How will they rule ??!

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Anyone else here have drudge reports apps on their phones? I can't get the apps to work anymore. Think they were removed or something.
MAnfort Guilty on 8 counts, hung jury on the rest. 30 years per charge, Prison fo life. Cohen pleading guilty. MAGA! Trump is going to throw a massive shit fit at his rally tonight.
And yet none of it has anything to do with Trump. You do know that, right?
Cohen just said under oath he worked in coordination with Trump to circumvent campaign finance laws and implicated him in a federal crime. You guys can downplay it all you want but this will completely turn congress against him and could tank the SCOTUS hearings.
Cohen just said under oath he worked in coordination with Trump to circumvent campaign finance laws and implicated him in a federal crime. You guys can downplay it all you want but this will completely turn congress against him and could tank the SCOTUS hearings.

lmao!!!! got to love our thread moron here.
Cohen just said under oath he worked in coordination with Trump to circumvent campaign finance laws and implicated him in a federal crime. You guys can downplay it all you want but this will completely turn congress against him and could tank the SCOTUS hearings.

Campaign finance law, thats what you're going with?
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Cohen just said under oath he worked in coordination with Trump to circumvent campaign finance laws and implicated him in a federal crime. You guys can downplay it all you want but this will completely turn congress against him and could tank the SCOTUS hearings.
you got him now!
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I really, really, really, really hope Congress gets on its high horse about campaign finance laws that Trump allegedly broke. I hope he appoints a special prosecutor tomorrow to investigate any and all campaign finance violations that have ever happened.
You think it stops here? Trumps 2 top guys just got sent to prison on the same day and one of them name him in court as a co-conspirator. Shit just got real for Trump.
[laughing] whats sad is you probably actually believe this nonsense. Yeah you got Drumpf this time!!! Just like the 300 other times you guys got him.

He will still be your President tomorrow and several years after.
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You think it stops here? Trumps 2 top guys just got sent to prison on the same day and one of them name him in court as a co-conspirator. Shit just got real for Trump.

No, I don't think it'll stop here. I think this is going to drag out Trumps entire Presidency. None of this has anything to do with the original Russian Collusion.
The fact that you don't care as long as it hurts Trump is frightening.
You guys can downplay it all you want but this will completely turn congress against him and could tank the SCOTUS hearings.

[laughing] Campaign finance violations are going to cause all of that? Really? C'mon, now. $1.8M is much larger than the $130K that went to Stormy, that could be totally legit. If guilty, Trump's campaign will probably be fined $15-20K or so.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

The major sticking point for the FEC appeared to be a series of missing 48-hour notices for nearly 1,300 contributions totaling more than $1.8 million.
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The judge asked and the jury chose to stay under seal. I'm assuming they believe eight out 18 isn't enough to appease the deranged mob. Media is probably working overtime to dox them as I type this.
No, I don't think it'll stop here. I think this is going to drag out Trumps entire Presidency. None of this has anything to do with the original Russian Collusion.
The fact that you don't care as long as it hurts Trump is frightening.
thats how special prosecutors work by design. did Monica have anything to do with whitewater? watergate was an investigation into a break in & coverup. then branched off to Nixon bugging politicians offices and taping all his illegal activity in the WH. Mueller will have very hard time ever proving russian collusion whether or not it happened. No Russian witness would ever cooperate, Putin would quickly have them killed. So they are having an easy time going after all the criminals Trump surrounds himself with instead.
Few things about the legal news today:

Mueller thought they lost the manafort trial imo. That's why they hustled to get the Cohen plea ready.

The manafort case has nothing to do with trump. That was never the point though. The goal was to get leverage so they could try to get manafort to say whatever they need him to say. We know Mueller doesn't care if any of it is true or not. Just needs it stated

That's the full court press they're putting on right this very moment. At the same time, Trump's team is likely considering a pardon, that removes all such leverage.

Cohen is and was nothing. The best he can do is some obscure meaningless campaign finance law, and that's on their best day. The importance there is this gives Dems hope of impeachment should they get their blue wave. And it gives them their campaign slogan nationwide for midterms.

Bottom line none of it really means anything for this president, IF we were dealing with an objective investigation. We know the opposite is true. It's nothing more than a coup in broad daylight, and these two developments ensure it's not going away anytime soon.