How will they rule ??!

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And there it is, this why they blame immigrants, because the vast majority of Republican's soul is defective to the core. To hide this they bribe big business to stay silent, and secretly put in place mechanisms to destroy the freedom and liberty they so despise. Not their freedom of course, but the freedom of those who don't meet their definition of whatever they choose to define.

But thank you Wayne Dougan, for showing us all how Republicans really view fellow americans. This warms my heart because it tells me that traitors like Dougan know the end is near for their fake ass president. Because anyone who believes the turd that Trump produced this past week are either complicit agents of Russia or so consumed with hate for the other side that they would sell out America if they could get a short term win over them. It will be interesting to see exactly what or how much Trump received to hasten the downfall of a once great nation. Make no mistake. Trump would whore out his own mother to make a dollar. That is a fact. And so would most Republicans. All they care about is money. And Hillary Clinton for some strange reason.

Democrats will be much nicer. We'll just deport the Republicans to some $hithole country and strip them of citizenship.

"Special" cases such as yourself will be buried up to your neck and left to be eaten by ants.
I voted for Obama twice.
I feel like in 2008 it was like hiring CBCG.
It got so bad we got coach cal.
In 2012, had we gotten mitt, it would be same a old, same old.
Instead, we got Obama, which led to Trump.
Kind of like we, as BBN, with Coach Cal, got lucky, so did we, as AMERICANS, get lucky with Trump as president
And there it is, this why they blame immigrants, because the vast majority of Republican's soul is defective to the core. To hide this they bribe big business to stay silent, and secretly put in place mechanisms to destroy the freedom and liberty they so despise. Not their freedom of course, but the freedom of those who don't meet their definition of whatever they choose to define.

But thank you Wayne Dougan, for showing us all how Republicans really view fellow americans. This warms my heart because it tells me that traitors like Dougan know the end is near for their fake ass president. Because anyone who believes the turd that Trump produced this past week are either complicit agents of Russia or so consumed with hate for the other side that they would sell out America if they could get a short term win over them. It will be interesting to see exactly what or how much Trump received to hasten the downfall of a once great nation. Make no mistake. Trump would whore out his own mother to make a dollar. That is a fact. And so would most Republicans. All they care about is money. And Hillary Clinton for some strange reason.

Democrats will be much nicer. We'll just deport the Republicans to some $hithole country and strip them of citizenship.

Psychotic rambling of a deranged mind.
Reverse the races. A group of white men chanting "white power" impede the vehicle of two black men just driving down the street then forcefully steal their property and destroy it.

If reversed the media would be going beserk.

@~Keyser Soze~ would be on blaming Trump and Republicans.

Remember when Charlottesville happened. He came running in like The Flash to blame Trump.
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You guys will still be crying about Hillary on your deathbeds.

“You have ten days to live...I’m sorry”

“But...what...about. Hillary’s. emails?”

Going out on a limb here Bill, but defending a foreign enemy probably isn't anywhere in the constitution.

Russia isn't an enemy, even as much as you guys want to portray them as such. They aren't a friend either, they are simply a competing nation. We aren't on the precipice of war with them.

Nor did Trump defend them, he quite literally spoke the truth that no one cares about hearing. Russia did meddle, either it wasn't a big deal or expected, or the last admin royally f*cked up.
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If reversed the media would be going beserk.

@~Keyser Soze~ would be on blaming Trump and Republicans.

Remember when Charlottesville happened. He came running in like The Flash to blame Trump.
This doofus is still crying. I said Russia violated our sovereignty, calling out Russia is blaming Trump and Republicans? I told a poster it wasn't an accident when the guy in Charlottesville who drove his car in the crowd and killed that girl and that was somehow blaming Trump. Are these guys really that stupid? Why do they insist on taking ownership of Russia and Nazis?
The Obama Administration purchased a dossier commissioned by the DNC that collected unverified stories from Russians, such as, Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in. The Obama Administration use that pee book to get FISA warrants from a judge, and did not tell the judge of the unverified nature and lack of credibility of the claims. That judge was close with Peter Strzok who's been outted for sending treasonous texts about stopping Trump. The Obama Administration repeatedly used those FISA warrants obtained with the bought and paid for pee book to spy on the Trump campaign and other American. All the while, the Obama Administration knew of the Russian hacking attempts on the RNC and DNC, yet issued a stand down order to the people who wanted to stop it.

Unbelievably, Trump was elected POTUS by America.

