How will they rule ??!

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He's a Trump supporter, even threatened the paper when they criticized him. One of yours Willy.

Harley Davidson is willing to sell out American jobs for 31% of their $83 million dollar European market. So, they are effectively selling out American jobs for $25 million in profit.


That's $100 million per year that they're saving because of Trump's tax cuts. Their tariffs reason is bullshit. Their business in America is dying, they announced plans to move long ago, and now they're playing up the tariffs and using it as an excuse. By the way, to close the plant in K.C. and rebuild in Thailand is going to them $200 million. Complaining about costs and using tariffs as an excuse is dishonest.
Harley Davidson is willing to sell out American jobs for 31% of their $83 million dollar European market. So, they are effectively selling out American jobs for $25 million in profit.


That's $100 million per year that they're saving because of Trump's tax cuts. Their tariffs reason is bullshit. Their business in America is dying, they announced plans to move long ago, and now they're playing up the tariffs and using it as an excuse. By the way, to close the plant in K.C. and rebuild in Thailand is going to them $200 million. Complaining about costs and using tariffs as an excuse is dishonest.
<- - - - - - - - - Owned my HD Sportster for 30 years.

Indeed. Pisses me off, too.
<- - - - - - - - - Owned my HD Sportster for 30 years.

Indeed. Pisses me off, too.
And I failed to mention that US sales are down 12% and international sales up across the board. They're moving because it makes better sense for their business, not because of any tariffs or trade wars. They could have been honest about it, but instead they chose to play politics and use Trump/tariffs as their scapegoat.

No one saw him coming.

Certainly not the nation’s entrenched political class: To them, he was one part clown and one part petty tyrant. They mocked his hyperbolic way of speaking—to him, everything, from his supporters to his family, was very, very great, the best, the most—and warned that if he somehow got elected, it would be the end of democracy. But they didn’t really think he could win, so they continued to campaign at a leisurely pace and rely on the sycophantic media to present their candidate as inevitable.

He, on the other hand, campaigned furiously. Knowing that the press had it in for him, he set up a series of mass rallies all over the country. His fans came out in droves to see him. They were working class folks, and they felt that the elites had pushed them around for too long. In him, they found an unlikely messiah: He wasn’t of them, but he seemed to understand their frustrations and, most important, offer them some sort of nostalgic promise. He could make the nation great again.

Besides, the rallies were such good fun! He was funnier than anyone ever gave him credit for, and he mocked his political rivals mercilessly, commenting on their looks and ridiculing their weaknesses. Still, no one seemed too worried: There was no way, they thought, that Menachem Begin could really win the election.

But on May 17, 1977, he did, sending Israel’s upper crust into a tailspin. Anyone who wants to understand the current American political moment would do well to study Begin, who began his political life as a boogeyman and ended it as one of the greatest leaders in the nation’s history.
I do enjoy leftists who run the most violent cities, encourage the most violence, telling people that everyone who is against them is a "Nazi" and Trump is a "dictator" discussing how conservatives and Trump cause violence. Insane.

The Big Lie has to be repeated often.
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Obama was right about one thing he said in Rhodes book, he was 20 years too early. Not that we weren't ready for him, but he wasn't ready to be President.
It takes more than book smarts, and degrees to be a qualified President, the most important qualification is wisdom. You only get that with experience.

Obama had not even completed one term as a US Senator, he was a community organizer, professor. He didn't vote on items that could damage a run at the Presidency. That is the exact opposite of what you want in a leader. Not all decisions are popular at the time, but they have to be made.
His admin was ran like Chicago style politics, which surprise, surprise is corrupt. It's how you get FBI leaders that were out of control with running a law enforcement agency like it's a political office. An attorney general that secretly meets the husband of poltical candidate under investigation, Cabinet members that try to cover their asses by leaking classified info and so on. Obama was either corrupt, or a weak leader, and the MSM let him completely skate calling everyone that criticized him racist.
The only thing another 20 years would have done would have been to make him more unqualified as the longer you're in government, the harder it is to understand the real world.
Harley Davidson is willing to sell out American jobs for 31% of their $83 million dollar European market. So, they are effectively selling out American jobs for $25 million in profit.


That's $100 million per year that they're saving because of Trump's tax cuts. Their tariffs reason is bullshit. Their business in America is dying, they announced plans to move long ago, and now they're playing up the tariffs and using it as an excuse. By the way, to close the plant in K.C. and rebuild in Thailand is going to them $200 million. Complaining about costs and using tariffs as an excuse is dishonest.
And American taxpayers saved this company.
My condolences to the dishonest, horrible, horrible journalists at the Captial Gazette who tragically lost their lives due to the simple and honest actions of a great American. So tragic. So tragic.
--Donald J, Trump
My condolences to the poor journalist who worked for an employer who did not provide security to get into the building and made the work place "A Gun Free Zone". So sad
--Sawnee Cat

Any white voter who votes for the Democrats is a total idiot especially white men. You are propped up as the enemy and the cause of all problems. You may think your self loathing makes you viewed as an ally but the plan is to replace you. White feminists will get a taste of where they are on the identity politics chart soon enough. After awhile, when you tell this growing group of minorities that whites are the enemy, eventually they will see you as the enemy. If you think there's a future where the majority is pining to help the minority, you're mistaken.

If you want to live life like that where you allow others to just blame your for every problem and tell you that you're not allowed to have an opinion on anything, you're a chump.