How will they rule ??!

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According to a neo-Nazi. From the WaPo:

In a post written over the weekend, neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin declared New Balance the “Official Shoes of White People.”

“I’m a Nike guy. Or rather, I was,” Anglin wrote on his popular website the Daily Stormer, which promotes an anti-Semitic, white supremacist agenda. “It’s time to get on-board with New Balance now. Their brave act has just made them the official brand of the Trump Revolution.”

You are dismissed.
You cannot be this obtuse or maybe just plain ignorant or blind devotion to Kap. He wore socks on the practice field showing cartoon pigs as cops. Please don’t post if you are going to be ignorant or a very bad troll.

When Trump called Mexics liars, rapist, murderers and bad hombres, you think he meant them all? When he said he grabs women by the pussy, you think he meant them all? When he mocked the disabled guy, was he mocking all disabled people?

Can't wait to hear this spin....
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Let's add that to the list of horrible judgement and murders cops have committed.

But why don't you like discussing the others?

So you are painting all cops as murderers, and none of them do good in their community? Do you really think the main issue today is we have a bunch of police running around every day with their first thought as “I need to go arrest and kill a bunch of black people today.” Do you think the police are responsible for the crime issues and murders committed by blacks against other blacks nationwide and against other groups?

Are the police the reason for the high crime rates in Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, Philly, Baltimore... wonder what those cities have in common now. Are the police the reason for the fact 60-70% of African Americans in places like Chicago, Detroit... grow up in single parent homes with no fathers?

Why is it the AA community blames everyone else for the crime, drug use, lack of 2 parent household, lack of education system... except for where the blame lies. Notice that all of the above cities also feature one other interesting fact- believe all of them have Democrats for Mayors and have for a long time. Where has this gotten them. Keep making excuses and blaming the police, and the plight of AA’s will continue to worsen. Strengthen ties with the police and other leaders like teachers... and watch what happens.
The best option IMO is to let the free market do its job. People affected will realize that private entities like facebook and twitter are playing favorites and putting their thumb on the scale of ideological debate, and therefore leave the current popular social medial outlets to move to another platform (maybe existing now, maybe to come) that does allow free expression and differences of opinion while figuring out how to keep bots and trolls in check.

I agree but right now it isn't truly a free market. They have civil immunity via federal law for anything posted through their site. So they're not held liable for the content based on the rationale they can't control it.

That removes a huge corrective action of the free market. Let's them enjoy all the benefits and none of the burden.

Remove that protection. Theyve obviously shown they can and will police content. Let them get hit a few times with major verdicts and you'll see change.
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Sure they do if they feel that is neccessary. CK isn't doing anythig to disrespect a flag or song? How has he done so? Genuflection or genuflexion is the act of bending at least one knee to the ground. From early times, it has been a gesture of deep respect for a superior. Today, the gesture is common in the Christian religious practices. Kneeling as actually the usmost sign of respect. We kneel to pray, to respect royalty, to propose, to show support for a fallen soldier or athlete just to name a few things. People wanting to make it into a sign of disrespect obviosuly are not aware of the history of the act. It has been used far more time as an act f respect that disrespect, has it not? Why would Nate Boyer, a soldier after all, recommend it?

Who said they couldn't do both, 1 or the other, or neither? hat's their choice and freedom, which is what we agree was fought for. No a piece of cloth or song.
Show me one post where I said CK is disrespecting the flag or the national anthem. One.

Nice cut and paste,

I know you feel better cause you are acting like it's your own idea..plagiarism at its finest...
And Obama 'pardoning' the Iranians and giving Syria a pass look at the world. We get it, you don't like trump, you are triggered.

really dude,I don't know what worse, you fallacious thinking or felatious mouth of yours

New Balance is made in USA

all people who were pardoned were once convicted, it's understood
I still can't believe Barr hasn't run an ad of McGrath saying she wouldn't be against a woman aborting her baby on the way to the hospital to deliver it. And saying she thinks all fetuses are human beings, but that aborting them is totally not worth legislating against.

