How will they rule ??!

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Seeing several posts - and that Ben Sasse clip - talking about how we routinely make a circus of these USSC confirmation hearings.

I'm trying to remember a confirmation hearing of a candidate put forth by a Dem president that was a circus? Bork. Alito. Gorsuch. Kavanaugh. All Republican nominees. Who am I forgetting - who is the Dem nominee subjected to this ridiculous nonsense?

Spot on.

Dems are given a huge pass by media and Republicans are huge pussies who never do anything. You've got Gowdy types who bark loudly but nothing ever happens.

No hit pieces from leftists. They're all in on Democrats.
LOL. Yeah, you come across as a genius. A waste? Not hardly. I've done very well for myself, thank you very much. In fact, I'm retiring at the end of the year at 56 years old. What are you, a janitor? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

There you go. Show your true colors.
What if I was a janitor? Does your education and retiring at 56 make you better than me?
Guess what turd, I’m not a janitor. I don’t have a college degree, I own my business, am currently 41 and have plans to retire by 50.
If that happens that doesn’t make me better than the next guy.
Seriously, you must only have friends that are only like you. Egotistical shitheads that normal people can’t stand to be around.
Another congrats.
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There you go. Show your true colors.
What if I was a janitor? Does your education and retiring at 56 make you better than me?
Guess what turd, I’m not a janitor. I don’t have a college degree, I own my business, am currently 41 and have plans to retire by 50.
If that happens that doesn’t make me better than the next guy.
Seriously, you must only have friends that are only like you. Egotistical shitheads that normal people can’t stand to be around.
Another congrats.

Hey, don't get your panties in a wad when you get called out. You and your girlfriend, GSpot, are the ones on here calling everyone "uneducated" and "ignorant" simply because they don't agree with you. Like all Libtards, you think you can sling mud at will but want to bitch and moan when it's thrown back at you.
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It is to my understanding that black people killed over 6,000 black people in 2015 cops killed 258 black people in the same year.

Correct. It is not even close as to how many white people are killed per year by the police or black people killing white people. It is not even up for debate.
Hey, don't get your panties in a wad when you get called out. You and your girlfriend, GSpot, are the ones on here calling everyone "uneducated" and "ignorant" simply because they don't agree with you. Like all Libtards, you think you can sling mud at will but want to bitch and moan when it's thrown back at you.
Wow, again that education really failed you. No reading comprehension huh?
I didn’t say anything about politics but was just asking why you think you are better than a janitor?
Since you brought up politics, you fall
Right in line with all republicans, even the ones in my own damn family.
You think you are better than the next guy and run your mouth as so. Who want a to be around that?
Good luck.
I cannot stomach to hear a Democrat ever speak about bipartisanship. These people can suck my nuts. When do these people EVER reach across the aisle? They oppose everything.

Tax breaks? Against it
Enforcing immigration law? Against it
Guns? Against it
SCOTUS nominations? Against em

The left only calls for bipartisanship when it’s for their cause.
Wow, again that education really failed you. No reading comprehension huh?
I didn’t say anything about politics but was just asking why you think you are better than a janitor?
Since you brought up politics, you fall
Right in line with all republicans, even the ones in my own damn family.
You think you are better than the next guy and run your mouth as so. Who want a to be around that?
Good luck.

Never said I was better than anyone. You brought up the "uneducated" and "ignorant" lines and I responded. Maybe it's you that needs to improve your own reading comprehension skills. Aside from that, I'm done wasting my time with this bullshit. I've got much better things to do.
Sure thing. Chicago, Memphis, Philly, Detroit, Baltimore all have and have Democrats for mayors and guess what they also have? High AA population, high crime, high unemployment, low wages..

