How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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This guy had a chance to really do some good. Instead, he made race relations worse, made us weaker, divided us beyond belief, created a war on cops, really amped up the rhetoric of left vs right, allowed Islamic terrorism to grow and not be dealt with, identity politics got out of control, absolutely horrendous with foreign policy, so much corruption in his admin while the media was complicit to it. The indecency/leftist lunacy that grew under this guy's admin is a sickness that will have ruined an entire generation of people.

But his background, which most were kept in the dark about and still are, should have been a huge sign of what this guy was and the radicalism he surrounded himself with.

Going 16 years of Bush and Obama was a disaster. I can't imagine what 16 years of Hillary would have done to this place. You don't recover from those three leading your nation for nearly 25 years.
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We are living in some bizarro world now. There is no credible argument for abolishing ICE. No one with any sense, actually thinks that would do anything but make existing problems 50 times worse. Part of me wants the democrats to keep this going cause it will get Trump re-elected...but another part of me wants Liberals to find some measure of sanity and stop this scary sh-t.
This guy had a chance to really do some good. Instead, he made race relations worse, made us weaker, divided us beyond belief, created a war on cops, really amped up the rhetoric of left vs right, allowed Islamic terrorism to grow and not be dealt with, identity politics got out of control, absolutely horrendous with foreign policy, so much corruption in his admin while the media was complicit to it. The indecency/leftist lunacy that grew under this guy's admin is a sickness that will have ruined an entire generation of people.

But his background, which most were kept in the dark about and still are, should have been a huge sign of what this guy was and the radicalism he surrounded himself with.

Going 16 years of Bush and Obama was a disaster. I can't imagine what 16 years of Hillary would have done to this place. You don't recover from those three leading your nation for nearly 25 years.

Obama was right about one thing he said in Rhodes book, he was 20 years too early. Not that we weren't ready for him, but he wasn't ready to be President.
It takes more than book smarts, and degrees to be a qualified President, the most important qualification is wisdom. You only get that with experience.

Obama had not even completed one term as a US Senator, he was a community organizer, professor. He didn't vote on items that could damage a run at the Presidency. That is the exact opposite of what you want in a leader. Not all decisions are popular at the time, but they have to be made.
His admin was ran like Chicago style politics, which surprise, surprise is corrupt. It's how you get FBI leaders that were out of control with running a law enforcement agency like it's a political office. An attorney general that secretly meets the husband of poltical candidate under investigation, Cabinet members that try to cover their asses by leaking classified info and so on. Obama was either corrupt, or a weak leader, and the MSM let him completely skate calling everyone that criticized him racist.
We are living in some bizarro world now. There is no credible argument for abolishing ICE. No one with any sense, actually thinks that would do anything but make existing problems 50 times worse. Part of me wants the democrats to keep this going cause it will get Trump re-elected...but another part of me wants Liberals to find some measure of sanity and stop this scary sh-t.

I'd prefer Democrats get some sign of sanity to where we're not so desperate for one party to win in order to keep our country alive. There used to be shared views and some sense of agreed upon decency but that is gone. The sake of our country didn't depend upon if Clinton/Bush won or Clinton/Dole but in 2016, it absolutely did.

The Democrats weren't always this crazy but that got ramped up at the end of the Bush era and throughout the Obama era.
The left wants to run on abolishing ICE.

Taking lead from a 28 year old Hispanic.

You can't make this shit up.

I love that the left is reading so much into that NY congressional election. They are completely overlooking the fact that the incumbent turned his back on the district and ignored constituents. His would be voters didn't care enough to show up in a low turnout primary. So now the dems think that they have to go full socialist and are being cheered on by the libs in the MSM to do so. Good luck winning swing districts with Bernie clones this fall.
That article reveals some stuff. He threatened the paper for criticizing Trump.

In September 2015, Ramos criticized a columnist for the Capital Gazette for calling President Donald Trump, then a candidate, “unqualified.” He wrote, “referring to @realDonaldTrump as ‘unqualified’ @capgaznews could end badly (again).”

And spewed religious justifications.

"Even kings must answer to God, and a modern day Inquisition is at hand."

Obama was right about one thing he said in Rhodes book, he was 20 years too early. Not that we weren't ready for him, but he wasn't ready to be President.
It takes more than book smarts, and degrees to be a qualified President, the most important qualification is wisdom. You only get that with experience.

Obama had not even completed one term as a US Senator, he was a community organizer, professor. He didn't vote on items that could damage a run at the Presidency. That is the exact opposite of what you want in a leader. Not all decisions are popular at the time, but they have to be made.
His admin was ran like Chicago style politics, which surprise, surprise is corrupt. It's how you get FBI leaders that were out of control with running a law enforcement agency like it's a political office. An attorney general that secretly meets the husband of poltical candidate under investigation, Cabinet members that try to cover their asses by leaking classified info and so on. Obama was either corrupt, or a weak leader, and the MSM let him completely skate calling everyone that criticized him racist.
Obama was a pure work of genius by the Soros's of the world who needed a guy with all his qualities to get their agenda through. He had no real skills other than being a tremendous public speaker with a teleprompter and having a personality that related to those he duped into voting for him making insane promises that anyone with half a brain knew was not feasible and would never work. Also helped he was Black which got the minority votes the Dems have worked many years to develop.

These people wanted to fundamentally change the foundation that this country was built on and Obama was their best option to be the one to communicate it. The problem was that slowly folks started to realize the charade and not only did it cost the Democratic Party their power, but it also created the rise in Trump who systematically has destroyed everything Obama and his puppet masters created. The biggest achievement Obama had was creating a tremendous division in this country that will take many years to fix (if it ever gets fixed).
Judge Gee isn't going to consent. Thinking as much is wishful thinking. So, unless Congress acts and changes the laws, Trump is left with three choices.