I mean, even most people who are "pro-choice" would draw the line at stabbing the skull of a full-term baby as it is in the birth canal, but not Amy. But she's a Catholic (who never, to my knowledge, attends Mass in Georgetown or Lexington).

Something tells me that a lesbian Democrat doesn't really value the Bible and what it says.

Nice cut and paste,

I know you feel better cause you are acting like it's your own idea..plagiarism at its finest...
And Obama 'pardoning' the Iranians and giving Syria a pass look at the world. We get it, you don't like trump, you are triggered.

really dude,I don't know what worse, you fallacious thinking or felatious mouth of yours

New Balance is made in USA

all people who were pardoned were once convicted, it's understood
Did you not see the whole page of sources and cites? I'm not sure you understand what plagiarizing means. Or did mentioning that just not fit the agenda for today? You should look it up if you don't know, you'll probably see Melania's RNC speech.

Why would I be triggered? I actually am enjoying the Trump presidency. Its entertaining as fu*k!
I don't hear anyone on either side talking about nationalizing facebook. If you want something to go to sh!t, that would be a sure-fire way to do it, putting it in the hands of the government.

Regulating facebook and other social media outlets? That would certainly be a better approach than nationalizing it. But I still don't see that as a good option.

The best option IMO is to let the free market do its job. People affected will realize that private entities like facebook and twitter are playing favorites and putting their thumb on the scale of ideological debate, and therefore leave the current popular social medial outlets to move to another platform (maybe existing now, maybe to come) that does allow free expression and differences of opinion while figuring out how to keep bots and trolls in check.

If I were more entrepreneurial, I would be looking hard at the opportunity to create that platform now.

Fox News came about simply because of the left dominating control of the media. Why the hell an entrepreneur won't do this is so ridiculous because if you have the pockets for it, that product will thrive.

I don't want government control of that but in modern day, this is how people get information so it's like censoring the publications of newspapers while letting your own Pravda run roughshod.

You can't be both a platform and a publication, censor people who aren't breaking any rules and then at the same time, allow racism against whites, death threats, cursing, and pornography to be allowed.

Personally, I think it should be an anything goes platform short of actual death threats/anything with kids. There is a block button if you don't want to see something. It's not hard.

Hamas and ISIS have accounts on there yet Alex Jones doesn't? Pol/News has been banned like 15 times. Gavin McInness has been banned. A number of conservatives get banned.
Did you not see the whole page of sources and cites? I'm not sure you understand what plagiarizing means. Or did mentioning that just not fit the agenda for today? You should look it up if you don't know, you'll probably see Melania's RNC speech.

Why would I be triggered? I actually am enjoying the Trump presidency. Its entertaining as fu*k!
I’m enjoying the Trump presidency too. My investments have increased to the point I can retire anytime I want to at this point but practicing law is too damn much fun to quit.
The only point I'll make is when our elected officials and appointed court judges give corporations unprecedented power, we only hear crickets. But as soon as one of them exercises that power into a political spectrum opposite of ours, we get butt hurt sore. Personally, I won't refrain from shopping at Nike or Chick-fil-A in the future if I believe in the end product. Carry-on kids.
Did you not see the whole page of sources and cites? I'm not sure you understand what plagiarizing means. Or did mentioning that just not fit the agenda for today? You should look it up if you don't know, you'll probably see Melania's RNC speech.

Why would I be triggered? I actually am enjoying the Trump presidency. Its entertaining as fu*k!
You plagiarised the article, so what, putting the article's sources; you simply cut n paste. You would have let people believe you wrote it, word for word. If you put the website and article address, instead you put portions in and then cut n paste the works cited acting like you wrote it, you are pathetic for doing that, you need to come up with at least an original thought. Your argument about 213 to <10...pardons, basing it on trumps brevity in office? On Jan 2010 Obama pardoned his first 9 people less than 6 months later ten more, when was he sworn in?Jan 20 you are wrong again, less than a year...I can admit when I'm wrong, you seem delusional and unstable in your responses...can you?
Something tells me that a lesbian Democrat doesn't really value the Bible and what it says.
Her Catholicism presumably starts and ends with a visit to a fish fry once a year and getting "spiritual" at an "ecumenical" prayer service once a decade.

