How will they rule ??!

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Liberals lose the election- time to get rid of the electoral college.
Liberals loses seats on Supreme Court- time to impose term limits.

You can only laugh at the stupidity of these people. [roll]

Liberals lose the election- time to get rid of the electoral college.
Liberals loses seats on Supreme Court- time to impose term limits.

You can only laugh at the stupidity of these people. [roll]

They now openly advocate to:

abolish the electoral college
pack the Supreme Court thereby taking the power from congress
Revamping the senate to give less power to smaller states
Abolish the 2nd amendment
Criminalize free speech

I'm not laughing at all.
I'll 100% agree here. We really must get a good handle on plastic disposables. Speaking long-term, those products are extremely hazardous for our environment.

Look at that graph again. How do you have negative kilos per square kilometer? Also question how the plastic level in the ocean was measured in 1962. The graph is bullshit along with the environmental impact of straws. It's a straw man argument.

Never going to “win” or agree with Left vs Right. We can all agree single use plastics are terrible and should mostly be done away with and straws are the easiest thing everyone can say no to.

The vast, VAST, majority of straws end up in a landfill along with the plastic lids and cups they come with. Don't be concerned about such shit just because it is a cause de jour the MSM has told you is the life and death of humanity as we know it.

Just imagine that right after this confirmation, President Trump tweets - this is a good idea and they are going to go ahead and increase this size of the Supreme Court now. Then thanks the Democrats for the idea.

haha, beautiful. He should tweet it out that he's considering increasing the court just to take their mind off the death spiral their party is experiencing now.
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How can we have 3 equal divisions of government if only one of them is available for indictment? Are we saying that the executive branch is less important than the other 2, or that it is more important and therefore held to a higher standard?
U.S. Department of Labor Announces Award of $47,600,000 In Training Grants to Help Homeless Veterans Re-enter the Workforce

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta announced the award of 163 Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) grants totaling $47,600,000. This funding will provide workforce reintegration services to more than 18,000 homeless veterans.

Check your state for allocation of funds. Get the homeless Vets into these programs in KY.
Pennyroyal Regional Mental Health-Mental Retardation Bd. KY $172,231
Mountain Comprehensive Care Center KY $190,820
Volunteers of America, Mid States, Inc. KY $205,352
Volunteers of America, Mid States, Inc. KY $205,929
#MAGA President should be held liable for this attack. And ya wonder why so many people are not proud of their country at the moment, between this type of stuff and a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis running under the Republican banner, the true colors of the GOP is shining bright!

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'
[laughing] A black woman? From Los Angeles? And your first reaction is to blame Trump, white supremacists, Nazis and the GOP?

Where's the outrage? This woman separated herself from her daughter and left her in the care of a smuggler who abandoned her for dead.

CBP’s rescue occurred in the same region of Texas where border patrol agents last week arrested MS-13 gang members who were charged with sex-crimes against children, according to KGNS-TV news.

President Donald Trump has taken a hard line stance against illegal immigration at the border, in part because of the danger that MS-13 and other criminals crossing the border pose to Americans. He has also pointed out the dangerous conditions that children are subjected to by coyotes and human smugglers bringing them into the U.S.

“People that come in violate the law, they endanger their children in the process,” Trump told the National Federation of Independent Business earlier in June.
I was about 96 percent sure this would be the outcome. But let the @sshats have their little time in the sun before the facts are revealed.

I still stand by my earlier comment that he wasn't told "go back to your own country". The victim remembered the attack in great detail, yet he never once mentioned that was said. The only person claiming that is an onlooker who was driving past in her car. I think she made it up.
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Look at that graph again. How do you have negative kilos per square kilometer? Also question how the plastic level in the ocean was measured in 1962. The graph is bullshit along with the environmental impact of straws. It's a straw man argument.

The vast, VAST, majority of straws end up in a landfill along with the plastic lids and cups they come with. Don't be concerned about such shit just because it is a cause de jour the MSM has told you is the life and death of humanity as we know it.

haha, beautiful. He should tweet it out that he's considering increasing the court just to take their mind off the death spiral their party is experiencing now.
plastic in landfills doesn't magically disappear. as it breaks down the particles leach into the ground and make their way into water sources. we ship about a third of our garbage to Asia. they burn some, recycle some, and dump the rest. we have replacements for most common throw away plastics. it's a easy small fix that hurts nobody.