How will they rule ??!

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I saw that on Hannity. What the ****? They are acting like the first thing that's going to happen with a new SCOTUS is the abolition of Roe v Wade. Abortion is not going to be outlawed. All this chicken little bullshit is tiring to those of us who have balls and the innate ability to discern truth from fantasy.
specifically, publicly threatened them for criticizing Trump. Then he eventually carried out his threat.

That's not what happened. You seriously lack reading comprehension skills. He didn't threaten them because they criticized Trump. All he said was if they call Trump unqualified Trump could sue them like he sued Univision.

He hated the paper and was pointing out (in his mind) how they defamed Trump because he was still mad about them defaming (in his mind) him.

Maybe you don't understand Twitter with all the @'s and links. Should I break it down? This is exactly what his tweet says:

"Referring to Donald Trump as "unqualified" Capital Gazette could end badly (again). Like when Trump sued Univision for 500 million"

(link to the story he linked as an example of how it could end badly:
It was the during the height of his presidential run. Are you a moron? Wait, I'm talking to Willy, the answer is obvious.

That tweet was made in September 2015. That wasn't "the height of his presidential run". Far from it. You continue to be wrong or outright lie.

Trump didn't announce he was running until June 2015. Three months later in September he was still the unqualified laughing stock that everyone was still saying would never ever win in a million years hence the Capital Gazette article labeling him unqualified. Are you a liar or a moron?

A Laurel man with a long-standing grudge against The Capital is being held as the suspect in the deadly shooting Thursday at the Annapolis newspaper, according to law enforcement sources.

Police and federal agents gathered late Thursday outside the address of 38-year-old Jarrod W. Ramos. Rich McLaughlin, chief of the Laurel police department, said his officers were there as part of the investigation into the shooting at the newspaper, and other sources identified Ramos as the suspect.

In 2012, Ramos filed a defamation lawsuit against the paper and a columnist over a July 2011 article that covered a criminal harassment charge against him.

He brought the suit against then-columnist Eric Hartley, naming Capital Gazette Communications and Thomas Marquardt, the paper’s former editor and publisher, as defendants.

A Twitter page in Ramos’ name on Thursday featured Hartley’s picture as its avatar, and a banner image included photographs of Marquardt and The Capital’s former owner, Philip Merrill.

The page’s bio read: “Dear reader: I created this page to defend myself. Now I'm suing the s--- out of half of AA County and making corpses of corrupt careers and corporate entities.”

The account regularly commented on Anne Arundel County news and referred to a deadly shooting at the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo in 2015.

The account had been dormant since January 2016. Then at 2:37 p.m. Thursday — moments before the Capital shooting — the account posted a message that read: “F--- you, leave me alone.”

Marquardt said he wasn’t surprised to hear Ramos identified as the alleged gunman, saying he started harassing the paper and its staff shortly after the 2011 article. The harassment escalated for years with online threats, Marquardt said.

“I was seriously concerned he would threaten us with physical violence,” Marquardt said from his retirement home in Florida. “I even told my wife, ‘We have to be concerned. This guy could really hurt us.’ ”

Marquardt said he called the Anne Arundel County police about Ramos in 2013, but nothing came of it. He consulted the paper's lawyers about filing a restraining order, but decided against it.

“I remember telling our attorneys, 'This is a guy who is going to come in and shoot us,’ ” he said.

In the 2011 column about the harassment charge, Hartley identified Jarrod Ramos as a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics employee with no previous criminal record and a degree in computer engineering.

The harassment case centered on an online relationship Ramos tried to kindle with a former high school classmate. Hartley’s column said Ramos sent a friend request on Facebook to the woman, and the experience turned into a “yearlong nightmare.” Ramos allegedly wrote the woman and said she was the only person who ever said hello to him or was nice to him in school.

Ramos then allegedly called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself, Hartley wrote. He allegedly emailed the bank where she worked to get her fired. Ramos pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor harassment charge, receiving probation from a judge who called his behavior “rather bizarre,” the column said.

Ramos’ subsequent defamation suit against The Capital worked its way through the Maryland courts until 2015, when the state’s second-highest court upheld a ruling in favor of the newspaper.

The day after the ruling was issued, the Twitter account in Ramos’ name used the same words it would again Thursday: “F--- you, leave me alone.”
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It was the during the height of his presidential run. Are you a moron? Wait, I'm talking to Willy, the answer is obvious.

Shameless, entitled, lying sack of shit, ... These aren't character traits that portend success in life. So you're drawn to the delusion of big government Socialism to care for your lazy, worthless, ass. OD already.
It was the during the height of his presidential run. Are you a moron? Wait, I'm talking to Willy, the answer is obvious.