What a disgrace that the Bishop of Lexington hasn't publicly condemned her abortion position. Oh wait, he's a rank pro-gay modernist who is more than likely gay himself.

Kyrie Eleison
Her Catholicism presumably starts and ends with a visit to a fish fry once a year and getting "spiritual" at an "ecumenical" prayer service once a decade.

What a disgrace that the Bishop of Lexington hasn't publicly condemned her abortion position. Oh wait, he's a rank pro-gay modernist who is more than likely gay himself.

Kyrie Eleison

Yeah, you can’t be pro gay and be Christian. You can say you’re fine if the government wants to give tax breaks and call it whatever, sure but you can’t be a cheerleader for homosexuality and call yourself a Christian.

Oh, and you can’t be a Democrat and be a Christian. No way considering what the Dems do. You don’t have to be a Christian to be a Republican obviously but you certainly can’t be a Christian and a Democrat.
Hey Rahm, maybe you can get your big eared POS friend Obama to run for mayor in Chicago?

No reason those liberals shouldn't finish the job and completely ruin Chicago.
Show me one post where I said CK is disrespecting the flag or the national anthem. One.

Who said you did? I was asking your opinion. But if you don’t think he was, they why the issue with him? You’ve already agreed the message he is promoting is a problem in society and it should be addressed.

I’m enjoying the Trump presidency too. My investments have increased to the point I can retire anytime I want to at this point but practicing law is too damn much fun to quit.
If your investments increased that much, please share your secrets. But, good lawyers make bank, so you porbably had more than me to start wiht.

Lol, how do you have so much time to devout on here if you practice much law?

Nice cut and paste,

I know you feel better cause you are acting like it's your own idea..plagiarism at its finest...
And Obama 'pardoning' the Iranians and giving Syria a pass look at the world. We get it, you don't like trump, you are triggered.

really dude,I don't know what worse, you fallacious thinking or felatious mouth of yours

New Balance is made in USA

all people who were pardoned were once convicted, it's understood
Obama pardoned the Iranians and Syria? Again, I have no clue what crack you're own, but this never happened. Nor is it even possible. Please cite evidence.

You plagiarised the article, so what, putting the article's sources; you simply cut n paste. You would have let people believe you wrote it, word for word. If you put the website and article address, instead you put portions in and then cut n paste the works cited acting like you wrote it, you are pathetic for doing that, you need to come up with at least an original thought. Your argument about 213 to <10...pardons, basing it on trumps brevity in office? On Jan 2010 Obama pardoned his first 9 people less than 6 months later ten more, when was he sworn in?Jan 20 you are wrong again, less than a year...I can admit when I'm wrong, you seem delusional and unstable in your responses...can you?
First off, how do you plagarize fact and national records? Again, providing sources is the exact opposite of plagrism, or " plagiarised" as you call it. Where do you think the Factchecker site information came from? They are just a verification site, not a reporting site. Why would you cite them and not the actual source of the information?

Again, Obama did not pardon 213 people. Can you cite where he did? Also no, he did not Pardon anyone in January of 2010. He pardoned his first person in December of 2010.
  1. As he finishes his second year in office, Obama pardons nine people
Please get your facts straight, and learn basic math and english skills while you are at it. You even have factcheckers site now, thanks to me, so that you can verify if your info is accurate. In your case, maybe you should plagarize. It would really help you post at least 1 correct thing.

I'll be waiting for that admission of wrongness.