1. Continue to follow the law which requires separation after 20 days.
2. Ignore immigration law and resume Obama's catch and release.
3. Break the Flores settlement law and detain children with their parents for longer than 20 days.

This is what Trump was trying to convey to you troglodytes. He does not have the power to fix this, only Congress can. The laws must be changed. His EO does absolutely nothing, and it's actually unconstitutional and illegal.

Trump ran on law and order, so ignoring the law (catch and release) and/or breaking the law (detaining children with parents longer than 20 days) are not options. His only option is to enforce the laws on the books, which means that, by law, children have to be separated from their detained parents after 20 days, which is where we'll be again in a few months if Congress doesn't act. Those of you who fell for the Democrats' lies and media fearmongering should feel very stupid.

On a press call Wednesday, Gene Hamilton, a senior official at the Department of Justice, acknowledged that as it stands right now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “cannot detain children who came with their parents for more than 20 days.” But Trump has signed an executive order that opens the door to doing just that.

The order would allow DHS to keep families together in immigration detention, rather than splitting them apart when parents are prosecuted for illegal entry, for as long as it takes to resolve the case — with no acknowledgment of the 20-day limit.

Hamilton says it’s up to the other two branches of government to resolve the conflict. Dolly Gee, the federal judge overseeing the Flores settlement, the court decision that led to the 20-day rule, could accede to the DOJ’s demand to change the rules to allow them to detain children with their parents for as long as necessary. Or Congress could pass a law that overrides the Flores settlement entirely.

If either of those things happens, the Trump administration will actually get the legal authority to do what Trump’s executive order just demanded.

Hamilton acknowledged that while the administration is currently allowed to detain families for “up to 20 days,” the current interpretation of the Flores settlement doesn’t allow them to detain families beyond that point.

Hamilton admitted that most cases in which a migrant is seeking relief from deportation take longer than 20 days — which is why, he said, it’s “critical that Judge Gee act” as quickly as possible to give the administration what it wants.

The Trump administration (or at least Hamilton) seems to think that the upshot of all this is to put pressure on Gee herself. “Judge Gee will have a decision to make as to whether the administration can detain alien families together,” Hamilton said — implying that if she decides they can’t, it will be her fault if the administration starts separating families again.

But they’re also trying to put pressure on Congress to pass legislation that will make the request moot by granting the administration permanent legal authority to put children in immigration detention with their parents.

Hamilton praised the two House immigration bills, both of which (as part of much broader overhauls of immigration law) would override the Flores settlement and give the government permission to detain families. Those bills are considered dead on arrival in the Senate, which has little appetite to pass anything on immigration. Hamilton considers that unacceptable: “Congress needs to provide a permanent fix to this situation, and it can do so immediately.”

If the Flores settlement is allowed to stand, it won’t be Trump’s fault if families start getting separated again — it will be the fault of the judiciary or Congress for not recognizing the urgency of the situation and the necessity of family detention.

“This is another example of the president trying to take action to address the massive illegality at our Southwest border,” Hamilton said.

The Trump administration is saying this is a crisis that requires action immediate enough to compel Gee or Congress to go along. Gee isn’t up for reelection in this or any future November, so public opinion (theoretically) doesn’t matter to her. Much of Congress is up for reelection in November, which makes them very wary of passing bills on controversial subjects.

If the administration’s pressure play doesn’t work — if neither the judiciary nor the legislature creates a Flores carveout for families — will the administration start separating families again? Will it start releasing families, an option it clearly finds more unacceptable than the mass opprobrium it caught for separating them? Or will it just keep detaining families for more than 20 days and dare someone to take them to court for a flagrant violation of the law?
I'd prefer Democrats get some sign of sanity to where we're not so desperate for one party to win in order to keep our country alive. There used to be shared views and some sense of agreed upon decency but that is gone. The sake of our country didn't depend upon if Clinton/Bush won or Clinton/Dole but in 2016, it absolutely did.

The Democrats weren't always this crazy but that got ramped up at the end of the Bush era and throughout the Obama era.

The 28 year old is expected to win in the fall. National Media and leftist falling all over themselves for her. It ain't happening.
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I'm still :pray: for "Chief Justice Gowdy."

Writing for the majority, Justice Gowdy said "I've had enough of this shit. The minority can go straight to hell and kiss my milky white ass en route."

Gowdy's many hairstyles are a red flag for me.

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You can tell in advance when a breaking story isn't going to ultimately feed a left narrative. Before facts come out there will be a burst of social media activity to get it trending.

Then if it doesnt fit a narrative the story will start getting pushed down so that noone sees the inconvenient facts that destroy the narrative.

That's the cycle. Every time. The left are in almost total control of social media. That's especially dangerous in this low attention span time of society
Problem is, they will just let it fade away once it does not fit the narrative without as much as a retraction thereby leaving the impression that it was true.
This. The percentage of the country with no accountability must be at an all time high. Since 2017, according to MSM, every time something bad happens it’s either Donald Trump’s fault, a gun’s fault or both. It can never be an evil person with bad intentions or an insane person who authorities knew was crazy, the school knew was crazy, but didn’t do anything about it.

If someone really does commit these horrible acts of violence because Trump is president and he’s a meanie... then that says 1000 times more about that individual and their weak state of mind.
Liberals are that crazy though.
My condolences to the dishonest, horrible, horrible journalists at the Captial Gazette who tragically lost their lives due to the simple and honest actions of a great American. So tragic. So tragic.
--Donald J, Trump