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Jeff Flake as the Wasp.
Speaking of Fake News, there was never going to be an American “turned over” to Russia.
The offer was that Mueller could come to Moscow to interview the people indicted, and Russia could come to DC and interview the people they indicted, that’s a far cry from handing over Americans.
Furthermore, the real reason there’s an outcry is because it would completely screw Mueller, he has no intention of ever speaking to those he indicted, it was simply stoking the fire. Ensuring that his investigation still seems relevant and isn’t simply providing cover.
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Hill is racist. She admits it. So I can call her out for it. I don't post or say I want Trump's head cut off like you liberal nuts. I hate Obama, think he is the worst president ever, yet I never said I wanted him hurt or dead. Look in the mirror.
When have I ever said I wanted Trump or anyone else's head cut off? Oh wait, never. What is wrong with you?

You can have your opinions or call anyone out for whatever you feel like and I will either agree or disagree with them, no big deal. I will always call you out when you use racist slurs. I will also always defend myself when you and the political board mob get mad because I call you out and gang up on me like you guys do everyone else who comes here with a different opinion.
Speaking of Fake News, there was never going to be an American “turned over” to Russia.
The offer was that Mueller could come to Moscow to interview the people indicted, and Russia could come to DC and interview the people they indicted, that’s a far cry from handing over Americans.
Furthermore, the real reason there’s an outcry is because it would completely screw Mueller, he has no intention of ever speaking to those he indicted, it was simply stoking the fire. Ensuring that his investigation still seems relevant and isn’t simply providing cover.
Yeah, the offer was to “consider the possibility “ of an interview.

I was disappointed in Tucker Carlson last night. He allowed that idiot politician from California, swalwell, to say, several times, that the US agreed to turn over an ambassador. He never once called him on that.
If the 12 indicted Russians were part of the Russian military apparatus and if Putin is the head of the Russian military apparatus, why wasn’t Putin indicted ?
Tucker broke news that Mueller offered immunity to Tony Podesta to testify against Manafort...and that POS Brennan STILL has security clearance. Can't make it up.

Mueller offered Tony Podesta immunity for testifying against Manafort?

It's for an identical crime then. Podesta was actually Manafort's partner in the Ukraine dealings. So Basically Podesta gets to walk and Manfort gets to rot?

Wonder if that has anything to do with Podesta being linked to the Clintons and Manafort being linked to Trump?
I can't understand this part of any argument at any time. Makes no GD sense! While I am very skeptical of trickle-down, I can flat out guarantee misery trickles down each and every time.
Trickle down is like letting people do what they want with their disposable income vs the government
When you look at the left and what they back across the globe, they’re disgusting.

They’re against Brexit
They’re pro EU, pro UN
They want open borders
They don’t want voter ID
Want to abolish ICE
They’re against tax breaks for middle class
They support Islam/won’t criticize
They want to censor speech they don’t like
They don’t want armed citizens
They demand that your kid be subjected to their transgender bullshit/LGBT dogma
They push the anti-white rhetoric
In the US at least, they’re pro BLM and Antifa
Many want Communism/Socialism
Because RUSSIA.

Would you care more if the DNC paid Putin to say it and a guy put it in a dossier?
it wasn't Russians. browder is american born and all his buddies are American & british, get a clue. they had investments in Russia and had to run when Putin cracked down on outsiders to avoid being killed. never heard of the magnitsky act? that lawyer Putin murdered was browder's company. you can go to and see how much they have to Hillary, wasn't even close to 400k.
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Damn. Had some spare time tonight and tried to do a little catching up. I have to say, they couldn't have picked a better week for the kingfish tournament. Dude's meltdown went on for pages. I finally had to put him on ignore just so I could attempt to catch up. That boy dumb.

[laughing] He even had @Platinumdrgn sick of it. When he's tired of it and calling you out? That's embarrassing. Point of no return type stuff.

Trump feels a slight ache in his stomach, then relaxes into a familiar place.

Putin enters Trump's asshole with his 4" fully-erect penis. He bends over and sucks on Donald's earlobes. Trump can smell his vodka breath.

