How will they rule ??!

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I don't get the outrage from the left with the Janus decision. All it does is not force someone who doesn't want to be in the union to have to pay union dues. You can still be in a union if you want to.

Just like without forcing people to buy insurance the dumb, failure, miserable Obamacare collapses, so too does the dumb, failure, miserable Democrat party without forcing people to make donations.

Exactly. They want that money. If they only get the dues from people that NEED them (ie the low quality workers), then they're in big trouble
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Mitch is doing a nice job of redeeming himself.

Although... not sure if I'm ready to designate sainthood on a politician whose main contribution is judicial nominations.

Add tax cuts, ANWR and killing the Obamacare mandate to his contributions. Those things likely don't pass the senate without Mitch. All dems voted against those things and Corker almost went with them.
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That seems pretty frivolous to me. Calling that assault is preposterous. My impression from watching the video is that she was waving her arms and the reporter got into her personal space. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of that weird whacko Maxine. But calling this move like I see it. Ridiculous and petty. It is a waste of the cop's time.
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It's not an invasion. These aren't trained and armed troops, they're children.

This SCOTUS is doing things I never thought I would see in my lifetime.

I'm curious how this plays out. Not a big fan of unions or union mentalities, but I do understand the reason for their existence. This seems like a pretty big blow to their ability to hold a union shop together.
It doesn’t change dues, it just changes that they can’t use your portion for causes you don’t support. How will that effect their ability to hold a shop together?
Add tax cuts, ANWAR and killing the Obamacare mandate to his contributions. Those things likely don't pass the senate without Mitch. All dems voted against those things and Corker almost went with them.
Not a fan of Mitch either and he has many years or corruption and ineffectiveness behind him, but he may be doing enough to keep KY voters from falling off the ledge in desperation and voting in someone like Matt Jones or any other Democrat into that seat which would be a catastrophic mistake by KY voters at this point in time.
Not a fan of Mitch either and he has many years or corruption and ineffectiveness behind him, but he may be doing enough to keep KY voters from falling off the ledge in desperation and voting in someone like Matt Jones or any other Democrat into that seat which would be a catastrophic mistake by KY voters at this point in time.
Matt Jones tweeted that that socialist winning in NY, was pretty cool. So, all you conservatives that want MJ to run so they can vote for him, need to think about that.
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Matt Jones loves the drama of politics. That's it. He's much like Rachel Maddow or any of the Republican equivalents at the Daily Caller. They would rather something "interesting" that they can sit around and bump their gums about happen than something boring, but useful.

Basically, if you could accurately be described as a "political junkie" or aspire to be a "wonk", you're useless and contemptible
It doesn’t change dues, it just changes that they can’t use your portion for causes you don’t support. How will that effect their ability to hold a shop together?
Similar to the "tragedy of the commons." When one guy opts out, doesn't pay dues, but still gets the benefit of the union's actions, it creates dissension. Others will see this, and you will slowly get more free-riders until the union loses sufficient support to effectively represent the workers.

I don't belong to a union, and I can't stand people with union mentalities ("that's not my job" "do only what you absolutely have to" unions protecting the workers who other workers would concur need to be let go), but I do understand why there has been, is, and still will be a need for unions. There is a widening gap between the haves and the have-nots in this country, and this ruling, which I believe will lessen the power of unions, will certainly not help.

But I also see what the SC sees, that unions have become a virtual pipeline for funding liberal democrat candidates and causes, and I sure as sh!t don't agree with that, either.
Again, it’s women that have to do that to get anyone to look at it!
Again, it’s women that have to do that to get anyone to look at it!
Haha women should never have gotten the right to vote. I really think we as a nation would be ok. They are hysterical and if attractive can manipulate men via pussy control. There is a huge market for life like sex dolls that are way better looking than psychotic libs. Take away women’s looks in demand and they are useless
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Can you translate this? I do not speak Cherokee.

If Warren wins, Trump needs to bring a Native American on stage to interpret during the debates.
"The establishment is the problem, I am the solution, support me/vote for me/give me money."

You don't have to speak Cherokee to see right through Warren.
I cannot wait for the 2020 debates.

PLEASE Dems, nominate Warren.

That will be the most watched TV program ever... and the bloodbath will be GLORIOUS!
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This is why their identity politics system is so unbelievably stupid as it consists of so many groups who eat each other.

Muslims certainly aren't pro feminists and hate the LGBTQ
Jews overwhelmingly vote Democrat but Muslims hate Jews
Blacks are not pro gay
Blacks and Latinos do not like each other (in general especially in California)
Same group is increasingly becoming anti-white and so you'll see more of the self loathing and pandering from white Democrats.

It's pure insanity.

Whatever anyone thinks of McConnell...stopping Obama from getting Garland on the court was huge.


We need the wall. That has to happen. Literally, every Trump supporter would directly fund that thing or help build it. Not having a wall is not okay. But he's kicking ass and doing everything that I've hoped for. He has helped expose the left's lunacy and done everything to try and help THIS country, showing how many of our past presidents and politicians were just useless pieces of crap.

I know that only so much can be done in four to eight years but I knew that Trump was a Band-Aid to hold this country together while we try to fight off the left's quest for destruction. And he absolutely saved this country for the time being by halting the left's plan.