FYI, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. Mis-informed, uneducated, inbred morons like yourself, are allowed to cast votes that imact us all with no clue or understanding realities or consequences of it all. You've demonstrated a complete inability to utilize fact, logic or reasoning. You've proven you struggle with reading comprehension, writing and basic math. Again and again and again, but yet, here you are trying to degrade somone else who actually presents factual evidence you still choose not to accept or can't understand.
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Who said you did? I was asking your opinion. But if you don’t think he was, they why the issue with him? You’ve already agreed the message he is promoting is a problem in society and it should be addressed.

If your investments increased that much, please share your secrets. But, good lawyers make bank, so you porbably had more than me to start wiht.

Lol, how do you have so much time to devout on here if you practice much law?

Obama pardoned the Iranians and Syria? Again, I have no clue what crack you're own, but this never happened. Nor is it even possible. Please cite evidence.

First off, how do you plagarize fact and national records? Again, providing sources is the exact opposite of plagrism, or " plagiarised" as you call it. Where do you think the Factchecker site information came from? They are just a verification site, not a reporting site. Why would you site them and not the actual source of the information?

Again, Obama did not pardon 213 people. Can you cite where he did? Also, no he did no Pardon anyone in January of 2010, pardoned his first person in December of 2010.
  1. As he finishes his second year in office, Obama pardons nine people
Please get your facts straight and learn basic math and english skills. You even have factcheckers site now, thanks to me, so that you can verify if your info is accurate. In your case, maybe you should plagarize. It would really help you post at least 1 correct thing.
To answer your questions: I don’t give two shits if he kneels or not. My premise about that was the NFL owners have a right to stop it and they do it for financial reasons. And CK is a hypocrite how he “stands” against one abuse and gladly takes money to stuff his pockets from Nike workers who are abused. His statements about Castro etc are moronic.

As far as my investments, I have been investing since my early 20s therefore the increase in value the past two years is substantial. If you want investment advice, seek an expert. However, I will tell you low expense total stock market mutual funds give you a nice basis.

As far as how I can spend so much time on here, I can post on here as I wait to have my court cases being heard. Plus I have two lawyers in my office who I assign cases. I get the majority of the fee and they do all the work. One of the perks of being your own boss. In addition, my practice has evolved to the point I can work 3 1/2 days a week if I so choose. Any other questions?
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Again, Obama did not pardon 213 people. Can you cite where he did? Also, no he did no Pardon anyone in January of 2010, pardoned his first person in December of 2010.
  1. As he finishes his second year in office, Obama pardons nine people

First off, how do you plagarize fact and national records? Again, providing sources is the exact opposite of plagrism, or " plagiarised" as you call it. Where do you think the Factchecker site information came from? They are just a verification site, not a reporting site. Why would you cite them and not the actual source of the information?
Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. Webster dictionary.

The Iran Nuclear Deal...that is a pardon of sorts...
Obama pardoned the behavior of corrupt regimes(Syria\Libya) by doing nothing.
Did you finish highschool or GED? You are ignorant of what taking a copying whole paragraphs and posting as your own. Then you put works cited to make it appear you gathered all those sources. You are straight up a LIAR for doing so. Understand now? Is this enough proof for you?
Bet you haven't found yourself yet, you named yourself after an area in the vagina.
Huh ernst grafenburg, says a lot about yourself...silly person
I’m only responding to posts that quoted me as I have no idea what this thread has turned into so sorry if you guys are discussing abortion or guns or what have you now, but did want to address this point with my humble OPINION. Me simply asking a guy that is VERY atheist how he reconciles voting for a party that is very pro religion (the Vice President views himself a Christian first) was a question I was asking simply out of curiosity, I would HOPE that doesn’t make me unqualified to vote, just by being a curious person.