The exampled tweet was made 5 months prior to when Trump announced his candidacy for the republican nomination on June 16, "tweeted" almost a full two years prior to when Trump became president. Incredibly early for the "height" of any "presidential run" . . . by any historical standard the moron is you.
But Ramos in 2015 just must've knew Trump was going to be preaident. What a tool.

more likely at that point a clairvoyant for his ability to predict Trump would officially become a candidate for the republican nomination almost a full 1/2 year later, in additional to becoming the nomination front-runner, the actual nominee winner, and win the election. Gosh this Ramos fella . . . he good.
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Trump's policy is inhumane. It is not the same as 1942.

Now, to be clear, no form of government-sanctioned persecution is tolerable if we’re to live up to basic American ideals. But there’s a distinction, nonetheless, between our promise to law-abiding citizens who have full rights under the law, on one hand, and what we owe would-be immigrants illegally streaming across the border on the other. It’s just not the same.

Those who insist on equating 1942 and today seem to be saying that citizenship is an arbitrary designation, morally speaking. Basic human rights belong to everyone.

Thus, if the American government has thrown you into prison without due cause, whether you were born in California in 1930 or in Nicaragua in 2007, it’s pretty much the same thing, and it’s heartless and small-minded of me to draw a distinction.

I have a couple of problems with this line of reasoning.

For one thing, pragmatically speaking, you really can’t win the debate over immigration policy if you don’t think citizenship — that is, being born here — really counts for something.

Yes, most Americans favor a compassionate immigration system. They’re with you on that, but they also believe that their rights and security should come first, that borders have to mean something, that we can’t just let everybody into the country because somehow all humans are entitled to the same protections.

When you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the distinction between imprisoning citizens because of their lineage (as we did in 1942) and locking up foreigners who turn up at the border illegally (as we’re doing now), you’re setting yourself up to lose the larger argument. You’re saying that the way we treat American citizens isn’t more important, legally or morally, than the way we treat anyone else.

Stepping back from the immigration debate, though, I worry for the culture when nothing that happens can be just bad or wrong, but instead has to approximate the most horrible thing that’s ever happened, because we’ve become a self-absorbed, amnesiac stratum of elites who have to see ourselves at the white-hot center of history every minute of the day.

It’s not enough that Trump’s immigration policy is cruel and dehumanizing; it has to resemble in every way the cruelest and most dehumanizing thing the American government ever did (outside of slavery or the Trail of Tears, anyway).

A society that obliterates all nuance is bound to cheapen its history, and everyone else’s too.
Lol at the mental gymnastics required for this. He only SHOT THE PLACE UP. But no he was only threatening them with a lawsuit according to yall.

No clue what you're talking about. I didn't post a single article. Quote where I did? Only thing I did was respond to @the nail at the foul line who posted this.

So you're telling us you actually read the article and lacked the basic reading comprehension and analytical skills to understand that guy was talking about the lawsuit?

Only other place I saw that claim was a tweet from some moron at Thinkprogress.

Not sure what is worse. Lacking basic reading and critical thinking skills, or once again running with some bullshit from one of your lefty rags without fact checking.
Trump's policy is inhumane. It is not the same as 1942.

Now, to be clear, no form of government-sanctioned persecution is tolerable if we’re to live up to basic American ideals. But there’s a distinction, nonetheless, between our promise to law-abiding citizens who have full rights under the law, on one hand, and what we owe would-be immigrants illegally streaming across the border on the other. It’s just not the same.

Those who insist on equating 1942 and today seem to be saying that citizenship is an arbitrary designation, morally speaking. Basic human rights belong to everyone.

Thus, if the American government has thrown you into prison without due cause, whether you were born in California in 1930 or in Nicaragua in 2007, it’s pretty much the same thing, and it’s heartless and small-minded of me to draw a distinction.

I have a couple of problems with this line of reasoning.

For one thing, pragmatically speaking, you really can’t win the debate over immigration policy if you don’t think citizenship — that is, being born here — really counts for something.

Yes, most Americans favor a compassionate immigration system. They’re with you on that, but they also believe that their rights and security should come first, that borders have to mean something, that we can’t just let everybody into the country because somehow all humans are entitled to the same protections.

When you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the distinction between imprisoning citizens because of their lineage (as we did in 1942) and locking up foreigners who turn up at the border illegally (as we’re doing now), you’re setting yourself up to lose the larger argument. You’re saying that the way we treat American citizens isn’t more important, legally or morally, than the way we treat anyone else.

Stepping back from the immigration debate, though, I worry for the culture when nothing that happens can be just bad or wrong, but instead has to approximate the most horrible thing that’s ever happened, because we’ve become a self-absorbed, amnesiac stratum of elites who have to see ourselves at the white-hot center of history every minute of the day.

