being open about it, like she says they were and B) people continued (especially girls) to go to these gang rape parties.

Again if the gang rape parties are true and Kavanaugh knew and did nothing about him, I want him tossed. I just don't see that story being true.
Oh I agree 100%. This is the biggest hang up for me on this accusation. She said she saw this happen 10+ times. That is serial gang rape parties. I just find that very hard to believe, that A) they could get away with it 10+ times being open about it, like she says they were and B) people continued (especially girls) to go to these gang rape parties.

Again if the gang rape parties are true and Kavanaugh knew and did nothing about him, I want him tossed. I just don't see that story being true.

That all this occurred in high school is another b.s. factor for me. 16 year olds throwing gang rape parties per her 1981 claim is crazy.
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Oh I agree 100%. This is the biggest hang up for me on this accusation. She said she saw this happen 10+ times. That is serial gang rape parties. I just find that very hard to believe, that A) they could get away with it 10+ times being open about it, like she says they were and B) people continued (especially girls) to go to these gang rape parties.

Again if the gang rape parties are true and Kavanaugh knew and did nothing about him, I want him tossed. I just don't see that story being true.

Each story they come up with gets more unbelievable than the last. If you go to 10+ gang rape parties, you’re not going to a gang rape party. You’re going to a gang bang. No one would show up to a party with their rapist(s) present.
What democrats have become has no place in a civilized society. They must be crushed, exterminated, completely annihilated. They are a disease plaguing the planet.

That it is questionable if there enough sane people who realize the current situation and the urgency to take action is sickening.

We must turn out the vote in numbers like never before until this loathsome ideology is completely destroyed.
She says Kavanaugh fondled and grinded with girls without their consent. Fondling and grinding are very common at high School parties. How does she know it was without consent.

She says she saw him spike drinks at parties as well. Did she see him orp drugs in the drinks? Or is she talking about just pouring alcohol into drinks. Again not uncommon at all for parties (kind of necessary).

The night of her gang rape she says Kavanaugh was present. Does that mean he joined in? Did he know about it?

I really wouldn't be shocked if this woman did get assaulted or raped in high school at one of these parties. But that doesnt make all the other stuff true.

The true story could be as simple as she went to 10+ parties that Kavanaugh went to. She saw Kavanaugh putting alcohol in drinks or grinding up with girls in most of them. The night she was raped Kavanaugh was at the party but had no clue that happened.
Several dem senators (Schumer & Hirono) are already calling on Trump to withdraw the nomination. Will the GOP let them kill this nomination or will they fight? Unfortunately, I bet 3-4 weak kneed RINOs are going to cave in. I hope that I am wrong.
Each story they come up with gets more unbelievable than the last. If you go to 10+ gang rape parties, you’re not going to a gang rape party. You’re going to a gang bang. No one would show up to a party with their rapist(s) present.

Honestly if there is another story to drop. I'm expecting it to be about him coaching girls basketball. I have a feeling someone is going to make an accusation he at least tried to make a pass on one of the underaged girls he coached.
Honestly if there is another story to drop. I'm expecting it to be about him coaching girls basketball. I have a feeling someone is going to make an accusation he at least tried to make a pass on one of the underaged girls he coached.

Agreed. These accusations will keep getting worse and worse until the unhinged left gets what they want. It’s an effing travesty what the far left has done to America.
Maybe. I thought I read somewhere that Mitch was pushing for full vote even potentially this weekend.

Quorem is different than filibuster. If they don't have 51 in attendance and it's challenged - no vote can be held.

They did this in Wisconsin a few years ago trying to prevent the union busting legislation. Police physically sought out enough and physically drug then into the legislature

You are right. I misspoke referring to it as a filibuster. It’s is a quorum. 51 senators will be needed to move the nomination to a full vote. They will have to vote in committee though to move it to the floor. Thats what will happen Friday. The senate will debate it until 51 senators move it to a full vote. I think the senators on the margins will slow it down to allow for some debate then move it to a full vote. I don’t think they can move it out of to a full vote in one day but I have been wrong before.
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