Highest cities with crime rates in the US - St Louis, Baltimore, New Orleans, Detroit, Memphis. Chicago had 756 murders in one year, yet the AA community wants to focus on the police. That’s like blaming the doctor for cancer. How about cross reference the cities with the largest AA population counts and guess what you find - Detroit, Baltimore, Philly, New Orleans, St Louis, Birmingham, Jackson, Houston, Cleveland. That is too much of a coincidence that the cities with the largest AA populations also have the highest crime rates and worst living conditions. Can’t make this stuff up, and keep your head in the sand. Maybe you can go move to one of those nice places and enjoy them since they are so safe and low crime.
Need to see some causation.
Graf, for crying out loud, I got under your skin.
You can quote as many articles as you like, there’s a difference between the written word and real world.
Obama put in a place a policy where illegals turned away at the border were considered deported. Funny how when you change the formula you can get rosy numbers.
Kind of like the unemployment number. We were supposedly at full employment when Obama left office, yet lo and behold Trumps policies have added 3 million. The change that made that possible happened in 1994 under Clinton.

The economy rebounded under Obama, but it had nowhere left to go, he came in at the most opportune time for an incoming President. He can’t get blamed for a tanking economy and he gets all the credit for the natural bounce back. He was also buoyed by a the Fed keeping rates at 0% the entire term. You can blow that off however you like, but it’s a huge indicator that things weren’t rosy, and if they had raised them how much cut in growth would that have caused?
Trump is going to get 3% growth this year, what excuse will you use then? Obama so much of a genius he created an economy that took off the moment he left office?

There is a difference between produced load, and capacity. We created a ton of capacity in renewables, the problem is that it’s never at capacity. As I type this I’m looking at the real-time power load of my company.
The system load is 27200 megawatts. 5456 Are coal, 3600 are hydro, 7600 are nuclear, 9000 is natural gas, and wind is at 372.
The capacity of wind turbines is 830.
So here we are at peak load time, in the summer and Wind is generating at less than 40% capacity. That’s the problem with renewables, they are not reliable, and the electrical grid demands instant load change capability.

Here’s an article just today about what Trumps done for the economy.
Oh yeah, NK just stated today their timeline to denuclearize was before Trumps first term runs out, would you be against that?
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You forgot inbred! But, where did I say "everyone" was any of those? Please point that out. Facts, are a bitch, huh? Unlike yourself, I don't generalize everyone into one category. Nor would anyone with a solid education, so I call bs on that claim. Maybe get a better bull. Educated people also don't use words like libtards. It just shows a complete lack of real understanding and lack of intellectual ability to articulate an intelligent comment.

Whatever you say G-Spot!!!! LOL What a loser.
This confirmation hearing is a load of BS. Our elected officials are like damn school children, arguing back and forth for the pure sake of arguing. Booker is a tool.

Kavanaugh is clearly a qualified judge and he should (and will) be confirmed. Get the nonsense over with and move on.
Fight between 55-year old man who began shouting at everyone and going behind the counter and ultimately led to fighting a 27-year old Chic-Fil-A employee. The old man was arrested and the 27 year old was fired.

Need to see some causation.

I think you should take a road trip from EKY and roll through Chicago, St Louis, and Memphis and you will have your causation. Not hard to figure this one out. :D I am sure when people roll through the ghettos of West Palm Beach or Jupiter Florida and see a group of elderly women walking towards their car they are furiously rolling their windows at breakneck speed.
When the left have turned the position into activism yeah, it’s important to protect this country by getting people who actually respect the Constitution.

And a lame duck president who was out in less than a year absolutely should not have that option to put a SCOTUS Justice. I wouldn’t make that argument if it was 2012 and a sitting president could be re-elected. But when you KNOW someone is on their way out, no way should they get that say.
Again, if the SC had more members, like 15-21, the vote on one would diminish in importance.
Under my skin? Are you scabbies or something?

Well facts and evidence are pretty real, but hey, don't let that interfere in your narrative. Just take a step out of Trump's playbook.

Are you talking about catch and release? Lol, that's not exactly how it worked, but again, don't let facts interfere in your conspiracy.

We were at full employment? What the hell are you talking about? If the US is as full employment we have a real problem. What policies are those that added jobs? Can you get us some number and data on this? Clinton made a change in 94 that added 3 million jobs to the Trump administration when we are at full employment, whatever the hell that means? Again, what? I would need to see some proof of this as well. Sounds like Alt-right Barbie might have gotten in your head.

