How will they rule ??!

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I would take Colin over the guy calling the shots in the white house. Not much difference, just great political cover for a corrupt president who just got an endorsement from North Korean dictator and accepted it. This was never an issue until Pres. made it one. He was kneeling for police brutality nothing against the military. Yeah look at this but don't look at the 20 indictments on Mueller probe, pleading guilty, going to prison guys, going to get a lot worse. Better hope new Supreme court nominee bails him out. Russia probe is going to blow up as soon as Nov. elections. Major indictments.
Comrade Trump needs to worry about collusion and obstruction of justice not some issue of turning national anthem into political football. No problem with Nazi's and crazy zealots to kill in Univ. Virginia but no let's make a back up washed up QB the issue. President's incompetence and complete absurdity and stupidity mean nothing.
Senate is a disgrace.
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Sure it is. Regardless of family unit or economic class, trust still isn't going to be apparent. You can look to higher profile blacks that have had run ins with police and report racism or being treated differently simply based on skin color. If the trust isn't evident, why does anything other factor matter. The whole lack of male father figure in the home is an over hyped fallacy. My brother, sister and myself grew up with out a father. We turned out pretty good. My brothers even a former cop turned DEA agent, who fully supports CK stance on the issue. And would love any Nike gear anyone can send his way.
Just because you and your siblings fortunately turned out pretty good isn’t a reflection of society in general. But the family unit isn’t the only issue as I stated. As far your brother supporting CK, that is his right. As is it the right of someone who doesn’t want to buy Nike products.
I would take Colin over the guy calling the shots in the white house. Not much difference, just great political cover for a corrupt president who just got an endorsement from North Korean dictator and accepted it. This was never an issue until Pres. made it one. He was kneeling for police brutality nothing against the military. Yeah look at this but don't look at the 20 indictments on Mueller probe, pleading guilty, going to prison guys, going to get a lot worse. Better hope new Supreme court nominee bails him out. Russia probe is going to blow up as soon as Nov. elections. Major indictments.
Comrade Trump needs to worry about collusion and obstruction of justice not some issue of turning national anthem into political football. No problem with Nazi's and crazy zealots to kill in Univ. Virginia but no let's make a back up washed up QB the issue. President's incompetence and complete absurdity and stupidity mean nothing.
Senate is a disgrace.
Wow. You are one brainwashed person. But carry on. Lol
I think the more important reveal is his position on Roe v. Wade not being settled law. Even then though, nothing is settled law. Amendments are the closest thing to that and even prohibition was overturned. Not sure Revealing anything was worth it just yet.
Reminder: Sotomayor called Heller "settled law" and then voted to overturn it her very first year on the Court.
I would take Colin over the guy calling the shots in the white house. Not much difference, just great political cover for a corrupt president who just got an endorsement from North Korean dictator and accepted it. This was never an issue until Pres. made it one. He was kneeling for police brutality nothing against the military. Yeah look at this but don't look at the 20 indictments on Mueller probe, pleading guilty, going to prison guys, going to get a lot worse. Better hope new Supreme court nominee bails him out. Russia probe is going to blow up as soon as Nov. elections. Major indictments.
Comrade Trump needs to worry about collusion and obstruction of justice not some issue of turning national anthem into political football. No problem with Nazi's and crazy zealots to kill in Univ. Virginia but no let's make a back up washed up QB the issue. President's incompetence and complete absurdity and stupidity mean nothing.
Senate is a disgrace.
Mueller probe? hahaha..the only probing he does is his nose up the Clinton's asses. But hey go ahead and impeach Trump, then you can say hello to President Pence..who happens to be 100 times more conservative than Trump ever dreamed to be!!
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Ya but you already disagree with like half your parties policies don’t you? All that shit about wanting to add prayer in schools, teach creation beside evolution, the GD ark park - all that stuff is from conservatives, is it not odd voting for those policies? Is this a thing? Are there lots of agnostic/atheist conservatives? I feel like this is the end result of being stuck with two god awful shitty parties - youre stuck voting for one where you don’t even agree with a lot of their views - basically the least worst. Anyway sorry to derail the thrilling talk about dumbshit Kaepernick was just curious and slightly confused

Ron, none of that stuff is a real threat compared to what leftists are trying to do to our country and the world. I know many atheist/agnostics who are conservative and think the same.
Just because you and your siblings fortunately turned out pretty good isn’t a reflection of society in general. But the family unit isn’t the only issue as I stated. As far your brother supporting CK, that is his right. As is it the right of someone who doesn’t want to buy Nike products.
Well, in a way it is. Most people in America turn out well, or at least avg as long as they have at least 1 good parent. Almost 50% of kids come from a broken home and most aren't criminals, gang bangers or bad people. Of course having 2 parents helps, but I know plenty of shitty people who came from good homes with both parents.