Now, Obama administration officials are all over TV claiming Trump colluded with Russia. However at no point when they were standing by knowingly allowing (allegedly) Russia to hack computers, or when they were wire tapping his campaign did they feel the need to charge anyone with a crime.

And now those same Obama Administration officials have granted immunity to the brother of Clinton's campaign chairman so he will claim someone on Trump's campaign did something wrong that had nothing to do with Trump's campaign.

Did I get any facts wrong?
My god... is keyser sogay going to list every single time he had his lunch money stolen?

Ive never seen so much whine
The wannabe bullies hate being told the truth about themselves. Stop being a terrible person if you dont want to be called out fake internet tough guy.
No one probably cares because I can't give any details. I haven't really ever watched local news. Last night, after a DVR'd episode of Succession ended, I caught the very beginning of the news talking about a story of which I have direct knowledge. Decided to stay and watch it.

Was so unbelievable biased, one sided and selective on facts in a way you'd think there is something incredibly nefarious going on. But every single person with direct knowledge of the situation knows that isn't the case. But it's a slow Thursday night, so they had to drum up some drama.

Reminded me of the exact conversation I'd had earlier in the day.

And hell, that story above could be completely made up (it honestly isn't) but that would be enough to get a FISA warrant if I just inserted Russia into a sentence somewhere.
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Call out Russia, they get offended. Call out Nazis, they get offended. These are the people who run around screaming triggered but get mad when you call out people they dont even support. Weird unless they really do support them.
Has Keyser slept in 3 days?

Posts were moronic earlier in the week, but have devolved into incoherent babble just yelling Russia and Nazi.
Nah, I said Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country. What part of that is incoherent? Is it the part where I called out your beloved Russia?
Well one problem isn’t just that poster, but others here who keep engaging him/her...if you think someone is staggeringly stupid, you would think you would have the sense to quit arguing with them over 12-14 damn pages.
Yea, but with he/she on ignore, those responses are pretty meaningless & can be skipped past quickly. Again, still much more pleasant this way.
Nah, I said Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country. What part of that is incoherent? Is it the part where I called out your beloved Russia?

The part where you say Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country is the incoherent part. Along with the subsequent nazi drivel.

Honestly, I really don't think Obama should have bombed Russia when they were posting dank memes or allegedly hacking the RNC and DNC. The fact that you unhinged lunatics are comparing the alleged hacking and spicy memes to an attack that got us into WWII is bad enough. The fact that you are comparing it to a terrorist event that got us into a decades long multi-trillion dollar war which was supported by made up intelligence from the same people who are currently trying to get us into a war with Russia just cements your unhinged lunacy.
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ultimate troll contest.

"Troll" implies they are posting this stuff for a reaction, knowing full well it's incoherent drivel. They aren't trolling, they're just unhinged lunatics.

If Keyser is trolling, and is just posting his incoherent drivel for a reaction, bravo.
The part where you say Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country is the incoherent part. Along with the subsequent nazi drivel.

Honestly, I really don't think Obama should have bombed Russia when they were posting dank memes or allegedly hacking the RNC and DNC. The fact that you unhinged lunatics are comparing the alleged hacking and spicy memes to an attack that got us into WWII is bad enough. The fact that you are comparing it to a terrorist event that got us into a decades long multi-trillion dollar war which was supported by made up intelligence from the same people who are currently trying to get us into a war with Russia just cements your unhinged lunacy.
Anything to defend mother Russia.
So he/she is still posting? Been quite pleasant here with him on ignore.

He has been on ignore for over a year for me. I don't mind talking to people who disagree with me. I find it fun unless they're a complete moron or insane then it just clogs up the thread.

You can't have a discussion with leftists on here when they offer no criticism of Obama, Hillary, the Democratic Party, can say nothing positive about anything Trump has done, wish for the economy to tank, did not read the DNC leaks, okay with violence against conservatives and somehow think Trump won because of "Russia." You can't talk to people like that. They're a cult, logic and being rational doesn't resonate with them.
Anything to defend mother Russia.

What should we do then? According to you we've successfully attacked. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor while we sat by and watched rather than fighting. The World Trade centers are on the ground along with whatever target the plane(s) we shot down were heading for.

You say Russia has successfully attacked us. What response would you like to see specifically?
I remember the day after one of the debates, my coworker said "I just worry he's going to get us all killed" . . . when Hillary's position in the debate was that cyber attacks should be considered an act of war. I can't even imagine what the world would look like right now if things went the other way in 2016.
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That's the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and that's just a fraction of the massive number of rape and pedo jokes/fantasies he posted.