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Ok, has anyone spoke about the 400000 dollars? I mean if Facebook memes are an act of war, then 400k is worse than that?
It was from Bill Browder and the Ziff brothers, people in direct opposition to the Russian government who killed Browder's lawyer/accountant Sergei Magnitsky. The entire reason the sanctions that Trump tried to repeal are called the Magnitsky Act.
You keep up with your fellow posters. People here are repeating the fake news ad nauseam. Example from this page.

Who? I don't think ad nauseam means what you think it means. It had only been mentioned twice from what I saw and the person who corrected it was the same person who still claimed it to be made up after the fact the correct number was established.

In a _______ revelation, Vladimir Putin claimed Russian nationals contributed an unprecedented $400 million to Clinton's campaign."

Has the media even mentioned anything about the 400 million?

Moscow released a statement that Putin misspoke about the 400 million and meant to say 400 thousand. Him and Trump were both having a lot of problems saying the right thing.

Oh, ok, that's fine, only $400,000. Carry on.

What would you say if Trump took that $400,000?

They are american investors. why should i care about some made up Putin number that they gave to Hillary?
Who? I don't think ad nauseam means what you think it means. It had only been mentioned twice from what I saw and the person who corrected it was the same person who still claimed it to be made up after the fact the correct number was established.
Nowhere in your post did you address the quote I linked from @bigblueinsanity calling the "400 million" the "biggest story of the entire trip." Scroll up.
Nowhere in your post did you address the quote I linked from @bigblueinsanity calling the "400 million" the "biggest news from the trip." Scroll up.

He didn't repeat the "400 million" fake news that you claimed had been repeated ad nauseam and I'm sure now knowing it was 300 thousand he still feels the same because @Bill Cosby's original point still stands. If it was Trump 400 million or 300 thousand it would still be the biggest story of the meeting and automatically used as undeniable proof of collusion and treason.
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No one should be racist. Why does basic common decency have to be continuously explained to you guys. If you feel someone is racist you dont combat it with more racist comments like you did.

Hill is racist. She admits it. So I can call her out for it. I don't post or say I want Trump's head cut off like you liberal nuts. I hate Obama, think he is the worst president ever, yet I never said I wanted him hurt or dead. Look in the mirror.
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He didn't repeat the "400 million" fake news that you claimed had been repeated ad nauseam and I'm sure now knowing it was 300 thousand he still feels the same because @Bill Cosby's original point still stands. If it was Trump 400 million or 300 thousand it would still be the biggest story of the meeting and automatically used as undeniable proof of collusion and treason.
Bill Browder and the Ziff brothers are in direct opposition to the Russian government, they aren't agents of it. They're the reason the sanctions(Magnitsky Act) exist because Russia killed Browder's lawyer/accountant Sergei Magnitsky for exposing oligarchical corruption.
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Bill Browder and the Ziff brothers are in direct opposition to the Russian government, they aren't agents of it. They're the reason the sanctions(Magnitsky Act) exist because Russia killed Browder's lawyer/accountant Sergei Magnitsky for exposing oligarchical corruption.

And? Facts are irrelevant when it comes to accusing Trump of collusion. If you don't think that admission by Putin but with Trump's name instead of Hillary's would have somehow been twisted and blown up then I'm not sure what to tell you.
Bill Browder and the Ziff brothers are in direct opposition to the Russian government, they aren't agents of it. They're the reason the sanctions(Magnitsky Act) exist because Russia killed Browder's lawyer/accountant Sergei Magnitsky for exposing oligarchical corruption.
where did the $400 million go then? Why did HRC end up with it?
And? Facts are irrelevant when it comes to accusing Trump of collusion. If you don't think that admission by Putin but with Trump's name instead of Hillary's would have somehow been twisted and blown up then I'm not sure what to tell you.
And your response is "facts are irrelevant". Hilarious and truly revealing.
where did the $400 million go then? Why did HRC end up with it?
There was no 400 million. Putin was referring to 400 thousand he rounded up from about 315 thousand given to Hillary by expats who vehemently oppose him. The people responsible for the Magnitsky Act sanctions he hates that Trump tried to repeal. Like many others you saw the initial statements and not the retractions. Hillary only raised about 623 million, a mythical 400 million would have accounted for more than half of her total.
And your response is "facts are irrelevant". Hilarious and truly revealing.

Your reading comprehension is hilarious and revealing. My response is facts are irrelevant to the loons who accuse Trump of Russia collusion. There is no credible evidence to date yet he's accused of collusion every single day regardless.That's a fact. They wouldn't have cared where the money came from. They would have found a way to twist into proof of collusion. Stop playing dumb.

For instance Trump had a young redhead NSC staffer attend a meeting in the oval office months ago. A senior political reporter saw the picture after yesterdays news and she immediately made the leap to accused Russian spy Butina attended a meeting with Trump in the oval office. So again yes facts are irrelevant to these people when it comes to accusing Trump of collusion.
Trump feels a slight ache in his stomach, then relaxes into a familiar place.