It’s not enough that Trump’s immigration policy is cruel and dehumanizing; it has to resemble in every way the cruelest and most dehumanizing thing the American government ever did (outside of slavery or the Trail of Tears, anyway).

A society that obliterates all nuance is bound to cheapen its history, and everyone else’s too.
We separate kids from their parents all the time when we send them to jail. If what Trump did was inhumane, then we need to empty the jails of anyone with a kid.
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The smug virtue signaling on twitter today by blue check media will be insufferable.

They’re so “brave.” They have so much courage trying to report truth and look at how important journalism is. Yeah, we’re trying to suck our own penis off the backs of dead people we didn’t know but we’re so virtuous.”

“Also, everyone who disagrees with us is a Nazi, cops are racist killers, Trump is Hitler and this is the end of America, people will die because of Trump. We’re fair though.”

Remember when they got cops killed in 2016, got Scalise shot and have been getting conservatives assaulted for years because of their lunacy?
You can tell in advance when a breaking story isn't going to ultimately feed a left narrative. Before facts come out there will be a burst of social media activity to get it trending.

Then if it doesnt fit a narrative the story will start getting pushed down so that noone sees the inconvenient facts that destroy the narrative.

That's the cycle. Every time. The left are in almost total control of social media. That's especially dangerous in this low attention span time of society
Didn't take long for the newsroom shooting to drop off trending topics on Twitter. They wanted so much play out of that and you'll still get some trying to conflate it but they can't really push their agenda on this one.

Anyway, I saw this tweet this morning.

Where to even begin with this...

1. Why is "millions of lives" in quotes?
2. Thank you for admitting that Planned Parenthood overwhelmingly kills minorities
3. Someone explain how the Trump admin has oppressed any citizen in 18 months? I want the insane leftists to try and actually explain that with facts instead of using their nonsensical buzzwords/chants.
4. Oh, and who runs these "poor communities of color?"
I see hbo is about to air a documentary where imagine dragons front man explores Mormon church treatment of lgb individuals.


I'd like to see a documentary about how the left treats the right with media, academia, in the streets, etc.

Mormons are weird and I think their history is a giant scam but I've yet to meet one that wasn't incredibly nice. But leave it to liberals to never go after Islam.

This. The percentage of the country with no accountability must be at an all time high. Since 2017, according to MSM, every time something bad happens it’s either Donald Trump’s fault, a gun’s fault or both. It can never be an evil person with bad intentions or an insane person who authorities knew was crazy, the school knew was crazy, but didn’t do anything about it.

If someone really does commit these horrible acts of violence because Trump is president and he’s a meanie... then that says 1000 times more about that individual and their weak state of mind.
Whoopie Goldberg is a fool.

Whoopie the last place on earth I want to be is in your vagina. Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to keep your race under control, yet you do not have the brains to figure it out.

78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society. She said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." And Whoopie you promote her vision
Did he suggest that “carrying action further” against a crazed lunatic who threatened the lives of folks might exacerbate the situation? And not punishing a crazed lunatic for threatening people’s lives might...lead to him murdering people?

Our justice system is a gd joke and a half. Why are we lenient with people like this.

The paper was pretty terrified that this guy would come in and shoot up the place. Surprise!

Sounds a lot like that Florida junk. Just ignoring a person who wishes to murder people. Just hope it goes away or something.

Just more reason to not restrict guns because the govt damn sure doesn’t care about nor can they protect you from something like this. If someone in that room had a pistol, they could have easily stopped that maniac when he paused to the very least. These cowards give up as soon as any resistance enters the picture. Resist!
Oh, then he mentioned some tool that searches all of social media that they no longer have, so ya know, it’s “hard to keep up with everybody”. Wtf does that mean. Is he suggesting that if their department had access to social media they would have seen this guys twitter and been able to stop him? *facepalm*

These police folks should not talk. It’s embarassing.
Oh, then he mentioned some tool that searches all of social media that they no longer have, so ya know, it’s “hard to keep up with everybody”. Wtf does that mean. Is he suggesting that if their department had access to social media they would have seen this guys twitter and been able to stop him? *facepalm*

These police folks should not talk. It’s embarassing.
Mashburned, thanks for posting this. I am so thankful I live in an area where the Sheriff is pro gun and pro citizen using them. Every school in our county has armed sheriff deputies and none are a "Gun Free Zone". I pity people who live in liberal cities run by liberal law enforcement. Their lives must be miserable knowing law enforcement is only going to react to a violent act with a stupid news conference and a million excuses that are BS.