How will they rule ??!

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Mind blowing when you think about it and I have for years but I guess it just hit me with your post. The left has finally embraced full blown Marxist revolution. The seeds of the 60’s have germinated.
Yep. They're even openly talking about revolution. They're using code words, but that's what they're contemplating.
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Thinking this is about steel only in foolish. For far too long the US has been taken advantage of. This is about reciprocal trade across the board. Unfortunately while the negotiations are ongoing some businesses are going to take somewhat of a hit.

But to give up fighting for the US and allow other countries to continue treating us unfairly because of Jack's Ornamental Iron not being able to expand is preposterous. What about the businesses and farmers who are being helped? Screw them?

Trump promised this during his campaign. Anyone who voted for him shouldn't be surprised. If businesses can be patient and hopefully this ends with fair and free trade then they can all reap the benefits.
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Thinking this is about steel only in foolish. For far too long the US has been taken advantage of. This is about reciprocal trade across the board. Unfortunately while the negotiations are ongoing some businesses are going to take somewhat of a hit.

But to give up fighting for the US and allow other countries to continue treating us unfairly because of Jack's Ornamental Iron not being able to expand is preposterous. What about the businesses and farmers who are being helped? Screw them?

Trump promised this during his campaign. Anyone who voted for him shouldn't be surprised. If businesses can be patient and hopefully this ends with fair and free trade then they can all reap the benefits.
The libs are childlike in their thought processes and childish in their reactions. They think you can mix the ingredients and immediately eat a cake. They can't comprehend the baking and therefore do not accept it.

The lib method of baking the cake is to borrow a cake pan, put it in someone's oven and hope and wish a cake appears. When it does not, they engage in negotiations with the cake pan and then repeat the process.
This is at best "soft fake news". The general facts of the story may be true, but they are presented in such a way as to distort the real truth. These stories fail to recognize the other side of the story that people need to make an informed opinion about what they've just read.

Read the story again and tell me how many employees they currently have.
Well it's not news...its a blog. And when are we all of a sudden determining the importance of number of employees when theres only around 100k steelworkers in the populace.

The jobs arent coming back because everyone else invested in better technologies and better efficiencies. US steel is decades behind.

As far as people like China being fair..that is specifically with intellectual property.
I asked Willy about his possible ban and we had 2-3 posts back and forth to each other.

My last 3-4 messages last night were deleted by the mods. Zero justification for this.

Paying customer a long time here. I better take a few days off cause if said what I wanted to say right now I would get banned. Everybody have a good 4th. Talk to y’all in a few days.
I asked Willy about his possible ban and we had 2-3 posts back and forth to each other.

My last 3-4 messages last night were deleted by the mods. Zero justification for this.

Paying customer a long time here. I better take a few days off cause if said what I wanted to say right now I would get banned. Everybody have a good 4th. Talk to y’all in a few days.

Mine too... and it looks like willy is officially banned

Cant tag him.
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The jobs arent coming back because everyone else invested in better technologies and better efficiencies. US steel is decades behind.

Sooo, just quit? Ain’t no magic wand we can wave to produce more steel here at home?

Suppprt America, loser!

This stuff is a good example of the hypocrisy of some of the left. A lot of these same people that are so proud about shipping off American industry overseas and laughing about middle America jobs dying are the same mfers that looooooove yapping about BUY LOCAL!! and peruse their lil overpriced hipster downtown farmer market craps and stuff. Which is cool. I’m a fan of the BUY LOCAL!!! Movement. It’s great. So apply that same local movement on a national level. BUY AMERICAN!!! Support your towns, states, and country.
Well it's not news...its a blog. And when are we all of a sudden determining the importance of number of employees when theres only around 100k steelworkers in the populace.

Here is a quote from the blog "But those plans have been canceled, they told a local Salt Lake City television station this week," So yeah, it was news retold in a blog. Pay attention scooter.

The jobs arent coming back because everyone else invested in better technologies and better efficiencies. US steel is decades behind.

If you had any real knowledge at all of the steel industry you would know that America produces a superior product compared to China.

As far as people like China being fair..that is specifically with intellectual property.

False. There has been a huge discrepancy in tariff percentage. Intellectual property is just one problem.
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The libs are childlike in their thought processes and childish in their reactions. They think you can mix the ingredients and immediately eat a cake. They can't comprehend the baking and therefore do not accept it.

The lib method of baking the cake is to borrow a cake pan, put it in someone's oven and hope and wish a cake appears. When it does not, they engage in negotiations with the cake pan and then repeat the process.

Or, they take your cake.
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I guess Willy's racist and bigoted remarks finally caught up with him. It cracks me up to see the same people who were talking about revolution and secession, who admire authoritarians and dictators, now acting like none of it ever happened during the previous 8 years. Suddenly Democrats are exercising their 1st amendment rights and we're sooo dangerous. When you elect a racist, a liar, and a whore for President you will get extreme push back. Deal with it.

Republicans have sold their solds to their corporate pimps. The Republican heavy Supreme Court has given business ever more power at the expense of the worker and this is celebrated by the neanderthals. They whine and cry about 'socialism' while embracing facism and nazi tactics Trump read about from his hero Hitler. God is not on your side, believe that. The only reason Jews get vilified for crucifying Jesus is because there were no Republicans around to do it for them.
Well it's not news...its a blog. And when are we all of a sudden determining the importance of number of employees when theres only around 100k steelworkers in the populace.

The jobs arent coming back because everyone else invested in better technologies and better efficiencies. US steel is decades behind.

As far as people like China being fair..that is specifically with intellectual property.

They didn’t invest in better technologies and efficiencies. That’s a lie told to make people like you swallow the vinegar.

It’s also not all about steelworkers getting jobs back, as important as that is.
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I guess Willy's racist and bigoted remarks finally caught up with him. It cracks me up to see the same people who were talking about revolution and secession, who admire authoritarians and dictators, now acting like none of it ever happened during the previous 8 years. Suddenly Democrats are exercising their 1st amendment rights and we're sooo dangerous. When you elect a racist, a liar, and a whore for President you will get extreme push back. Deal with it.

Republicans have sold their solds to their corporate pimps. The Republican heavy Supreme Court has given business ever more power at the expense of the worker and this is celebrated by the neanderthals. They whine and cry about 'socialism' while embracing facism and nazi tactics Trump read about from his hero Hitler. God is not on your side, believe that. The only reason Jews get vilified for crucifying Jesus is because there were no Republicans around to do it for them.

You have got to be a troll. There is no way you’re that detached from reality.
Can we just switch Willy for Killa? I mean, Killa constantly calls sane moderates who support Trump racists, bigots, nazis, and xenophobes simply because we are not far left loons out rioting in the streets and committing acts of violence. Seems like consistency should be applied here.
killa just uses other usernames when needed. Willy has too much character for that.