Everyone has their right. I support that, as that it was I think most military personal truly fought for. Not so much a flag or anthem. He and I just question how a person can claim to be pro military and first responders and be all about being respectful, while destroying items that could be donated to the people they claim to care so much about.
So, how exactly is Kaep taking a stand on an opinion brave and "sacrificing everything", but this school's decision "stupid"? Shocked there's hypocrites chiming in on this issue.

I just saw a pretty solid meme that said "Trump has unemployment so low that even Kaepernick got a job" [roll]

Kap been getting paid by Nike since 2011. When he’s broke like has 100 bucks we will see how brave he was and how he gave up everything.
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Oh man, let me jump in on this thread!

I would take Colin over the guy calling the shots in the white house.

Well, in a way it is. Most people in America turn out well, or at least avg as long as they have at least 1 good parent. Almost 50% of kids come from a broken home and most aren't criminals, gang bangers or bad people. Of course having 2 parents helps, but I know plenty of shitty people who came from good homes with both parents.

Everyone has their right. I support that, as that it was I think most military personal truly fought for. Not so much a flag or anthem. He and I just question how a person can claim to be pro military and first responders and be all about being respectful, while destroying items that could be donated to the people they claim to care so much about.
I think you would find the flag means a great deal to many people. For example, seeing the Stars and Stripes raised on Mount Suribachi was a huge morale boost for the Marines fighting on Iwo Jima. They carried that emotional attachment to the flag throughout their lives. Or the flag being planted in the rubble of the buildings after 9/11.
No one is denying black on black crime is an issue. Hell, ask any black person, they admit it
But you don't ignore one because there is another. Address both. White people have a real problem with mass shootings, particularly white men. When we going to address that?
I think the point you are missing, or avoiding, is that the statistics don't support the idea that the incidence of police brutality/shootings of blacks is higher than it is against whites. That is my problem with him. He is either easily manipulated, ignorant, or just looking to stir crap up. Why support that in any way?
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I think you would find the flag means a great deal to many people. For example, seeing the Stars and Stripes raised on Mount Suribachi was a huge morale boost for the Marines fighting on Iwo Jima. They carried that emotional attachment to the flag throughout their lives. Or the flag being planted in the rubble of the buildings after 9/11.
The flag was and is meerly a symbol. Freedoms, rights, and country are what they truly fought to protect. We can pretend to be emotionally tied to a flag and song 90% of the country knows jackshit about the history of, but in reality those would have been easily sacraficed in effort to maintain the country, the declaration of independence and the constitution.
I think the point you are missing, or avoiding, is that the statistics don't support the idea that the incidence of police brutality/shootings of blacks is higher than it is against whites. That is my problem with him. He is either easily manipulated, ignorant, or just looking to stir crap up. Why support that in any way?
Can you provide some evidence to support this?
Ya but you already disagree with like half your parties policies don’t you? All that shit about wanting to add prayer in schools, teach creation beside evolution, the GD ark park - all that stuff is from conservatives, is it not odd voting for those policies? Is this a thing? Are there lots of agnostic/atheist conservatives? I feel like this is the end result of being stuck with two god awful shitty parties - youre stuck voting for one where you don’t even agree with a lot of their views - basically the least worst. Anyway sorry to derail the thrilling talk about dumbshit Kaepernick was just curious and slightly confused

This is why people who don’t know what they’re talking about shouldn’t vote, with respect.

Pennsylvania votes D the vast majority of the time and they have a deep religious constituency. Catholics are deeply liberal, and blacks, who have voted D for over 50 years, have a higher rate of religious beliefs than whites today. Yes, I’d bet most would even accept prayer in schools.

I am friends with more atheist conservatives than Christian conservatives. As a matter of fact, most atheist probably identify with libertarianism more so than anything, which is basically just a constitutionalist that believes in limited intervention.

So again, some of you have such a shallow understanding of these things yet, won’t listen, change, accept it, Yada. You’ll wake up tomorrow believing in party politics of 1960.

