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If you showed up at a rally and stood next to people with Nazi emblems, what does that make you?

Hint: it’s either a Nazi or “not a good person”

It would make me a person standing next to a Nazi. I do not have the ability to determine how good someone is by who they stand next to. That is for millennials that can't seem to ever make it to work on time. need more proof than a goddamn Nazi emblem?

You’ve outdone yourself. Congrats.

When I was young I was a liberal. I grew out of that very early, around 23.

I was wanting to see if there was any any hope for you. Probably not.

25 for me. When I was in the dark and clueless about politics, amazingly I backed the left. As I actually got informed and got red pilled, I’m amazed at anyone falling for the left’s shit.
I see beto was getting tons of play for some nonsense pandering video.

Beto. Was there ever a better name for a lefty candidate?

Also somehow it's ok when the left runs a white guy.

Finally I notice typing this that "Beto" defaults to a capital letter. How handy for all us smartphone users. Gotta make sure it auto corrects any potential misspelling so his online impressions are easier to track and inflate. No way such an odd name was already in the OS as a name.
There were good people sporting swastikas or marching with them?

Jesus. Really?!

Did I say that?

It’s entirely possible to detest Nazis, ans Antifa yet think a monument should stay.

Antifa is the one that broke the law, and started violence. Are you saying they were good people?

Did Soros run over an innocent person? No? Okay.

Just think, if the police had actually tried to maintain order instead of letting antifa get right in arms length of the protesters that young woman would still be alive.

Whether you like someone’s opinion or not does not give you the right to violently shut them down. I don’t give a f*** if theyre protesting for Beastiality.

If you ignore protesting idiots they wither and die, when you oppose them it only gives them life.
If you showed up at a rally and stood next to people with Nazi emblems, what does that make you?

Hint: it’s either a Nazi or “not a good person”

That isn’t the whole story must sleep.

Don’t you find it odd that hot dog vendors from Berkeley CA were able to go all the way across country for a march to support a confederate statue?
but this will completely turn congress against him and could tank the SCOTUS hearings.

As far as Scotus hearings go the only person that matters has spoken and he has the majority of congress backing him.

"Calls to delay the hearing are just the latest tactic from opponents who decided to vote 'no' weeks ago, frantically looking for anything that sticks. The hearing will begin as planned on September 4," said George Hartman, a spokesman for Sen ate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Not to mention Manchin and other middle of the road dems said they're against a delay too. So did never trump reps such as Susan Collins.

Only Dems to use this to try delay are the far left radicals who are desperate and going on tv and lying through their teeth. Going on tv and claiming Trump is named as an unindicted coconspirator is a bold face lie.Trump hasn't been named period. They would name him as an unidicted coconspirator if he was.

The reason he's referred to as candidate instead of by name in the plea deal is because he is not a defendant or an unidicted coconspirator. It's that simple. He's been accused by Cohen. that's it. The same Cohen who was just caught yesterday telling another very serious and dangerous lie about Trump. That's right. He was caught lying about Trump having knowledge of the Jr. Trump Tower meeting in advance. This is also the same Cohen who tapes his clients without their knowledge. Needless to say he is not judge and jury and credibility is void.

The desperate dems are also completely ignoring that precedent has already been set. Congress continued to confirm Clinton's judicial nominees even after he was found guilty of a crime. Like it or not Kavanaugh is the next justice.
There were good people sporting swastikas or marching with them?

Umm some of those people were there peacefully protesting the removal of the statue for days before any of the racists or Antifa showed up. These people weren't marching with racist or associated with them in anyway. The fact that you guys can't seem to grasp this is mind boggling.

The protesting of the statue removal was designated to the park by authorities. It wasn't one big unanimous kumbaya group of racists in that park. It was a huge group of people broken down into sub groups some there for totally different reasons than others who didn't want anything or have anything to do with the racists. The racists numbers were small.

What you're trying to do is what some on the right do as well. If there's a protest of 500 liberals and 50 of them are Antifa who start a riot and burn and break stuff and attack the police does that mean every one there was a violent radical Antifa anarchist?
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If you showed up at a rally and stood next to people with Nazi emblems, what does that make you?

Hint: it’s either a Nazi or “not a good person”

By this logic then everyone who showed to any of the protest/rallies since Trump's election starting on inauguration day (and there have been hundreds of thousands) is either a far left violent radical anarchist or not a good person.
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Compare that with his response of “many good people on both sides”..

Again how this so hard for you people to grasp? Are you really that dumb or just playing that dumb so you can have something to use to call Trump a racist?

There were good people on both sides. Not everyone there protesting the statue removal was a racist just like not everyone there protesting the protest was a fascist.

Just like there was scum on both sides. One group was racist nazi scum the other fascist communist scum. Yes antifa the guys dressed in all black who use black bloc militant tactics are not anti fascists or well intentioned liberals fighting for social justice. They're anarchists and communist fascists who use violence to silence anyone they disagree with including liberals.

You can play the moral equivalence game all you want but that crap doesn't fly. History and facts tell a different story. They have shown that Mao and Stalin and communist fascist are every bit as brutal murderous scum as Hitler and nazis are.

Like I said good people on both sides. Some there to protest the removal of a statue and others there to protest to remove a statue. Then there was also scum on both sides who were there just to be violent and fight each other. The good people on both sides weren't there to engage in the violence with the scum on both sides and were not associated with them.
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