I tried to get into politics a year ago because everyone told me how UNBELIEVABLY important it is and just got extremely irritated and tired of it, and I found it to be actually not that important.To me what is really awful is the 2 party system, where you are stuck choosing a “team”. To your point I actually think the really hardcore conservatives/Democrats should be the ones that shouldn’t be the ones voting because they are horrifically biased. It would be if fans could vote for which teams get in the NCAA tournament. All of us here would think we should be the ones deciding because we’re so “informed” and casual fans shouldn’t even be allowed because they’re “clueless” but in reality we would be awful at it because we’re so biased for Kentucky, we would do all we can to twist logic and numbers to make UK look good and conversely twist all numbers to make Duke, UNC, and Louisville look bad. Our bias would be so strong it wouldn’t really be a neutral vote but extremely biased and unfair, that what people like you and fuzz and whoever else are.

I think three things would make politics much better in this country:

Campaign finance reform

Limited term limits so peoples sole purpose in life isn’t to get re-elected

Not putting R or D besides a candidates name in the voting booth but just having a brief summary of their stance on the important topics

None of this will happen though, and politics will continue to be a shitfest. Anyway sorry for long post, this is my longest post I’ve ever made and you’re probably better off not even reading it as it’s jyst rambling, but just wanted to respond to your post about me not being allowed to vote because I was curious on a guys stance.

Gotcha. Well, Pence is a Christian. But so are a lot of other politicians. Really it doesnt matter, there's an old line in politics that says "it's the economy stupid". Good Ole Clinton that beauty down. Most people are just trying to get by.

People that say everyone should vote is wrong. "Vote or die" bullsht campaigns designed to get 18 year olds who don't know their **** from a hole in the ground to vote shouldn't be voting.

I agree that party politics is a cesspool, that's why I'm a Trump supporter. He's really just the first independent non establishment president we've ever had. And the party politicians hate him with passion. That's why they want him out, most of them just want war and he doesn't want to give it.

I would get on board with a few things you cited but It will not happen. The alligators will never relinquish the swamp.
Who said you did? I was asking your opinion. But if you don’t think he was, they why the issue with him? You’ve already agreed the message he is promoting is a problem in society and it should be addressed.

If your investments increased that much, please share your secrets. But, good lawyers make bank, so you porbably had more than me to start wiht.

Lol, how do you have so much time to devout on here if you practice much law?

Obama pardoned the Iranians and Syria? Again, I have no clue what crack you're own, but this never happened. Nor is it even possible. Please cite evidence.

First off, how do you plagarize fact and national records? Again, providing sources is the exact opposite of plagrism, or " plagiarised" as you call it. Where do you think the Factchecker site information came from? They are just a verification site, not a reporting site. Why would you cite them and not the actual source of the information?

Again, Obama did not pardon 213 people. Can you cite where he did? Also no, he did not Pardon anyone in January of 2010. He pardoned his first person in December of 2010.
  1. As he finishes his second year in office, Obama pardons nine people
Please get your facts straight, and learn basic math and english skills while you are at it. You even have factcheckers site now, thanks to me, so that you can verify if your info is accurate. In your case, maybe you should plagarize. It would really help you post at least 1 correct thing.

I'll be waiting for that admission of wrongness.

FYI, you are exactly what is wrong with this country. Mis-informed, uneducated, inbred morons like yourself, are allowed to cast votes that imact us all with no clue or understanding realities or consequences of it all. You've demonstrated a complete inability to utilize fact, logic or reasoning. You've proven you struggle with reading comprehension, writing and basic math. Again and again and again, but yet, here you are trying to degrade somone else who actually presents factual evidence you still choose not to accept or can't understand.

There's that arrogant and ridiculous liberal bs coming out.

Did you know that those inbred uneducated voters were once called democrats? Remember when democrats didn't work for defense contractors and actually said they were the party of the little guy? Now look at You, all you guys want is wars flamed by Russian propaganda. You sound like a 1980's Rino lol. Morons.

And for the record, the black community which is the main base of your voter block is largely uneducated. I wonder what your true feeling about them is.