So you just disregard fact and evidence?
Who blames Obama for tanking the Economy? Did you think it was good before or at the time he was elected? *News flash* We were in the Great Recession. How would he not get credit for improving that? Why would he get blamed fot it?

The economy rebounded under Obama, but it had nowhere left to go, he came in at the most opportune time for an incoming President.

You are beyond retarded for even typing something this stupid. No person would ever want to take over a tanking economy with 10% unemployment. Auto industry crashing. The worst recession since the great depression, a current war going on. And so forth. Good lord, what a dumb ass thing to even try to claim.

Likely little to none. Can you point to some evidence of the contrary? The economy was growing by greater number than it currently is. Obama was over 3% multiple times. That was cited for you earlier, you just elected to ignore it. Not impressed.

I guess you missed the sun and solar rays are still out. Renewable's grew far mare than any other energy source. We are moving away from coal as you admitted and we are moving more and more to renewable energy, it's fact that again was presented for you, that you chose to ignore. It took into factor accurate national numbers over years, not just your plant.

No one is arguing the economy isn't continuing to improve, and Trump gets some credit for that. It's not growing at the levels you or he claim. Here's a quote from your own article.
Job growth slowed modestly from 2016 to 2017. Many Americans, a recent survey finds, don’t realize that.

About 2.1 million jobs were created last year (2017), down slightly from the 2.2 million that were added the year before (2016), according to government estimates. But in a December HuffPost/YouGov poll, 41 percent of Americans said that more jobs were created in 2017 than in 2016, while just 24 percent thought 2016 was a better year. Another 35 percent weren’t sure.

As was mentioned in those post you evidently chose to ignore. Yet, a majority of the reasons why it is continuing the growth is experienced the last 6 - 8 years is because of policies implemented by the previous administration. If you truly know about economics and economic policy, you know that new new policies don't generally even show impact until at least 18 - 24 months. While confidence can shift the market, it's not because of any policy difference. Of course corporations had more confidence in Trump. He was a supposed multi-billionaire business mogul who wanted to slash regulations that allow shareholders and execs to get fat pay days and allowing the regular Joe's like us to pay more for it. It's just more trickle down economics we've been waiting to trickle down since the 80's.

Not at all, but how many times has this been promised now? Do you honestly believe it's likely to happen?

It's hilarious how you get dumb when it fits you're argument. The very article I listed stated that most economists considered the US at full employment when Trump took office, you know exactly what it means so stop being cute.

Likewise, you know that Obama came into office at the most oppurtune time he could've. Just look at how you have described the economy under Trump simply being a carry on from Obama, but you can bet your sweet ass that if/when the economy takes a downturn that you and the media will be blaming Trump, this isn't complicated Graf, so stop playing ignorant.
The way unemployment was calculated changed in 1994, you know this and you know what I meant, it's exactly the reason economists were saying the true unemployment under Obama was between 7-10% instead of in the 4% range, and it's exactly why Trump could add 3 million jobs at supposed full employment.

There is also a difference in job quality, which is exactly why the rust belt went to Trump, and why it'll stay with him. Manufacturing tanked under Obama, his policies, and prior Presidents policies caused that. Trump, true to his word, is renegoting NAFTA. pulled out of TPP, US workers cannot compete cost wise with third world countries.

Solar produces next to no power, and isn't on demand. Renewable capacity has grown, but it isn't reliable. Every single watt of renewable power MUST have a fossil or nuclear powered back up, that isn't opinion, it's just the way it is. Trust me when I tell you that Natural gas has replaced coal, the drop in emissions is from Coal to Natural gas, it's cleaner. The tax cut also caused power providers to be able to drop rates for users, just another benefit.

Why didn't the FED raise rates during Obama's term? If the economy was so good, why keep rates at zero for the longest period in history? Which just happened to coincide Obama's presidency? Are you going to actually say that raising them wouldn't have affected the wonderful posts you clipped from other sites?
Trickle down works, it worked then, and it's working now. Socialists like you just don't like people having control of their money, you'd rather the government have it.
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