How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .****-man-wtf.gifThe idea that chromosomes are fixed things with fixed functions is strange. There are mutations all along chromosomes. No two of us are alike. And genes aren't even fixed in how they function. Here's a pic of the first cat to be cloned and its source. Identical genetics, but the expression of those genes produced a very different cat.

The way people respond to transsexuals is baffling. Some people feel betrayed by their bodies. Their bodies don't reflect who they are. So, they try to fix it. Who doesn't do that? None of us feel that we're a slave to our genes. What business is it of someone else? Some people act as if they aren't cruel to someone who's different that they aren't quite complete. The right to be cruel. Even worse: the right to be admired for being cruel.

And the truth comes out ... Dion loves to wear his wife's underwear while prancing in front of kids and admits he would love to be with a dude ... as long as he "looks hot". Guys ... imagine telling your wife, "yeah, if the dude is hot enough then I'm cheating on you, baby..." Econ Dion is a "high-character" guy ...
When you have to make up some cheating strawman to have anything to say you should probably just stay quiet.
Agree. Speed limits should be axed too.
It depends on where IMO. In the city its obvious there should be safe speed limits. Open highways...I would still set it at 85 max. I've been 118 (not all that fast when you look at the cars today) on an empty straight road and that was more than enough for me. Unfortunately, there's too many knuckleheads that are distracted by something that don't pay attention to driving. Anyway...
Dude, you literally just said you're married but would make out with a man dressed as a woman if you thought he was 'hot'.

Maybe you should take a break and reflect, and not deflect.

Haha, that’s some surreal shit. Dion would cheat on his wife with a dude in a wig. Makes him gay.

Imagine a EKY white coal miner in Justin Trudeau black face wearing a blonde wig and make up with a piping hole that would ease the Hoover Dam and Dion would be “Yasss Queeeen”
Dude, you literally just said you're married but would make out with a man dressed as a woman if you thought he was 'hot'.

Maybe you should take a break and reflect, and not deflect.
Aww. Did I hurt someone's feewings?!!? (not yours Mdogg)

Haha!! I believe "he" said, "Happily married and never been in that situation, but if she was hot, sure."

Again, for the sloooow people like sam:
"But if she was hot, sure"

The "dude" straight admitted "he" would be with a man and cheat on his wife. Then deflects! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

"He's" a little weird ... you could call him queer...
No, we wouldn't, you weirdo.

I'm not kissing a man, no matter how much surgery or makeup it's wearing.

Are you that determined to prove your open-mindedness?

That you'd swap spit with a dude?


Most straight dudes aren’t kissing that guy D-Sus finds “hot.” And, most gay dudes are not kissing that guy. D-Sus would kiss that guy IF the guy was “hot” enough for D-Sus was single. This is starting to sound like an actual “D-Sus - the Single Years” story. Do we want to know what happens in the lab trailer when D-Sus turns on the centrifuge?

"America's top election forecaster has issued a chilling warning as he revealed Trump could win the 2024 race and people should start making 'contingency plans' now.

Nate Silver, a former professional poker player and political forecaster, has revealed his model gives Donald Trump a 58 percent chance of winning the Electoral College."
Nate Silver is a fraud. He was fired from 538 because of his huge misses. Watch Baris sometme for the truth
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That's been my question. Why do I even have to pay taxes anymore? Our debt is so high along with the interest, our payroll taxes don't even scratch the surface of it. We just print more money or borrow for everything at this point and no politician who would stop it will ever get voted in. I'll tell you why we pay taxes. It's not for revenue, it's so we can be controlled.
After their 51 leaders lied while signing the Propaganda "Fake Hunter Laptop" letter blaming Russia Russia you really think that the American people put an iota of credibility to that group? Seriously? We all know that the Deep State fears DJT 47 like a vampire fears a crucifix. 700 current and former traitors is all they can dig up. At least we have a list to work from.
If it weren't for circular reasoning, they wouldn't be able to "reason" at all.

They have decided that established words mean whatever they decide they mean and then they spill their positions into to topics to keep from getting snagged on their own inconsistencies. “Gender” is a good example of the former and then conflating sexuality with the discussion of dysmorphia is an example of the latter. As recently seen here.