Putin enters Trump's asshole with his 4" fully-erect penis. He bends over and sucks on Donald's earlobes. Trump can smell his vodka breath.

Vladimir takes pleasure in stroking Donald's asshole slowly. His comrades, drunk as they've ever been, laugh and cheer. Putin's expression remains serious throughout, however. He's banging Trump in the ass, and he's fully committed to the task at hand.

He unloads a thick paste of semen into Trump's rectum.

He sighs, then he smiles.
funny I did the same to your mom last night..Trebeck!!
Trump feels a slight ache in his stomach, then relaxes into a familiar place.

Putin enters Trump's asshole with his 4" fully-erect penis. He bends over and sucks on Donald's earlobes. Trump can smell his vodka breath.

Vladimir takes pleasure in stroking Donald's asshole slowly. His comrades, drunk as they've ever been, laugh and cheer. Putin's expression remains serious throughout, however. He's banging Trump in the ass, and he's fully committed to the task at hand.

He unloads a thick paste of semen into Trump's rectum.

He sighs, then he smiles.

you sure know a lot about anal sex? almost like...
Trump feels a slight ache in his stomach, then relaxes into a familiar place.

Putin enters Trump's asshole with his 4" fully-erect penis. He bends over and sucks on Donald's earlobes. Trump can smell his vodka breath.

Vladimir takes pleasure in stroking Donald's asshole slowly. His comrades, drunk as they've ever been, laugh and cheer. Putin's expression remains serious throughout, however. He's banging Trump in the ass, and he's fully committed to the task at hand.

He unloads a thick paste of semen into Trump's rectum.

He sighs, then he smiles.

You sound like an expert in this. Receiving of course.
Bill Browder and the Ziff brothers are in direct opposition to the Russian government, they aren't agents of it. They're the reason the sanctions(Magnitsky Act) exist because Russia killed Browder's lawyer/accountant Sergei Magnitsky for exposing oligarchical corruption.

Sad thing is, you can post this 20 times and all the idiots in here will say, “but what about the $500 billion Hillary got from Putin’s personal bank account?”
not allow any US official to be questioned by Russia.

Btw this was a trap by Putin and everyone fell into it. Clinton signed a treaty with Russia that the US would cooperate with them on criminal investigations including the questioning of witnesses and likewise.

Trump pressed Putin about turning over the 12 GRUs indicted by Mueller so Putin threw this out there knowing everyone would object to it. Now he has a rock solid excuse to never cooperate with the US about them.

Edit. Just want to point out that I'm not naive enough to think Putin was ever going to cooperate in the first place. I was just pointing that this was more than likely his reasoning for making that request. It gives him a definite excuse.
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Sad thing is, you can post this 20 times and all the idiots in here will say, “but what about the $500 billion Hillary got from Putin’s personal bank account?”
I understand you're joking but it's dangerous to say things like this around simpletons. They'll take it as gospel and start reposting it.
I don't really think it's been answered by the liberal crew here. What is the appropriate response to the alleged Russian hacking? What would you suggest President Trump do that he already isn't doing as retaliation? Full bore cyber attack? Tactical strikes? Or are you just walking in step with your comrades and using this as a way to try to discredit the presidential election and bolster the "resistance"?
I understand you're joking but it's dangerous to say things like this around simpletons. They'll take it as gospel and start reposting it.
There's more fake news posted in this thread by those on the left even though they're outnumbered 5 to 1. Let that sink in. They all come running here with their CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WAPO anonymous source breaking news only to find out hours later it's completely false. Happens constantly.
So was Browder a Commie spy caught trying to rape the Russian government and American taxpayers or not?
Did Browder denounce his US citizenship?
Does that make it okay for Hildabeast to launder money since it wasn't $400mil?
So colluding with Russians is okay if it is Commie oligarchs funneling money through the Clinton Foundation?
It is okay to hire a foreign agent Christopher Steele who hired Russians to compose several phony dossiers using one to justify a FISA to spy on US citizens of the opposing political party?

500 new docs on Manafort and nothing from the lunatics today?

Nothing about Flynn's 302s?

What happened to the case against the company with the Russian troll farm?

Did Stormy finally save the children?

Did anybody save the children?

Did Kavanaugh throw out the first pitch today at the Nationals game?

For that matter why did they call the team the Nationals when half the city is a bunch Commie traitor bastards?
You guys will still be crying about Hillary on your deathbeds.

“You have ten days to live...I’m sorry”

“But...what...about. Hillary’s. emails?”
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But from where did the money come?

Fortunately the media did their jobs and was hell bent on checking the facts and searching for the truth to make absolutely sure that everyone knew the correct amount and where it came from since it involved Hillary.

If Putin would have said "400 million from Russia donated to Trump campaign" we both know the search for the truth would have been quite different.
You guys will still be crying about Hillary on your deathbeds.

“You have ten days to live...I’m sorry”

“But...what...about. Hillary’s. emails?”

Losing a presidential race does not absolve you from possible corruption and crimes. If Trump loses in '20 will you suddenly stop caring about the things you believe him to be guilty of and say "oh well he's not president". I think not.