Vladimir takes pleasure in stroking Donald's asshole slowly. His comrades, drunk as they've ever been, laugh and cheer. Putin's expression remains serious throughout, however. He's banging Trump in the ass, and he's fully committed to the task at hand.

He unloads a thick paste of semen into Trump's rectum.

He sighs, then he smiles.

Putin said 400 million and then changed it to 400 thousand. that would be the definition of a made up number. and it is from Americans so once again, who cares?

Who cares? $400000 that came from Russia, through an American, is still from Russia.
It may be made up, who knows, but if they’re offering to allow Mueller the opportunity to question 12 people he just indicted for apparently things that were equal to Pearl Harbor, why shouldn’t we allow them to travel to DC and question people that they think broke Russian laws?

Hell, in the indictment just brought out, it clearly stated that NO Americans were involved criminally.
Every bit of that info, including the red head spy was in the Nunes memo. It wasn’t new or unknown. So why the outrage now?
Who cares? $400000 that came from Russia, through an American, is still from Russia.
It may be made up, who knows, but if they’re offering to allow Mueller the opportunity to question 12 people he just indicted for apparently things that were equal to Pearl Harbor, why shouldn’t we allow them to travel to DC and question people that they think broke Russian laws?

Hell, in the indictment just brought out, it clearly stated that NO Americans were involved criminally.
Every bit of that info, including the red head spy was in the Nunes memo. It wasn’t new or unknown. So why the outrage now?
all of Trumps money the last 20 years is from Saudis & Russia. he kind of funded his own campaign so by your logic it was really funded by Saudis & russia.
all of Trumps money the last 20 years is from Saudis & Russia. he kind of funded his own campaign so by your logic it was really funded by Saudis & russia.
Yea too bad he didnt fleece the American taxpayer like the Clinton's..All that money from Russia..hmm how much did that Uranium cost?,,where did the money go from that transaction..The Clintons would never accept funds from a foreign/hostile regime...My Ass!!
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Yea too bad he didnt fleece the American taxpayer like the Clinton's..All that money from Russia..hmm how much did that Uranium cost?,,where did the money go from that transaction..The Clintons would never accept funds from a foreign/hostile regime...My Ass!!
every politician is taking money from foreigners. what do you think they use dark money PACs for? you can thank citizens United for that. and last week the IRS announced they don't even have to disclose donor names anymore.
Yea too bad he didnt fleece the American taxpayer like the Clinton's..All that money from Russia..hmm how much did that Uranium cost?,,where did the money go from that transaction..The Clintons would never accept funds from a foreign/hostile regime...My Ass!!

The Clintons took billions in laundered money. They laundered over 1 billion from the Uranium 1 deal according to a former CIA agent Kevin Shipp

all of Trumps money the last 20 years is from Saudis & Russia. he kind of funded his own campaign so by your logic it was really funded by Saudis & russia.

They literally gave money to Clinton’s campaign. You’re spinning now.

Trump didn’t get all his money from Saudi Arabia and Russia, Trump actually builds real, tangible products.
What exactly was Clinton given 400K? She doesn’t build anything, there’s no product there.
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every politician is taking money from foreigners. what do you think they use dark money PACs for? you can thank citizens United for that. and last week the IRS announced they don't even have to disclose donor names anymore.

Why exactly is there a special prosecutor right now? At this point they’re simply trying to force Manafort to lie in order to get Trump.

All they want is a legal reason to indict him, doesn’t matter that’ll never stick. An indictment would wound him in order to remove.
Damn. Had some spare time tonight and tried to do a little catching up. I have to say, they couldn't have picked a better week for the kingfish tournament. Dude's meltdown went on for pages. I finally had to put him on ignore just so I could attempt to catch up. That boy dumb.

[laughing] He even had @Platinumdrgn sick of it. When he's tired of it and calling you out? That's embarrassing. Point of no return type stuff.


Believe it or not, I actually put loudmouth on ignore -- a FIRST since merging into the new board. He simply refused to STFU.