You're uninformed and sad.
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To answer your questions: I don’t give two shits if he kneels or not. My premise about that was the NFL owners have a right to stop it and they do it for financial reasons. And CK is a hypocrite how he “stands” against one abuse and gladly takes money to stuff his pockets from Nike workers who are abused. His statements about Castro etc are moronic.

As far as my investments, I have been investing since my early 20s therefore the increase in value the past two years is substantial. If you want investment advice, seek an expert. However, I will tell you low expense total stock market mutual funds give you a nice basis.

As far as how I can spend so much time on here, I can post on here as I wait to have my court cases being heard. Plus I have two lawyers in my office who I assign cases. I get the majority of the fee and they do all the work. One of the perks of being your own boss. In addition, my practice has evolved to the point I can work 3 1/2 days a week if I so choose. Any other questions?
To be fair, you and others have completey misrepresented and mistated his Castro remarks into something they weren't. He did misspeak when stating the numbers, but he never praised Castro. I don't disagree they have a right
not to employee him, but there is some legal issue if they colluded. CK can have far more impact in a country he is a citizen of than a 3rd world counry whos laws permit slave and chile labor. Obviosuly it is important to bring awareness to, but aren't conservatives always saying we can't police the world and we must sake care of home first? Just because you buy or wear Nike, does that mean you support slave labor?

I've invested and will hopefully have a nice retirement one day, but I would like to know how yours imporved so much under Trump, but most people I know are in my boat.

I was mostly just pulling your leg here. Sounds like a nice gig. What type of law?
Gotcha. Well, Pence is a Christian. But so are a lot of other politicians. Really it doesnt matter, there's an old line in politics that says "it's the economy stupid". Good Ole Clinton that beauty down. Most people are just trying to get by.

People that say everyone should vote is wrong. "Vote or die" bullsht campaigns designed to get 18 year olds who don't know their **** from a hole in the ground to vote shouldn't be voting.

I agree that party politics is a cesspool, that's why I'm a Trump supporter. He's really just the first independent non establishment president we've ever had. And the party politicians hate him with passion. That's why they want him out, most of them just want war and he doesn't want to give it.

I would get on board with a few things you cited but It will not happen. The alligators will never relinquish the swamp.

There's that arrogant and ridiculous liberal bs coming out.

Did you know that those inbred uneducated voters were once called democrats? Remember when democrats didn't work for defense contractors and actually said they were the party of the little guy? Now look at You, all you guys want is wars flamed by Russian propaganda. You sound like a 1980's Rino lol. Morons.

And for the record, the black community which is the main base of your voter block is largely uneducated. I wonder what your true feeling about them is.

You're uninformed and sad.
Ohh yea, another GED receiving conspiracy theorist.. Let me guess, It was Hillary and Obama, in the Pool Room, with the Dossier?
Saying Trump is doing what he actually did.

Railing against using FBI and DOJ against political opponents. Hitler railing against expanding borders would be less of a crime.
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Ohh yea, another GED receiving conspiracy theorist.. Let me guess, It was Hilary and Obama, in the Pool Room, with the Dossier?

The only conspiracy theory about russiagate IS Russiagate. And you're too damn stupid to see through it. Lol.

Have you not paid attention to the lies and retractions that the media produces weekly? Notice they never make mistakes in a pro Trump fashion. It's always a lie (CNN was just bustednagain in a blatant lie) designed to promote Russian propaganda.

You're not on the side of progressives that's for sure. They know the corruption and the propaganda on the left is real. They know the media is pushing for war, that's really what this is about. And you are walking right in line because of R's and D's. It really just shows how politically dim you are.

How do you feel about the massive uneducated black voter block? Since you keep drilling this home, let's see how brave you are to call them on it, Mr. Educated man.

