How will they rule ??!

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Those privileged white kids said they want to end the institutional racism at UNC. What does that mean? How do you plan on ending it? By tearing down campus piece by piece? Why did you enroll at this racist university?

Also, the democratic governor said he understands many people are frustrated by the progress of change, and he shares those frustrations. What does that mean? Change to what?...he also said violent behavior has no place in the community.

School's been back for days. I'd imagine this will be a weekly sort of thing. We gotta change, man. Change!
Pretty sure the liberal media won't be running propaganda for this illegal.

Anyway, the US has been trying to deport him since '04, but Germany kept refusing to accept him, and the US rolled over. Trump came along and said f*** that, he has to go and you're going to take him.

Nazi death camp guard arrested by ICE, deported to Germany: Authorities

A man who authorities believe is the last known Nazi collaborator living in the U.S. has been arrested and deported to Germany.

At the order of President Donald Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents removed 95-year-old Jakiw Palij from his Queens, New York, home on Monday.

Justice Department officials say Palij served as an armed guard at a death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland and later lied to American
immigration officials about his role in those atrocities when he entered the U.S. after the war.

President Trump commends his Administration’s comprehensive actions, especially ICE’s actions, in removing this war criminal from United States soil," the statement read. "Despite a court ordering his deportation in 2004, past administrations were unsuccessful in removing Palij. To protect the promise of freedom for Holocaust survivors and their families, President Trump prioritized the removal of Palij. Through extensive negotiations, President Trump and his team secured Palij’s deportation to Germany and advanced the United States’ collaborative efforts with a key European ally.

U.S. officials say his deportation had long been stymied by Germany's reluctance to take him in.

According to a source familiar with the matter, Trump told U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to make Palij's deportation his number one priority when he got to Berlin.

In May, U.S. diplomats acknowledged Grenell's efforts.

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Under what basis? You've simply ignored history, and accepted what you want to believe.

You're making a decision on emotion rather than look at the facts. It's easier to call someone you diagree with a Nazi than face a hard truth.
Belief in racial superiority with the systemic means to carry out that evil. The South was just wholly reliant on black people for slave labor, so no holocaust.
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I'm not going to lie, the mob mentality of groups like Antifa is absolutely terrifying. I know many of those people are complete pansies when alone, but give those people masks and throw them in a massive group of like-minded pansies and there's no telling what they will do with their newfound anonymity and bravery.

The authorities that are letting these groups run rampant have created a monster they can't control and something really bad is going to happen because of it.
The dude that got beat for having a flag was actually an Antifa member trying to show they are also patriotic. TS.
Belief in racial superiority with the systemic means to carry out that evil. The South was just wholly reliant on black people for slave labor, so no holocaust.

You think the North didn't feel they were racially superior? The South didn't want to rule the world, simply be left alone.

The North didn't fight the war to end slavery, they fought it to keep the Union from dissolving.
The North didn't fight the war to end slavery, they fought it to keep the Union from dissolving.

Exactly. This picture that has been painted of the North being a historical version of a SJW group fighting for the rights of black people is ridiculous.

And the thought process that the south was only fighting to keep slaves is equally as dumb. While that was a reason, so was taxation and the principle state’s rights. Hell, Texas expressed dissatisfaction with federal military protection.
You think the North didn't feel they were racially superior? The South didn't want to rule the world, simply be left alone.

The North didn't fight the war to end slavery, they fought it to keep the Union from dissolving.
And the south fought the war specifically to keep slavery as an institution. There is absolutely no moral equivalence with the north in the civil war.
The thought that slavery was the economic engine of the south is just false. In reality not many southerners owned slaves. I don't care about that f###ing statue. But the moral superiority flaunted by people over an issue that ended 153 years ago, who are all in on the aborting of tens of thousands of children each year, is stunning to me.
And the south fought the war specifically to keep slavery as an institution. There is absolutely no moral equivalence with the north in the civil war.

They absolutely did not. Hell, half the confederacy didn’t secede until the US called on states to form armies to force the seceding states back into the union.

The North did not fight the civil war to end slavery. You can claim morality all you want, they fought it because the US would be in a weaker position if the South was successful in secession. That’s it.
They absolutely did not. Hell, half the confederacy didn’t secede until the US called on states to form armies to force the seceding states back into the union.

The North did not fight the civil war to end slavery. You can claim morality all you want, they fought it because the US would be in a weaker position if the South was successful in secession. That’s it.
Again, if one side is fighting to keep slavery as an institution, and one side is fighting to keep the country together, there is absolutely no moral equivalence between them. Read the articles of succession, the Cornerstone Speech, whatever source you’d like. The south was only concerned with states’ rights when the one in jeopardy was the right to own another human being.
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Those who justify the vandalism of these statues. Do you also support the destroying of abortion clinics by anti-abortion activists as long as no one is harmed in the act? I mean we all have the right to tear down anything we don't agree with right?
Again, if one side is fighting to keep slavery as an institution, and one side is fighting to keep the country together, there is absolutely no moral equivalence between them. Read the articles of succession, the Cornerstone Speech, whatever source you’d like. The south was only concerned with states’ rights when the one in jeopardy was the right to own another human being.

But the main reason the North wanted to keep the county together is so they could continue to reap the south’s resources. The North was heavily industrialized and had that going for them. But who was going to provide the crops and other farming resources? Prior to the war the south was paying 75% of the taxes used to operate the federal government. Sure would have sucked to lose all that funding huh?

The south certainly had flaws in their thinking and their way of wanting to do things, and we can all agree slavery is unacceptable so they were definitely wrong there... But don’t act like the North was so virtuous in their actions. At the end of the day, they did what they had to do to benefit themselves. I don’t blame them, it was war at that point but let’s at least call a spade a spade.
But the main reason the North wanted to keep the county together is so they could continue to reap the south’s resources. The North was heavily industrialized and had that going for them. But who was going to provide the crops and other farming resources? Prior to the war the south was paying 75% of the taxes used to operate the federal government. Sure would have sucked to lose all that funding huh?

The south certainly had flaws in their thinking and their way of wanting to do things, and we can all agree slavery is unacceptable so they were definitely wrong there... But don’t act like the North was so virtuous in their actions. At the end of the day, they did what they had to do to benefit themselves. I don’t blame them, it was war at that point but let’s at least call a spade a spade.
Some things make me want to give up hope for humanity. Our education system has failed you and so many others.
Some things make me want to give up hope for humanity. Our education system has failed you and so many others.

Our education system is worse than its ever been currently. They used to get into detail during class. Now, using this subject as an example, it’s “North good. South bad. Abraham Lincoln. Whites bad. Slavery bad.” and with that we just covered the Civil War.

So I guess we agree on the education system. It definitely needs reform.

But I can see we’re not going to convince each other of anything. Have a good day sir.