How will they rule ??!

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Haven't visited this thread since November 2016. It is as amusing as ever here. The SCOTUS earthquake is overwhelming the primary election news of today. But I thought I'd send along one postcard from "Progressive America."

I live in Montgomery County, Maryland. Last night in my county convicted traitor and transgender schizophrenic Chelsea Manning got 6,453 votes for the US Senate. The top TWO GOP candidates, well-established career politicians and successful businessmen, combined for 5,338 votes.

So, remind me, which voting bloc in America is threatening our basic values?
Will the republicans in this thread admit that Gorsuch came into a stolen seat?

I mean, I freaking hate Obama, but to deny it is basically foolish.

Not a republican, but absolutely. And thank god he did.

After this muh Russia bullshit and all of the illegal and unethical conduct from the DOJ and FBI to overthrow the duly elected POTUS, the Ds can shove it up their ass if they say they're concerned with playing by the rules.
Not a republican, but absolutely. And thank god he did.

After this muh Russia bullshit and all of the illegal and unethical conduct from the DOJ and FBI to overthrow the duly elected POTUS, the Ds can shove it up their ass if they say they're concerned with playing by the rules.

Thank you for an honest answer
I don’t know what one has to do with the other, but denying that Republicans stole the seat is like denying that’s bubba was a womanizer. It throws all common sense out the window.

Did Biden steal a seat in 1992?

Edit it was 93. So no. False

Ruthie should not be on court either.

This is still true

Intellectual honesty comes with a price.

I will gladly remove 25 years of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and give up Gorsuch.

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Will the republicans in this thread admit that Gorsuch came into a stolen seat?

I mean, I freaking hate Obama, but to deny it is basically foolish.

No, the republicans used a legal procedure that was first used by dingy Harry Reid. So....
I'm actually a big believer in abortion. I'm not religious at all, so I think it's good for the country. We certainly aren't going to get any entitlement reform, so I'd prefer people just abort the kids they don't want. I've laid out my plan many times to give people lump sum cash payments in exchange for sterilizations.

I'm much more concerned with getting a SCOTUS Justice who actually gives a shit about privacy. Scary that the cell phone location data case was a 5-4 decision and we had to rely on the liberals for that.
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if you’re talking about the “Biden Rule”, then no. He absolutely didnt. There wasn’t a vacancy when he gave that speech. He said that if a vacancy were to happen (and it didn’t) that Bush shouldn’t nominate someone until after the election.

I also can’t stand Biden, and would not defend him under any circumstances, but the truth is the truth.

We just wanted him to be held to the same standard that Biden pushed for. Given how crazy the left is and Scalia's death, I also wouldn't call questions surrounding his death unreasonable Alex Jones tinfoil hat conspiracy.

Obama was a lame duck president. And eff the left talking about a stolen seat considering they've been ushering in an invasion and trying to replace the population for votes and demanding tax payers fund their bullshit activism.

1992 Biden
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if you’re talking about the “Biden Rule”, then no. He absolutely didnt. There wasn’t a vacancy when he gave that speech. He said that if a vacancy were to happen (and it didn’t) that Bush shouldn’t nominate someone until after the election.

I also can’t stand Biden, and would not defend him under any circumstances, but the truth is the truth.
Just because YOU say it’s the truth, doesn’t make it so. But keep telling it to yourself if it makes you feel better. Lol
Ok, so you can’t admit it?
They Obama'd it.

WASHINGTON — President Obama has come to regret his decade-old filibuster of Justice Samuel Alito, the White House said Wednesday as Senate Republicans threatened to block his nominee to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

The Alito nomination has become one of many historical footnotes that have taken on new relevance as Obama and the Republican-controlled Senate jockey for high ground in their battle over the election-year Supreme Court nomination. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest called Obama's decision to join in the filibuster of Alito in 2006 a "symbolic vote" based on specific objections to Alito's rulings as a lower court judge.

-USA Today
They Obama'd it.

WASHINGTON — President Obama has come to regret his decade-old filibuster of Justice Samuel Alito, the White House said Wednesday as Senate Republicans threatened to block his nominee to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

The Alito nomination has become one of many historical footnotes that have taken on new relevance as Obama and the Republican-controlled Senate jockey for high ground in their battle over the election-year Supreme Court nomination. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest called Obama's decision to join in the filibuster of Alito in 2006 a "symbolic vote" based on specific objections to Alito's rulings as a lower court judge.

-USA Today
Alito obviously got his vote and confirmation.
Obama had already named two very liberal justices, after opposing and even filibustering Alito and Roberts as a Senator. They had watched Kagan refuse to recuse herself on ACA even though she worked on it. Voters had flipped both houses from blue to red. The GOP did not view Garland as a viable candidate.
Alito obviously got his vote and confirmation.
Dems did everything in their power to keep him out just as the Reps did on Garland. Reps actually treated Obama's two justices MUCH better than he and his fellow Dems treated Bush Nominees. There is a history of that (Bork). The GOP finally bucked up.
How is it hypocritical?

Mitch was playing by the Democrats' rules. You can't make up rules, then pretend it never happened when they work against you.

Not to mention, those rules do not apply here because it's not a presidential election year.

As noted above, Obama and the Democrats had no problem nominating and confirming Kagan during a mid-term election year ('10).
No doubt in my mind Trump and Mitch has known about Kennedy retiring for a good while and already have their pick lined up. Some have said Trey Gowdy may be it and was the reason he did not seek re-election, but my guess is they have their eyes on a bigger prize. Laugh my ass off if it was Ted Cruz.
How is it hypocritical?

Mitch was playing by the Democrats' rules. You can't make up rules, then pretend it never happened when they work against you.

Not to mention, those rules do not apply here because it's not a presidential election year.

As noted above, Obama and the Democrats had no problem nominating and confirming Kagan during a mid-term election year ('10).
What rule did the Democrats make up?
No doubt in my mind Trump and Mitch has known about Kennedy retiring for a good while and already have their pick lined up. Some have said Trey Gowdy may be it and was the reason he did not seek re-election, but my guess is they have their eyes on a bigger prize. Laugh my ass off if it was Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz would make libs literally commit suicide. He would tie a liberal arguing before him knots. I might even feel sorry for them because he would make them look like a fool. I take that back, it would be fun to watch.