Lol I have a college degree btw.
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To be fair, you and others have completey misrepresented and mistated his Castro remarks into something they weren't. He did misspeak when stating the numbers, but he never praised Castro. I don't disagree they have a right
not to employee him, but there is some legal issue if they colluded. CK can have far more impact in a country he is a citizen of than a 3rd world counry whos laws permit slave and chile labor. Obviosuly it is important to bring awareness to, but aren't conservatives always saying we can't police the world and we must sake care of home first? Just because you buy or wear Nike, does that mean you support slave labor?

I've invested and will hopefully have a nice retirement one day, but I would like to know how yours imporved so much under Trump, but most people I know are in my boat.

I was mostly just pulling your leg here. Sounds like a nice gig. What type of law?
I will answer these last couple of questions for you. But it shouldn’t matter what any of us do for a living or how much money we make on here. At least it doesn’t to me. We are UK fans and I don’t care whether you work at Pizza Hut or are a heart surgeon. I come here for the interaction with Big Blue Nation. When you have invested for near 30 years and had zero student debt after graduating, creating a large nest egg wasn’t that difficult. Then throw in the white hot stock market the last two years, I have been extremely fortunate.
As far as my practice of law, I focus on criminal law, real estate law and probate law.
I'm loving the "uneducated" bs by these lefties right now. If people just watch they show who they're really about. Their pitch to the poor and black communities was always bs. They are corporatist hacks who incite all sorts of divisions in people with the aim to continue power through any means necessary. They are a nasty bunch, and I'm so ready for America to throw them back in the closet where the party of mental illness and sickness belong.

But look at'm. Doing the bidding of Lockheed Martin and defense contractors. Promoting main stream media talking points designed to promote more wars while they mock and abandon average people and call them horrible names. In the end you will get what's coming to you.
It was nothing against what you did. I have an interest in the law. Was just curious what type your practiced.

I don't necessarily agree with what you say, or at least not always, but I think you present valid and articulate points for the most part. No reason to have anything against you or what you do.
The one reason I interact with you is you usually support your arguments instead of the mindless horse shit I normally read on here even though we mostly disagree. And there is nothing wrong with disagreeing especially if you are exposed to other’s opinions that provide a different angle to consider.
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Oh Sweetie, Hamburger U and Speedway Manager Training courses aren't real college.


Lmao while you believe MSM and career politicians Russian propaganda. Literally the weakest form of propaganda but the neolibs knew you'd fall in line.

You're a sheep.

You never answered as to why you downplay the black voter block because they're uneducated.
Yeah, you can’t be pro gay and be Christian. You can say you’re fine if the government wants to give tax breaks and call it whatever, sure but you can’t be a cheerleader for homosexuality and call yourself a Christian.

Oh, and you can’t be a Democrat and be a Christian. No way considering what the Dems do. You don’t have to be a Christian to be a Republican obviously but you certainly can’t be a Christian and a Democrat.
you can't be against giving support to the poor and be a christian, can't hate your enemies and be a christian, you can't masturbate and be a christian, you can't eat animals and be a christian, you can't go to church after giving birth and be a christian, can't hold a grudge and be a christian, can't cross breed animals, can't have tattoos, and on and on. Christians really like to pick and choose the stupid crap in the bible they like to follow and use Jesus as an excuse to not follow any of it anymore.
you can't be against giving support to the poor and be a christian, can't hate your enemies and be a christian, you can't masturbate and be a christian, you can't eat animals and be a christian, you can't go to church after giving birth and be a christian, can't hold a grudge and be a christian, can't cross breed animals, can't have tattoos, and on and on. Christians really like to pick and choose the stupid crap in the bible they like to follow and use Jesus as an excuse to not follow any of it anymore.


You can't be against giving to the NEEDY. Not all poor people are needy. Noone has charge to care for the self inflicted lazy
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Check out @ThomasSowell’s Tweet:

What Sowell doesn't understand is that the new socialist are smarter and better educated than the old socialist. I mean they use computers and stuff like that. They are like woke. And though they have never taken history, they do understand gender and racial studies.

Not serious.....
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