Ron you’re an ok guy, but you should pray more.

ROTFLMAO.......... Show the proof that Trump was the target of the adds.

You sound like Alex Jones now
Did I say Trump was the target of the ads? Nope. The target of the ad is people who dislike Trump because he is against CK and kneeling for the anthem. Clear enough.
Ron, none of that stuff is a real threat compared to what leftists are trying to do to our country and the world. I know many atheist/agnostics who are conservative and think the same.
IdaCat. You are spot on brother.
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You say this as the Republican indictments continue to pile up and as president Trump continues to pardon more criminals.
Before you straight up make up shit, know the facts. Check out Jack Johnson who trump pardoned..the current President has pardoned less than ten peoplease while Obama pardoned 2 terrorist nations for their behavior. Also pardoned 213 criminals, educatell yourself before you just make stuff up, just shows your intelligence, lack of that is. Half of those that Obama pardoned also had aliases, enough said. How many of Trump's none. Funny huh.
CK is only capitalizing on this, don't think he cares at all. If he were to donate his money, he can do much more for his cause. Police brutality exists, until we as a nation can come up with better law enforcement that is completely objective, unfeeling we have what we have. All I know is if in my job I see the worse society has to offer day in and day out. I'd be out of sorts as well. The only solution is better mental health for our police force and mandatory mental checks but they are unionized and well...
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Looking forward to buying even more Nike products. Hopefully old, angry white people will lose their shit when they see it. And judging by the loonies on here, they will.
Be like when people are triggered by MAGA hats and Trump political posters. See how loony they were? It's not just white people it's sports fans on the whole. CK is getting his revenge on the NFL, timing the ad days before the start of season, revenge? Or social justice?
If it looks like sh×t, smells like shi÷, please for the love of Vick don't taste it. It's s%it!!
Don't care about Chick-fila's beliefs. Love those sammys though. Definitely don't care about Kaepernick. Will buy Nike gear when I want. Don't agree with a lot of Pearl Jam's political stances. Love their music. This country is the best in the world. But we sure do get a bug up our asses about the stupidest things.

I'm similar but opposite to you.

I don't really care for some of Chik-fil-a's beliefs. Eat their chicken regularly because it's delicious and I like it.

Totally apathetic to the whole Kaepernick/Nike/NFL/flag/anthem/troops/Trump thing that won't f$%&$#n die. I'll wear Nike gear and watch football because I want to.

I don't agree with a lot of Dave Mustaine's politics, but Megadeth is one of my favorite bands of all time.

I refuse to let politics or symbolism that means different things to different people ruin things I enjoy. Seems stupid to get all butthurt over stuff that doesn't really hurt anything or amount to anything more than a difference of opinion.
Remember when watching silly Cory Booker and the pathetic stunts he pulls that he is the same guy who repeatedly made up a guy named T-Bone...

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Ann Coulter rule proven correct again.

If the race of a shooter is not immediately told, it’s not a white guy and will fall from trending topic.

If they can’t bury the story, it becomes about the gun and not the person. For example, Pulse nightclub wasn’t about Islam, no, it was about AR-15.
The flag was and is meerly a symbol. Freedoms, rights, and country are what they truly fought to protect. We can pretend to be emotionally tied to a flag and song 90% of the country knows jackshit about the history of, but in reality those would have been easily sacraficed in effort to maintain the country, the declaration of independence and the constitution.
Wrong. People don’t need to sacrifice their love for the flag and the national anthem to maintain anything. They can do both. Remember your own words- you can fight both police abuse and black on black violence- you don’t have to choose one, you can do both.
Now we got a bunch of Trumpsters screaming that we should nationalize facebook, google, twitter. its funny the stupid positions american politics will get people to support.

FWIW I have a friend who is the admin of the Lewis Co Ky Friends of the NRA Facebook page . He received a message from FB yesterday that the page was being taken down because it " didnt meet community standards " His FNRA club has donated money to 4H programs , The Morehead St rifle team , JROTC at the High School , helped get grants for a shooting range in Lewis Co . This type of nonsense is why people are pissed at FB .
Wrong. People don’t need to sacrifice their love for the flag and the national anthem to maintain anything. They can do both. Remember your own words- you can fight both police abuse and black on black violence- you don’t have to choose one, you can do both.
Using logic and his own words are not fair.....:D