How will they rule ??!

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Ha Ha. Yall should tune into CNN for some amusement. They are concerned that abortion could become illegal. It's pretty damned sad that killing babies is that important to them.

Killing babies, importing illegals and Muslims, growing the welfare state and disarming law abiding citizens. That’s what they are.
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"Guys, if you vote for this Supreme Court justice that will basically secure certain freedoms from being stripped away by democrats then I will forever think slightly less of you"

OK, go get pumped, Moobs.


Chuck, please stop. My sides are hurting
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Willett is 51 I think


Thanks Harry and leftist Democrats! If it wasn't for you, Trump might have to wait to get this nominee appointed! Can't thank you guys enough
I have no clue how the midterms in November are going to turn out(if anyone has a guess I'm all ears), but if it's not the "blue wave" that democrats keep talking about it may be the biggest melt of all time. Would be glorious.
I wonder if Fox and Friends can put a word in for Judge Nap to Trump?

But seriously, Don Willett would be an awesome choice.

Overturning Roe v Wade may be the final straw. The left might actually start killing people. To preserve the legality of killing people, ironically enough

Thapar would be the great choice. Minority born to immigrants. Super sharp and not a conservative shill.

Would be nearly impossible for Dems to justify opposing him

Cocaine Mitch warned them

This feels like the 1996-1998 Kentucky run. I say go balls to the wall on as much as we possibly can get because eff the domestic terrorists known as the left.

I never thought Roe v. Wade was actually in play but considering the BS used to get that through in the first place, I'd love to see that taken out.
Will the republicans in this thread admit that Gorsuch came into a stolen seat?

I mean, I freaking hate Obama, but to deny it is basically foolish.
Will the republicans in this thread admit that Gorsuch came into a stolen seat?

I mean, I freaking hate Obama, but to deny it is basically foolish.
More of a bet that the Dems, who thought there was no chance Trump could beat Clinton, ended up losing.
Will the republicans in this thread admit that Gorsuch came into a stolen seat?

I mean, I freaking hate Obama, but to deny it is basically foolish.

We just wanted him to be held to the same standard that Biden pushed for. Given how crazy the left is and Scalia's death, I also wouldn't call questions surrounding his death unreasonable Alex Jones tinfoil hat conspiracy.

Obama was a lame duck president. And eff the left talking about a stolen seat considering they've been ushering in an invasion and trying to replace the population for votes and demanding tax payers fund their bullshit activism.